love or lust | jg & cd

By gracefuldallas

78.5K 1.6K 859

in which a girl finally meets her brother's friends and falls for two of them; attracted to one emotionally... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18

Ch. 19

1.4K 42 27
By gracefuldallas

Sydney POV

"Who said you can't find love in the club? Cause I wanna tell them they're wrong. Come on, just, baby, try a new thing, and let's spark a new flame." Chris Brown is that you?

My eyes open groggily to a blurry view of my dark bedroom. The melody of New Flame blasts downstairs, bumping it's beat through my floorboards. I don't understand the boys's constant need to blare their music throughout the entire house, especially when others are attempting to get some shut eye. I'll have a word with them later.

I sit up from my bed after Chris Brown finally dies down and is replaced by The Weeknd, finally ready to face whatever today is going to throw in my face. Wow I need to pee.

A remove myself from the mound of a duvet that I was previously buried in, and pad silently toward the bathroom. On my way, I pass my dresser, and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror that sits above it. The eyes that stare back into my own aren't puffy or red in the slightest, like they should be due to my nonstop crying. I'm actually wearing makeup that I don't remember applying. I'm clad in my old white and grey baseball tee paired with black leggings. I frown. I don't remember sleeping in this. And I grew out of this shirt a year ago. My reflection shows me, just a version that I haven't seen since I went to that party with Matthew. I shiver as goosebumps prick up on my arms and shake the thought from my head.

As I finally reach the bathroom door, something peculiar is brought to my attention. The door is locked, and loud, throaty moans can be heard from the outside. Who would be in my bathroom? Are the boys throwing a party?

I bang my fist hard on the white stained wood and wait for the shame-filled faces of the culprits. Instead of showing themselves, someone, who I assume is the male, gives an urgent shush to the girl who's with him and they banter back and forth in whispery tones. I groan. What does a girl have to do to go pee around here?

The last thing I want to do is leave my room, but it looks like there's no other option besides peeing on my own bedroom floor. Or maybe I'd have the decency to do it in the closet. Who knows.

As I grasp my door handle I blow air through my parted lips. After my break down I'm not ready to face any of the boys, especially now that Matt tossed my secret out there like meat to stray dogs. They ate it up; it's not something they're going to forget soon.

I'm not the type to favor pity either. It sucks. After the incident first happened of course I wanted my brother to be there for me and everything but I wasn't hoping for him to feel bad for me. I just wanted support from him. There's a big difference.

The door knob suddenly turns in my grasp and my bedroom door is thrusted open, sending my body sprawling backwards. I let out a yelp as my butt hits the floor with a thud. Shortly after, a couple engaged in a heated make out session pushes their way into my bedroom, completely oblivious of my presence. I watch in horror as they migrate towards my bed, and slowly fall back onto my duvet, their mouths never leaving each other's.

"Seriously?" I tell over the music.

They both simply raise their heads and peer at me over the duvet, then go back to passing each others STDs around like a ball on my pingpong table of a bed.

Thoroughly bemused and disgusted, I push myself up off of the floor and exit my room. The throbbing sensation returns to my body reminding me that I have to pee.

My anger returns just as quickly though, as I round the corner out of the dark hallway, and peer down the stairs. Red cups, labeled brown bottles, and cans of all sorts litter the floor, couches, and tables. And so do people. So many people.

A guy with a familiar mop of brown curls atop his head pushes past me on his way up the stairs, hitting my shoulder on the way by. Me not being in a very good mood as it is, shoves his shoulder with mild force. "Excuse you!"

"Hey, whatever. I'm sorry man." The guy turns to face me and I look briefly into his eyes before continues on to wherever he was headed.

"Skate?" I ask incredulously. How the hell is he here? I haven't seen him since Matt and I left; miss that kid like crazy.

The guy keeps walking, ignoring my demand for his attention and rounds the corner into the hallway that I came from. I speed up, my pace almost matched with his, the party's music still filling my ears. I reach for his shoulder, "hey Skate it's m-"

A hand wraps in a tight grip around my wrist, and before I can get Skate to look at me, the hand yanks me back with violent force.

