The young assassin: Nova

By fishprincessmeenah1

15.3K 539 43

10 year old nova witnessed her parents deaths right in front of her eyes. She was left to die in the streets... More

When everything changed
Nova's journal
Nova's journal 2
A friendly surprise
A friendly surprise 2
~10 years~
Unfamiliar territory
Jacob stern and nova kenway
The answered questions
Adjusting to the new life
A wonderful evening out
The first contract
The first contract 3
Nova's realization
Nova's realization 2
Nova's realization 3
Framed 2
Framed 3
Meeting the uncle
Meeting the uncle 2
Nova's journal
The errand
Christmas special
Out on a day with jacob frye
The shock
Unexpected turn of events
The truth
The truth 2

The first contract 2

290 11 0
By fishprincessmeenah1

Nova and Jacob silently and carefully walked down the streets, her dress being a long as it was forced nova to lift up the slightly, Jacob seemed fine, not having a single problem with his suit but then again it's not like he had to wear a dress. Nova softly gazed at Jacob looking into his deep brown eye's, nova did not see where she was going and accidentally bumped into a man almost making her fall as Jacob quickly caught her and lifted her up, nova felt her cheeks go abit red as she realized Jacob's arms were around her, the man she bumped into turned swiftly, his clothes looked as if they Hadn't been washed in a while, his pants were dirty yellow with stripes all over it, his shoes were made of leather, his shirt consisted of a white shirt but had a coat covering it, his mouth held a lit cigar, he puffed air out of his mouth, his sideburns and beard practically made him more undesirable then he already was, he stenched that of liquor, sewage and many other Unsatisfying smell that seemed to kill Nova's sense of smell. "Excuse me miss but you should look where you are going unless you're looking for trouble"
Nova stayed quiet as an arm was wrapped around nova from behind eyeing the man who has talking to me, you could feel the heat radiating from Jacob's frame which seemed to overshadow her thin figure
"I apolo-" nova was quickly cut off as she heard Jacob's relaxed and deep voice talk in her place "it was accident, do not take her accident to heart as she surely did not mean it now if you will excuse me, my wife and I must depart and arrive to our destination" Nova's face almost turned red at the thought of her being married to Jacob
Me?! No, no something like that could just possibly not happen, never in a life time could she think of something so...jaw dropping
Jacob hastily took a hold of her arm as he started to walk away from the men staring at us, something inside of me felt as though that wouldn't be the last time we would see him.

Both nova and Jacob had finally arrived to the destination of the ball, her mouth had dropped, eyes widened seeing the grand mansion, there were statues on the outside of the gate as two guards wearing heavy armor were standing there asking for the invites, the gates had consisted of wines growing over it, both Jacob had walked in front of the guards as nova linked arms with Jacob to make their appearance seem more authentic, the guards had halted us in our paths asking for invites, the lamps above the guards heads made the fake invites more eligible, the guards gave a glance at the both of us as he then went back to both of the invites we had given him, he reluctantly let us pass "you are clear to go mr and mrs.stern, have a wonderful evening" both me and Jacob nodded and walked past both the guards, I suddenly felt eyes staring at me from behind as I slowly looked over my shoulder only to see the guard staring at me from behind as it gave her a cold shiver in her spine. The garden's hedges had seemed to be in perfect condition almost as if they were just recently cut, on both sides of the garden stood water Fountains that shone the moons beam of light and reflected it off the waters surface, the front of the house had two white pillars stretching from the top of the marble stairs to the balcony above it, the door resembled that of wood and gold, the widows were that of beautiful bay windows, the air was chilly as she somewhat shivered abit wanting to be inside already, the door had swung open rather quickly, the doors were opened by two female servants, the was filled with nothing but laughter, talking and music which had some people dancing to the beautiful sound of violins and a female singer up onto a stage made just for her, she had beautiful silky blonde hair, her eyes were that of a beautiful light green, her lips were red with lipstick making them stick out much more then the rest of her, her flawless skin was perfect making nova seem abit jealous and envious of her looks, she instantly feels abit territorial of Jacob, the women was eyeing Jacob from a far, her red twinkling dress showing off her body. Nova held onto Jacob as tight as she could, Jacob's head turned to nova as he eyes her curiously "nova is something the matter?" He asked curiously and kindly "no nothing..why ask that?" Her eye brow arched somewhat as both her and Jacob took to the walls on the opposite side of where the singer was "ok on the look out for Vaughn he should be here and as soon as you spot him tell me and we will tail him, making his death seem like an accident got it?" "Of course" the memory of Vaughn's picture had popped into her head as she then started looking into the crowd for a older gentleman with white hair and a white tux, he also had a beard, Jacob informed me of how popular he was with the ladies and so keeping that in mind I turned my head towards a group of young women who were surrounding Vaughn all women were beyond gorgeous practically making nova feel inferior, nova didn't understand how those younger women were attracted to a pig such as him as far she she knew he was dangerous and shouldn't be left alone with women, he was known in his hometown for abducting women and torturing them and using them as he pleased, he mainly went for the dumb bimbos with huge boobs and low smarts. Nova softly whispered to Jacob "I see him..." Jacob cocked his head to the direction of where nova was looking, hi eyes flared wit murderous intent as did mine, nova looked at Jacob realizing just how much he made her content "nova once he goes up those straits we will tail after him and make sure he doesn't notice us or else he will know the assassins are after him" nova nodded at Jacob's instructions

