It's a Love-Hate Relationship *12*

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*~* Dazy's P.O.V. *~*

I walked into the house and immediately notice that someone was here, there wasn't a car in the drive, or shoes on the step, no, I could hear them, they were talking. "Who's there?" I call out, about to pull my gun, but Lee and Pete's faces popped out the kitchen door and I screamed from shock. "HOLY FLIPPIN' SHIT!" I shout putting my hand on my chest. "You both need to at least put something outside signaling you're here!" I say turning and taking Sami from Kyle and going further into the house. I hug both the guys then hand Sami to Pete. "Whatcha guys makin'?" I ask sitting on the island.

"Pizza, we thought it would be nice for you, a change. Since your always cooking or working, or watching the little she devils, or at your sister's place."

"It is nice, now I am going to take a nice long hot bath, while you three watch the girls." I say kissing Kyle softly. "You watch my babies, if something happens I will personally, castrate you, not waiting on Chris to arrive."

"Alright," he murmurs, pressing his lips to mine.

I pull away and head up stairs, I shower quickly, rinse out the tub, then then fill it up, putting bubble bath in it, then was about to relax, when my name was called. I put on a robe and a towel in my hair, then stomped downstairs angrily. "WHAT?!" I shout in Kyle's ear.

He flinched. "Sami wants you." he murmurs, handing her to me.

I kiss her cheek. "Baby, you need to be nice to daddy, I need to take a bath alright? I love you." I tell her, kissing her forehead and hugging her to me, I pass her to Kyle and turn to walk up to the our bathroom and get in the tub after taking my robe off, and putting the towel in the hamper.

I sigh sinking further in, but only till Kyle calls my name again, but I ignore it till he burst through the door, holding Sarah and Sami. "What?" I sigh, closing my eyes again.

"The girls need a diaper change." he murmurs.

I got angry. "DO IT YOURSELF KYLE!" I shout, I got up dried off and dressed in a blue plaid skirt, and a short sleeved white button up, then put on the matching blue sweater, and I put on the blue plaid flats. The same outfit that I wore to the family reunion, then put a black and blue bow in my hair. I let my hair dry into its messy curls, then head down. "You fucking asshole." I snap at Kyle, changing Sarah's diaper. "Sometimes I wonder why I actually agreed to going out with you in the first place." I mutter, "And marrying you." I then put the diaper on her, and put her dress back on her. I kiss her cheek. "Mommy wuvs you." I coo at her.

"If you question marrying me then why are you still here?!" he nearly shouts.

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOUR STUPID ASS! THAT'S WHY I'M STILL HERE!" I shout. "PLUS WE HAVE KIDS TO WORRY ABOUT!" I add. I sigh through my nose and notice his friends were watching us from the kitchen.

"WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!" he shouts again, angrily.

I felt hurt. "I'm taking the girls, we'll be out of your life Kyle, how about that?! No more kids to worry about, you can even forget that we were ever in your life. I'm moving back to Germany." I say taking the girls to the car, I pack us bags quickly, then head to the car, I shove them in the trunk, then grab my keys off the key rack. Tears were falling. "I actually deluded myself into loving someone who never loved me back." I spit out. I then get into the car and head to Octobers, we can stay there till we get plane tickets to Germany.

I parked and headed in. "Occy, can me and the girls stay with you?" I ask her softly, "Kyle and I might be getting a divorce." I add quieter, letting the tears fall.

She hugged me to her, and I started sobbing. "Get the girls from the car." she ordered Jayden. He rolled his eyes and went to get them.

I sobbed into her shoulder and she awkwardly patted my back. "He asked me why I was still there after I told him I loved him, and that we had kids, the first time, he asked me twice. I told him I was taking the girls away." I hiccup. I hear my phone ringing from my bra and I take it out, notice it was Kyle I answered. "What do you want?" I ask venomously.

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