Catch me if You Can

By Random-Hearts

635 9 0

Pandora runs from many things, for one, her name, her mother, her feelings, her friends, so when life throws... More

Catch me if You Can
Betty Vs Underwear
Dancing like a random
out of or into trouble?
Lunch, Please!
Human Needs


43 1 0
By Random-Hearts

I like this chapter cause cj gets softer  :P and i added something a bit more personal, and in the next chapter school starts :P  the pic is Boo, but it isnt a very good pic to show how big they r, :)                                            <3 Jay


It had been five days, but she'd finally be here as well as Walter, five days full of worry, but I wasn't fully spazzing out, Walter had said he was force feeding her like when she was a bubba, so it was an emergency just not a meltdown code red one. I couldn't call Aliceson Mum nor did I want to call Aliceson, so the compromise was Alice, Alice had taken me to, I think its the DMV or something, it was different to what it was called in Australia, either way Alice and I had sorted out my license because I was on my green P's in Australia and I didn't know how that transferred in America.

So now I could drive, Ashley was more excited about it then me because he had been given the 'chore' (his words) of being my driver and he hated it, wow I must be a bad passenger. I had been going around getting things for when she got here, I was so happy she was coming and staying. I forced Alice and Dad not to tell the others, they will freak and I will laugh, its an awsome surprise.

I don't get American guys, Dad didn't have any tools or anything, when I asked him if he had a power saw or hamer and nails he stared as if I was the alien not him, he would so be a laughing stock in Australia, NOT EVEN A HAMMER, come on! So I bought a whole heap of tools from the hardware store, I bought everything I knew how to use, so its a little limited but I knew a bit, I took wood-work back in school, I told him they were presents for all the father's days I had missed.

With the tools and wooden beams, paint and chicken wire I had bought I completed my room and made the perfect place for her to stay, I also had bought all the things I heeded for her. Sammy and Ashley wouldn't stop pestering me trying to figure out what the hell I was doing, luckily only two more days before they go back to school, sucks for them I still had a week.

Ashley's P.O.V-

Sammy, the twins and I had gone to the park, the twins loved it Sammy hated it and I was bored as hell, Mum said we couldn't come back until one-thirty, for Cj's surprise, I did not want to know what it was. But I also really wanted to know what it was, admittedly I'm a little afraid.  It was now one-fourty-two so we were walking back home, because we weren't allowed to drive either.

As we arrived home I annouced:

"We're back" in a bored tone.

"In the kitchen babies" Mum called out. 

the twins ran ahead and sreamed in delight when they reached the kitchen.

"WOW" their little voices where bright.

Sammy and I caught the swinging kitchen door and opened it to reveal Mum, James a fat old guy and Cj holding a......



Cj's P.O.V-

"You are not getting any fucking bat because you will not touch my baby"  I growled at Ashley, Sammy continued screaming, that is it.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH, have you not seen a freaking bird before its not even a big one calm the fuck down"  my voice was steady but I felt like exploding, my baby was okay and I won't let no-one hurt her.

"Wh-at?" Sammy and Ashley asked in unison.

"This is a bird, more specifically a parrot, an Eclectus parrot, despite being classified as an Australian parrot you do not require an Australian bird license to own it, the species originates from Papua New Guinea, it is a tropical bird that if taught at a young age can form cognitive behavour and it can make over a thousand natural speech patterns not to mention this one does tricks" I snapped my fingers for dramatic effect, only the tip of the iceberg of information I have about my baby.

"What?" they asked together, again.

"It's full scientific name is: Animalia, Chordata, Aves, Psittaciformes, Psittacidae, Psittacinae, Psittaclini, Eclectus, Roratus, and for this one an extra word on the end, which is:Solomonensis, as this one is from the breed that originated on Soloman Island. Even though I totally butchered that pronouciation you should get my point, this is a pet bird and her name is Boo" I said the last part real slow.

"She?" Ashley was stunned.

"Yes, the males are a gorgeous green, the girls are beautiful and red coloured"  I said proudly, I love Boo so Ashley can go suck it, because she is staying.

"You are not keeping that, mum is allergic to animals"  Sammy shouted.

"She is keeping it Samantha, and please keep your voice down incase you scare her,I'm only alergic to animal fur" Alice filled in for me.

Boo hoped back onto the counter and ate out of the food bowl we had placed there, I'm so glad she's eating again, she got lighter, she needs to put on weight, I love how attatched she is. I shook my head out of my thoughts.

"You really did read up on the 'clecies aye Pandora" Walter laughed.

"I wanted one and I worked hard to prove my worth to you, book knowlege is fickle though" I beamed up at him.

"Can someone explain things?" Ashley asked as he cautiously sat down away from Boo.

