orphic » jacob black

By --blaine

642K 15.7K 4.5K

"I love you not because you sing with my angels.. but because you dance with my demons." disclaimer- I don't... More



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By --blaine


The new borns are coming tomorrow.
The small leech predicted it.
Everyone is on edge, especially Jake and Sam. I'm spending the day with Emily and Kim all today and tomorrow just to be safe. I'm still extremely pissed off that Jake is spending the night on top of the fucking mountain with Bella but I put that in the back of my mind. Jake is leaving about 5 o'clock tonight and I won't see him until all the newborns are killed.

I'm currently curled up on the bed in one of the guest rooms at Emily's house, binge-watching Lost.

Jake and the pack are at the field where they're going to fight, going over the plan for tomorrow. It makes me mad that all of this is going on because of Bella and her boyfriend.

Just as I finish season one, Kim walks in my room, looking distressed.

I pat the bed, "What's up Kimmy?"

She lays down on the bed and groans, "I'm worried about Jared. I hate this Bella bitch."

"Same." I agree, "But the pack will be fine. They're pretty tough."

"Yeah. I'll be able to sleep when they're safe." she says, "I don't think I could handle not being with Jared tonight. How are you going to do it?"

My stomach flips over, "I have no idea. Just one second at a time I guess."

"We're all here for you. You know that right?" she smiles

"Of course." I smile, "Same goes for you."

Jake walks in right as I finish my sentence.

"I'll leave you guys alone." Kim smiles sadly and climbs off the bed.

"Hey" Jake smiles sadly

"Hey Old Yeller." I smile back

"Really? We're still on that?" he laughs lightly.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, changing the subject .

"Pretty good. I'm ready for this to be over. I just want to be with you." he answers truthfully.

"Are you nervous at all? Scared?" I ask

Jake laughs, "Vampires don't scare me babe. They just piss me off."

I raise my hands in defense, "Okay. Just making sure you're okay."

"Thank you." He smiles and pulls my into him, "I'm low key jealous of Jared and Sam right now. They get to be with their imprints tonight."

"Damnit Jake. Why do you have be such a nice person? Then Bella wouldn't make you stay with her!" I laugh, "Why can't you be like Christian Grey? You could be 50 shades of Black!"

"Please tell me you did not just say that." He laughs and shakes his head, "I love you." he says between laughs

I frown, "Actually, scratch that, I'm not into that shit. That's scary."

Jake just laughs harder and pulls us down onto the bed.

Once Jake stops laughing, he just stares at me, "You're perfect."

"So are you." I smile and kiss him gently

"I'm so sorry I can't be here tonight. I would be here if it was my choice." He says sadly

"Jake, it's okay. You're a good person. Besides, I can survive one night without you. Bella? Who knows? That bloodsucker could turn her into on of them. I may hate her, but I wouldn't want anyone to have that fate."

"I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said about Bella." He smiles

"I can be nice sometimes." I say as I roll on top of Jake.

"Hi." I smile, as I bury my head in his neck.

"You're so cute." He laughs, "you're in a weird mood. what's up?

"I'm just so tired of vampires controlling my life, our lives." I sigh, "I want to be happy but I know there's the danger of you getting hurt or worse tomorrow."

"Baby, please stop worrying. This is really nothing." he signs, rubbing my back gently

"Fine." I sigh and close my eyes, listening to Jake's heartbeat, "how much longer until you have to leave?"

I can feel him take in a breath, "About an hour and a half."

"Okay." I whisper and fall asleep curled up on Jake's chest.

"Jay." I hear someone call my name.

"Uh." I groan, basically still asleep.

"Baby, I have to go now." Jake whispers

"No. Stay here with me." I groan and wrap my arms around my boyfriend.

Jake looks so sad, "I'll be back before you know it. okay?"

I get off the bed so Jake can leave and wrap my arms around his neck tightly, "I love you." is all I say in a quiet voice.

"I love you so much. Stay indoors and don't leave until I come get you." he says firmly

"Okay. Just be safe." I say, then kissing him on the lips

He grabs my face and kisses me like never before. After a few moments, we're both breathless.

