Fake (N.S)

By Dreaming-1D

145K 7.1K 1.8K

Niall hated Harry and Harry hated Niall. They can barely stand the sight of each other. At least, that's wha... More

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New Book

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9.5K 275 177
By Dreaming-1D

Niall's POV

The annoyingly loud and repetitive buzzing from my alarm clock was what pulled me away from one of the most blissful and luxurious things in life; sleep. I blindly reached over to grab my buzzing phone from my nightstand, letting out an annoyed sigh when I realised that I had already slept through two of the alarms that I had set for that morning. 

I was desperate to roll over and fall back to sleep. The mere thought of waking up and exposing myself to the cold air outside of my bed was terrible enough to convince me that remaining in bed would be the healthiest option, though I knew that my parents wouldn't see it in the same way that I did. 

My parents were two of the most overbearing and work obsessed people in the world. They worked for some company that I didn't care enough to know anything about and from what I had gathered, they were both pretty high up in the business. The business that I was intended to join as soon as I was old enough. 

As their jobs were so incredibly important, the two of them were more consumed in their jobs than they were with anything else in their lives.

Myself included.

I wasn't particularly sure if they loved me like they were supposed to. I seemed to be more of a trophy used for bragging than a son to them. They were always more interested in my performance in school over anything else in my life. Yeah, I had good grades but I wasn't that nerdy kid at school that didn't have any friends because I spent too much time with my head in my textbooks. 

Saying that, I wasn't particularly popular either. To be fair, I was tolerated enough to be left alone by those people who I didn't consider my friend and everyone seemed to accept my personal space. Well, almost everyone, that is.

Letting out an annoyed huff, I rose from my bed and made me way to the bathroom, cursing the cold air that hit me as soon as I exposed, but made no other sound as I proceeded to get ready for school. 

Thankfully, my parents were either too busy getting ready themselves, or they had already left, as I saw no trace of them as I got myself ready and hastily exited my large house. 


Walking into the school building on a Monday morning was a bitter feeling, as you willingly gave up your freedom in favour of being trapped in a room with other teenagers who probably hated you underneath the fake smiles they give you and everyone else.

My only two friends were standing around in front of our lockers, seemingly in the midst of a conversation. Louis and Leigh-Anne, possibly the two only people in my life that I would never want to be without. There was not a single moment where I wasn't glad to have Louis' loud and often unnecessary comments or Leigh-Anne's fiery personality. 

The reason why Louis and I got on so well because we were both incredibly different, yet somehow still the same person. We were able to bring out both the best and the worst qualities in each other and he was almost like a brother to me. With the family I had, I could sure do with having someone I could consider family. 

As for Leigh, there was no way of telling why she was my friend. She could very easily be that typical popular girl that steals hearts and breaks them whenever she could. Both incredibly beautiful and charismatic, she would fit in so well with the cheerleaders, so it was confusing to see that she spent all of her time with Louis and I. 

I greeted them as I headed to my locker and began to grab my things for my first class, hearing them mutter their replies, though I was too focused on finding my books to properly hear what either of them had said.

"Guess who's heading this way right now," Louis said, causing me to turn around just in time to see him smirk at me.

Sure enough, to my displeasure, it was the one person in this school that I despised more than anyone else; and that was Harry Styles.

There wasn't really much I could say about the eighteen year old boy with too many tattoos to count because I didn't really care to know the little details. Nothing positive, at least. He was simply someone who thought that they were better than everyone else because he was hot and had a ridiculous amount of people worshipping the ground he walked on.

Harry was a year older than me, yet we had been in the same year at school our entire lives because his mother held him back. However, that didn't exactly stop him from acting like a child. In his case, age really didn't correlate to maturity levels. 

He was now leaning against his locker, a flock of people surrounding him and staring at him in awe as if they were looking at some sort of god.