"Hey! Let go!" I wrench my arm free of their touch until I'm grabbed yet again, this time more forcefully. There's no time to catch a glimpse of my captor before I'm pulled with such fury into the desolate surroundings of one of the boys's rooms because my head flies back from the force of the pull.

Two hands shove me forward, showing no mercy to my aching neck from the previous assault. I stumble forward into the room, and the shaft of light pouring in from the hallway shrinks into a sliver before it's gone. That's when I hear the lock click.

My arm hairs rise to a standing position and I back up stumbling over jeans and empty tubes of deodorant before I fall back onto a bed. Smells like hollister; must be in Taylor's room. I scramble back into the corner of the bed, farthest from who ever decided to lock me in here with them, and wait.

I widen my eyes, rubbing them furiously when I still cannot see a thing. Finally my eyes adjust and I see a tall, male figure stalking toward the window. His silhouette  grabs onto the curtains, one fisted into each of his hands, before he suddenly speaks. "Hello Sydney, how have you been? I haven't seen you in some time, considering our last meeting led to me not being able to see at all thanks to your brother."

He tears the curtains open. The moonlit night sky casts a pale light onto his face, and venom into his eyes, and my body instantly begins to convulse. Tears brim my eyes as I spring  off of the bed. I rush to the door, slamming into it in the process and blindly feel for the stubby lock on the door. There isn't a lock. How could he lock it? Why won't it open?

I continuously jiggle the knob, pounding on the door for someone, anyone to hear my desperate pleas.

A strangled sob leaves my throat as he spins me around, and pushes his veiny hands right where they fit around my neck. He slams me to the door, his grip on my life slowly becoming tighter.

"Going so soon, love? I thought the party was just beginning."

I claw anomalistically at his fingers trying to free myself from death's grasp, but I can feel my energy draining at an alarmingly rapid pace. Black spots invade the corners of my vision, dancing and jumping before my swollen eyes. Through my tears, I can see his sickeningly satisfied expression.

"I never got what I wanted that night, but you're getting what you deserve, stupid bitch." He grunts.

With one final forceful heave of his strength upon my windpipe, he squeezes and I hear some very distant pops and cracks. His malevolent smile fades as I fall to the floor, my eyes rolling back into my head allowing me to float into an endlessly black oblivion of nothingness.

"Sydney! Sydney! Wake up!"

My eyes fly open and I find myself in a pool of my own sweat and tears. Salty tears race down the curve of my cheeks and they burn upon my chapped lips.
I wipe my forehead, clad with moisture with my clammy, shaking fingers. I'm still in my bed. There's no party. No music. No Chris.

But there is Cameron.

Towering over me, stands a boy of whom I probably wouldn't recognize if it hadn't been for the electrical tingling that his touch is sending through my skin where his hands rest upon my damn shoulders. He's dressed in a white Teeshirt and some plain charcoal boxers, rumpled from sleep and his lack of patients for the dryer. His hair is out of control, hairs curling onto his cheeks. He looks like he came straight from bed.

"It was C-Chris. He-he tried to kill me and we were at a party and he was choking m-me and-" I stammer, tripping and stumbling over my own words.

"Shhhh, it was just a dream. Oh my god are you okay?"

That's all it took for the tears to start flowing again. He pulls me by my shoulders into his warm embrace, scooping me into his arms and cradling me like a baby. I sob into his shirt allowing the material to stick to his skin from my tears.

I release the fistful of his teeshirt that I grabbed along the way and sniffle, silence overtaking us.

He walks us over to the bathroom, which doesn't actually have a horny couple in it, and places me gently on the counter. He rests his hands on either of my thighs.

"How did you get into my room?" I murmur.

"I heard you screaming so I climbed out of my window and walked across the slant of the house until I got to yours." His voice deepens as sleepiness creeps into his tone and suddenly I want him to speak again.

All I can manage is a nod. I can't fathom his motives behind helping me. He's been completely ignoring my presence for the past week, popping in when he feels the need to and leaving just as quickly. Why doesn't he like me? Why doesn't he care for me in the way that I care for him?

"What?" Shit.

"Did I say that out loud?" I sniffle. He slowly nods as if still comprehending my words from only seconds ago.

"You think I don't care?" He whispers dubiously. When I summon the bravery to look into his eyes, I see that they're angry. His brows scrunch together, and I brace myself for him to yell at me; to leave me here. But instead, he completely blindsides me and tugs at my shirt.

