Angel from Devil's Pit {Super...

By FugiCutie

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Olivia Bayani definitely doesn't have a normal teenage girl's life. She ends up falling in love with one of... More

1: That Could've Been Better Planned...
2: Well That Was Unexpected!
3: I Guess I Can Get Used to Them
4: Tough Talks and Fair Fun
5: 1 2 3 4 to the 5 Baby, I'm Counting on You
7: It Almost Was the Perfect Date
8: Let's Look in Their Perspective
9: And Then Life was Good

6: Friends Come and Go...

334 8 0
By FugiCutie

A/N: I put a picture on what Olivia's house should look like. Check it out to the side :)


I got into my home trying to block out the conversation Artemis and Sarafina seemed to be highly interested about. And that is gushing over the Winchester brothers and how incredibly ‘sexy’ they are. Throughout the whole car ride to my distanced home, they were going on and on about which Winchester is more attractive. I swear to goodness that if I had eaten something, I would’ve puked right then and there in the car. Just imagine your friends talking about how hot your brother is. You don’t want to hear any of that, now would you?

            I threw my bag onto the couch the moment I entered my house. “Ok, make yourselves comfortable. We got things to discuss, Artemis,” I said, going into the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. I went back out to see Artemis sitting on the couch awkwardly and Sarafina looking at all the papers Sam just left around the room. Looks like Dean and Sam went out to find the demon while I was out.

            I took a sip of my water and placed it on the coffee table. I sat on my comfy chair next to the couch and looked over at Artemis. Sarafina decided it’s best to just sit down next to the blonde, keeping her lips shut until relevant. “So, what’s your story with Violet? Seems to me that you two are connected. You already knew that Violet was a leprechaun.”

            Artemis grimaced once I mentioned her name. “How do you even know about these things?” she asked me out of curiosity.

            I glanced over at Sarafina and she nodded. Artemis may be a bit of a chatter box but it’s not like she’s much of a gossiper. So I decided to tell her, “I’m a hunter. We hunt the supernatural,” I rubbed the back of my neck before continuing on. “Only the bad ones though. Ok, I’ve told you about what I do. You have to tell me about you and Violet. You’re obviously just a human.”

            “Yeah, just your typical teenage girl,” Artemis said with a shrug. It was interesting to have seen her transition from this hyper, babbling blonde into a person that was surprisingly calm about telling me her secrets. “Violet and I are bound to one another.”

            “How so?”

            “There was this book. My mom bought it at an auction because it was like some sort of antique and it’d look nice on the shelf just as decoration. She loves those things. So I read it through some of the pages one day because I was just bored. I saw it was this book filled with weird words and spells and stuff. I said one of them because just for kicks… And then she appeared out of nowhere. I promise that I didn’t know that anything would happen. Because, magic.”

            “Violet popped out of nowhere?”

            “Yeah. She said I was in command… so…”

            “Artemis, you do know that’s technically enslaving someone,” I scolded with narrowed eyes. She winced at my sudden rough tone. I almost felt sorry for doing so because Artemis is a nice person.

            “I couldn’t pass the opportunity!” She defended herself quite loudly to get her point across. “I’ve been a fan of One Direction since the beginning of time! So… I asked her if I could become close to them in some sort of way then she could go back home whenever she wants to.” I could see her blue eyes shining with this childish enthusiasm as she relived the memories of this happening while talking about it. “Violet made it happen! The next day, I found myself in a life where I’ve always been Zayn’s step-sister and everyone believed it.”  I was a fan of One Direction but I never got into their personal info like a lot of Directioners. So how was I to know if there was something weird going on with Artemis suddenly popping onto the Malik family tree?

            “But you decided to let Violet go afterwards. Didn’t you say that?” Sarafina joined in questioning. I was about to ask her this myself because it struck me as odd that a Violet didn’t want to go back home to her fairy world.

            Artemis nodded. “Yeah… but then she fell in love with Zayn. Once she made herself visible to everyone, Zayn fell in love with her. It was love in first sight. The rest is history. They’ve been together since.”

            Sarafina and I exchanged glances then looked back at her. “Zayn knows she’s a fairy?”

            “And he’s totally ok with it. Violet decided to tell him this one time months ago. And then she showed him what she could do to make him believe in her. They’re like head over heels for each other,” Artemis said. “So, I’m not enslaving her. She has stayed this whole time by her own choice. And she’s my friend. Please don’t like… kill her or anything. And I’m seriously sorry about your friends. I can try to get the book again—”

            “No, do NOT use the book, Artemis,” I told her sternly.

