Crime Control Squad

By ShwethaRamachandran

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Case#1 - Murder in Disguise When an Ex-Army officer gets killed in a hit and run, Special Branch is caught in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 18

95 5 0
By ShwethaRamachandran

Vedant, Ruby and Sheetal were audience to the monitors outside the interrogation room whereas Vikram was questioning Samar inside in the presence of his lawyers.

"Now that your lawyers are giving you company, are you ready to answer my questions?" asked Vikram, his voice at the edge of turning dangerous. He had interrogated many suspects in his career and knew exactly how each one had to be dealt with. Samar had his chance. Along with Ruby, he was ready to listen and understand Samar's state, his difficulties if any. They were empathetic towards him. They believed he wasn't the killer and was ready to help him. But if he didn't want to cooperate and if he wanted to stick to his own false story, he couldn't help him anymore.

"You said you were home alone at the time of Veerkaran's murder and then you said you killed him. Care to explain how?"

Samar looked at the lawyers who nodded for him to answer the question. He was confused. He knew he was trapped by his own words. He could sense his lie was blown. He had no clue what the officers knew.

"Why does it matter? I am telling you...I killed Veerkaran...," Samar tried desperately to convince his interrogator. At the same time, he couldn't sound pleading. He had to display himself to be strong. He sat erect. Shoulders and chin high, he didn't turn his glance away from Vikram.

Vikram lost his cool. "IT MATTERS SAMAR!" he shouted banging his hand on the table and sprang up from his chair, throwing it behind. He started pacing up and down.

Vedant frowned. Vikram had the habit of jumping the gun and becoming all hyper, a way too soon. He had never liked that behaviour. He believed in taking time, understanding the suspect and talking to them. At some point, the suspect were bound to leave away some words unintentionally. Vikram's method either intimidated the suspect or made him/her more arrogant not to answer. "Vikram! Calm down," he said on the mic which reached Vikram's earpiece.

Vikram took a deep breath before settling down again. "Listen Samar! You can keep quiet and not help us. I might even arrest you for murder based on your confession. Ask your lawyers, what they will do? No no...first, tell me. Why did you actually want your lawyers? To help you stay in prison or to prove you innocent?"

"I murdered Veerkaran and I will be jailed for that...It's as simple as that," said Samar still sticking to his point.

"No it's not!" reproached Vikram with force. "What do you think? You will go to prison because of your confession? You are a fool if you think that. There is no proof against you except your word and the court demands evidence. You will be acquitted immediately and whatever you are scared of...because of which you are confessing...It will be a complete waste. Better let us help you Samar."

Samar remained silent, not out of arrogance but out of helplessness. He didn't know which way to go. He had no idea how his words would receive reaction outside. Was confession expected of him or not? His name had cropped up and his DNA had been found at the murder scene which could only mean, he had to confess. It had to be a sign. The same thing happened during the previous time too, when he confessed of rape and murder. His confession saved his family. May be his family was in danger? He didn't sense that when he met them during his parole. They were safe then. What if they weren't now? Will the police keep their word and protect his family? What if they didn't? His family meant the most to him. He couldn't risk their lives.

"Could you please leave us with Samar alone for some time?" asked one of the lawyers. "I think it is better we know his version before he tells you anything."

"Doesn't seem like he is going to be generous with the truth to anyone. Good luck!" commented Vikram as he walked out of the room. The lawyers had all rights to talk with their client alone. He couldn't refuse permission for that.

"Now what?" asked Vikram as he joined the others.

"We wait. What else can we do?" Ruby was in complete disappointment with the no progress they were making.

"He is scared, terribly scared of something. He has no clue what's going on. He is just replicating what he did in the previous case imagining the same things are happening now," explained Vedant.

"So what do we do? He is our only suspect. Probably he doesn't know anything about the murder too. Also...we can kind off speculate what must have happened during the rape case and why he confessed. What are we expecting off him now?" Vikram was slowly losing interest.

