Forgetting, yet unforgotten

By SakuraRin-chan

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(Y/n) had a terrible past.We are talking about losing a mother,being tortured by a drunkard father and gettin... More

Prologue &Ch 1
Ch 2:Food?owo?
Ch 3:Kaname-sama
Ch 4:Zero
(A/n)'s note
Ch 5:School,Night class,Secret=?
Ch 6:Daily Routine
Ch 7:Rivalry and love
Ch 8:Oh no
Ch 9:It's over but not yet
Ch 10: Valentine's

Ch 11: Cleaning and A Whole Lot of Trouble

50 2 0
By SakuraRin-chan

Y/n's POV

Headmaster Kaien happily served us he's cooking although no of us seem to be surprised. "Here you go," Kaien served his cooking almost like a child that just got his first ABC lessons right.

"I wonder why are we called over in this early morning," Zero replied staring at the chunk of potato floating on top of the soup. Seriously, for god sakes, cut your damn food smaller.

"I wonder," I said slowly uninterested in what's wrong with this awkward situation. Luckily, Sakura help me do make up to clear my dark circles under my eyes so I won't look like a slob.

"I guess it is a little strange to call it 'Kaien style'," Yuki replied. Now THAT'S an understatement and you know that Yuki .  I ate my food gracefully though despite feeling a bit cranky.

"That wasn't the response I asked for," Zero said blankly as Yuki raised a brow at him in confusion as if he spoke an nomadic language.

"What," Yuki asked curiously as she tilted her head in one direction.

"Kay, say 'cheese'!" We all turn over to look at him only to get flash of light hit my eyes. Is he being serious right now?

"The hell are you doing," Zero replied unamused as he blinked painfully at the light as if he saw the sun burning his eyes. It couldn't be helped since he looked tired, well more than usual at least.

"Taking a photo," Kaien replied like it was the most obvious thing ever like no shit Sherlocks,"Today's the day you have forget your responsibly being guardians and instead carry the duty of the disciplinary committee!"

No one's POV~

"Dorm inspection? I see...thank you Seiren," Kaname said and Seiren bowed respectfully towards the full blooded vampire as usual.

"Seriously...headmaster's decision is unpredictable as usual," Ruka said sighing as if it was totally troublesome and unnecessary for her.

"I don't mind though...I have nothing to hide," Shiki replied stoically with a blank expression written all over his face.

"That's right...a true nature of someone shown only seem by some esoteric person," Takuma replied drinking his tea casually and sighed to himself.

"Your underwear is still on the floor," Shiki replied looking towards the unfazed blond.

"It's okay,it's sewn with silk and made by a master tailor. It shows pride so don't worry," Takuma exclaim as he beams and sparkles innocently(believe me, this isn't going to be like Twilight series here).

"That's not the problem here," Ruka replied as if she dealing with a fool and Aido yawned as if it was nothing.

"Aido,do you have a moment," Kain asked leaning close to Aido then they both went out the door although it was more like Kain dragged him out.

"What is it...I'm sleepy," Aido asked confused and backed against the wall to hold his stance or else he'd fall to the ground.

Suddenly, Kain caged Aido between the wall to block him from escaping and Aido just leans away in surprise.

"Aido, I'm not trying to be mean but you need to throw those away, " Kain said seriously as his expression darkens slightly.

"'Those,'" Aido said in a confused tone as he tried figuring out what his friend meant.

In Aido's room~

"It's horrible to see these junk over here in one place," Kain continued looking at the broken collection of items.

"What 'junk' " Aido shouted childishly. "This is a collection of amazing stuff Dorm president Kuran destroyed with his power," Aido said proudly(facepalm moment for me) as Kain picked up a bent fork.

"Even this fork? What would you do if he found out," Kain asked and Aido snatched the fork away.

"I collected these out of respect and admiration! Ah,you want them too, don't you?!" Aido said looking away and flinches at something.

"That's not what I-," Kain stopped as he saw what Aido seen and flinched. There stood the one and only Kaname Kuran.

"D-dorm President Kuran," Aido stuttered in fear of being punished from getting caught red handed by his odd stalking methods.

"Aido, I love to have a nice 'chat' with you for evasion of privacy," Kuran said darkly as if his smile could kill poor Aido in the spot.

"N-no, you got it wrong,dorm president," Aido stuttered stepping back. Kuran smile turned into a frown and destroyed glass parts of the chandelier suddenly Aido was happily picking up the broken glass.

