Ink Me Insane (Book One)

By Inked_Insane

114K 7K 3.2K

For Rene Sparks, it all began with some ink and a knife. Two dragons, one black, the other one white, appeare... More

Before you read
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Author's Note and Acknowledgements
Character Interview
Book Two
The Future


2.9K 191 43
By Inked_Insane

Now there are many times of explosions. Big ones, small ones, ones that make a lot of noise and those that are all flash. From there one delves into the degree of heat, blast radius etcetera. Just goes to prove that you need to be an expert to blow something up properly. Luckily for Lora, Rene had some experience.

Rene strummed her fingers lazily on the armrests of the ever so familiar chairs in Miss Rachel's office. She did this so often she was slightly surprised there wasn't permanent indents within them. Then again that might suggest she was in here too often. Rene kept a calm demeanor letting her inner fuse crackle its way along to the bomb. She was in no rush. The spark had already been ignited with the sealing of her deal with Lora. The explosion, aka episode, would come when the time was right. See all the angles, all the players, all the outcomes and above all play the game to survive.

Rene cocked her head inspecting Miss Rachel more carefully. She was unsettled slightly with how calm she was. Miss Rachel was typing away on a laptop today, rather unusual in itself. The asylum tended to remain old fashion with most things, using instead paper reports and whatnot. Why waste good money to buy fancy electronics for taking care of a bunch of crazies right? The repeated tapping of the keys was starting to grate her.

"Miss Rachel?" she ventured softly, "I don't mean to speak out of turn but with everything that happened I was really hoping to discuss and get it off my chest." Translation let's get this crap over with before Rene starts hitting people.

The laptop clipped shut loudly as Miss Rachel slammed the lid. It was an incredibly purposefully action and spoke volumes of not just her annoyance with Rene. Miss Rachel was definitely up to something. The question remained though of what exactly. Despite this unwelcome turn, Rene felt more at ease than she had in days. Her life may have returned to the chaotic walk between sanity and madness, but it was a walk she knew. In a way, the rocking back and forth over the line was a well practiced dance albeit a dangerous one. Rene hummed strumming her fingers to the tune of her own mind. Yes, this was a game she understood and, perhaps most frighteningly, her favorite way to play it.

"Now Rene," and here it comes "I'm sure by now you understand the seriousness of all this. Attacking a fellow student, breaking out of the self reflection room" *cough, Pit ,cough* "These are very horrendous mistakes that cannot be so easily forgiven." Miss Rachel's voice was even with a finality of sentencing a criminal to their death. Gets one right in the  feels.

"True," Rene replied spinning each word carefully, "However, at the moment anyway, they are all just accusations from Kristy."

"And from the guards."

"And from some guards," Rene replied calmly.

Miss Rachel leaned back and peaked her fingers. She'd probably make a great old-fashion movie villain, the kind who always wrung their hands together. "Some guards," Miss Rachel acknowledged it almost bitterly. "The fact remains this does not look promising of improvement. We had a deal Rene."

Rene pondered while mockingly copying the steepling by Miss Rachel. Lora had guaranteed her safety from the chair, but she had also told her to keep things straight forward concerning the Kristy incident. Logically speaking, it would take Lora time to set up this new game they were playing. So when it came down to it, this wasn't necessarily a moment for trouble or even sucking up. It was more a matter of playing the waiting game, of stalling to set up the pieces. Rene closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her current role was clear and definitely annoying. Rene was never one for patience, but the path was obvious. Still, she smiled, she could give it her own personal twist and get something out of the situation. It was good to be back.