"The truth that he confessed on his own. We are trying to blow up the cover. We need Samar on our side. Once he is, we can confidently pursue finding evidence to prove his innocence. We need to break Samar and make him realise that it's very important for him and his family to be with the truth. He is the one person who can help us provide justice to two families- Kiran's and Veerkaran's." Vedant realised that his investigation was in a complete mess. He had different paths opened to reach the killer but was stranded halfway in every path. He couldn't decide on which path to stream his troops. He basically had a little over a day to find the killer. It would be a shame if he and his team failed the challenge and had to hand over the case to someone else. May be he should have bargained for more time. He couldn't understand the reason behind the deadline at the first place, a sudden deadline. 3 days to close a murder investigation was near to impossible. If the Commissioner was pressurised, if his senior officials were forced to stop him from investigating the murder, there had to be genuine reasons. What could that be? Was it because he was getting close to catching the killer? Was the killer a top politician or celebrity who had to be protected? Was it all political? One thing he had always made sure was never to succumb to political pressure. He wouldn't in this case too.

"Ruby, you be here and see if you can talk to Samar," said Vedant.

"But Sir!" Vikram couldn't believe his boss was letting a junior, a psychologist to interrogate their prime suspect. Just because he wasn't able to make Samar speak out didn't mean he was incapable.

"I am not doubting your capability, Vikram," said Vedant reading his officer's mind. "I want you to do something else, something important. Come along."

"I'll make a move too, Mr Vashisht. I will be sent a detailed report by our lawyers. Call me if you want anything." She shook hands with Vedant and left.

"What do you want me to do?" asked Vikram coldly still not happy with the way he was taken away from the interrogation. Vikram and Vedant were walking towards the stairs. "You have taken me away from the most significant task. What else can be more important?"

"You are a senior officer for God's sake! Stop sulking," Vedant raised his voice. Vikram hadn't been in the best of his behaviour and thought process. He knew it must have been irritating for him for not going anywhere with his line of interrogation but that didn't mean he would close his mind to the rest of the possibilities. Samar was a tough candidate. Vikram had been getting nothing out of him from the time he spoke to him in the prison. As much as he understood Vikram's frustration, his resentment was no way justifiable. Every member was feeling the same disappointment and impatience. But they were all moving through the smallest of the gap to see if it could lead them anywhere. They were struggling within themselves not to get their morale down. This case hadn't been the easiest of the case because of its connection with an old case. A fresh case would have been different. An old case with a suspicious closure wasn't the best of the help. To top it, media, deadlines and sending important documents to another team; he as a leader had to keep the team together, focused. His team would need a break too, not that they weren't used to such stressful situations.

It took a lot of determination for Vikram to stand beside his boss and wait for his orders. He wanted to storm out for the way his boss spoke to him. He knew his strength. It had always been forcing the truth out of their suspects. But his boss was taking him away from what he was good at just because he failed that one time?

"It's not you, Vikram. Even I cannot get Samar talking at this stage. We have to gain his trust. We have to give him something to get something in return." Vedant ignored the cold behaviour of his subordinate. "You were in Narcotics before, weren't you? I want you to talk to your friends in the Drugs Control and get information on Tejesh. It would be foolish of us to focus on just Samar being a suspect because of his DNA at the scene. We have a witness, a strong witness which puts Tejesh at the scene too and hence we have to get him. We do know there were 3 involved in the murder. I want you to track down Tejesh and bring him in. We can get information from him. Are you up to it or you still want to question Samar?"

Vikram glared at Vedant. He was never afraid of his boss. There had only been respect. That respect had always stopped him from crossing the line. Vedant commanded that respect because of his ability to understand the situation in depth and prioritising the tasks. If he had been the head, he would have focused only on Samar completely to get him talk the truth, leaving out on all the other possibilities. Probably that was the reason, Vedant was made the Chief.

"Yeah...I'll talk to my people at Narcotics," nodded Vikram realising Vedant was waiting for an answer.

"Good. Go on..." said Vedant. Vikram left. Vedant received a message from Agastya to get to the squad room as soon as possible.


The squad room was deserted apart from Agastya, Charith and Vedant. Charith was busy with Veerkaran's diaries, making notes and searches. Vedant took his usual position, in front of the board, studying it hard to find some connection that he might have missed. Agastya, sitting left to his boss, focussed on the monitors. He glanced at his boss before he decided to begin sharing his findings without any trigger. He pressed the recorder on his mobile phone. Discussions were always shared with the team members who missed out because of their field work.

