Hold Me Now (Ziall Fan Fictio...

By RosyPetals

72.2K 1.9K 631

When Niall Horan and Zayn Malik are paired up for a school field trip, Niall thinks it's some form of punishm... More

Hold Me Now (Ziall Fan Fiction)
Hold Me Now-One
Hold Me Now-Two
Hold Me Now-Three
Hold Me Now-Four
Hold Me Now-Five
Hold Me Now-Six
Hold Me Now-Seven
Hold Me Now-Eight
Hold Me Now-Nine
Hold Me Now-Ten
Hold Me Now-Eleven
Hold Me Now-Twelve
Hold Me Now-Thirteen
Hold Me Now-Fifteen
Hold Me Now-Sixteen
Hold Me Now-Seventeen
Hold Me Now-Eighteen
Hold Me Now-Nineteen
Hold Me Now-Twenty
Hold Me Now-Twenty One
Hold Me Now-Twenty Two
Hold Me Now-Twenty Three
Hold Me Now-Twenty Four
Hold Me Now-Epilogue

Hold Me Now-Fourteen

2.2K 70 17
By RosyPetals

Chapter Fourteen

Niall's eyes opened groggily as a repeated pounding on the door woke him up. He tried to untangle himself from Zayn's arms, but Zayn held him closer, moaning softly. Niall giggled, leaning up to Zayn's face. "Zainie? Wake up, someone is at the door." Zayn moaned again, nuzzling into Niall's neck.

"Niall? Zayn? Anyone home? It's me, Liam!" A voice shouted from out in the hall. Niall turned back to Zayn, poking his ribs. Zayn squirmed, his eyes popping open as he pinned Niall against the bed.

"Don't poke me!" Zayn growled playfully, pecking Niall's cheek. Niall giggled, trying to get up. Zayn was sitting on his lower body, his hands holding Niall's wrists down.

"Zainie! Liam is at the door!" Niall cried as Zayn tickled him, making him laugh and squirm under Zayn. After Liam shouted at them again, Zayn got up, picking Niall up bridal style, carrying him to the door. Niall opened it, and Liam sighed in relief.

"I thought you guys had died or something, and I was ready to break down the door," Liam said as Zayn invited him and Danny in. They both sat down on the couch, making themselves at home. Zayn set Niall down on a chair, then sat across from him.

"Sorry," Zayn said, "we were asleep." Niall pouted, then got up and plopped down on Zayn's lap. Zayn wrapped his arms around the younger's waist, placing small kisses to Niall's neck. Niall giggled, leaning back into Zayn.

"You guys are cute together," Liam commented, smiling. Niall blushed, hiding his face in Zayn's chest. Zayn chuckled, kissing the top of Niall's head. Danny said nothing as he shifted uncomfortably. He desperately wanted to go back to his room, where he wouldn't have to watch two gay guys kiss and show affection to one another.

"So why are you guys here?" Zayn asked, pulling Niall closer to his chest. Niall smiled, leaning his head against Zayn's shoulder. Danny looked over at Liam, as if asking, "why are we here?"

"Well, Danny here," Liam said, motioning to Danny, "has been driving me absolutely nuts. I couldn't stand it, so here we are." Danny bit his lips, looking out the window. Niall giggled, putting his arms around Zayn's neck, planting kisses there.

"Feel free to hang out whenever," Zayn said. His eyes widened and his fingers pulled at Niall's hair, groaning. "Oh, goodness. Right there, Ni." Niall giggled again, sucking at Zayn's skin.

"I found your soft spot," Niall whispered, nipping Zayn's lobe. Zayn shuddered, pulling Niall's face around and kissing his lips. Danny stood up, making his way into the bathroom. Niall turned so they were facing each other, wrapping his legs around Zayn's waist.

"So how about the four of us go over and get Louis and Harry and go for a walk?" Liam suggested. Niall moaned his response, snuggling against Zayn. Zayn looked down at Niall, who was clinging to him.

"Does that sound good, angel?" He asked softly, kissing Niall's nose. Niall grinned, nodding his head. "Alright, let's do it." Liam nodded, then went to talk to Danny, who was still in the bathroom. "Let's go get Louis and Harry, yeah?"

