Werewolf Academy

By MartinaLouis

3.3M 99.7K 17.6K

Brylee Cunnings has a secret that only a handful of people know. If word ever goes out to whom she really is... More

Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Werewolf Academy//Chapter Thirty
Werewolf Academy - Chapter Thirty-One
Werewolf Academy - Chapter Thirty Two
Werewolf Academy - Chapter 33
Werewolf Academy - Chapter 34
Werewolf Academy - Chapter 35
Werewolf Academy - Chapter 36
Werewolf Academy - Chapter 38
Werewolf Academy - Chapter 39
Werewolf Academy - Chapter 40
Werewolf Academy - Chapter 41
Werewolf Academy - Chapter 42
Werewolf Academy - Chapter 43 (Part I)

Werewolf Academy - Chapter 37

18.9K 651 158
By MartinaLouis

Werewolf Academy – Chapter 37

This apparently is the last day. Tomorrow is Maddox's birthday and all I'm thinking about is how I will prepare this small gathering between us and his father. It's not a big celebration but I know how much meaningful it will be to Maddox. He did say that he cared about the both of us the most and I wanted to make him the happiest person today.

As usual he's mourning to himself. I can't help but feel sad. I seem to think that I cannot make him a happier person.

It's harder to wake him up today. I'm thinking that he's probably tired from our yesterday's activity. We all ended up having a great time with each other. We came home late after midnight because they showcased some fireworks before the fair ended. Maddox wanted to go home early but I refused, he'd go mourning once again.

I was starting to think it was becoming a daily basis for him.

"WAKE UP!" I scream.

Maddox turns to his other side and ignores me. Well then. If you want to do things the hard way, then that's what you'll get.

I run to his kitchen and grab the ice cube tray. I twist it for the ice cubes to pop, and throw one at his head. I throw three more but he still wouldn't budge. Oh, so you want this where you won't expect it?

I slightly open his shorts at the front and put the whole ice cube tray facing down to his crotch.

Maddox's eyes suddenly open. "BLOODY MURDER!" he screams. He jumps out of his bed and immediately grabs the tray off of his pants. sadly some cubes escape the ice tray. "FUCKING HELL!" he looks at me with a murderous look.

I immediately run to his kitchen to grab a pan for defense. I hold it in front of him but Maddox takes it and throws it. He grabs my waist and throws me over his shoulder.

"I'm sorry!" I giggle. Maddox ignores me and slaps my ass. He throws me on his bed and throws himself after. I squeal in surprise due to his heavy weight. "You're so heavy!" Maddox's whole body covers my small frame.

"We need to go now!" I remind him.

"Where are we going?" He asks in a muffled voice. He moves to the side but keeps me in place. His arms are wrapped around my body like a little child who's wrapped their arms around their teddies.

"Somewhere over the rainbow..." Maddox laughs at my attempt to sing. "Get up Maddie! We're going to be late." I try to push his arms away but they don't budge.

"Where are we going?" He repeats once more.

"We're going out with your father." I finally tell him. He grunts in annoyance. "I thought we needed some bonding time, just the three of us together."

"Can't we just relax for the whole day baby girl?" I shake my head side wards. "No? What do you mean no? I'm at the brink of losing my sanity here and you won't give me one day off to chill."

My face falters at his words. "You do know today's your last day, right?" He avoids my gaze. "Fine, be like that Maddox. I won't force you to go with us. I'm just trying to be a helpful person to my mate. Don't you see that I'm trying my very best to help you gain happy memories? I know it's stupid because there's a chance you won't remember these memorable memories but at least I'm putting the effort into making the best out of most of it."

Pouting, "Sheesh...I'll go with you guys if that's what makes you happy."

I smirk in success, "Reverse psychology bitch." I push his arms away and stand up. "Come on! Stop wasting time!"

"Wait for me!"

I grunt, "Apparently that's what I've been doing lately genius!"

I walk out of his room again and sit on his couch. This may be the last day I'll see this couch. No, don't think that way Bree. He's going to come back. He's not going to leave you.

Finally, this time Maddox doesn't take long.

We still have an hour to go. Alpha Reddox will be coming here and then we'll go.

Maddox suddenly places me on his lap. "When is he coming?" He snuggles his face on my neck, making me giggle. I'm so darn ticklish. I try to push him away but he doesn't move.

"Stop!" I laugh. Finally getting a grip of his hands, I look at the clock. "Probably about, now?" right on time, Alpha Reddox enters the room with a wide smile.

"SONEY!" Alpha Reddox throws himself on the couch and hugs the both of us. "I miss you idiot!" He takes Maddox's face in the palm of his hands and kisses his cheeks. After kissing Maddox's cheeks, he kisses my right cheek with a heavenly smile, "Hello to you too sweetheart."