Two hours had passed since Vaughn had finally departed from the giggling girls laughter as me and Jacob both saw him go up the stairs with a pales skin girl, freckles under her eyes, and a perfect body to his liking, she willingly followed the man not knowing what his true intentions would have been "I'll go ahead" said Jacob, nova turned to him "no...wait something doesn't seem right...this contract has been far to easy so far and not only that but didn't you say there would be Templars here?" Jacob had his eyes widened as he then soon realized his rash mistake "you're right" Jacob sighed and held his arms behind is back "it seems as thought...this might be a lot harder then it looks" he then looked all around the grand ball as his iris had slit making it seem like cat eyes "eagle vision.." She then decided to do just as he did only to be able to see that almost everyone in the ball were Templar generals, officials or guards "what do you think we should do?" Nova had never been in this sort of dilemma, being puzzled scared her and in fact it made her uneasy, she hated not knowing what to do it made her feel useless and weak almost like a infant, she rested her hand upon her chin thinking what they could do that wouldn't rouse suspicion to anyone or blow their cover for even a second.


Jacob's jaw had dropped realizing how right nova had been about the Templars, Jacob himself was baffled also unsure of what to do, Jacob looked at nova to the side of his eye's, he realized how adorable nova had been while she thought of what to do, her black hair resting onto her shoulder, her light blue eyes, her movements made him smile abit, he felt as thought after this contract he would come to trust her abit more, although in his eyes she still had a spotty reason for being in France, Jacob's eyes had widened no longer baffled at what they should do and leaned into nova's ear whispering the plan, Nova's puzzled eyes had widened with hope and excitement witch sent a feeling into him that he hadn't felt in ages "ready?" His cocky voice had sent me into a happy mood assuring me that this plan will work, Jacob was always precise about his plans once he figured it out, it was something that nova loved about him, he was smart, cunning and not to mention over time has realized he was quite the looker, she envied everything about him.


Nova's feet had already ached from staying at one spot to the wall, she looked around still realizing that all the templar's were still talking and laughing about with others, nova noticed at the corner of her eye something red come towards both Jacob and nova, her back straightened and stiffened as the red object came into view, my eyes widened as nova realized it was the singing girl on the stage "why hello there handsome" she said with a seductive voice wanting to swoon Jacob into her hold, it was obvious to Jacob that he didn't want the attention from her, with that being said nova cleared her throat loudly catching the attention of the blonde women "sorry sweety but this handsome man right here is with me, now if you wouldn't mind both me and my husband would like to have a dance" nova snapped at the women "my name isn't sweety it Adeline" she hissed at nova "yes well I think I speak for the both of us when I say to leave us be, we wouldn't a whore to ruining our evening together now would we love?" She looked at Jacob as he nodded eager quickly already annoyed by her presence, it seemed as thought Adeline didn't get the hint showing off of Jacob's stern face. Adeline's face had turned sour as she realized that she wouldn't be able to get Jacob like she wanted, she turned her body around going away into the crowd, a knot had formed into my stomach as I realized that maybe snapping at her wasn't a good idea "Jacob.." Nova's hand held Jacob's hand as he then lightly held onto her cold small hands "what is it?"
"We should hurry with this contract I have-" nova was cut off as three Templar guards has come walking towards the both of them "Jacob something isn't right" Jacob nodded silently agreeing and whispered int Nova's ear once more "halt!" Screamed one Templar guard as the other two followed behind, the one who screamed had heavy armor and his weapon choice was a pike, the man behind him had the weapon of a heavy axe while the third had a steel sword still in his sheath, I moved my wrist upward so the hidden blade wouldn't get in the way, nova then realized as she didn't hear the blade come out that she never equipped the blade because the dress wouldn't allow her to, Jacob however had his hidden blade equipped, his blade unsheathed showing itself as the guards then realized they were facing assassins, all three men stopped in fear but slowly circled around us almost afraid to fight, the man with the axe bravely came at nova with a scream as he tried to swing it in mid-air, nova quickly dodged by ducking herself and rammed into the guard making him fall to the ground with a loud thud as she then was into of him and placed her hands into his heads and twisted it instantly killing him, the guards looked in fear as a women killed a armored guard with ease, she then grabbed the dead mans axe and took it as her own, nova ducked down on all fours knowing what Jacob was gonna do, she then felt feet lightly touched her back and heard two grunts, she looked up and saw the last two guards dead on the floor with the hidden blade removed from their throats.

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