It's a Love-Hate Relationship *17*

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   *~* October's P.O.V. *~*

   "The person that killed her was obviously a douche," Danny said.

   I moved my phone a little bit as I put a few more grapes in a bowl. "Or just sick in the head. Maybe it was just some psycho that escaped from a mental asylum, and unfortunately found Lucy."

   "Yes! That's exactly what happened! Oh my God, we could be detectives since we're so good at this stuff!"

   "You find someone that'll hire us, and I'll think about it," I promised him before taking the bowl of grapes to the living room.

   "Yes ma'am! Oh, I'll talk to you later, I think someone's trying to get in the house."

   "Make sure you don't smack them with a baseball bat, 'cause it might be Toby and Cameron."

   "I wouldn't hurt them! I'm too smart to do that on accident!"

   "Whatever you say..."

   "Bye-bye!" he exclaimed before hanging up.

   I shook my head as I put my phone away and sat on the ground, leaning against the couch with the bowl of grapes on my lap.

   "Just a few more days 'til they're both in school again," Amaya reminded me with a small smile as she watched Valentine show Jada how to build his Lego set. Her gaze went from those two to me, before asking, "Can I help go shopping for their back to school clothes? Pleasee?"

   "As long as you don't pick out things they don't like," I said while chuckling at her puppy dog eyes.

   "I promise I'll help them choose amazing clothes that they will love and cherish forever!"

   "You're weird," Valentine told her with a grin without looking up from the Lego pieces he had in his hands.

   "Nope, I'm unique. You're the weird one."

   "You wish," he said while sticking his tongue out at his aunt.

   Jada and I laughed as the two stuck their tongues out at each other and made funny faces.

   "Weirdos," Jada told them with a grin as she giggled at their faces.

   The two stuck their tongues out at her before continuing to make funny faces, until I threw a grape at each of them. They looked at me and cried out "Hey!" in unison as I innocently smiled at them, making Jada start laughing again.

   "That's not nice!" Amaya exclaimed while crossing her arms over her chest.

  "Who said I was nice?" I asked with a grin as Valentine started laughing.

   "Santa Claus!"

   "Oh really? When did he say that?"

   "Last Christmas when we went and saw him. How else would you have gotten that gift from him?"

   "I don't know what gift you're talking about."

   "Yes you do! Don't you two remember seeing your mom open a gift that said 'From: Santa'?"

   Jada and Valentine nodded, making Amaya look at me with a smug smirk.

   "Told ya so!"

   "I don't remember getting any presents from Santa," I said, trying to remember all of the gifts we had gotten.

   "The dagger..?"

   Realization hit me as I remembered that the gift had said 'From: Santa'. "Oh, you mean that gift? But Santa gives everyone one gift, even if they're bad."

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