My eyes widen in shock, "Wow...um...hello...Alpha Reddox." I sheepishly reply.

I find Alpha Reddox a bit weird. When we first saw him I thought he was the most intimidating person whom has ever walked on this earth though, once you see Alpha Reddox and Maddox together it's like they have their own special kind of universe. Alpha Reddox isn't afraid of being childish in front of many people. What matters most to him is embarrassing his son or making him happy in a weird way.

Alpha Reddox's smile falters a bit, "Oh sweetheart, just call me dad like what this oaf calls me." He comes a bit closer to me and whisper yells, "Welcome to the family!"

"Why do you need to whisper?" Maddox asks.

"Because I want to," he snaps, "And quit being a curious pussy."

Oh brother, here we go again.

Maddox glares at him but immediately smirks, "Whatever you say old man."

Alpha Reddox gasps. "How could you say such thing?" He pushes me away from the both of them and wrestles Maddox. "I am not old, you little brat."

"Then what are you?" Maddox taunts.

I amusingly stare at them. They're so childish.

"I am your father." He states deeply.

"Yep, my idiot of a father, and will you please stop stating Star War's lines?" Maddox irritably says. He looks at me for help but I ignore his stare.

"You're the idiot. FYI, its Star Trek not Star Wars, get your facts right Dumbo." Alpha Reddox snaps. "God you kids don't know anything."

"Actually, it's from Star Wars!" I butt in.

"You're not helping sweetheart!" Alpha Reddox shouts.

Maddox finally pushes his dad away. Breathing in a hoarse way, Maddox hurriedly walks to the kitchen. "You're...so...fucking...heavy...dad."

"Remember what I said, I have a fit muscle-y body and a tight ass." He brags.

"Enough you guys! Let's go!" I take Maddox's hand and pull him outside. He murmurs a few words about his father, causing me to chuckle slightly.

Their relationship is weird but exciting.

"What plans do we have today kitten?" Maddox leans next to me and kisses my cheek.

"I actually don't know what plans we have today. I offered your father if we could rent the lake house a few miles from the academy but he told me that he had better plans." I explain.

"We're going on a short cruise."

"Cruise? Where in the world did you find a cruise around this area?" Maddox incredulously ask. He suspiciously looks at his father, "Dad, be serious about this. We're with Bree. I don't want her to be involved with your schemes."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Alpha Reddox states in fake innocence. "Don't worry. I'm starting to love sweetheart too so I won't do anything to her but to you, well things will remain the same. Make sure you're ready."

Once we're outside, Alpha Reddox opens his car door without any keys or any type of remote.

"No keyhole?" I suddenly ask.

"No keys to be exact. This baby only needs my fingerprint and it will run." He opens the other doors and starts the engine.

Maddox opens the door for me. I thank him, and he smiles back in response.

Alpha Reddox turns to Maddox with a wide smile. Maddox catches on his smile and does the same. "Faithfully" the both say in unison.

At that moment I was so confused at what they said but once the song "Faithfully" started, I knew what was about to happen.

"Oh dear," I put my hands on my ears to block their singing. At first I appreciated how melodious their singing was but once the second verse came they started singing in different ways. Sometimes Maddox would go first and then Alpha Reddox would echo his last words. I laughed but then I realized how my ears felt like bleeding.

Glaring outside of the window, Maddox continues to sing obnoxiously with his father.

"Please stop!" I beg. That's the twelfth time that I've said that.

And now their singing a different song, a Whitney Huston one... it's something much worse than the first two.

A few more songs later, we finally reach the ocean. I stared at the boat in awe. It's the perfect size for a cruise.

"Wow," I utter. "I'll give you dibs for this Alpha—um, I mean dad. I feel like this beats my lake house idea."

Maddox hugs me tightly and kisses my cheek, "I'd still appreciate it."

Dad numero dos (no. 2) gags at the both of us. "You guys sicken me!"

Maddox puts his tongue out, "You're just jealous old man!"

Dad numero dos gasps and puts a hand on his chest, "Me? Jealous? Oh hell no!"

I open the door from the other side and exit the car.

"Let's go kids!"

We walk towards the boat. There are a few crew members waiting for us. They all bow at Alpha Dad no. 2 once we reach the dock.

"It's nice to see you once again alpha." The captain says.

"Maddox!" an old woman with blonde hair tightly hugs Maddox.

"Woah! Mrs.Eva?" he hugs her back just as tightly. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I'm going to be your cook for the whole day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner!" She lets go of Maddox and looks at me. "Well you must be "the one"! I'm Mrs.Eva I cook for the pack and I take care of this rascal."

"It's nice to meet you Mrs.Eva." I greet with a small smile.

