My Gay Mate (boyXboy) complet...

By Genna3

199K 7.4K 780

Mathew was a normalish teen with a strange past. His mother was raped at age eight giving her him and his fat... More

chapter one: (rewrote a few things)
chapter two: (added too)
Chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Not an update
Chapter twenty-two
Not unupdate
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Authors Note:

Chapter Twenty-one

4.9K 230 37
By Genna3

Matt's P.O.V

I walked out of the class and headed home. I left Eric his car and decided that walking would help clear my head. I made a stupid move back there. I just told the pack that if they didn't except me that I would kick them out of the pack or even kill them. I've never killed anyone before. My phone went off in my pocket so I pulled it out.

~What the hell was that about? (J)

~I didn't like that they were talking about me like I wasn't in the room. (M)

~No, the kiss. It was so unlike you. Is everything okay? You've seemed to have changed a lot lately. :/ (J)

~Oh, I just felt that Eric shouldn't have that smirk on his face that he had so I wanted to get rid of it and that was the only thing that came to mind. (M)

~Ah, well I'm worried about you. (J)

~Why? (M)

~As I said before you've changed since you've gotten back from being gone that whole week. Did something happen that you didn't tell me about? Since you were gone that week Eric has been more girly and laid back and even really quiet like you used to be and now you are more like what Eric was like. It seems as though you two have switched personalities. (J) 

I just looked at her message. She was right. I was more aggressive, outgoing, demanding, more concerned on how I looked, and even more out with the fact I'm gay. She was right about Eric too. Hes become more laid back, kinder, more caring, quiet, more into his studies and hasn't said anything to anyone about us. 

-I'm the reason.- 

-What do you mean?- I asked my wolf

-Eric was always the Alpha, the really outgoing and dominate one. right?-

-Yea.- I said in confusion.

-Well, that was because as the Alphas son he couldn't show his true self. His wolf isn't the dominate. He's had to lie and fake being the really strong dominate one because he couldn't let everyone walk all over him. The only reason you were the submissive you were was because you didn't have me. I'm the more dominate one the more aggressive one. He was besides him self trying to keep you safe and when he let his guard down that's when Ally decided to do what she did. Now that Eric and his wolf knows that he doesn't have to protect you and knows that you will be there for him hes relaxed and is going back to his true self. That's the point of mates. Knowing that you can be your true self and never having to worry about being shut out, or left. He knows that with you hes protected and so is the rest of the pack. That's why hes become so laid back. He loves and trust you with all his soul.-

-That makes a little bit of sense. But okay.-

~It's because of how our wolfs got paired up. He's fine and so am I. Promise. (M)

~You better not being lying to me. (J)

~I'm not, promise. (M)


~I'll talk to you later I have to get everything set up for the meeting tonight.(M)

~Alright, be careful :* (J)

~Careful is my middle name ;) (M)

I put my phone away and walked into the house. I had a bad feeling as I took the first step in the door. I instantly felt sick. I ran into the bathroom only to just barely make it to the toilet before throwing up. I sat there for a good few minutes until my stomach was completely empty and I was left dry heaving. 

I heard a knock on the bathroom door, and the sound of my mothers voice.

"Matt, you're home early. Is everything okay?"

I dry heaved again and tried to answer. "I'm fine, just felt a bit sick."

"I'll get you some sprite and a piece of toast. Maybe that will help you settle your stomach. You should go up to bed and lay down. I'll bring you up some medicine."

"Thanks mom." I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth. I left the bathroom and headed up to my room. I laid on my bed waiting for my mom to come with the toast and sprite. She knocked on the door then came in.

"I was making grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup for lunch so I just brought you that." 

"Thanks mom." The smell of the food instantly made me feel sick. I jumped up and ran into my bathroom. I started to dry heave again. My mom walked into the bathroom and gave me a concerned look. She put one hand on her hip and the other on her baby bump.

"If I didn't know any better I would say that you are having morning sickness."

"What's that?"

"When a women gets pregnant her sense of smells gets heightened and just about everything makes her feel sick, even if it was once her favorite food."

"Right. Mom, you do know I'm male right?"

"Yes, but you have to think. As a half wolf, being male doesn't mean anything. Both male and female half wolfs can get pregnant when mated with a full wolf to keep the wolf line continuing. It's not a worry though, you and Eric haven't had sex, so it most be a stomach virus." She gave me the knowing look. Sh!t. She knows we had sex the other night. She has to know. I bet she heard us. I wasn't all that quiet. Great.

"Sh!t." I'm now sitting in front of the toilet on my knees with my hands on my face. I look up at my mom who is still giving me the all knowing mom look. "Mom, I think I might be pregnant."

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