"I think I might have got onto something. First...Moon Iron and Steel Limited, the company which hired L and O for Samar's defence. Established in 1985 by Babu Chandra as a small scale steel business, it went on to become one of the leading supplier of Iron and Steel within the next 12 years. Babu still heads the company. He was recently made the Chairman of the I&S Corporations Committee." Agastya paused as a sign that it was the end of the introduction to the company. He was moving on to his findings. "Though Babu or his son Guru, who is the CEO, have no connection to any of our suspects or victims, there is one in the trustee of the company who might have a strong connection."

Vedant sat with no visible expression or change in body language. His vision was tunnelled. Agastya continued. "Pragat Chandra is one of the trustee members on the board. He is Babu's cousin. He owns a construction company of his own- Bright Builders. Now the interesting parts- Pragat Chandra also sits at the committee meetings of Jeetenge Hum Party. He is one of the most prominent members in the party. He is not a MLA or a MP, but he plays a huge role backend. He is expected to stand in the upcoming elections. He has a son- Akhilesh Chandra. Akhilesh Chandra is one of the founders of AC Constructions. A-C..."

"Akhilesh Chandra!" Vedant was finally excited.

"Exactly. AC Constructions is actually owned by Pragat Chandra under the name of Akhilesh Chandra."

"So...Pragat Chandra is connected to Moon Iron and Steel who represented Samar...He belongs to the Jeetenge Hum Party where Samar and Rajesh were a part off...His son owns AC Constructions where Veerkaran was murdered. Excellent! Excellent!" Vedant could feel a sudden confidence and positivity.

"Why would he want to kill Veerkaran?" asked Agastya. "We have a connection but no solid evidence to suspect him."

"It can't be a coincidence that Pragat is connected to all the companies under our suspicion. At least let's see what he has to tell about this. Does he have any criminal record?"

"He does. He was once arrested for being a part of a road protest which turned bad. Apart from that, nothing."


"Not much criticism. His manufacturing plant was in a case when the press accused him of not aligning with the set rules. But he and his company was given a clean chit after enquiry. He doesn't talk to the press much."


Agastya wrote down both the residential and the company address and handed it to his boss.

"What about the ATM guys? Anywhere?"

"Nope. I am going through their visitors list now. Each one had been in prison at different times at different locations. There is one small connection though. All the 9 guys were in prison during April 2013 to July 2013...not the same prison, but all were in jail during those 4 months. One of them got out in August 2013 and within the next 8 months, all the 9 guys were out."

"We do know the 9 guys aren't connected personally. But probably connected to a single man."

"That's why I am checking the visitor's list to see if there is any one person who visited everyone."

"Same doctor?"

"No...I checked. Different jailers too. Different policeman who arrested them. Different lawyers who prosecuted them....No connection there at all."

Vedant picked up the marker and stood in front of the board.

"White spaces on the board are meant to be filled with some stuff or the other. That's why we have a big board," he joked as he made a note about the ATM guys and Pragat Chandra and made a box to paste Pragat's picture. "Anyway...This case involves more than just people. We have top corporates involved. So we have...AC Constructions, L and O, Moon Iron and Steel, Bright Builders, Jeetenge Hum Party on the suspects' side. New Life Group on the victim's side." Vedant listed the companies. "Most of our POI- People of Interest belong to at least one of the companies. Samar and Rajesh belonged to Jeetenge Hum Party. We have Pragat connected to almost all the companies. L and O represents AC Constructions and New Life Group..."

"And Moon Iron and Steel and Bright Builders..." added Agastya. L and O took care of the legal processes for all the company on their list.

"Great! So whoever comes up in our investigation has to be related to the people involved or these companies...which means our ATM guys should be connected to these people or the companies."

"They could be connected to Tejesh, because of the drugs..." Charith spoke for the first time. He had been listening to the discussion while working on the diaries too.

"They could be connected to Jeetenge Hum Party also. They could be working as thugs there," suggested Agastya.

"Not possible. As you said, they don't have any criminal record apart from drugs. If they had been thugs, at least one would have had a criminal record for violence," reasoned Charith

"Tejesh is the link here then...We have to find him," said Agastya.

"Drugs...Have these guys have any record after they came out of jail?" asked Vedant.

Agastya went through the file. "No. Not after their sentence."

"May be they changed? They reformed?" asked Charith.

