the secrets we keep [camren]

By kcxbello

971K 24.4K 28.6K

Lauren Jauregui; Captain of the softball team. Most popular girl in school. Every girls hero and every guys d... More

Sequel is up!


34.1K 1K 221
By kcxbello

"Alright you guys, its time for bed." Clara announced as she walked into the bedroom that the children were sharing over the summer. Mike, Sinu, and Alejandro walked in after her only for the four adults to find four of them sitting on the floor playing cards. Camila was sitting on her bed above them as she held her teddybear and watched them play, occasionally bending down and whispering something into one of their ears.

Sinu sat by her daughter and stroked her hair back. "Why aren't you playing, mija?"

Camila looked up and smiled at her beautiful mother. "I already played. Its boring."

Alejandro stood above his daughter and glanced down at hers and the oldest Jauregui's cards before kneeling down and whispering something into Ally's ear.

Camila noticed this and her eyes widened, her hand whipping out and her finger pointing accusingly at her father. "You're cheating!"

Alejandro looked up, startled at the small voice that boomed in the room. He chuckled and was about to respond before the nine year old in front of him cut him off.

"So?! You're helping Lauren cheat!" Ally exclaimed, sticking her tongue out at her baby sister who only huffed and crossed her arms.

"Alright, alright," Clara intervened before anything could get out of hand and she smiled at the kids on the floor. "Everyone get into bed, its already eleven."

The four children sighed and started cleaning up their cards, handing them to the owner as they each got up and made their way to their respective beds. There were only three beds in the room, and seeing as there were four girls and one boy, Chris, much to his delight, got his own bed. Ally and Camila shared a bed, and Lauren and Dinah shared a bed. Not that the latter minded of course, since the two girls were the best of friends.

Ally tidied up the cards and put them away before she got into her side of the bed. Their parents took their time tucking in each child and giving them each a kiss.

"Can you guys sing to us?" Camila asked from her and Ally's bed, hugging her little bear again.

"Of course princess." Alejandro leaned over and gave her another kiss on the forehead before he joined Mike in the middle of the room.

"This one goes out to five kids who are about to go to sleep." Mike announced in his best 'game show' voice, using his hand as a microphone which caused the kids to giggle happily. The men smiled and cleared their throats as their wives each took a seat by their children. Clara sat beside Lauren on her and Dinah's bed and she snuggled into her mother as she watched her father and what she considered her second father begin the song.

Sinu took a seat in between her daughters and both the girls smiled at her and each snuggled into a side.

Mike smiled at his daughter and he and Alejandro started snapping their fingers before he began to sing.

Baby let me be your lovin' teddy bear
Put a chain around my neck
And lead me anywhere
Oh, let me be
(Oh, let him be)
Your teddy bear

Mike moved closer to his son and leaned down, singing huskily to him as he laughed merrily.

I don't wanna be a tiger
'Cause tigers play too rough
I don't wanna be a lion
'Cause lions ain't the kind you love enough

Alejandro chuckled and started clapping to the beat and sang his part as the five kids watched in sleepy excitement.

Just wanna be, your teddy bear put your chain around my neck
And lead me anywhere
Oh, let me be
(Oh, let him be)
Your teddy bear

Mike moved to his daughter as he sang his next part, clapping aswell.

Baby let me be, around you every night
Run your fingers through my hair
And cuddle me real tight
Oh, let me be
(Oh, let him be)
Your teddy bear

I don't wanna be a tiger
'Cause tigers play too rough
I don't wanna be a lion
'Cause lions ain't the kind you love enough

The two men met in the middle of the room again to finish off the song.

Just wanna be, your teddy bear
Put a chain around my neck
And lead me anywhere
Oh, let me be
(Oh, let him be)
Your teddy bear
Oh, let me be
(Oh, let him be)
Your teddy bear
I just wanna be your teddy bear

"Oooohhhhh." They sang together and both took a bow to their applauding children.


Camila avoided Lauren the entire school day as best as she could by not looking at her in any of their shared classes, avoiding eye contact in the hall, and skipping lunch to work on her chorography for the musical she was in. Thankfully, Ally was choreographing it so she had an advantage to the others - she could practice at home and that's what she planned on doing.

Of course Lauren was extremely confused as to why she wasn't speaking to her, and she planned to get to the bottom of it. That was, if she could.