"Yeah," Niall giggled, taking Zayn hand in his, swinging them back and forth as they walked over to the door. Zayn opened the door for Niall, who pecked his cheek before stepping into the hallway. Zayn closed the door behind him, putting his arm around Niall's shoulder.

"Louis! Harry!" Zayn shouted as he twisted the door handle. The door didn't budge. "That's strange," Zayn thought aloud, "they never lock their door. Louis! Harry! Open up!" Niall heard footsteps scrambling, and the door was thrown open. Louis was standing their, his hair messy, his shirt buttoned crookedly, his belt undone.

"Niall? Zayn?" Louis said, spitting out Zayn's name. He pulled Niall in for a hug, his fingers brushing over Niall's gauze. "Are you okay? Does it hurt?" Harry walked up behind him, looking just as messy as Louis.

"Louis," Niall moaned, "couldn't you have waited until we got home? Come on, we are in Greece for goodness' sake!" Louis grinned sheepishly, Harry's arms wrapping around his waist. "But anyway, me, Zayn, Liam, and Danny were wondering if you wanted to take a walk around with us."

"Harry is included in going, right?" Louis asked, looking up at the curly haired boy. Niall nodded, and Louis grinned. "Count us in."


"Look! Look, Zayn, look!" Niall shouted, pointing at a patch of pink flowers. Zayn smiled as Niall bent down to sniff them. He had been shouting and pointing at everything it seemed like. "Smell them! They smell good!"

"Zayn," Harry moaned, rubbing his temples, "get your boyfriend to shut up! He's driving me nuts!" Niall pouted, but Zayn wrapped his arms around Niall's chest, planting kisses on Niall's pale neck.

"He's fine," Zayn said, nuzzling his chin into Niall's neck. "He's just a curious little boy. Let him have some fun for once." Niall wiggled out of Zayn's grasp, going to look over at some big rocks. Louis laughed as he attempted to get up, being too short, of course.

"Zainie! Help me!" Niall shouted, slipping down the rock. Zayn chuckled as he jogged over. He put his hands on Niall's hips, pulling back immediately as Niall cried out. "Don't touch me there! That still hurts!" Niall moaned, watching as Zayn rubbed small, soft circles into his hips. "Mm, that feels good."

"I'm sorry baby, I forgot," Zayn whispered, his lips running over Niall's shoulders. He picked Niall up, swinging him onto the rock. Niall giggled, reaching his hand out and helping Zayn up into it.

"Harry! I want to go on the rock too!" Louis whined. Niall giggled, leaning against Zayn as Harry pushed Louis onto it, crawling up. Liam pushed Danny on it, who then pulled him up. All six were crowded on the rock, pressed together so that they wouldn't fall off.

"Niall," Zayn said, "you have been chosen to be thrown off the rock." Niall gasped as the others nodded their head in agreement. "So brace yourself. There isn't enough room for you up here."

"No!" Niall wailed, clinging to Zayn's chest. "Please! Not me! I'll do anything!" All the boys except for Niall laughed. They pulled Niall from Zayn, holding his wrists and ankles together so he couldn't get away. "Zainie! Stop! Louis!"

"Throw him off!" Liam giggled. Niall shrieked, twisting and turning. Niall cried for Zayn, but Zayn had disappeared. The boys were ready to swing him off the rock, and Niall was screaming his head off, his heart pounding wildly in his chest. Would they really throw him? Send him plummeting to his death?

"No!" Niall shouted as they threw him. He panicked, squeezing his eyes shut, bracing for impact. But it never came.

"It's okay," a soft voice whispered in his ear, "I've got you." Niall's eyes opened and he saw he was in Zayn's arms. Zayn chuckled, kissing Niall's cheek. "You really think I would've let you fall and hurt yourself?"

"You guys planed that!" Niall accused, pointing to the boys on the rock, who were laughing. Even Zayn was laughing quietly at the flustered blond.

"We sure did!" Louis laughed, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck. Danny and Liam slid off the rock, followed by Louis and Harry. Niall kicked his feet around, his hands resting on Zayn's shoulders.

"I want down now," Niall complained. Zayn chuckled, setting Niall back down on his feet, keeping a protective arm around Niall's waist. "You guys scared me pretty bad. That was mean," Niall said, crossing his skinny arms.