She intertwined her fingers and laid her hands flat allowing her elbows to rest gently of the arms of the chair. "In that case, what happens now? Normally I'd tell you exactly what happened during the episode. All the details of how Kristy started the fight during free period and came to finish the job later while I was in the pit. I'd tell you all about how I was such a good crazy that didn't kill her even though I had the chance and she obviously wanted to kill me first. I'd even go on about how I waited patiently for the guards instead of trying to make a run for it. But," Rene paused "you don't care about that or me even. You're actually probably a bit disappointed that Kristy didn't snuff me out when she had the opportunity. As far as I'm concerned you've written me off a long time ago, let's be honest for once, which basically makes the facts of the situation irrelevant."

"My aren't we the little detective." Miss Rachel seethed.

"On the contrary, I'm just stating the obvious. An observation that I have willfully ignored because I didn't want to believe that I had been truly deemed lost by a place such as this and by people who are far more twisted than I could ever manage."

"You little..."

Rene cut her off with a wave of her hand. She really wasn't in the mood. "Calling me names isn't going to do anything expect piss me off, which I highly condemn. Up until now, I've honestly been holding back. I had other things and people to worry about, but I've come to realize that this is an all or nothing game. All bets are off. Besides, I find I'm getting bored here and I'm tired of trying to be your definition of normal. I think it's time I had some real fun." Rene leaned forward in her seat tilting her head and smirking lightly, "So again I'll ask, what happens next?"

Miss Rachel was boiling, her face a rose in bloom. It probably wasn't often that a member of the asylum had the crazy necessary to call her out on her crap, not only that but also say she wanted them dead. This wasn't just standing up and causing trouble for the sake of trouble. Rene hadn't done it to make Miss Rachel angry and push her buttons for giggles. Rene had purposefully constructed her side of the conversation to get results. She needed information and this flustered state she had forced Miss Rachel into was her best chance of her slipping up. Despite everything that this woman was just under the surface, Miss Rachel took pride in her facade. She wanted the patients to think of her as the kind, motherly therapist who had their interests at heart. She wanted to be hailed the conquering hero, genius who guided lost souls back to sanity. Miss Rachel's true motives were often unclear. She, a master of the masquerade, was able to hide the manipulating shrew she was from the outside world. However, Rene had long since stopped trusting appearances. She knew better than to think that flowers meant a pleasant fragrance.

Now what? One heartbeat, two, three...

"Rene," The word came out short and rolling with emotion.


"Rene, you want to know what happens next?" Miss Rachel threw back her head and laughed hard, "What happens next you stupid, worthless piece of crap? You are going to get exactly what you deserved which is two steel rods in your brain and a good frying."

Rene smiled leaning her head on one hand. "How pleasant. I'd be careful though your madness is showing. Keep this up and you'll be getting fried with me."

Miss Rachel slammed her fists on the desk. She stood up, her entire body was raking with anger. "I can't wait to pull that switch you self-righteous, diluted nut. When I'm done with you there will be nothing but an empty husk and that's when things get really good. You're going to be mine."

Rene glanced in the mirror on the wall. She could partially see the door in its reflection. How much time did she have left? Focus. She rolled her eyes back at Miss Rachel and fluttered them. "Oh Miss Rachel, you want me to be yours? I had no idea you had such strong feelings for me. I'm touched." She laid her hand over her heart ever so gently. Well time for crap to really hit the fan.

Rene moved her head to the left as she felt a notebook fly past her face. The force caused a slight breeze swaying her hair. "If it was up to me you'd be dead, you hear me? Buried in the ground six feet under," Miss Rachel chuckled darkly, "I bet no one would even care. Just one day poof you're gone and it'd be like you were never even here on the Earth."

Rene raised an eyebrow. She had no doubt that there was an easy enough way to organize an unfortunate accident for Rene: too much electricity in the chair, an overdose, or perhaps even an assumed suicide. All situations had happened at the asylum. Very rarely yes and immediately "remedied" afterwards, still putting Rene in the ground wasn't unrealistic. Like Miss Rachel said, who would miss one more crazy in a handful of them. There certainly would not be anyone coming for her. So why not? What did she mean it wasn't up to her? Rene closed her eyes contemplating. "You know Miss Rachel. I can see it."