"That could be their connection to New Life Group?" Vedant worked his mind hard to put all the scattered pieces into place. "New Life Group could be the connection. These guys could have been part of the course or speech the company offers for rehabilitation purposes."

"They could have been in the same course at the same time...Or probably had the same instructor," said Charith.

"Could be...Agastya! Set me a meeting with the head of New Life Group. His name is Jeet," instructed Vedant.

"Why not call them and ask them to send the reports?" asked Charith.

"If New Life Group is involved, and we call them for suspicion, there are high chances that they might destroy the documents related to our case. Let's not give them the chance."

Vedant looks at his newly gifted watch. It was 4.30 pm. "Set the meeting for tomorrow, Agastya..." He wanted to start fresh on the lead the next day, though he knew he didn't have the liberty of time. But if New Life Group was involved in anyway seriously, he didn't want to give them the overnight time to clear up their mess. He wanted to trap them. He would have wanted to trap any suspect, not just New Life Group.

"What's Veerkaran saying?" Vedant asked Charith.

"Nothing really significant. I am trying to filter out the points that might have some importance," said Charith taking his notes out. "One thing for sure...Our picture of Veerkaran is near to perfect. Honest, Man of principles, Punctual, Sincere...and all other adjectives of a perfect man."

"He could have never been my friend..." commented Vedant with a wry smile. He didn't believe in perfection. According to him, a man who seem so perfect would definitely have a huge flaw. "So what is he hiding?"

"Though he regrets, there had been times where he had been abusive with his wife..."

"Abusive?" exclaimed Vedant. "Like beating her?"

"Yes...When he is drunk. Not regularly...But he had lost his control with her. That seems to be his only flaw- a major flaw."

"Has he given any reason for that?"

"Not clearly...But by putting 1 here and 1 there...I think it was frustration because of his eviction from the army. He didn't seem to have come to terms with that. Apart from that...he seems a good man."

"Anything connected to the case?"

"Nothing yet. These diaries don't hold any secrets surprisingly. Can't be termed a Personal diary."

"May be he has stashed his secrets somewhere else," laughed Agastya.

"May be he does. Talk to Sharad," said Vedant.

"He is coming here tomorrow, voluntarily. I'll ask him to bring anything that might be useful for our case," informed Charith

"No! Tell him that I want to meet him and Mina. We will meet him tomorrow at his house."

Vedant's mobile shrilled. It was Heera.

"Yes Heera..."

"Dead end at the Saloon. The guy doesn't remember anything about Samar or anyone who came after him. He said he has so many customers everyday and there was no way he was going to remember each one's face. It has been over a week too since Samar came in for his haircut. It's a small shop. No CCTV. I'll check around to see if any of the nearby shops has one which could show us..."

"Forget it...Move on. Go to AC Constructions."

"Fine. Will keep you informed."

"Saloon is a dead end," said Vedant as he wrote the word Saloon on the board and crossed it. "Agastya! See if the area has any CCTVs that can capture the saloon's entry. Don't waste too much time on that. I'll go and check what's happening with Samar. Check with Bright Builders and see when I can meet Pragat Chandra." He was happy with the way the investigation was progressing. His team was sweating it out. The only nagging bit was the deadline. He didn't like it one bit. He felt like a noose being tightened around his neck slowly. He did have the way out. He could put his hands up and give away the case. But he wasn't that type. His team wasn't that type. They were fighters. They would fight till the last moment. He had many leads to follow, several people involved. He just had to be positive and follow up on every lead. The pieces would form the picture soon.


Vikram was standing perched on the bonnet of his car parked in a deserted parking lot behind a vintage building, the building that hosted the Drugs Control Department. He was waiting for an old acquaintance of his. He had worked in Drugs Control for 8 months before he was transferred to a different department. His wife used to tease him for having the record of working in almost all the departments in the police system.

