Do You Have Room For One More...

By Wayfinder

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Bands, vampires, shipping what more can you ask for? forget little less sixteen candles, say hello to vampire... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 4

154 11 6
By Wayfinder

Jack's story

It's been three days since I have last seen, Alex, three days since we last spoke and already I feel this pit of loneliness fill my heart. It's not pleasant, I assure you. You feel empty. Less joy in the world, your chest feels heavy, longing for something or someone.

So that's why I'm here, outside his door, outside his apartment, nervously thinking of all possible scenarios in my head. All with the possibility that Alex was pretending to be nice, ends up killing me because of my naïve nature.

I let out a heavy sigh. This is Pete's influence. He's raised me not to trust vampires and yet I trust, Alex. He told me everything about his past, just as I did with mine. Vampires are protective about their past, especially when they were human. It's obvious that Alex trusted me enough to tell me about his human life. It shows he's different.

Taking a deep breath, I knock at Alex's door. I waited a few minutes and received no answer. Unsure I hesitantly knock once more.

"I'm coming!" I hear him yell lazily. This was a bad idea. My heart rate picked up as I hear heavy footsteps coming towards the door. Is he angry? Did I disturb him? Is he . . . eating?

Images of Alex flashed into my head, picturing him killing a half naked girl, dressed only in her under wear and Alex having his fangs deep into her neck, blood covering his mouth.

My breath hitched as I hear the door unlocked.

Alex rubbed his eyes tiredly, yawning as he did, his fangs poked through. Alex only wore long pyjama bottoms and no shirt, his hair dishevelled and strands sticking up in odd directions. I still can't get pass the no shirt though. I couldn't help but to stare. This is not what I was expecting!

"Jack?" he tiredly questions. "It's nine at night, what are you doing here?" he asks trying holding in a yawn.

"I-I c-came to see you," I timidly answered. Alex scrunched his face up. I believe he's trying to process what I just said. "S-sorry is this a bad time?" I asked and Alex's eyes widen.

"No, it's just a little early that's all," he answered, yawning once more. Early?

It makes sense they sleep during the day but wouldn't they be up once the sun sets? I guess they're more like us, but more nocturnal. "Sorry, would you like to come in?" he asked moving out the way. I slowly nodded and walked in. Alex shut the door and the apartment became pitch black. I guess he doesn't need lights.

"Do you want anything to drink? I have tea or coffee?" he asked me in the darkness, as I stand awkwardly in one place. I try and make out where Alex could be.

"U-um, water is just fine, thank you," I replied.

Finally I can see. The layout of the apartment is more open, the kitchen and lounge connect to each other, a wide space in between, would be use for a table set placing. I noticed two doors at the back and a third on the left, one probably be the bathroom, the other the bedroom and the laundry room. Everything was so modern.

"I thought it would be easier for you to see," Alex chuckled. I laughed nervously and noticed the water placed on the bench. I gently took the glass and thanked him.

Alex nodded and went to the jug and put it on boil. He grabbed the instant coffee and a mug. Decorated with fangs and the statement 'bite me' on it, obviously a joke mug, given to him by someone close. "So, why did you come by?" Alex asked me, his eyes not leaving the jug.

"I, um, wanted to see how you were," I answered, showing a small smile. Alex nodded and poured the hot water into the mug.

"Aww, it's only been two days and you miss me already," he teased. His sudden change in mood suddenly surprised me but almost left me speechless.
"N-no, I just . . ." I trailed off, after hopelessly stumbling my words.

"It's ok, Jack. I'm only teasing," he tells me and then winks. My heart rate began to pick up again. I hear Alex give a light chuckle. He went to the fridge and grabbed some milk but it wasn't the only thing inside, a few scattered packets of blood, lay in the fridge. Alex notices and gives an awkward smile. "It's an easy source of food if you have hunters after you, but not a permanent solution," he answers sorrowfully. I nod and watch him pour the milk in. "Also thank you,"

"For what?" I asked him, confused.

"For leaving the key, I needed it. Thank you," he answers. I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked away.

"It's cool, I' m just happy to help," I quickly responded, looking everywhere but, Alex.

That's when I saw it, a beautiful electric guitar on its stand, just begging to be played.