Miss Rachel deadpanned. "Don't lie to me." she hissed. "You're pulling at straws in a desperate attempt to save your pathetic mind."

Rene slowly opened her eyes calmly meeting Miss Rachel's. Eyes were the windows to the soul, so goes the saying. So while Rene's own madness could no doubt be seen when she gazed at others, it was not her crazy that reflected back at her from Miss Rachel.

"I can see it Miss Rachel." She spun her inner game, "There are players I'm missing. Someone wants me alive besides myself. Someone who doesn't necessarily care in what condition that comes which begs the question of what they want me for. But at the moment that is a gloss over new condition. The more important part I've learned from your little lapse of control is that this person has more power than you, a king per se. You don't dare go against them whether out of fear or respect." Rene hummed musing while Miss Rachel visibly paled, "Yes Miss Rachel, I can see the chinks in your armor, the holes in your strategy. One just needs to know how to take advantage of them."

Miss Rachel looked about ready to faint now. The anger had ebbed away like the tide. What an interesting development, so it was fear then that held her back. Always a good motivator fear. It helped control the students at the asylum and apparently it was also a driving force within the faculty.  So many thoughts bombarded Rene, unfortunately none seemed particularly useful at the moment. She needed to get away from prying eyes. She needed time for processing and resetting her game. A new player deemed a new foe and not just any foe, they were a king. A loud squeak interrupted her thoughts. 

She wiped her head around to see Lora carefully stepping in. Lora's gray eyes absorbed everything from the disheveled Miss Rachel to Rene's stoic appearance. She cleared her throat. "Miss Rachel?"

Miss Rachel blinked emerging through a fog of stupor and fear. The mask slipped back into place. "Hello, Ms. Caboda isn't it? Glad you made it, you're the one who addressed this episode of Rene's correct?"

"Yes Miss Rachel. I'm here to report in for on file."

"Good, perfect." Miss Rachel straightened her glasses on her nose back in character. "That'll be all Rene."

Rene stood up carefully. She glanced in the mirror again to meet Lora's eyes and received the slightest of nods in affirmation. With that, Rene strolled out casually. No there was no rush, she had just won the round after all.

Rene laid in her bed staring at nothing, well nothing physical anyway. Her mind was miles deep in itself. What happens next? The question was never answered. In theory, Rene would wreak havoc in the asylum while avoiding electric shock therapy and then bring it down from the inside with Lora's help. Such a nice little story and plan it was. The daring heroine, Lora, and her quirky sidekick, Rene, would save the world one corrupted crazy place at a time. Defending those who couldn't do so themselves or some dramatic crap like that. However, it was never that simple was it. Sure Rene could buy into this adventure and give it her all, but the odds were against them. Not only that but the quirky sidekick usually ended up getting the short of the stick. You know dead, injured, or something similar to help pull at the heartstrings of the audience. Considering the fact this was the real world and Rene's luck basically ranged between zilch and in the crap hole, she didn't have much hope for a happy ending for herself. Still, it was better than doing nothing right?

Rene sighed and placed her arm over her face trying to block out the world. Rene reached up and ran her a hand through her hair. She could imagine the inked vines twined within her hair prickling her fingers, even if that was impossible. Her thoughts were so jumbled; she needed to pull it together.

"Rene!" a high pitch voice squealed.

Rene couldn't help the grunt as a weight literally flung itself onto her stomach. She slowly lowered her arm to gaze at Cassie's pink blob. She was clinging to Rene in a vice grip and sobbing? Rene reached out and patted Cassie's head awkwardly. Sometimes it was easy to forget she wasn't the only who cared if she was alive and present. Cassie peeled herself off Rene and shifted to kneel down right in front of Rene's face. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Rene tried to smile encouragingly, but her mind was still trying to dig out of itself.