"More treasure for me," Aido said happily and when Kain sighed, Aido now knew...he messed up. Kain walked pass Kaname and Aido start sweating buckets. Aido's scream reached to y/n's ear making the girl sigh.

"There Aido goes again. He never changes," y/n said shaking her head in disappointment although she knew it was considered a normal obsessive circumstance.


"I'm confiscating these," Yuki told a day class girl as she chucked a stack of useless items in the large bin.

"Why?! They're only photos! Why do you taking things so serious " the girl argued almost like a child unable to receive the love she craved for.

"You took them secretly so that's a problem," Yuki replied with a slight cringe at how hopeless these woman are when it comes to handsome men

"Uwah! Cross-san, you meanie," the girl cried crocodile tears and Yuki tried to speak but was interrupted.

"That's right, you don't understand our feelings," said a particular Ruka fanboy from Valentine's day in the corner sending off irritated waves.

"P-president," Yuki turn to him in shock because she didn't expect him to pop out of no where.

"You're abusing the authorities as Disciplinary Committee in order to be close to night class," the gut said smartly pointing an accusation at Yuki and got almost to her face,"Someone in such enviable position shouldn't ever-,"

The crazy fanboy stopped when someone aka Zero took his picture notebook of Ruka away from their grasp.

"We confiscate this as well so don't bother," Zero said throwing the book into the Confiscation sack. Yuki and the glasses president watched as Zero left.

"That's how it is," Yuki said leaving the dazed Luca fan to wallow in his own shock.

"Y-you," the president stuttered although he was lost in words for that moment.

"This is confiscated."
"This too."
"Also this."
"Stop it!"
"And this as well."
"You demon!"

Y/n heard the day class  desperate cries and went to see what's going on although it was literally in her face because of the form cleaning.

"What's wrong girls," y/n asked curiously seeing Yuki and other complaining day class girls.

"Help us y/n sama," they wailed pleasingly for any sort of guide as if y/n would become Moses or am something along that line.

"I understand," y/n pretended to hear them out although she too didn't care like Zero did but was cut off.

"Thank you,our savior," they said in admiration and relief as though they saw the light in the end of the tunnel but alas, it was a fraud.

"However, Headmaster demands of this dorm check, so I cannot help you. I would but I was ordered to help confiscate things," y/n said smiling though she had a dark aura making the girls nod obediently in terror.

"Good,you can proceed back to your room," y/n said with genuinely happy smile and pet the day class girls head softly.


The disciplinary members all started towards the massive building for the night class inspection in an odd silence. Y/n's eyes averted to the side to see Zero's frown then looked ahead until Yuki starts to speak

"We've never been to the moon dorms since forever so I'm a bit nervous,are you?" Yuki seem to ask the other two for opinions

"If you saw a ghost or something you won't be near this area. It's nothing special,right?" Y/n asked looking ahead once again at the tall building they were to walk into.

"There's no such thing," Yuki denied as she looked to y/n with wide eyes from what she thought was a bit of teasing then saw the moon dorm's gatekeeper grunt,"um- hi there."

"I know you're from the disciplinary committee. Get on in," the gatekeeper spoke in a raspy tone as if they didn't care much that humans were there. The committee walked through the gate arc in silence once again until Yuki broke it off

"Before we go in, I need to see what you put in your pocket when I searched for you," Yuki hopped on top of the marble fountain and gave an outstretched hand as if she was Zero's mom then Zero looked surprised.

Y/n narrowed her eyes as Yuki tried to check Zero's pocket but started to fall. Y/n decided it was not her place to interfere since she knew what Zero could possible have hidden. Zero caught her but the impact of her body weight caused him to fall backwards and he instinctively protected Yuki from the hit only to find Yuki with a brown box. Zero quickly snatched it away which was rude but y/n figured it was the pills again.

"It's none of your business, stop trying to get on my tail," Zero huffed as he hide the box away again then turn to leave in irritation. Yuki tried calling out to him but he already started down the path out of the school grounds. Yuki was about to follow but y/n pulled her back to stop her from going alone

"Don't be too reckless, Yuki. Let's go get him together," y/n stated reasonably so Yuki had no choice to refuse the offer because what if she runs into trouble?