            “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. You probably hate me now,” she frowned, her eyes not looking at either of us. Artemis seemed a lot more focused on my glass of water resting on the table.

            “I don’t hate you, Artemis.” The blonde glanced up at me with pure joy. “I’m just irritated that there’s hunters out there trying to kill my friends and she won’t do a thing to help them. And on top of that, there’s a demon roaming around in my town. We have no idea where that b*stard is and it’s making me, Dean, and Sam go crazy.”

            “Maybe we can help,” Sarafina suggested, glancing at me with anticipation.

            “No, you, your sister, and your friends need to leave pronto. You know you’re in danger. Plus I’m here,” I smirked. “The demon has no chance against me and the Winchesters once we find him.” Sarafina chuckled and muttered out whatever. Artemis just grinned between the two of us, knowing that we’re all on good terms.


A few hours have passed and the three of us were just sitting around, watching some shows. At the moment, we were actually watching Doctor Who on BBC America. “I think I should get back to the hotel and see if Violet is ok. I’m sure the boys are back by now,” Artemis says while checking the time on her phone. All three of us stand up so we can all go to the front door together. “You know, I’m glad you told me about yourself too.”

“What do you mean? Like us being hunters?” Sarafina asked.

“Yeah. So you all know about the supernatural stuff too. It makes me think I’m not the only one. I think I was slightly going insane because of Violet’s magic. It’s a bit crazy and knowing there’s people that knows makes me feel better,” Artemis said with a small grin.

“Dude, there’s people that know all over the world. Not everyone but a good few,” I responded with a shrug. “But yeah. Anyways, thanks for telling us about you too. Now go and smooth things over.”

Artemis nodded, waved, and then left to go to her car. “Oh and have fun tomorrow.” Once she got in the Camaro and drove away, Sarafina and I closed the door.

“Have fun tomorrow?” Sarafina asked me with a raised brow, obviously amused to what she meant.

“Louis Tomlinson asked me out on a date,” I answered her. I blushed furiously as Sare squealed in excitement for me. “Shut up. It’s nothing.”

“Yeah right! I’d be freaking out if I got to date any of the boys of One freaking Direction… It is NOT nothing!” Her eyes wandered around the outside through the curtained windows next to the door. “It’s pretty close to the time for Augustine, Ralston, and Dylan to come over,” Sarafina mentioned. The sun was setting, giving off orange and red hues across the sky. Just a few more minutes and it’d be safe for the young vampires to zoom their way over to us.

As I was about to lock the door, loud banging pounded against it. I didn’t even look through the window, I just swung it open. Much to Sarafina and my surprise, Augustine and Ralston stood on the porch with a couple bags in their arms. They were panting heavily and they had splotches of blood all over their body. Sarafina’s hand covered her lips to refrain herself from screaming. It looked to me that the two of them got into a fight with that blood and little burns from the remaining sunlight shown on their exposed skin.

“Where’s Dylan?” Sarafina asked frantically. It was just now I noticed that Augustine’s eyes were bloodshot and puffy. It was obvious she cried. I placed a hand on Sare’s shoulder. “No, he’s not—”

“Gus. It was Gus and a couple others… they knew where we were staying… Oh god, they almost got us,” Ralston rambled, trembling. A single tear rolled down his cheek. “D-Dylan sacrificed himself to give us time to escape. T-they shot him… with silver bullets.” He glanced down at his hands, which were soaked in blood.

“Is that the hunters’ blood?” I asked both the vampires. They nodded. They were trying to fight the temptation to lick it off their fingers. “Come in and clean up. Hurry.” The two scurried in and dropped the bags just a couple feet within my house. I closed the doors and locked them. “Upstairs. Let’s go into the bathroom. Sarafina, start the water in the shower and I’ll get some towels.” Once on the second floor, we went our separate ways so I could go to the hallway closet to get a bunch of towels. I went into the bathroom to see Ralston and Augustine under the showerhead still fully clothed. They were madly scrubbing away all the blood with a lot of soap and sponges. I threw Sarafina a couple towels. “Did you bring some extra clothes?”

“I-in the b-bags,” Ralston shivered as he tried to wipe away the blood off his legs. I was fast. I went all the way downstairs, grabbed both the bags they have brought and zoomed back up. I dropped the bags by the bathroom door.

“You didn’t get any blood in your mouth, right?” I asked. Both of them shook their heads no. I let out a sigh of relief. The last thing we need is ravenous vamps searching for blood. I’m afraid to say that Sarafina and I would be the appetizer.