"We were only teasing you, Niall," Louis said, punching Niall playfully on the arm. "We would never let you get hurt." Harry pulled Louis to him, locking lips. Danny looked away, disgusted.

"You guys should get a room," Danny sneered, shaking his head. Louis pulled back, his eyebrows crinkled in confusion. Harry placed his hands on his lover's hips, as to hold him back.

"Do you have a problem?" Louis asked, cocking his head to the side. Liam bit his lip, and Zayn and Niall just held each other, watching the scene unfold before them.

"Actually, yes, I do," Danny said, stepping up to Louis. He was at least a head taller than Louis, and definitely bigger, stronger even. "You shouldn't kiss another guy. You shouldn't love another man. It's wrong! Being gay is bad! It's a sin!"

"So what? If Harry makes me happy, and I make him happy, then why should you care? Love is love, and you can't always choose who you fall for!" Louis said, seething with anger. Harry put his arms around Louis' waist, resting his chin on Louis' shoulder. Niall buried his face in Zayn's neck, scared.

"You're gross! He shouldn't make you happy! You're both men! So start acting like it! Faggots like you disgust me," Danny spat. Liam looked horrified, his mouth a perfect 'O'. Niall whimpered into Zayn, who tightened his grip on the blond Irishman.

"You know what?" Harry snapped as Louis burst into tears, Harry's arms sliding around Louis' shoulders. "People like you disgust me. You can't accept love for what it is. I pity you, too. You'll never know what true love is like."

"I'll never know? Whatever!" Danny scoffed, his hands clenching into fists. "You gays are disgusting! You don't deserve to live, walk, and breath on this earth!" He raised his fist, and Louis cowered away into Harry's chest. "Stupid fag."

"Shut up!" Niall shouted, surprising all of them. He stepped in front of Danny, being small in comparison. "Don't make fun of me and my friends! It's not nice!" Danny laughed at Niall, making the small boy blush.

"You're pathetic, fag," Danny said, shoving Niall's shoulders. Niall stumbled backwards, nearly tripping on his feet. Zayn growled, stepping to Niall's side, putting his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Don't talk to him that way!" Zayn said. Danny laughed, grinning like a mad man. Zayn could feel his anger boiling.

"I'll do what I want to do to him," Danny replied, shoving Niall's shoulders again. Zayn scowled, steadying Niall. "And right now, I feel like doing this." Danny's fist drove into Niall's stomach, and he fell to the ground, groaning. Zayn's eyes flared, and he punched Danny on the cheek.

"Stop! Both of you! Stop it!" Liam cried, his hands over his eyes. Danny held his ground, hitting Zayn in the gut. Louis was crying, struggling against the grip Harry had over him. Danny then kicked Niall repeatedly, until Zayn recovered and leaped on Danny. His fingers were digging into Danny's neck, Danny trying to tear Zayn away.

"Zainie!" Niall whimpered from the ground. Zayn looked over at him, standing from Danny and scooping the pale boy up in his arms. "It all hurts again. I don't want to go back, Zainie! I don't!" Zayn didn't understand, but he nodded, kissing Niall's temple.

"It's okay, baby," he whispered, rocking them back and forth slowly. Niall didn't seem too hurt, just a couple bruises here and there, nothing major.

"Zayn!" Liam shouted. Zayn's head snapped up just in time to see Danny's fist swing down to his head. He should have moved, done something other than watch it come, but he didn't. When Danny's fist came in contact with Zayn's head, he slumped forward onto a crying Niall, everything going black.


Note: Whoa, what just happened? Serious stuff just went down. How dare Danny do this! He's hurting Ziall and Larry! I'm going to smoother him in his sleep, shove dirty tissues down his throat. Ha! Sorry, you people don't know about that. Only one person knows about that, and he knows who he is.

So I started the chapter, like, "arg, I hate this already." and now I'm like, "that was cool! More! More!" And that was weird.

But I just wanted to let you all know that I love you to pieces! I've never had over 200 reads before, and I've never come close.

But I would love you forever if you would comment. Especially on those chapter that I personally really hate. *cough* the last one *cough* Those really motivate me, and just makes me so happy. I smile all day, even if I get teased for it. It's all worth the support of my hopefully faithful readers.

I can't explain in words how happy I feel. So here's a virtual hug for each and every one of you. *hug*


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