For some reason, Vikram had always grown impatient with his job after a few months. He had never been able to understand the reason. His passion had always been to enter the Police right from his childhood. His parents had been ever supportive of that and helped him in all ways possible for him to reach his goal. It was the best day of his life and probably his parents' too, when he got the letter of appointment from the government. He had never regretted his career decision. He wasn't the usual candidate who entered the service from the lowest ladder. His performances in the training and the related examinations were par excellence that he joined directly as an Inspector, in charge of a police station. But it was stationed way away from his family. He was responsible for law and order in a remote village where people still believed in Panchayats and didn't really encourage police intervention. The people sorted out the disputes among themselves, mostly peacefully. In a couple of months, he got bored. He expected challenges but he had none, none which matched his expectations. He expressed his disappointment to his boss who waved it away. Being disappointed was part and parcel of their job. Vikram was disappointed because he had no challenges. There were many who were disappointed with the huge amount of challenges they had to face everyday. Vikram wanted that. He wanted to be challenged. He wanted to taste victory by overcoming the hard hurdles. After 14 months in his first stint, he finally got transferred to the city. He began enjoying his job, solving disputes and cases, sometimes very serious cases. His ability to solve cases without the involvement of special branches was very well appreciated and he began climbing the ladder at a fast pace. But with added responsibility, he was met with political pressure. He was obstructed from delivering his duties many a times which he opposed openly. That was the beginning of the numerous transfers he was ordered with. No one wanted to work with him. He had his own way of working which he was never ready to compromise. He always wondered why he was never dismissed from the force. He might hold record for the most number of transfers, but his success record was impeccable which probably was the reason he couldn't be gotten rid of. As much number of people who hated him, he had equal number of friends and admirers. One of them was the man whom he was going to meet- Nazir.

Vikram had informed Nazir of his requirements. He had sent him a picture of Tejesh and informed him of his connection with drugs. He avoided mentioning details about the murder case. He just hinted Tejesh's possible connection with the case. He wanted information on Tejesh and his whereabouts. He wanted to find him as soon as possible and arrest him. He wasn't a suspect anymore. He was one of the murderers. He had to be caught immediately before he escapes the city or perhaps the country too. Tejesh wasn't the mastermind. But he could lead them to the mastermind. He had definitely seen the man in the jacket, the person who stood in one corner watching the staging of the accident. That was a behaviour of leadership- as Ruby would rightly point out if asked. The jacketman must be the mastermind.

Nazir, similar in age and built to Vikram, walked briskly to the parking lot with a file in hand.

"Looking great," Nazir greeted with a high five hand shake.

"Have never been better..." replied Vikram. "What have you got?"

"It's always business for you, isn't? No questions on How is life? How is wife? Work is life? Nothing...You will never change, Vikram..." he laughed with Vikram joining in. Vikram had never been good at informal official meetings. He could never maintain the balance.

"You know me," said Vikram a little embarrassed.

"I was just joking," Nazir was surprised. "This case must be taking a toll on you I guess. You aren't able to differentiate between a serious comment and a joke."

"Yeah! It is. I can't tell you much as you would know. But this case hasn't been my best. My mind is clogged," said Vikram honestly. He felt good talking to someone outside his team and family.

"It's all just a phase. Hang on to it. Don't lose it," advised Nazir. He had always admired Vikram's bold behaviour and his courageous decisions. Some had backfired yet the decision was the best considering the situations. "Your guy- Tejesh alias Tejpal. Famous in our circle for his drug dealing. Has never been caught red handed with the drugs. He always got the tip off before we could reach him. There is no solid evidence but we know and he knows we know that he is a huge drug dealer in this area. We just want evidence or witness to nab him. Now...your case could actually help us with our operation too. We are trying to close down the drug racket in this area- this area has one of the highest drug dealing. Hence...Tejesh could be useful to you and me."

"So you know where to find him?"

"Yes. We do have an address to his place- a place which he thinks is a safe house for him." There was pride in Nazir's voice. That was a tone which many policemen had when they outsmarted the suspects without their knowledge. "My informant says Tejesh is in his house. We can arrest him now..."

"No! You can't arrest him. Tejesh is a murderer and our branch has the authority to arrest him. I just needed your help in locating him."

"Come on Vikram! That's not fair. We need Tejesh too..."

"I know. But you don't have evidence for your case, do you? I will arrest him and interrogate him and get you all the information you need. And after my case is closed he is all yours. Vincent has already given his statement against Tejesh. Understand, Nazir. If two teams arrest one person together, you do know an argument will break as to who gets the guy for interrogation first. I don't have time for negotiation. I have just a day to close this case and Tejesh is our prime suspect. I don't want any glitches in his arrest."

