
By shiningpolaris

328 47 0

- Harry Potter Fanfiction: Draco Malfoy - We all have fears. Some have of closes places, some of creatures th... More

Parchment 1: Reoccuring Dream and Lightning
Parchment 3: End if the Rail and The Sorting Hat
Parchement 4: Slytherin House
Parchment 5: Bruised Knuckle For A Bad Reason
Parchment 6: Fathers First Letter
Parchement 7: Potions Featuring My Annoying Partner
Parchment 8: Dumbledore Can Keep Secrets?
Parchment 9: Mavis Ol-Tell
Parchment 10: Quidditch Try Outs
Parchment 11: Malfoy's Mother and an Unexpected Guest
Parchment 12: Doulde Trouble P
Parchment 13: Dragon Egg
Parchment 14: Training Him
Parchment 15: Granger Girl and the Rude Painting
Parchment 16: Hatched and Blood
Parchment 17: Hogsmeade
Parchment 18: Sphinx Whisker?
Parchment 19: Visitor
Parchment 20: Warning
Parchment 21: "What Will Someone Like You Do."
Parchment 22: Mudblood
Parchment 23: Rencounter
Parchment 24: After Effects
Parchment 25: Draco's and Pansy's Act
Parchment 26: Evening Before Summer
Parchment 27: Rough Night
Parchment 28: 'Home'
Parchment 29: Theresa, Mason and Him
Parchement 30: Mother
Parchment 31: We Own Horses?
Parchment 32: "But It Has Mine,"
Parchment 33: Back, but Not Normal
Parchment 34: Draco Meets Jasper
Parchment 35: Grudge
Parchment 36: Gone
Parchment 37: End of Fifth Year
Parchment 38: Family with a Guest
Parchment 39: Sharing Pain
Parchment 40: Drawn In and Escape
Parchment 41: Lily
Parchment 42: Familiar Face
Parchment 43: Flint
Parchment 44: Awkward Table Conversation
Parchment 45: Catching Up
Parchment 46: Unwanted Company
Parchment 47: Bus Ride
Parchment 48: Morning Post
Quick Note

Parchment 2: Train Station and Playform 9 3/4 with a Red Head

21 1 0
By shiningpolaris

"Oi! Watch where---oh wow.." a light blush falls on his face, I just rub my eyes holding in the tears. I can't show weakness.

"S-sorry.." I whisper, standing up quickly getting my luggage together. The red haired boy grabs my other things, Corral's cage, though she never uses it, and a few of Drew's toys that fell out.

"You have two pets? Isn't that not accepted at Hogwarts?" I shrug my shoulders and pick up all my baggage, the red haired boy helps me by leading me closer to the line.

"Here, I'll help you to 9 3/4, since that's where you're going," I nod my head and we step up to the line, he points to the other kids that are getting on to the train, a hand goes on my shoulder, making me jump.

"Now, do you trust me?" he asks, I scrunch my eyebrows, confused by his question. I just ran into him, his fault or not, he's asking if I trust him now?

"What?" he gives a smile and grabs my hand.

"Do you trust me?" before I was able to answer, he pulls me, along with my baggage not on to the train, but into a wall. I clutch his clothes around his neck for dear life. My eyes shut and shaking, as our feet land on solid ground, that is moving.

We are on a train.

"Hey, we're here, and I've got to go meet my other, see you later!" he says smiling and running off, I stand there in silence. Well, okay, um, that was short and sweet, I guess.

Walking down the hall, I look into the small rooms trying to find an empty one. Most of them were full of kids, or teens. But no matter what we are all heading towards one destination.


I find an open room and slide in, having my baggage put on the top level. Sitting down on the seat, of course, I find myself staring out the window. The station slowly going away, like an old life to a new life. Sighing I let Drew come to me, laying down on my legs he purrs loudly, giving some company at least.

The loud chattering outside is giving me a headache, I guess it wasn't just the chatter, it was being in my silence while others were having fun. I glance out the curtain, seeing many kids rushing up and down finding their friends.


What are friends when all they do is leave? Monsters never have any friends, no matter how they look or act, people are scared by them no matter what. There's no changing that, though...

I wish there was..


There comes a light rap on the door, Drew's ears shoot up and he turns his head quickly. There seems to be someone at the door or the entrance to the cave..

"Come in.." I squeak, the door opens, I see the flash of red and a beaming smile. But what's different is there's two, twice as much.

"Hey! I'm Fred!" one of them jumps, I raise my eyebrow at this. I don't know him, his voice is off. There was something just a hair different.

"Oi Fred, why did you move in so quickly, you'll make her confused," Fred gives a long frown.

"But George.."

"No, Fred."

"Okay.." the one called Fred gets up, as the one that I know, George, sits across from me. Fred sits next to him of course. Then I get what he meant by confused, they are twins, basically exact but it's the voices that change it.

"Sorry for suddenly leaving a first year alone, I was looking after my own brother that's in the same year as you. You can't miss him, his name is Ron Weasley."

"R-Ron? George, and Fred. Weasley." I say being unsure about this, the twins just coming in and telling me about themselves, okay then..

"Yep! Ron!" Fred says happily. I give a small smile and they both give me a mile wide smiles back. "We got her to smile!" George nods his head and another knock on the door comes. How many are going to come?

We all look at the door, there stands a girl, she's about my age, long curly hair, hate to see it in a frizzy mess, with brown eyes. Over all, really pretty.

"I'm Hermione Granger! I'm looking for a cabin, but, I'll leave you three alone, you seem busy at the moment." With that, she was gone. Drew lets out a long yawn and curls back on my lap, Corral flies over to Fred and stares at him.

"Well, Corral hasn't done that before," I give a whistle and Corral flies back, she turns her head around and flaps her wings, "she only does that me, so I guess she likes you.." Fred smiles and jumps up and down in his seat.

"Someone or something finally likes you, Fred," George says with a huge smirk on his face, Fred crosses his arms over his chest and puffs his cheeks.

"I'll get you back George, I promise I will!" Fred storms out of the cabin and George follows him, giving a small apology then leaves.

That's all that happens, no one else barged in, or made very loud noises. I assume everyone found their seat, with their friends or siblings..

I must say one thing or point out. There's this strange aura, something that stirs me, something off or out of place. It's a good out of place but, what it is, I have not the slightest clue.

Drew's tail starts to whap against my legs, he can feel it too or more like sense it.

This year, it's going to be interesting. Minus the fact that it's my first, just something in the air is unsettling, and I want to know just what it is. But curiosity did kill the cat, they have nine lives at least, being only a myth but..what if it's true.

If myths were real, and what was real or factual actually wasn't.

Corral pulls a few hairs from my silver head, getting me to think about something else. For imagination is short for some, for me, I could do days and days on one subject, or maybe even hours.

Thinking, just thinking..

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