I didn't exactly blame them for staring, Harry was good looking, even I had to admit that. His body was just as pleasing to look at. His long arms were muscly, as was pretty much everyone else and his legs were toned enough to make anyone envious, including me. His hair, glorious brown curls that seemed to be too perfect to be allowed, was pushed back by one of those stupid bandannas that he nearly always wore. 

Cursing myself, my eyes trailed down to his lips, which although were just as pleasing to look at as the rest of him, were curled in that stupid smirk that made me want to turn and forget his existence.

Next to him was his best friend Liam, who seemed more caught up with his phone than the large crowd of people standing near him. Though he was definitely not paying attention to the action going on around him, he did certainly fit into the whole 'popular boy' category, as people seemed just as interested in him as they were in Harry. 

One of the things that I liked about him and Harry's other two close friends Zayn and Perrie, they didn't worship their best friend in the way that everyone else except me did. They were different from Harry, in the sense that they weren't self-absorbed jerks. They all seemed nice enough, too nice to be around Harry, at least.

Louis and Leigh-Anne watched as I rolled my eyes and turned away from Harry. Considering Leigh-Anne seemed to understand my dislike for Harry, her expression almost mirrored mine. Louis however, had nothing against him, though I was confident he would hate every fibre of Harry's being if he was if he was constantly the target of Harry's stupid comments like I was.

Not only that but Louis was kind of forced to be on good terms with Harry because he was dating Liam. Yeah, my best friend really knew how to associate with the worst people. Okay, so I'll admit that Liam was incredibly sweet and treats Louis like royalty but I was just bitter that he had to be so close to Harry. 

"He isn't even that bad of a person, Niall. He's just really confident. I'm sure if you talk to him properly, you'll actually like him," Louis said, chuckling at my less than happy reaction to Harry's sudden presence.

"He may not be bad to you but to me, he's the biggest arse in this entire school. And it's kind of hard for me to not want to at least punch him," I replied, getting defensive.

"I'll never understand how you used to be his best friend and now you can't stand the sight of him," he said, shaking his head a little as he glanced between the two of us.

Yeah, I used to be best friends with Harry. We were young, around six years old at the time, and we were friends for nearly eight years. Of course, Harry never used to be the popular jerk that he had turned into. When the two of us were friends, Harry was awkward and shy and he would always blush and get uncomfortable if someone paid him any attention. Now things were different. He was incredibly cocky and probably saw me as someone that wasn't worth his attention. 

Good, it wasn't as if I even wanted it. 

It had been ages since the two of us had a civilised conversation, so he would definitely have changed at least a little since then. I wasn't even sure why we stopped being friends and became enemies, it just kind of happened.

All I knew was that he was the most annoying person I had ever met in my seventeen years of living.

"Well, whatever. All I know is, I want him to be at least ten feet away from me at all times," I shrugged, pushing myself off the wall and collected my books.

"Hurry up," I whined, getting frustrated as my best friend hadn't moved an inch, he was just staring at me with an amused expression.

"Okay, okay. Fuck, you're in a mood," he muttered defensively.

"Shut up, Louis," I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, Horan," I heard an annoyingly slow and deep voice call from behind me.

"What do you want, Styles?" I groaned, turning to look at him angrily. 

He was staring at me with that infuriatingly attractive grin on his face. Normally, he would use this facial expression on someone he was trying to flirt with but since this was me, I knew that the reason for his expression was simply to rile me up. There was no better way for him to annoy me than to just simply be himself. 

"I don't want anything but I know you do," he grinned, his eyes were now scanning over my body and I would be lying if I said that I didn't feel at least a little bit intimidated. Still, I rolled my eyes at the suggestive tone he was using. 

This was a perfect example of why I hated Harry Styles. He acted as if every single person that he spoke to was in love with him, and considering I was pretty much the only person who didn't act like he ruled the world, I seemed to be a perfect target for his teasing.

"Is that your way of suggesting that I want you? You really are an idiot," I retorted, rolling my eyes again. I never even did it consciously, it seemed as if my eyes subconsciously did that whenever he spoke to me. 