"Do you want to have a go?" Alex asks, noticing me eyeing off his guitar. I nodded and walked over to it, picking it up and sitting on the floor. Thinking of a song, I start strumming and Alex watching me as I do.

I started strumming playing any melody that jumped into my head. Alex moved closer to me and sitting down beside me, listening to me intently as I play his guitar.

Pete's story

Another quiet night and I'm looking through my paper work, how eventful. All of them are reports of the hunts that happen during the night, the vampires we slay, and the ones that escape, we keep a record of every hunt. Mind you, it's frustrating when half of these aren't filled out properly. You get ones lazily written on what happened, who was there, who died. Then you receive with too much detail and the ones that require enough but not go over the top.

Of course on piece of paperwork had to be about that vampire, Patrick. Manipulative, cunning, sadistic, charming, attractive . . . damn it.

This isn't fair, there is nothing kind about them and yet I find it cruel to kill one. That is why I no longer hunt them, I send my men out instead.

My thoughts were rudely interrupted when I heard a knock at the door, I politely asked them to come in, and I was greeted with a knife thrown at me, knowing projectile I didn't bother moving, I knew it was thrown to the side of my head.

"Hello, Ronnie, what can I do for you," I greeted him, leaning back on my chair, with a smug smile appearing across my face.

"I was wondering if you can explain why, you let those two vampires leave peacefully, two nights ago?" he asked, venom lacing his voice.

"Simple, they had us surrounded and thinking the welfare of my men, I did what he asked of me," I answered simply. Ronnie glowered at me.

"You still see them as people, how cute," he commented.

"Is there anything else, you wish to add?" I challenged him. Ronnie just smiled and shook his head.

"I have nothing for now, my fearless leader," he mocked, leaving my office.  I knew he was going to be trouble for me one day, looks like he finally made his move.

It's no secret that Ronnie despises me, I know once given the chance he will take my position. Thankfully my men are on my side than his. I need a drink.

I removed myself from my chair, grabbing my coat and headed to the closest bar. I couldn't bear to stay in my office any longer. I needed to go out, maybe even see a few people . . . or vampires.

Right now I remember, it's too much trouble to go out, but why should I let that stop me! I take a deep breath and leaned my head on the door. Jack is right, I need to see more people, go out a few times maybe even meet a few guys.

Moving my head away, I slowly open the door and make my way down to the elevator.


The loud clatter of glasses and chatter of people pass by me, everyone seems to be avoiding me.

What a lonely existence I have, my only friends are Jack, Andy the bartender and this glass of whisky. Well if I have to be honest I only know Andy, because he gives me free drinks for the account I saved his life a year ago. But this strange friendship has grown in the past year, Andy knows of my business, story and sexuality. Unfortunately in this day and age my sexuality is not acceptable in public. The year nineteen, eighty one and people still have an issue with it. At least vampires aren't judged for their sexuality, they would rip someone to shreds over it.

"You ok, Pete?" asked Andy. I looked towards to my friend and nodded sombrely.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be, Andy?" I asked him. Andy let out a sigh and put the glass he was cleaning down.

"You seem troubled, more than usual and that's not healthy." Andy stated. To which I agree with, I am troubled and it's all thanks to Patrick.

"I know," I murmured, Andy waited for me to say something else but I kept my mouth shut and skulled the rest of my whisky. I put the glass down and moved it towards Andy signalling him to fill my glass. He rolls his eyes and shakes head, while grabbing another bottle. He poured me another and I took a sip this time, savouring the flavour. I plan to stay conscious around environment, too many intoxicated people become victims of a vampire attack.

Apart from Andy acknowledging my existence, one other has decided to sit next to me and order a drink from Andy. To which this surprised me.

"I have to ask but what is a handsome man, like you sitting here all by yourself?" the guy asked. Another surprise, he's striking a conversation with me. I turn my head to the attractive guy next to me and I became lost for words. He seemed to notice my quietness and smirked. He thanked Andy for the drink and giving him the money. His hazel eyes became intense as he looks at me up and down.

It's a shame, I know this look, and he's after one thing and one thing only. I snapped out of my daze and glared the man.

"I'm not, you're here next to me," I replied. The guy's smile grew wider and laughed.