"When I was in a....well a bad streak I met Hannah and Walter, and Walter's birds" I began

"I used breed tropical birds as a buisnes, now its just a passion in my retirement" Walter filled in.

"He had all types of Macaws, parrots, and eclectus's, I fell in love with Soloman Island Eclectus Parrots" I said fondly.

"But I told her I wasn't gonna let no freaking deliquent rugrat near my prized birds, let alone allow her to have one" Walter snorted happily.

"So I begged and Begged, until Hannah finally convinced Walter to let me earn his trust and work for him" I added.

"And work she did, until three years ago when my prize pair hatched little Boo, Pandora had already learnt how to take care of bubba birds and she took 'er home once Boo got on solid foods" Walter patted my shoulder.

"I started being a good person again because I had to take care of Boo, but while I worked at Walter's I had also studied everything to do with eclectus parrots, I only stopped helping Walter out with the birds when I moved here a week ago" I smiled as I now patted Boo and ruffled her neck feathers. 

"And I ain't never paid yah' a dime" Walter Laughed.

"You're kidding, You fed birds for free" Sammy asked shrivelling her face with disgust.

"I scrapped up bird shit too, before Walter retired it counted as work experience and when he did it counted as comunity service" I smiled at Sammy's new face of horror.

"Where are you staying?" Ashley asked Walter in a bored tone.

"Sorry boy but I ain't staying, I only came for Boo, she is a perfect specimen you know, very gorgeous" he waved his finger as he talked.

"So you're going tonight, but you hate planes" I frowned.

"I have to, I have my own birds to look after you know" I hugged him again, I didn't want him to go so soon, but I know he has to.


Dad, Alice, Ashley, Sammy, the twins and I all sat at the table, Boo had eaten dinner with us and kept stealing my food, I let her though, now though dinner had been cleaned up and I was showing off Boo's tricks.

"Okay, this is my favourite" I smiled, and winced a little from Boo's claws, I held her feet in my fist and tipped her upside down, she spread her wings when I began singing.

"Bat-Bird, Bat-Bird, nunununununununah, Bat-Bird, Bat-Bird, nununununununununah, BAT-BIRD" 

The twins and Alice laughed, the others just seemed shocked, except Ashley, apparently he hates birds.

"Isn't that like copy-righted as the batman theme song?" Ashley asked.

Boo jumped out of my hand and walked over to where Ashley was sitting, her head was lowered a little and her wings proped out, like she was angry, but I knew what was gonna happen when she tapped her beak on the table infront of him, he blinked.

"Fuck off" Boo screached, yep, cognitive speech all right. The whole table was stunned while I laughed, Boo started making laughing sounds.

"That was horribly innapropriate miss Boo"  Alice laughed.

"Can it understam peoples?" Tyler and Scott asked, Jeez, people can barely understand you, the bird doesn't have much chance.

"What do you think?" I said as I tapped the table twice.

Boo came over to me.

"How you doing?" I asked.

"No, How yooouu do'in" Boo replied nodding her head.

"What you doing?" I asked.

"What'cha doing, what'cha what'cha do'in" Boo sung out, the twins collapsed into a fit of giggles.

"It's just copying you" Sammy sighed.

"No I've taught her to say things in reply to what people say, and only a few random words, her species is like one of the smartest types of parrots so don't be suprised is she has a higher I.Q than you" I laughed.

"Okay now, enough" Alice smiled politely.

"I'm gonna put Boo to bed, then I think I'll sleep too" I yawned.

"Good night" James waved as I held Boo and walked out of the kitchen.

"Okay girl, I already got you an awsome set up in my room so you better like it" I hugged her softly.

I had transformed the closet I had into a litttle bird sancutary, I had put most of my clothes in the huge chest-of-draws in my room so Boo could have the closet. Chicken wire ran up one wall so she could climb, small tree branches made natural perches and a board of wood suspended mid-way in the closet was the floor of her area and underneath was safe for my shoes. 

I had also put in metal food and water bowls as well as a bigger one closer to the front for a bath, since she was a tropical type of bird she liked playing in water. Boo's toys and shell grit were scattered on her board and I placed her down on a perch.

"There, happy now Boo-boo" I said fondly, she turned her head.

"I'll be happy when you put on weight, you scared me you know" I was being tough on her, as much as I could.

After changing into more comfortable clothes I relaxed in bed with only the small lamp on my bedside table providing light, I looked over to Boo.

"Night night" I whispered, she bobbed her head and flew to the bed.

"No sweetie, you stay over there, you'll shit on the bed" I sighed, knowing that was the worst part of having a pet bird, she held onto my finger with her beak, lightly applying pressure.

