Fable: Shadows Among Us (Book...

By KurtDestin

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#642 in Adventure (Since 3/19/17) This is about a young girl who travels through Albion which starts out as a... More

Chapter 1: I'm Ready
Chapter 2: Jack of Blades
Chapter 3: The Future Mayor of Bowerstone
Chapter 4: Amanda (Part 1/2)
Chapter 5: Elirva (Part 2/2)
Chapter 6: Whitney and Michael
Chapter 7: The Sprites (1/2)
Chapter 8: The Sprites (2/2)
Chapter 9: Abandonment
Chapter 10: Entering the Guild
Chapter 11: Training Part (1/3)
Chapter 12: Training Part (2/3)
Chapter 13: Training Part (3/3)
Chapter 14: Welcome Back to Bowerstone
Chapter 15: A New Path
Chapter 16: A Forbidden Love
Chapter 17: The Mark
Chapter 18: Twinblade and Theresa
Chapter 19: Peter or Phillippe
Chapter 20: Finally Home
Chapter 21: Welcome Home
Chapter 22: Bargate Prison
Chapter 24: The Destruction of Oakvale
Sequel Info

Chapter 23: The Explanation

28 5 1
By KurtDestin

We entered the house and I said "Mom, dad, go freshen up. Phillippe and I have some clothes upstairs that you guys can borrow."

They walked away and Phillippe said "Hey, are those your parents?"

"Yeah. I've missed them my entire life and when I finally let the past be the past, they come right back to where I was before. I'm just happy that this time, they are okay and alive." I said as he hugged me.

"Where were they at?" Phillippe asked concerned.

"A place, a bad, bad place. I'm just happy I'm back here. Especially with you!" I said and we began kissing.

"Mommy, what are you doing?" Talia said and we both jumped. "Haha!"

We all got in a group hug and I kissed her beautiful blonde head.

She walked off and Phillippe said "She's just like you, you know?"

"I'm not sure."

"She has your drive, your happiness, your personality. She has your hair and your eyes. She has my nose and ears. She is our beautiful little girl, Lyllianna, and she is just like you with a few minor differences." Phillippe said holding me. "She's our little girl."

Then my parents came back all cleaned up a minute later and mom said "So Lylli, why do you live here in Oakvale? Isn't Bowerstone your home?"

"Bowerstone was my home, but when I came back, you were gone. You left me."

"No, we didn't want to leave you, Lylli. Your father came home and told Robert and I that he couldn't afford the house anymore. So I went on the road with him because we had also thought you died when we heard about the raid in Oakvale. So we traveled to Witchwood. We lived there for eleven years and two years ago, we moved to Hook Coast. Then these men took us and through us in those cells. Now you've saved us and here we are. We never would of left if we had known you were alive. I'm so sorry Lyllianna. I hope you know why we left now."

"I.. I understand. Thank you for telling me, mom. I'm just happy I have you guys back." I said hugging them with tears in my eyes.

I released from the hug and said "Okay, everyone, I have an announcement to make. First, these are my parents, Lisa and Carl, or the Whites. Now for the real announcement. It's about something that's been happening.. to me." I said showing them the mark and my lower right abdomen. "There are shadows among us, evil shadows that put this mark on me. They told me that I would receive a punishment for not completing a task which they assigned me. I am the reason Jack of Blades was able to activate the shield. Mom, you knew this. I've figured it out over the last two years because I actually thought about it. You hoped that I never knew who my family was, that we could protect the world by hiding the one secret needed to activate the sword, but I failed. So I don't want you all to suffer with me. I'm sorry."

"We aren't here because we are scared, you know?" Ben said. "We are here because all of us are family. We are going to get through this and survive. We love you, Lyllianna, and we won't back down from these shadows."

Then I smiled and we began to make dinner and for the first time, I felt like I was really home. I just hope it will last...

A/N: Hey guys! How are you? Do you think Lyllianna will get to keep her happiness or will it be ripped from her? Can her and her family survive the shadows threats or will they be fatal as well? Find out in the next and last chapter. Thanks!

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