Nazir stayed silent. His eyes were placed strongly on his friend. He had been working on this drug operation for nearly a year and couldn't let Tejesh off his hook. He didn't care about Vikram's case. He was being honest with himself. His complete focus was on his own operation. He agreed to help Vikram not knowing how closely both their cases were connected. He didn't know the case details, but seeing Vikram's desperation, he understood that Vikram was very keen on arresting Tejesh and probably have strong backing up for the arrest too. In that case, he wanted to take full advantage of the situation.

"Let's make the arrest together- arresting him for both murder and drugs. But you can take him for interrogation first. But I will be around throughout and when your job is over, I will be taking over."

"I can't take chances Nazir. I have to report to my boss regarding the location and take him down with full back up. I can't do this alone with you..."

"Why not? It's not as if you have never broken rules. If you tell your boss, he would never agree to our arrangement. I will have to answer my superiors regarding giving away information to another branch with no formal permission. At the end, I will be the one in the hot soup. Help me out, Vikram. I have been stuck with this operation and I want it out. I have been promised a transfer after this operation. This would be the best opportunity."

"I understand Nazir. But I have to inform my boss. That's the protocol and probably the only thing that is expected of me. We can't go there without back up. What's your problem with back up?"

"I haven't informed my boss that we had been having Tejesh under surveillance. I don't trust him, Vikram. You can judge certain people during the first meet itself. My boss is one of them. I always felt he was hindering my operation than helping me. I sense information has been leaking through him. Just not entire team feels that. If we call for back up, that would make our raid official. My boss might get to know and Tejesh might escape. Please understand Vikram. I'll call my trusted guys. You can call yours if you want. But let's not make it official. We both might lose Tejesh then."

Vikram couldn't decide. He didn't want to do something behind his boss' back. Nazir was asking too much from him. Vedant was probably the first and the only person for whom he held high respect. He was different from him yet they both shared certain ideologies. The six months he had been working with Vedant, he had understood one significant expectation that his boss expected. Trust. He expected mutual trust. He had never hidden any important detail from his team, no matter how it would affect everyone. He believed, as a team, every member had the right to know what was going on. But Nazir was asking him to break that trust and perform an action without informing- in this situation- without taking permission from his boss. He couldn't do that. But he very well knew that Vedant would issue an order for back up as soon as he informs him his plan, and that would prove fatal for their plan.

Vikram felt it was a chance for him to prove himself and others that he was still in control, and haven't lost his self-belief. If he captured Tejesh and brought him in, that would be a huge breakthrough for the investigation. Half the case would be solved then. But if Tejesh escapes, their investigation would be stranded with nowhere to proceed. Would Vedant understand the reason behind his decision when he gets to know? What if Vedant didn't understand? What if he loses Tejesh because he didn't have backup. That would backfire in various directions. His career would be at stake.

Nazir shook Vikram realising none of the words he had been speaking had reached Vikram. Vikram had been lost in thoughts.

"Vikram! Trust me...Everything will be fine. Let's just look at the area map and decide how to cover him. We were partners during our firearms training remember? We were the best in our batch. Tejesh would have no way escaping our eye."

Vikram thought, "Boss asked me to track down Tejesh and bring him in...I am just following his orders." He knew it was a childish excuse he was giving himself.

"Fine! Let's plan it and get that crook arrested."

This decision could alter Vikram's life in any direction.


"Usually the police and the defence lawyers would be on the opposite sides. But it seems like we are on the same side and Samar is our opponent." The two lawyers from L and O, representing Samar, sat in Vedant's room.

"Did he say something?" asked Vedant.

"He said he wants to stand in trial and be convicted for murdering Veerkaran," said one of the lawyers- Atul. He was the lawyer in charge. The other lawyer was his assistant and seemed to have taken an oath of silence. Atul continued. "We told him that we know he is lying through his teeth and if he wants things to happen the way he wants, then he had to tell the truth."

"And did he?"

"Not really...That's because he has no clue what's going on himself. But he did say something. He said he had to do this else he will be breaking some promise."

"Hmm. So what have you planned? How are you going to go about this?"

"I am not sure Mr Vashisht. I am planning to drop the case. It's a complete waste of time. Samar is adamant. He wants to confess knowing there is no proof to support him."