"Good point, but you were alone," he states, taking a sip from his beer. "Tell me, are you waiting for anyone?" he asks me and I roll my eyes.

"Listen, I could play this game with you but I'm not having of it, you're only after one thing and I'm into one night stands." I answer bitterly. The guy seemed to be taken aback by this. It was as if, it's his first time to be rejected. It is rather amusing watching him lose his composure, carefully raking his finger through his dark brown hair, his eyes widen in panic trying to think of something, anything to say but nothing. He takes a deep breath and calms down, giving a small smile.

"All right, you got me. I guess it was really obvious, wasn't it," he chuckled. "But you do look like you're alone, if you don't mind me hanging around, I can get to know you." he offered giving me a friendly smile. I narrowed my eyes, turning it into a cold glare. I want nothing to do with this guy.

"Look I already told you, I'm not interested." I refused him once more. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I know I already got that, what I mean is, we should meet up, hang out, kind of like a date," he replied, his smile returning once more. A date! I became speechless again and he somehow took this as a yes. "Great, same time tomorrow night, here, don't be late," he finalised before I get a chance to have a say. He drank the rest of his drink and got up from his seat. "By the way my name is Mikey, I look forward to our date tomorrow," he cheered, leaving the bar.

What just happened? How did I even? What?

Andy witnessed the entire thing, noticing my look of confusion he put his hand gently on my shoulder. I looked at him, like a deer frozen in headlights.

"I think you should go," the one sentence that I thought would never come from his mouth.

"What?" I whispered. Andy shrugs.

"You turned the guy down twice, and then offers a date tomorrow night, he seems serious about you," he points out. Which is true, usually the guys I turn down, leave and no longer bother but this guy, he was persistent. "Besides, I think this would be good for you, maybe you needed to meet someone," Andy continues. I slowly nodded my head in agreement. It is true, it would be nice to go on a date or even meet someone and if anything goes wrong I have Andy with me. Maybe it won't be too bad.

"All right but if I die, it's on your head." I humoured and Andy chuckled.


Gerard's Story

Even though our home is huge, it's still not big enough for two covens to live in. some of us have to share our rooms with the other coven and to be honest it's rather difficult when you have an unknown person living in the same space as you are. It's worse as you hear two particular vampires going at it, two floors up. God Brendon is loud. Due to the unwanted disturbances I go to the library for peace, thankfully this is the most soundproof room in the building. To my surprise, I find my little brother, his face buried in a book.

"Successful hunting?" I asked and Mikey looked up from his book and smiled. He closed his book and put it away.

"Unfortunately no, but I found a rather interesting human," he answered. This caught my attention, Mikey found someone interesting. Usually he kills them on the first night he meets them.  "We're going on how you should say a 'date.' Hopefully it leads to something," he continues. Well just when I thought he found someone, he plans to kill them after he get what he wants. I roll my eyes and walked over to the book shelf, carefully looking for a book to read.

"Is that the only thing you want, Mikey?" I question him.

"No, I want his blood too. He has an intriguing scent, besides he's the first human to reject me," he huffed. I chuckled. Mikey, getting rejected for the first time, now I can see why he is going to all this trouble.

"Well as long as you are safe, good luck getting the prey," I said, cheering him on. Mikey gave a big smile and quickly leapt from his chair, tackling me into a hug.

"I'm glad you understand," he murmured. Some of the vampires here don't approve of Mikey's hunting methods. I however don't mind, many vampires here have done a lot worse. Mikeys is more childish fun then evil. The ones that seem to have a problem are the ones who can't get any, which of course is true. Jealousy is a bitch. But before I met Frank, I did the same, so did many vampires in this coven but we just find one person and that's it, I know my brother will follow the same path.

After our brotherly embrace, we sat down and chatted away. It's nice to talk to my brother without any interruptions from our other members, even from Patrick. He always calls for me whenever I seem to have quality time with my brother.

Once the sun rose, Mikey and I bid each other good night, heading to our rooms.

I found Frank asleep on the couch, obviously has been waiting for me to come back. I lightly shook him, only for him to smile sleepily at me and pull me next to him on the couch.

"I've missed you," he mumbles tiredly, wrapping his arms around my waist. I chuckle and lean closer to him. Looks like it will be the couch today.

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