If Only You Knew(BTS Jimin Fa...

By ZhongJaemin

59.1K 1.9K 555

Because of family issues Min Ae and her mum was forced to move into Seoul to start a new life. This is where... More

A New Life(chapter 1)
what is this feeling?(chapter 2)
What are you doing?(Chapter 3)
How Could You?(Chapter 4)
Is This A Dream?(Chapter 5)
A dream come true(chapter 6)
The date(chapter 7)
Please read!!
Are you okay?(chapter 8)
please dont say it|chapter 9|
Moving to busan|chapter 10|
Where Are You?|chapter12|
The confession|chapter13|
The wedding plan|Chapter14|
The marriage|Chapter15|
the surprise|chapter17|
Please.. wake up|chap18|

The big hearted girl|chapter 11|

2.3K 88 50
By ZhongJaemin

It has been 5 years since we opened this cafe and business has been going well. Many customers come to this cafe amd our hot chocomint is totally a great hit.

"Omma look at this drawing!" Minji said while showing me piece of drawing. She is my 5 years old daughter with Jimin.

"Wow he is so handsome! Who is this?" i said while patting Minji's head.

"It is appa, i drew him just like how you explained. Tall, handsome, beautiful eyesmile and his perfect smile" she said while hugging me. I could feel the tears in my eyes.

"Minji baby, i miss your appa" i said while hugging her

"omma its okay! My teacher said that once someone passed away, they will be in heaven." she said while wiping away my tears. She is indeed a young girl with a big heart.

"Aigoo what are you doing there are alot of customers out there go and take their orders!!" Yoona told me. I wiped away my tears and went out.

A man who was wearing a white shirt and a hat was raising up his hands. He had the exact same scar that jimin has. My heart started beating really fast, i am 200% sure it was jimin i knew it he was not dead. I went to him

"Ji..jimin is that you.. Jjagiya i knew it that you are not dead. I missed you so much where were you all this while?!" i hugged him. He looked up and it was jimin.

"minae, what are you doing?" hayeong asked. I opened up my eyes and i realised that jimin was gone.


"MIN AE you are just dreaming, minae calm down!!" Hayeong said while hugging me as i was struggling.

This past few days i have been seeing jimin but whenever i reach out to him, he will always disappear or it would be someone else. You can say that i am almost going crazy.

Jimin p.o.v

I am almost healing and nearly cancer free. It is a great news as i can finally meet min ae.

"Hi patient Park jimin! Can i check your blood pressure?" the nurse asked. She looks exactly like minae.

"Minae? Is that you? Minae minae? Where are you going? Minae? MINAE STOP I DONT WANNA LOSE YOU AGAIN" I screamed

"PATIENT JIMIN? CALM DOWN YOU ARE JUST DREAMING. GST NACK TO REALITY!" The nurse said. I woke up and saw my mum crying

"Jimin, do you really miss minae that much?" my mum asked.

"what do you think? I keep dreaming of her i keep seeing her around but its always not her" i replied. I tried to hold back my tears as i ate the fruits on the side table. Just wait min ae. I will find you and we will live happily just like before.

Minae p.o.v

"Minji yaa ireona~ you have school today you cant be late" i said while pulling away her bedsheet.

"nae omma" she woke up and i washed her thoroughly. After washing her, i put on her uniform and went to Busan international kindergarten. While walking home, i went to the supermarket and blught some strawberries for minji as it was her favourite. After that i went home to put the strawberries in the fridge and headed to MinYooNeul cafe.

As usual i wore the apron and take orders from customers. I rarely step into the kitchen to prepare the foods. At 10 am there were not much customers so i decided to make my own peppermint tea and rest a little. I sipped the tea and sat on a chair.

"Annyeonghaseyeo what is my darling doing" It was my fiancé, Byun Baekhyun.

"get away dont touch me" even though he is my fiancé, i have never agreed to marry him. He is not as gentle as jimin and handsome as jimin. Yes i admit i still love jimin even though he is dead. I went away from him as i hate his presence.

"Ommo minae~ isnt it time to fetch your daughter minji home?" my mum said. I looked at the clock and it was 11am. Little do i know my watch was spoiled.

"i can fetch her" Baekhyun said.

"get the hell away from us" i said and ran to the kindergarten. I ran to minji who was actually sitting at a corner. She looked rather sad.

"Minji baby~ why are you so sad?" i asked while taking her pororo backpack.

"nothing is wrong omma" she replied.

"aish come on i know my baby very well now tell me what happened." i asked again.

"an ahjumma asked me how old is my mum i told them that you are 23 after that they laughed and said that you probably had a baby before you married appa i didnt understand but i am hurt" Minji said while crying.

I couldnt say anything. I just kept quiet and hugged her. After that i bought her icecream and went to the cafe.

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