That night, Lauren sprang happily onto the front porch of the Cabello house and hit the bell. She heard the chimes reverberate through the foyer and couldn't wait until the door opened. She had a very special book in her hand and couldn't wait to share it with Harper. Lauren asked her mom which book she liked best when she was Harper's age and Clara hadn't hesitated in the least when she responded with the title. In fact she still had it packed away in the attic.

The door opened and Lauren was ready with a huge smile on her face. Camila was dressed casually in yoga pants and a loose tank top and she had her hair pulled back in a messy ponytail. At first glance, she took Lauren's breath away and she was mesmerized by her. That was until she saw the look on Camila's face and fear took over. She was clearly still unhappy with her and Camila had no idea why.

"Um ... hi. I tried to talk to you at school today, but kept missing you."

"Yeah, well, maybe I wasn't interested in talking to you." Camila headed across the foyer and started up the stairs without looking back. "Harper's waiting; you don't want to disappoint her, right?"

"Uh, right." Lauren hurried to catch up with her. She decided to try a different tactic. "Actually, I'm pretty excited about tonight's book. I brought one from home. It was my favorite from when I was a kid." She held out her worn copy of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie and handed it to her.

They had reached the second floor by now and she stopped to look at the title. "We already have that book, first edition, a signed copy", she scoffed and then, shoved the book back at her. "I doubt there isn't a decent children's book in publication that we don't own. After all, my great grandfather started the Miami Public Library, Lauren."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

"I'll be in the music room ... rehearsing for the musical." She started to walk away and called back over her shoulder. "You can let yourself out when you're done." Then, just before she descended the stairs Camila looked back at her and her expression softened. "T-tell Harper, I'll come kiss her good night after you leave."

Lauren stood there stunned for a few seconds before she heard Harper's voice calling to her. She plastered on a fake smile and tried to be cheerful as she walked into her daughters room.


"...wipe away your inhibitions..."

Lauren heard Ally's voice as she crept down the hall with Harper hanging onto her flannel. The school was putting on High School Musical and Camila got the part of Sharpay - which was surprising considering she was nothing like her. Ally was acting out the part of Ryan to help her rehearse.

"Stomp, stomp, stomp to the romp", both of the sisters voices sang out in perfect harmony as Lauren and Harper quietly peeked around the open doorway.

"And strut your stuff." Camila thrust out her chest and struck a pose as she 'strutted' across the floor. Lauren's eyes went wide.

"Mommy's pretty", Harper whispered.


"Bop, bop, bop straight to the top. Going for the glory." Ally and Camila danced toward a ladder set up in the middle of room, each of them going to opposite sides. They started to climb the ladder as they reached the finale. "We'll keep stepping up and we just won't stop, stop, stop 'til we reach the top. Bop to the top!"

The music stopped and Ally looked at Camila expectantly. They were both breathing heavily and smiling brightly.

"That was perfect Mila. Alright, let's run it one more time." Ally grinned and high fived her sister.

Satisfied, Camila smiled at her. They climbed down the ladder and Ally picked up a towel and wrapped it around her neck. Camila walked immediately to the stereo and reset the song.

"Kay. How about we take it from the second stanza..."

"Uh.. Mila?"


Ally pointed towards the doorway where her niece and ex friend were hiding.

Lauren and Harper slunk into the room. Camila's watchful stare did nothing to alleviate Lauren's anxiety. Harper, who was completely oblivious to the unsettled emotion between her parents, ran across the room and jumped into her mother's arms.

"You were great, Mommy!"

Camila tried to hide her smile, but it crept onto her lips anyway. "Thanks, baby, but why are you still awake?" She was addressing Harper, but turned her eyes to Lauren for the answer. And it better be a good one, she didn't look happy.

"Uh... Harper wanted to come say goodnight." Lauren awkwardly rubbed her arm and pulled her eyes away from her burning gaze to stare at the floor.

"Yeah, I wanted to be tuck-ed in by both of you."

Camila didn't notice Ally slowly sneak out - as usual not wanting to get in between her sister and her baby mama drama. She personally thought this whole thing would make for a great reality show.

After Harper left, Harper quickly convinced her mommies to tuck her in together. Camila was pleasant and cheerful, but Lauren could tell it was all an act for Harper. Surprisingly, the toddler settled down quickly and the two teenagers slipped from the room after many hugs and kisses.

"Listen, Camz... I don't understand..."

"You need to go now, Lauren", Camila said firmly as she held the door open for her. "I-I'm tired and I'm not up to talking ... just go ..."

She slammed the door as soon as Lauren crossed the threshold.


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