Cassie frowned for a second before forcing a smile and wiping the tears away with the back of her hand. "I'm really happy to here that. Danny and I were going nuts worrying about you!"

"More so than normal?"

Cassie laughed and flicked her forehead. She quickly somber though, "Seriously though Rene, when Michael told us what happened I thought you were a goner for sure."

Rene shrugged rolling away from the overly anxious look on Cassie's face. It made her insides get knotted up knowing how much trouble she had caused them. She never wanted to be the cause of their pain. "It's not a big deal. It'll take more than Kristy to bring me down." She muttered dishearteningly.

Cassie grabbed her shoulder and forcefully made her face her again. "Don't say that. This is bad. I heard that guards were called down to the pit and that there was blood down there. What exactly happened Rene?"Cassie inquired.

Rene blinked at the question. What had happened? She had almost died and then somehow struck a deal with a guard to start a vendetta against the asylum in exchange for the minds of herself and her friends. No matter how good the gossip mill seemed to plow along at the asylum, there was no way it knew all that. The truth was too crazy. Besides with Kristy no doubt leaking her version out, the odds of anyone would believing Rene were slim. Well, that wasn't true some people would believe her. One such person was gazing at her so intently with concern right now that it hurt. How was she supposed to tell Cassie the truth? Cassie would flip if she knew that Rene was risking herself for her sake, Danny as well. Cassie deserved the truth though, at least some of it.

"Michael came and visited me at the pit for some time. After Michael left for the night, I woke up to Kristy trying to break into the pit. She must have got the keys from one of the guards cause she got in easily. She came in cornering me and tried to kill me with a knife." Cassie's gasp made her pause. Cassie's eyes watered again but she just nodded for Rene to continue. She sighed, "We fought and I got lucky. I managed catch her by surprise and over power her. I locked her in the pit and then the guards came. We both got interrogated; however, for now anyway, I think it's over. I'm not necessarily in trouble as far as I can tell or something would have already happened."

"Rene this isn't," Cassie's lip quivered. She shook her head and set a determined look on her face. "Rene this isn't good, could be worse. We'll get through this together like always right?"

She held out a fist her petite face lit up with a victorious smile for a battle just beginning. Rene couldn't help but smile at the optimism and fire. She tapped her fist lightly against Cassie's. "Yeah together."

Cassie grinned and rocked back onto her heels before standing up. She stretched causing joints to pop. Cassie always loved cracking her bones. She thought the sound of air bubbles bursting was, how did she put it, an energizing reminder she was alive. Rene was pretty sure she just enjoyed the mixed reactions of surprise and disgust whenever she did it. It was cute and weird wrapped into one. It was very Cassie.

Cassie turned to go into the bathroom. She paused in the frame and gripped it tightly. "Rene?" Cassie's voice came out softly.

Rene hummed in response waiting.

"You'd tell me wouldn't you? If something was really going on. I know you're a private person and everything, but you can't take on the world by yourself nor should you have to. So if something is wrong you'll tel me right?" Cassie didn't face Rene. Rene's chest tightened again, she knew why. Cassie didn't want to see the lie coming, she knew Rene was hiding something.

"Of course."

Cassie nodded and shut the door gently behind her. Rene sighed drifting back down, down into her darkness. No she probably couldn't take the world on by herself, but she refused to let her friends suffer it with her. Not with something like this. There was more at risk here than winning. The game had changed and if by some miracle this worked out, Danny and Cassie would be able to not only survive but live.

Two voices inside her head

One deranged mother free

One confusing new player

One heroine ally

One moving tattoo

Fifteen various other inks

Two dragon tattoos with scarred outlines

One psycho, grim reaper's bestie

Numerous other death wishers

One mysterious, kingly foe pulling at unknown strings to counter her every move.

The game had changed. New rules, but a re-visitation of an old strategy with let's say an extra spark. She would not bring the others crashing down with her. The darkness would be hers alone to survive. So what happens next?

Tick, tick...boom.

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