"No"I frowned, she flew back to her closet (as it will now be known) then returned to the bed, but climbed onto the head board, her butt facing the wall as if to prove a point.

"If there is any shit in my hair when I wake up, I'll lock you in that closet" I gave up and turned off the light.


I checked my hair for bird shit before having a shower, nothing, good.

"Boo you smart ass" I cursed under my breath as I returned to my room, she squaked.

"Yeah, yeah, eat up" I said as I put dried banana, grapes and unshelled peanuts in the treat bowl I had got her.

It only took a few minutes before the fruit and nuts were demolished by her beak, I sighed.

"Be good today and don't break anything"knowing full well her destructive power, she flew onto my shoulder, I winced, her damn claws dug through the light cotton shirt I had on.

I returned her to her closet before putting on a jacket so she wouldn't kill my shoulder, on que she flew back to me.

"You know what happens when I go to school, you have to stay here" I said firmly, she stared into my face before trying to chew my lip, I moved my head away, sometimes Boo is a bird-brain.

"Hey Cj?" the twins asked softly, they were standing in my doorway.

"Yes?" I replied.

"We gottsa go to our friends birf-day party, can you take us and Boo?" Scott asked, holding his hands together as if to beg.

"Okay but I gotta put her harness on first" I sighed.

"But she's a bird nots a doggy" Tyler said confused.

"Yes but she isn't used to here and if we go outside she might fly away so I have a special bird harness and leash so she cant go bye-bye" I explained as I hooked boo up in her harness, she chewed at the cord but didn't try to remove it.


"Hi,  Scott, Hi, Tyler" a little girl in a princess dress answered the door, aw going to their little girlfriends party, little kids can be cute, I smiled.

"Hi Veronica" they said together, I woman rushed to the door, behind the little girl 'Veronica' 

"Sorry not to answer the door, the party is in full swing already, hi boys and- Sammy, boy you look different" obviously Veronica's mother, she paused, trying to remember who I was.

"Oh, I'm not Sammy, I'm Cj, the Boy's other sister" I said awkwardly.

"What an accent, oh I'm sorry I'm being rude, come in, come in, I'm Jane Smithfeild, so nice to meet you" she ushered us in.

"So what'd you get me, I don't see a present" Veronica huffed, crossing her arms.

"We gots you a bird show for the party" Tyler Annouced

"Yeah" Scott agreed, bird show? THOSE EVIL LITTLE RUGRATS!

"But we already have a clown" Mrs Smithfeild burrowed her eyebrows.

"Boo and Cj are are bettser" Scott cried.

"Boo?" Mrs smithfeild asked, then suddenly whitened as she saw Boo somewhat happily sitting on my shoulder, I suposse the noise the kids were making was annoying her, with her leash runnning down to my wrist where I had looped it on.

"Yep" Tyler grinned before they all ran off.

"They totally tricked me into coming here!" I said shocked.

"Sucker" Boo chimed in my ear.

"We both are" I glared at her.

Ashley's P.O.V-

I was wathing T.V, trying to relax, that freaky bird thing should not be in this house, at least Cj took it with her, The front door flew open, the twins zoomed past, running in fear, Cj stalked in,slamming the door. Mum and James both came in with worry written on their faces.

"What happened to you?" I snickered.

"Those little nasties are evil" she growled barely containing her anger.

"O-kay" I scoffed, the twins must have gotten her good.

"I am never doing anything for them again" she annouced, now begining to calm her breathing.

"Go to bed Boo" she sternly told her bird as she took off its harness, the bird flew upstairs, how did it even know where it was going? Its only been here for a day, maybe it's not as stupid as it looks.

"Are you alright?" James asked softly.

"I'll go talk to the boys" Mum added as she left, I noticed a small trail of blood dripping from Cj's hand.

"Shit" I mumbled.

"I'm fine, the twins just pushed Boo to her limit, she could break bones in half if she really tried, well finger bones, I just had to be nice and get between her and the birthday girl, so I got nailed" she explained as she headed towards the bathroom to fix her hand, James and I followed.

"That is exactly why I don't want that thing in the house" I told them, as I followed Cj, and lent in the doorway of the bathroom.

"I told the kids she didn't want to do more tricks when she started growling, so what does the little snot princess do, she starts poking Boo, Boo would'a taken off her finger if I didn't stop it" she sighed as she washed the blood off her hand.

"And she didn't take your finger off why?" I asked, James got out the first aid kit. She showed me the bit mark on the side of her hand.

"I didn't just put a finger in the way, I jammed my hand in her face, Boo let go because it was me, it was relativly a small bite, I'm just a bleeder, she didn't hit bone or actually take out a chunk of flesh" she explained.

"I still don't like it" I muttered as I walked away.

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