"Lie to yourself all you want, Niall. We both know the truth," he replied smugly, his grin not fading.

"I think I'm losing brain cells just being near you. Fuck off before I make you," I said, narrowing my eyes.

My threat may not have been very...well, threatening, considering he was much taller and stronger than I was but he didn't say anything about it.

"Don't be late for class, Ni," his almost taunted, well aware of the strict parents I had, before he smirked and headed off, group of followers trailing behind him.

"He makes me so fucking angry," I hissed, glaring at his retreating form.

I wished looks could kill.

"Oh, calm down, Niall. Stop being so sensitive," Louis rolled his eyes, obviously finding my behaviour slightly over-dramatic.

"I'm not sensitive. I just have a low tolerance for annoying pricks like him," I snapped.

Louis just laughed, too used to my behaviour towards Harry to actually care about what I was saying. 

"For real though, let's get to class before we're late," he added when my glare didn't fade, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards our classroom, Leigh-Anne heading in the opposite direction. 


Once lunch had arrived and I was away from my friends, I had the opportunity to sneak away into the isolated bathroom at the end of the hall. 

I let out a deep breath and walked in, immediately catching sight of Harry, who was leaning against the white wall, scrolling through his phone. He looked up from his phone when he heard the door open, his green eyes darkening when they landed on me.

"You took your time," he mumbled.

"Well, sorry that I was busy. You know, I have a life," I rolled my eyes.

"And you're implying that I don't?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "You realise that I have more friends than you, right?"

"I was implying real friends, not ones that hang around for attention," I retorted, narrowing my eyes slightly.

"You're fucking impossible," he rolled his eyes, walking over to trap me against the wall.

"Yeah, cause hanging around you is such a fucking pleasure," I replied, leaning up to push my lips against his roughly, my hands reaching up to rest on his shoulders. His hands slid down my body, trailing down my waist and onto my thighs.

If it wasn't already obvious, Harry and I would hook up. A lot. Though it was simply driven by impulsive teenage hormones and meant nothing, the two of us still hated each other as if nothing happened.

He squeezed my arse firmly, letting me know to jump and wrap my legs around his waist. He walked us both into the closest bathroom stall, locking the door behind us and pressing me against the cool wall.

He let me drop down, reaching down to take off his skinny jeans hurriedly. I leaned up to kiss him again, forcing my eyes shut and focusing on the feeling of his soft lips, rather than the person they belonged to. 

"I told you that you wanted me," he whispered and I could picture the smug look on his face without even needing to open my eyes.

"I fucking hate you," I groaned. 

"The feeling's mutual. Now get on with it," he demanded, an air of humour in his tone. 

I sank to my knees, taking his hardening length in my hand. He cursed, his hand moving to grip my hair harshly, though I could barely even feel it as I was beginning to focus on his dick. 

Before I could remind myself of who I was currently with, I took his dick in my mouth, screwing my eyes shut and focusing on what I was doing, trying my best to block out the quiet sounds that Harry was making. 

I had done this enough times to know exactly what Harry liked. I wasn't exactly proud of the substantial amount of experience I had towards pleasuring Harry, yet I couldn't help but be slightly impressed. Of course, I wished it was anyone else but I couldn't deny that I agreed to constantly hook up with Harry. 

From an impartial, sexual perspective, Harry wasn't the worst person I could be doing this with. 

I quickened my pace, hoping to finish as soon as I possibly could. Both because I was worried that someone would come in and hear me sucking Harry off in one of the stalls, and because I couldn't wait to take Harry's dick out of my mouth. 

Soon enough, I heard him warn me that he was getting close, and he eventually released into my mouth. I screwed my face up, forcing myself to swallow, before peering up at him. He was regaining his breath, yet he still looked down at me. Before we could maintain eye contact, I stood up. 

"Alright, your turn," I told him, my voice hoarse. 

"No one hears about this," was his firm response, before he got down on his knees to return the favour. 

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