"You too darling," she winks at me. She then turns to hug Alpha Reddox next. She's such a happy person.

After a few introductions from the crew, we enter the boat. It's so beautiful.

"So what are we going to do first?" Maddox asks.

"We're going to eat," Dad no. 2 says.

And that's what we exactly did. While eating we talked about Maddox. Alpha Reddox told us the many stories and adventures that him and Maddox have gone through. It's actually amazing how passionate he is when it comes to Maddox. It's like he's the best dad in the whole world, but as we know Maddox, he disagrees because he's just embarrassed that his father is way cooler than him.

"We went camping once with my friends and with their boys. It's a tradition we do every once a year. Maddox was a little boy then, I couldn't leave him with anyone. Every time I that I looked at his face and see his pout, goddamn him he made me do the things I didn't want to do or was lazy to do. But anyways, this little shit purposely got lost in the woods. I made my men look for him around the whole place and once we did found him he said "I pranked yah!" I was worried for him. We looked everywhere. Not to mention, that land wasn't just a small little land, it's a fucking huge one." He says.

"Why would you prank your poor father at a young age? That's not nice." I scold Maddox.

Maddox sighs and sends a glare at his father. "Tell her what happened the next year we went camping."

"Oh right! We went camping the next year. This time I decided to prank him instead. We let him pee at a tree and while he was busy pissing we left him behind. It took him an hour to get back. I wasn't worried because I knew that he memorized the place. I was sure of it, well with that big brain of yours how could you not? When he came back he had shit on his body and face." He chuckles while still remembering the memory.

"You didn't tell her that you tied those nylon strings around the tree. I noticed it right away but still ended up falling. I took at least seven showers down by the lake so that the stench would rub off." Maddox says in a hard tone.

"You're so evil!" I exclaim but high five him, "And so brilliant!" I add.

Maddox sighs but shakes his head and smiles, "I can't digest the fact that the both of you are good at messing with me. Can't you believe it? The two people that I love the most love to mess with me. Don't you guys know that I'm hotheaded?"

I laugh, "Oh we know that Maddie. Trust me, we do. We just love to see your expression. Didn't you know that the hotheaded ones are always nice to piss off; especially if their nonviolent."

I shove the bacon in my mouth while laughing slightly. We've been laughing quite a lot right now. Even if Maddox looks serious I can see the ends up his lips twitching upwards.

"I'm not hotheaded!" Maddox exclaims.

"Yes. You are." Alpha Reddox and I say in unison.

Maddox slumps his shoulders. I kiss him on the lips to make him feel better. "It's okay Maddie. I still love you." I assure him.

Throughout the day all we did was have fun. I felt like I was Alpha Reddox's daughter. The boat was filled with so many entertainment rooms that we did a lot of things the whole afternoon.

It's night now. In a few hours we'll go home already. I was losing more time with Maddox.

"So who gets first to say their secrets or ask a question?" Maddox questions, "Dad? Would you like to go first?"

Alpha Reddox sighs. Wow, well that's a first from today. "Sure," he calmly states but I notice a slight pitch to his tone. He takes a seat on a log. We're at the rooftop. Alpha Reddox requested this place to be like a, s'mores camp out although there are no tents surrounding us and humongous trees.

"Am I a bad father to you?" Alpha Reddox rubs the back of his head quite a bit. His tone is serious though.

"What? Why would you ask that dad?" Maddox's eyes look like they want to pop out any minute due to his father's question. "Dad even if you irritate me to no end and act as if you're my son, I'll always be grateful to know that you're my father. I admire you so much because you're different. You're not like those stereotypical father's they have in movies and even in the real world. You're a boss ass bitch and you know that you are."

"Aw," I say in awe. "You're so sweet!"

"Next is my turn," I raise my burnt marshmallow and try to pry it off of my stick with a smooshed chocolate and crisp graham cracker.

"Have I always been a bitch?"

Maddox laughs, "You're not a bitch sweet potato. You're just a spitfire that doesn't want people to get in your way. You're generally kind and fun, and deep down inside, I know that you care for the little and big things in this world."

"Yep he's right sweetheart. You're a darling." Alpha Reddox adds with a wink.

"I don't believe in that. I now realize that it's okay to be yourself as long as you're being true." I state with a proud smile spread across my face. "I'm glad you're being true to me Maddox. You're not afraid to show who you really are."

"I'm not plastic baby. Most guys aren't plastic, girls do that stuff not us." Maddox admits with a sly smile. I frown. "No not you baby cheeks."

A few more questions were being tossed around by the three of us. After the "quite" personal questions we decided to tell about our pasts since I don't really know Maddox and Dad no. 2. Well we've known each other for a few months. It's not enough time for me to get to know a person.