 Augustine was now bawling her eyes out. Ralston wrapped his arms around her shoulders and rubbed her back in soothing circles. It’s a good thing that all the blood was able to wash away from their bodies. “Alright, I think you’re ok. You need to change your clothes though so we can wash the clothes you’re already wearing. You can never be so sure about blood,” I informed them. Sarafina gave both of them fluffy towels to dry them with. “Ok, you go into my room to change while Ralston changes in here.” I threw them the bag where they had their clothes in. They took each particle of clothing slowly. I probably would’ve acted the same way if I witnessed my friend’s death. I bet it was traumatizing.

Dylan was such a good man.


After all that has happened, we all were in the guest room (unfortunately the same room that Gus had stayed in the past few days).

“Ugh this room stinks of that monster,” Augustine seethed, her vamp teeth clearly showing. The red headed girl is usually so kind but you never want to be the main target when she decides to be menacing. I’ve seen that side and it’s terrifying.

“I’m sorry, Aug. But I don’t have an extra room. Dean and Sam already have my dad’s room,” I told her. Ralston wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him.

We sat on the king sized bed in silence, paying our respects to Dylan in prayers. I for one was praying to a specific person.

Castiel,” I thought. My fingers were entangled with each other and I bowed my head, giving myself full concentration into this prayer. “Everything is just awful. To be honest, I’m not sure I believe in god just yet. No offense to the guy. But you are someone I trust entirely into. So this is why I pray to you. I don’t know what will happen since he’s a werewolf and all but I wish him a good afterlife. Maybe he can go into heaven rather than purgatory. That’s quite a long shot but it’s the best I got to request. May Dylan rest in peace.

I wiped away the tears that managed to stream down my cheeks. I glanced up at the three and see them consoling and hugging one another. From downstairs, I could hear the door unlocking and the Winchesters’ voices echoing all over the house. “Hey, go ahead and rest… Well, just Sare I guess,” I told them, remembering that vampires don’t sleep. Sarafina nodded, yawned, and went under the covers of the bed. Augustine tucked her sister in and kissed the top of her head.

“Olivia?” I heard the boys call out from downstairs.

“I’ll be back,” I promised. I hopped off the bed and trotted down the steps. I saw the boys place down their hunting bags on top of the kitchen table. “Did you find the demon?” I asked, coming into my kitchen with widened eyes at the boys’ cuts and bruises. “What happened?”

“We did not find the demon but we followed Gus and his knucklehead crew,” Dean answered as he washed his hands. “We followed them all the way to this one motel. We didn’t go in but it seemed like they found what they were looking for. We saw this couple escape though with bags in their arms.”

“Those two must be in that group though,” Sam pointed out. “There was still light out and they were burning. Two vampires, easy.” The two of them looked at me. I must’ve had this look on my face because they instantly looked worried. “What’s wrong?”

“I knew it. That girl that came by yesterday, your friend,” Dean started. “She’s part of it. She’s the fourth one of the group, isn’t she? So what is she?” I can’t lie to them about this, not when they’re all upstairs sad and exhausted.

“She’s human. A hunter, more specifically. They’re all hunters,” I answered, focusing my eyes to the tiled floors. I told them a quick summary about the Sarafina, Augustine, Ralston, and the now dead Dylan. I even told them that they’re all inside the guest room right now. “I swear to god they’re good people. Augustine, Ralston, and Dylan haven’t devoured any humans for years. But now Dylan is dead because of Gus. He has killed a good person!” I felt my blood boiling in rage. Dylan is DEAD. I couldn’t help but think that it’s entirely my fault. “Dylan hasn’t done any bad thing. Augustine was able to change Ralston to drink animal blood rather than humans. They were trying and for what? To be killed?!” Sam came over and engulfed me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his torso and hugged him back. The tears were threatening to spill from my eyes. But what could I do? People die every day. “Why couldn’t they understand they’re good people?” I uttered into Sam’s chest.

“I know. I’m sorry,” Sam muttered while rubbing my back. “And it’s ok, your friends are safe here. We’ll help them as best we can.” There was a short pause. “Would you like anything to eat?”

“No… I’m not hungry,” I answered honestly.

“Alright, just go ahead and sleep, ok?” Dean said. All three of us went up the stairs and, of course, we passed the guest room. Augustine and Ralston looked quite alarmed once they saw Sam and Dean. “No worries, we’re going to protect you and try to help you out as best we can.”

I went into my room and buried myself into my blankets. From outside my room, I could hear Dean and Sam talk. “What are we going to do?” I could hear Sam say distinctively to his older brother.

Funny. I was asking myself the same thing.

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