
Od shiningpolaris

327 47 0

- Harry Potter Fanfiction: Draco Malfoy - We all have fears. Some have of closes places, some of creatures th... Více

Parchment 2: Train Station and Playform 9 3/4 with a Red Head
Parchment 3: End if the Rail and The Sorting Hat
Parchement 4: Slytherin House
Parchment 5: Bruised Knuckle For A Bad Reason
Parchment 6: Fathers First Letter
Parchement 7: Potions Featuring My Annoying Partner
Parchment 8: Dumbledore Can Keep Secrets?
Parchment 9: Mavis Ol-Tell
Parchment 10: Quidditch Try Outs
Parchment 11: Malfoy's Mother and an Unexpected Guest
Parchment 12: Doulde Trouble P
Parchment 13: Dragon Egg
Parchment 14: Training Him
Parchment 15: Granger Girl and the Rude Painting
Parchment 16: Hatched and Blood
Parchment 17: Hogsmeade
Parchment 18: Sphinx Whisker?
Parchment 19: Visitor
Parchment 20: Warning
Parchment 21: "What Will Someone Like You Do."
Parchment 22: Mudblood
Parchment 23: Rencounter
Parchment 24: After Effects
Parchment 25: Draco's and Pansy's Act
Parchment 26: Evening Before Summer
Parchment 27: Rough Night
Parchment 28: 'Home'
Parchment 29: Theresa, Mason and Him
Parchement 30: Mother
Parchment 31: We Own Horses?
Parchment 32: "But It Has Mine,"
Parchment 33: Back, but Not Normal
Parchment 34: Draco Meets Jasper
Parchment 35: Grudge
Parchment 36: Gone
Parchment 37: End of Fifth Year
Parchment 38: Family with a Guest
Parchment 39: Sharing Pain
Parchment 40: Drawn In and Escape
Parchment 41: Lily
Parchment 42: Familiar Face
Parchment 43: Flint
Parchment 44: Awkward Table Conversation
Parchment 45: Catching Up
Parchment 46: Unwanted Company
Parchment 47: Bus Ride
Parchment 48: Morning Post
Quick Note

Parchment 1: Reoccuring Dream and Lightning

36 1 0
Od shiningpolaris

Rolling around, the bed sheets all in a mess, constant movement, never a break in the dreams or nightmares that are given or shared. Rising from where I lay, the moon shines through the laced windows.

"It was just that dream.," I mutter to myself, that dream I've been having for quite some time now, it always comes when the worst of worst happens, and today, this was the day my father left, to travel all throughout the world, leaving mother and I. With that, it can be quite the silent house when it's just the two of us, my older brother, Andrew, works abroad also. He isn't moving around as much but its more than what I am doing most definitely. He calls his work helping with the Ministry when it really isn't, at least father doesn't think so.

Father, I don't miss his presence, I sound like a "complaining daughter that doesn't know her place", that is what he always told me. He puts me in a place that's lower than low, why he does this? I'm not quite sure but, I know today will be much different. Or I hope it will be.

There comes a light meow at my door, giving a low grunt a small hole appears and the furball comes up to my face, rubbing my forehead. The loud vibration machine lets out a loud 'raawr', well, at least something knows I'm alive.

"Hey Drew," I say running my hand over his silk fur, he gives a low purr in reply, his ears go up with wide eyes at my window. I turn my attention to what he was looking at, I see Corral, my owl. A bird of pure white feathers, with dark eyes that seemed endless. She lands next to me I see the letters in her beak. Picking it up I see the familiar handwriting of my brother and father.

Let's see, start with the bad news or the good, I'd rather read my fathers first instead. Turning on the light next to me, the dark blue ink that was written out in cursive.


Today, at the station, on your way to Hogwarts, make sure you don't mess up, keep your head up and remember to get into a good house, don't get into a house that may give you a bad reputation, for you are the son that we weren't able to have, this is on your shoulders. Do not fail me.

Giving a light laugh I sigh heavily, father never really did care for me like a father should have. He gave me responsibility after responsibly and they added up quickly. Am I able to keep up with them? Or not. Depends on the task.

Now, let's move to something that is normally more exciting and not as heavy.

Hey, Nebula!

Today is the day! Make it great! And tell the lady that brings the food on the cart, 'frogiza and beanboogie' and hopefully she will remember second and third year me and connect the dots. But seriously, have fun, have a lot of fun, Hogs is a whole new world and its great, you will love it.. I promise. And when you're on the train get to know some people, I know it's hard for you to do that but stretching yourself proves that you are trying to change and improve. Hogs changed me for the best and I know it will change you too, love you girl. Keep your head high and show them what you've got!


PS, with the Sorting, no matter what house you go into I'll always be on your side and the house will have yours, and go have fun with other houses too, there is nothing as too much fun at Hogs.. :)

Reading letters from my older brother always made me feel like flying and doing the impossible, he was the only one who stayed by my side and didn't act like I was invisible. Unlike everyone else in my family. Since apparently, I was the "mistake child". I was supposed to be a guy, be the next leader along side with my brother, but, I wasn't. I can't do much about it, besides do it and not have recognition, for there are females involved by my father just doesn't do anything about it.

Placing the letters back in the envelope and pull out my typewriter, I like using this, it's much better, at least that's what I think. It calms me down and helps me relax. There is just something about clicks and dings that help me. Or else I'm thinking it's like water, constantly falling harder and faster. But whatever the case, I sit down and start to type my reply, since it's way too early to be getting up and moving around. Mum isn't a morning person, no one is, besides me. Getting up early isn't too hard for me, just give me an alarm and I'm fine.

Starting my letter I hear the door close outside, neighbor must be back from a heavy run, don't blame him, things have been odd..

Clouds and unnatural weather patterns, we've been having very violent lightning storms for about a week straight, and the week before that it was constant heat, now it is August but, I've never seen this kind of weather before.

There suddenly comes a huge and loud crash of lightning, making me, well, scream very loudly. I'm terrified of lightning, why I am, I'm not sure but I jump up knocking both me and the chair backward.

"Well, that most definitely will be bruise," I mumble, a quiet knock comes against my door. This is coming from only one person.

"Your mother requests that you stay in bed Nebula, she doesn't want you moving around too much," our house elf, Carrie, says through the door.

"Yes, I will, sorry Carrie.." I say back to her, Carries light feet take her away back to her own home. During one summer my older brother and I made a house for her, it was our gift to her since she is always doing things for us.

Today is going to be a long day, another flash of lightning comes, my reaction is jumping into my bed shaking.

'Calm down Nebula, it's just,' lightning illuminates the room with the sound of a crack, breaking the dark sky, 'it's just lightning, it can't hurt you..' Andrew makes it sound so much easier. To add he is there when he says this but, he isn't here, no one is. I'm here, alone.

Just a monster in the shadows, too scared to show themselves in the light, and show the weaknesses I hide. I just can't.


Walking back and forth at the station I see all other kids my age, with their parents and other relatives, then you have me: short girl with long, straight white hair that's at her waist, not to add, by herself.

"Platform 9 3/4, that's where I get on, that's what Andrew told me," there suddenly comes a collision with another, knocking both of us on the floor. My baggage flew away from me, holding my head I open one eye to see the red hair. He's older than me, but not by a lot...

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