Not only does he tug on it, but he slips his fingers beneath it, taking its hem between his fingers and helping the shirt up my body.

"Cameron, what's going on?" I breath, extra rasp attaching itself to my tone.

He says nothing as he continues removing my shirt until he's pulled it up and over my arms. He lets his hands fall to my hips where he traces small circles into the skin there. He dips his head into my neck and his first kiss lands deliciously upon my collarbone. The familiar tingling sensation trailing along my chest and neck with his plump lips. Then, pulling me to the edge of the counter top he fits himself between my legs.

His lips find themselves pressing tender kisses onto my shoulders and stomach, and I finally find my voice again. "What are you doing?" My words come out throaty and lustful. I mentally scold myself, but I cannot resist melting beneath his touch.

"You don't know how much I care about you," he kissed my neck, "so I'm proving it to you. Treating you how a man should."

His soft tongue skims along my neck in the most sensual way and he finally pulls back and looks into my eyes. He kisses a tear off of my chin. My cheeks, a burning shade of pink, and my body say ablaze by his touch, are kissed, and next he kisses the corners of my mouth.

I can feel his hot breath fanning on my lips; just one slight movement and our mouths are on each others. He places his thumb and forefinger under my chin, tilting my head up.

His eyes meet mine again, and an odd silence surrounds us, like the moment when you've already seen the lightning but you're waiting for the thunder.

One Mississippi. Two Mississippi.

BANG! The thunder clapped and his lips molded with mine. It's like he stole my breath, then gave it right back in one big rush. His hand sneaks behind my neck and I lose my fingers in that hair of his. His other hand presses into the small of my back, ensuring that our bodies are flush against each other's. His teeth skim against, then bite my lower lip and I gasp, giving him access to the inside of my mouth. Our tongues meet each other like magnets of opposite charge. He massages my tongue with his while I melt in his arms, enjoying his taste.

All the kisses I've ever had have been so so terribly God-awful and now,  I realize that's because they weren't with Cameron. Kissing him is like being plugged into an electrical outlet and feeling totally energized. He makes me feel hot all over. He makes me feel alive.

We're kissing hard now. His lips detach from mine and reattach themselves to my neck as I pull his white shirt up over his torso. I run my fingertips over his chiseled abdomen admiring how they marvelously glisten in the light. My hands roam over his torso while his run through my tangled blonde hair. We kiss feverishly and with such passion that when he presses a final kiss to my lips, we're both panting. My lips mirror his, swollen and red.

The silent agreement lingers in the air that we aren't having sex tonight. I don't think my body could handle it emotionally, and who's to say how Cameron will feel after the sun rises.

I lean into him, my forehead pressing against his. "What time is it?"

"Time for bed." He looks at me sleepily. He scoops me up from the counter top and into his arms once again before walking to my bed. He lies me down as if I'm a glass China doll about to break, and to my dismay, starts to walk away.

"I'm gonna, uh...-" he jabs his thumb behind him. He stalks into the bathroom and I can't help the Cheshire-cat smile and the raging blush that spreads across my face when he turns to close the bathroom door and I see that his member is awake and happy to see me in his boxers.

Thoughts of what he's occupying himself with in that bathroom cloud my mind as he returns. He crawls behind me into my own bed, and thankfully does nothing to acknowledge the fact that my bed is still slightly damp. Instead he pulls me flush to his naked chest and wraps his arms around me, resting his chin on the crown of my head.

I know I won't be getting much sleep tonight, but I did gain some hope in the ever flowering relationship between Cameron and I. I just hope the morning begins as good as tonight has ended.

As I close my eyes, attempting to summon sleep to myself, Cameron mumbles, "if only Jack could've kept his fucking hands to himself."


A/N: HELLO ALL OF YOU BEAUTIFUL PPL!!! I'm not sure if any of you still have this book in your library or if you even care, but here's a chapter I have had written for a really long time lol. I completely forgot about this story (and this app tbh) but I'm working on it! also lol okay guys they need a ship name!!!! kinda short, but sentimental (ew lol) anyways, I started another story called SHOW ME if y'all wanna check it, IMO it's wayyyy better than this one

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