~In town~
(Yuki's POV)

I was a bit ahead of y/n as she walked casually with me and I was determined to bring Zero back with me. My eyes naturally wandered the streets as I swallowed my breath although y/n gave no signs of fear. I felt a bit safe but I also needed to be strong.

"Yuki, let's split ways, it'll be easier to find him and also I have something to do. Would you be okay with that?" I can hear y/n speak calmly and I took a moment to think about the possibilities. Going back to the academy sounds a bit better.

"Sure thing, we have to find him and fast," I finally made my decision and we both went separate ways. I felt myself regret that decision in a few moments. When I looked back much to my dismay, I saw y/n had disappeared out of sight already. Which was fine and dandy until my paranoia got the best of me. My slow walk turned into a fast pace speed walk suddenly and then I found myself bumping into someone. I apologized quickly though just to leave then I ended up near a water fountain in town.

"Why am I so hopeless? I thought I've overcome what happened in the past but it's no use," I spoke in shame to no one in particular but myself as I hugged my shivering body as if I caught a cold. Then a flash of red last my vision and I looked to see a running child passing me but their red balloon flew and got stuck on the tree. I leaped and caught the string then landed on the ground smoothly like a cat. The child ran away and I chased after him to hand them back the balloon.

3rd person POV

Zero sat on a seat alone with his eyes glued to his fingers fiddling on the counter top of the noodle shop. He thought he was alone until the boss of the shop gave him a bowl of ramen to "cheer him up" then he looked to the door where the footsteps got closer.

"There you are, how troublesome could you get," y/n scolded although her expression was soft and she grabbed Zero's arm,"we have to go. There's no time for sulking since Yuki and I are worried about you, fool."

However, before Zero could speak back, the two heard a scream quickly. Y/n bite her lower lip once she realized that it was Yuki and she was definitely in trouble. Zero reacted first though as he ran out the shop leaving y/n to apologize for not able to take the free food and she then dismissed herself to follow Zero frantically.

Yuki ran as fast as she could to avoid the E ranked vampire mother who clearly had blood thirst adrenaline and she leaped off the building rooftop before they could get to her. She ran into an abandoned warehouse holding her one injured arm after the attack caused by the vampire child just before. She forced her way onto the attic and cling to herself in fear while trying to regain her breath. That was a real vampire unlike the ones that the day class and I admire, she thought to herself in fright knowing she has to face this battle alone. She got ahold of herself then wiped out her anti vampire weapon not knowing that another vampire was there. 

Meanwhile, Zero and y/n made there way to the blood drops that was there when the vampire  child attacked Yuki just before she could hand him the red balloon. Zero bent down to take a whiff at the fresh blood then suddenly y/n whipped out her leg and kicked someone away from Zero.

"I see that she's loss herself to vampirism," y/n claimed after seeing the woman get back up even after crashing into the marble wall. Y/n could see their blood thirst just by looking at their deranged irises fixed on her and Zero.

"I can see that," Zero's eyes narrowed at the vampire while he got into a defensive stance with his Bloody Rose out and ready for battle. The vampire charged first and before Zero could shoot, he stopped himself when the vampire woman suddenly started calling him a "monster". Zero lost his cool before y/n could stop him from doing so thus causing the vampire woman to disperse. 

"Zero..." y/n looked to Zero in sympathy as she could see him sweating once he had caught the sight of the vampire child who just watched his mother die. Y/n knew the the might have regretted what he just did but it couldn't be helped since he hated vampires. The child suddenly started laughing like a lunatic then leaped up the building where y/n and Zero could hear the sound of Yuki's surprise screech. Zero tried to go but y/n pulled him back when she saw a familiar pureblood vampire making his way to the scene,"Kaname is here. Calm down, will you?"

"Tch," Zero flinched suddenly and grabbed ahold of his throat as if he was suffocating which y/n knelt by his side to calm him. She hesitated to help but decided to pulled away for zero's sake and left him alone with a sigh. This is going to be harder than I thought, y/n spoke in her mind as she disappeared off to take a breath away from the scene once again. 


Author's note:

Honestly, I never knew this story would be big until I decided to finish a chapter that I haven't completed until now. Thank you for all the likes and views on this story. I'm truly grateful for that but I also have to announce how its going me with me. I've been busy with the so called word life right now, I just started my first week in college. I'll try to get back on these stories when I can. For now, please bear with me and thank you for reading. Have a beautiful day, readers!

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