"I remembered this one time when I met one of your conquests. I thought she was a burglar because she was wearing black and everything was dark so I punched her and basically knocked her out." The smile on Alpha Reddox face tells me he was so happy about the memory. I don't understand though, why is he smiling for punching the girl? "In the end I was charged for harassment. Her parents were human so I couldn't do anything. I won the case well because the judge was a werewolf and I was the alpha."

"You just punched a virgin dad. Her parents were just overreacting."

"You got that right. Once our case was done, she accused Maddox for rapping her. My mind was about to blow, I won't let Maddox go to juvenile! He's my innocent baby boy!" He exclaims. "They went to go get tests for her even though Maddox hasn't done anything to her, yet."

"I didn't force her. She was afraid to lose her innocence so I let her have a bathroom break to think about it for a while. That's when everything went wrong." Maddox adds again. He's not smiling like his father. He just keeps looking at me with worried eyes.

"Anyways, back to the flashback, she was a rich bitch—excuse, my language. Those people tried to pay the doctor who was in charge. We showed the footage to the court as evidence for my baby boy's innocence."

"For the love of god, I am not your baby boy anymore!" Maddox irritating glares at his father.

"How did you know that they were being fishy?" I questioned.

"I know someone from the hospital's security control room. I asked him if he could do a favor for me and he agreed to help." Alpha Reddox looks at his watch and then looks at Maddox.

Maddox was already looking at his father with the same glint in their eyes.

"It's time to go home." Alpha Reddox announces.

He stands up from the log and takes the burnt marshmallows off of the stick. "Move," he tells the both of us. Once we move to the side he takes the extinguisher behind the log and puts out the fire. He then puts down the extinguisher once the flames are gone.

"We're going home?" I ask Maddox quietly.

Maddox nods, "Yes babe, we're going home."

"But...but it's too early to go home Maddox. I don't want to go home yet." I move closer to him and bury my head against his chest. "Don't leave me yet," I mutter.

Maddox sighs. He doesn't say a thing.

He might not know this but I'm kind of dying inside. I'm hurt.

"Let's go..." and he leads me to the exit without saying goodbye to the crew members.

We silently wait at the car for Maddox's father. It's dead silent. I don't feel like talking anyways, what's happened today is enough. I'm tired. I'm hurt. I feel unexplainable in so many ways. My emotions are everywhere.

Alpha Reddox arrives shortly. He starts the car and we drive back home.

While at the drive I listen intently to the songs being played. I try to digest most of what the song is saying, trying my best to ignore my feelings. As I listen to the songs I feel myself falling asleep slowly.
"I love you Bree..." I hear Maddox slowly whisper.

"I love you too Maddie. Please don't leave me." I whisper back, half awake.

Maddox doesn't say anything again.

I guess if you keep promises it would hurt more. It would hurt a lot.

Author's note: Is too late to say sorry?

I'm sorry for the cliffhanger. Don't hate me please!

Hello my wonderful potatoes! I hate potatoes, but what the heck! Anyways thanks for all the support guys! You're all awesome people!

A few announcements:
-I will rewrite this book after it's finished (I'm actually rewriting a few chapters already so stay updated for more scenes!)
-I seriously need help for dedications! There are so many of you that comment frequently!
-I don't know when the next update will be

DEDICATIONS TOO (FIND YOUR USERNAMES): @safinag14, @_fulltimerocker, @BROWNSKINSAVAGE, @AdrianaRobinson2, @_DIAGNOSED_CRAZY_, @macylabralpi, @randomg, @hayes1234isbae, @emilyxia0906, @aliyasmileyface, @PaRisDaRkNess, @Life_Just_Happened, @Wolfboy11, @KitAndWolf, @DespicableSloth, @Averix, @ewhight21, @Vbabydub, @sammysue801, @WildClover (btw we eat potatoes not cats, fooooood), @smorris23, @Aprilnine2002, @JohnHHuntley, @otakugirl_825, @morganleighshelton, @christine46580, @ExplodingBomb1518, @gtribaldos10, @deathqueen0323, @bluemoonwolfbear, @theblackhair, @winter_fantasy, @Squeekae, @iballisticbunny6, @fiftyshadesreader256 (dayum), @Juliacrytalc, @tieraaa_ (my bae, IMYSM), @blackandwhitedevil, @PINK-NIAH15, @_NanaMoonlight, @valeria_dallas (Cameron <3), @Kayleighpower123

P.S. – Please do not question the very long dedication list. I swear all I can see are potatoes everywhere and the thing is...it's just the first chapter. I excluded the last chapter due to the fact that most of you might not see your names anymore. Anyhow, I hope you're satisfied with this chappie (maybe not).

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