"But last time, all the evidence supported his confession, right?"

"Yes. As you know, as defence, we ourselves were surprised by all the turn of events. We were in need of clients back then and hence stuck with Samar's case. That's not the case now. We have to take care of our reputation also. Success rate matters a lot as this field has also become a business now."

"But as a lawyer, your focus should be on the case and not how the company runs..."

"Individual success rates matter too, Mr Vashisht. If I lose this case, my success rate comes down which I can't afford. The prosecution team would want to convict Samar too. I don't think they are going to be chasing the truth. Samar wants the same as prosecution...At the end, it would be my company and I who would have to incur loss."

Vedant shook his head in disappointment. No one cared for justice at the end.

"I know what you are thinking Mr Vashisht. Justice and abiding the law are still definitely our utmost importance. Yet, there are lot of other factors which had to be considered now. I am sorry about that."

"Don't be sorry," said Vedant. "You are just running in the race and can't afford to stop. Anyway...tell me about the promise Samar mentioned. Did he mean that he had to confess because he had promised he will confess to someone?"

"Something like that. He didn't say it clearly. But according to him, his confession was to keep his promise..."

"Of protecting his family, may be?"

"Could be. He could be protecting Rajesh for one. Rajesh is physically strong, but easily influenced and manipulated. He is very naïve. Samar is the one with the brain. Rajesh would do anything he is been asked to do. He never questions. But Samar isn't like that." Silence grew with each one lost in thoughts. Atul broke the silence first. "You want to question Samar, Mr Vashisht?"

"Actually, not now. I'll inform you whenever I decide to. I feel there is no point in questioning Samar now. He is strong willed and needs something more to break his shell."

Vedant walked with Atul and his assistant as they left his office. He returned to the squad room after escorting his guests.

"Agastya! Did you speak with the travel agency guy?"

"Yes Sir. I didn't mention anything about the case. Just questioned on rates and his holiday plans..."


"Nothing suspicious. He seems well versed with the plans which would only mean the agency is definitely active and real and not just a cover for something."

"Anything from the local police?"

"They must be in touch with us anytime. They will go in only on your orders."

"Call the concerned authority. I want to talk to him immediately."

"Her", corrected Agastya, as he dialled the number and spoke to the control room to connect him to the on-field officer. A team of four officers were observing the travel agency from a distance. They were noting down all the members coming in and out. Agastya handed over the phone to Vedant.

"Vedant Vashisht here. What do you see?"

"Tall building. 5 floors. Multiple offices. Travel agency is on the ground floor with the entrance door on the outside. The man in charge- must be in his 30s. Average height. Has been receiving phone calls intermittently. We are tapping his calls...Nothing important. Most of them have been enquiries. Nothing suspicious as of now, Sir."

"Keep looking for another hour or so. If you don't see anything...abort the operation. Leave a person around the building for the night. Check what's on the other floors."

"Yes Sir."

"Did the man buy anything?" asked Vedant. He didn't want to let go of the lead so easily. This lead might well lead him to breaking Samar.

"No Sir. Shall I go and question him on anything?" asked the police in charge. Her voice suggested she was in complete control of the situation.

"No. Not necessary. Do one thing. Get someone to sell some eatable. Peanuts or some snack items- Samosa... something like that, which are sold in numbers and not amounts. Got it? Something a child will eat but no ice cream. Call me when the sale is happening." Vedant cut the call.

Agastya and Charith looked at their boss bewildered.

"Why not ice cream?" asked Charith confused. He understood the plan but didn't understand the choice.

"Look at the climate, genius boy. Who eats ice cream in these rains?" laughed Vedant. "Even if elders have adult will get ice cream for a child in the rains, will they? So...we have a possibility that the man might not get anything if it's ice cream. We have just one chance. We can't blow it."

"Great work, Sir," said Agastya. "Now we have to see if the guy purchases one or many- for someone else too. And if we go by our theory- he has to purchase three. For himself, Samar's wife and son."

"What if he doesn't purchase at all?" asked Charith.

"I'll dismiss you if he doesn't," replied Vedant with a smirk. He was beginning to enjoy the progress. He could sense he was closing down on someone. Things were slowly falling into place.

Ruby entered the squad room, exhausted. "Must appreciate Samar's will power. He is not budging at all."

"He has been in the prison for 4 years now for a murder he didn't commit. This behaviour was expected," said Agastya.

"Any idea if he had made any 'unbreakable' promises which when broken would end the era of human species in the world?" asked Vedant.

Ruby looked confused at her boss. She had never seen him talking so relaxed before. It was always Sagar with the comments and sarcasm.

"Move on from the confusion, Ruby. I am still the same old boss of yours," said Vedant.

"Promise?" asked Ruby, in a different confusion.

"I am sure Samar's mother watched a whole lot of dramatic and emotional blackmail movies. Samar must have grown up watching them- Protagonist being a hero, saviour of the world, sacrificial hulk, and best son-brother-father-husband in the entire world. A promise made can't be revoked for this determined soul."

Ruby stood still with no change in expression. She didn't understand whether she was supposed to laugh.

"Did he mention someone to whom he made any promise?" Vedant decided to ask directly. Ruby was too new to understand his mood changes.


"Did he mention anything about his mother or father?" asked Charith.

"No," replied Ruby.

"Either his father must have taken promise when he was on his death bed or something... By the way...Is his father alive?" asked Vedant.

"Don't worry...You were in the correct line. His father died when he was 12," helped Agastya in keeping his boss' theory intact.

"See...Huge possibility. Father realises his eldest son was of no use and it has to be his younger son who should shoulder responsibilities and hence took promise from Samar that Samar would protect his family with his mind, heart and soul."

"Would rake crores if this was made into a movie..." laughed Agastya, which was a rare sight.

Vedant continued. "We have a bed ridden mother too. What more can be asked. Sad song in prison..."

"Sir," interrupted Ruby. "Aren't we being a little insensitive?" She couldn't accept the fact that her colleagues were mocking the life of a human.

Charith was shocked at Ruby's disapproval. He couldn't imagine interrupting his boss like that. Vedant just smiled.

"All in good jest, Ruby. No offence," he said. "I want you to find from Samar about the promise...Or from his mother. Your choice. But it's your responsibility to find out. Yes?"

Ruby, for a moment, thought she was going to be reprimanded badly, at least be the recipient of a cold stare. She was relieved that the moment passed without any stricture. She nodded in acceptance of her responsibility.

"Take a break. Relax. Think about a plan of action and then make your move. If you want any help, you know my room's door is always open, figuratively and literally," said Vedant pleasantly. His phone rang again. It was the Commissioner.

"Yes Sir," said Vedant, his tone getting tighter and serious. He listened to the words and every word changed his expression and body language. He cancelled the call after 2 minutes without uttering a word. Everyone in the room knew it wasn't good news.

"Direct strict orders from the Mayor. We won't question Pragat Chandra- not in his office, not at his residence, not today, not tomorrow. He shouldn't be involved in our case..."

"But..." Ruby began.

"He is involved...and that is his mistake. Not ours, is it?" asked Vedant.

Agastya and Charith slowly grew smiles on their face. For a moment they thought, their boss was going to accept the orders dropped in his head and leave Pragat Chandra from the investigation, the man with the strongest links to every suspect they had. But it was Vedant Vashisht. He wasn't going to budge for orders which obstructed his investigation.

"So you will go against the orders?" asked Ruby surprised.

"I will change the orders," replied Vedant with determination. "These orders will have no bearing on our investigation. Everyone proceed the way you had planned. I'll take care of this unacceptable nonsense."

"So the appointment with Pragat Chandra still stands?" asked Agastya. He had set up a meeting for his boss with Pragat for the following morning.

"Yes. It still stands. Send them a mail confirming the appointment."

"Sir..." called Charith who had been multitasking. Vedant noticed Charith sitting at the edge of the chair looking at his computer monitor.

"Jackpot?" asked Vedant.

"Kind of. Veerkaran resigned from New Life Group, two days before he was murdered," said Charith. "There was a note in his diary- not on the specific date, but randomly, which made me check his emails. He had sent a resignation mail to his boss. Doesn't look good."

"What's the reason?"

"He says, he cannot be part of an organisation which embezzles money in the name of charity work. He has mentioned that he would definitely take legal action against the company."

"And in the next two days, he gets murdered," completed Ruby.

Vedant made a darker square around New Life Group on the board.



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