"Bye Black." I say quietly

"Bye Brewer." he smiles

After Jake leaves, I walk downstairs to find the whole pack and the girls in the living room. They all send me sympathetic smiles as I walk to the kitchen and get a tangerine.

"So was are we doing tonight?" I ask nonchalantly as I plop on the couch next to Embry and Quil.

Everyone looks bewildered.

"How are you not freaking out right now?" Kim asks

"I am freaking out. I'm fucking terrified. But there's nothing I can do." I shrug, "I say we watch some Adam Sandler movies, because I know none of us are going to sleep tonight. I hear Grown Ups 2 is a good one."

"Grown Ups 2 it is then." Sam smiles and finds the movie on demand.

We all stay up all night, not being able to sleep and avoid the inevitable. There was a chance that not all us were going to be sitting there tomorrow.

The next morning, the pack was off probably around 3 or 4. All of them going to the field except for Seth. He's going back and forth between the mountain and field, like a messenger. Jared is going to be our messenger. He'll run back periodically to check on us and let us know how they're doing.

A little after 10, the war starts.
Emily, Kim, and I are curled up on the couch together. I feel so helpless and I hate it. I want to be there to help but I know that I would just be a liability.

We spend the day cleaning the house and cooking in silence.

Kim is the most nervous out of all of us, she's not handling this very well.

"Everything is going  to be fine." Emily states confidently, "We need to show more faith in our boys."

"I agree. It's literally in their DNA to kill vampires. We need to give them more credit." I agree

Just then, Jared comes running into the house like a madman.

"What's wrong?" Emily gets up in a panic.

Jared looks at me and back at Emily.
Time stands still.
My mind goes fuzzy.
It's Jake.
It has to be.

"It's all Leah's fault!" Jared yells

"What? What is Leah's fault?" Emily snaps

"There was one leech left. Just one. Leah, being stupid goes after it by herself. Jake goes in to help her and the  leech gets him. Every bone on his left side is broken." Jared says, running his hand through his hair, "I need to go back but I had to get away from his screams. I couldn't take it anymore."

You know that feeling when something bad happens but you refuse to acknowledge it? The worst case scenario happens and you try to convince yourself that it's just a dream, it's not really happening. Like when a loved one dies or you hear bad news. You just want life to go back to normal without having to live with the pain. You want the pain to go away but it's stuck.

That's what I'm feeling right now.
My best friend, my boyfriend, my rock is in excruciating pain and there's absolutely nothing I can do to help him.

"Where is he?" I snap at Jared, tears running down my face, it's not his fault this happen but I really need to get to Jake. "He's at his house. Dr. Cullen is re-breaking his bones because they keep growing back together incorrectly."

"I'm going." is all I say as I grab my car keys and run out of the house. I'm going well over the speed limit, but I don't care. I need to get to Jake. He's the only thing that matters.

I'm almost at Jake's house when I see a man in the center of the road. I quickly slam on the breaks and hit my head on the steering wheel. My ears start to ring and the world goes fuzzy. In a dazed state, I touch my fingers to my forehand and feel the hot oozing liquid run down my face and fingers. The last thing I see before the world goes black is the man who was in the road, walking up to the car.

I wake up with a throbbing headache.
Trying to remember what happen, I look around and find that I'm not in my car. I'm in some sort of cell on the ground. It's disgusting and cold. A layer of grime covers the cold, stone floor.

"Ah you're finally awake." a cold voice says tauntingly

"who are you and why do you have me here?" my voice quivers

A tall, pasty white man walks out of the shadows. Vampire.

"Doesn't matter who I am. I followed that disgusting mongrel to the house because I caught a scent of someone delicious. You know the rest of the story." he smirks

"My pack will find you." I try to sound tough but the truth is, I've never been more scared in my life.

"You and I both know their a little preoccupied." he smiles with a sadistic look in his eye.

He runs up to me and slams my into the cold wall.

"Please don't turn me." I whisper
I'd rather die then turn into one of them.

"Oh darling, I'm not going to turn you." He says, tracing my collar bone with his long, pointy finger, "You're my new food source."

He starts laughing. Not like a Jake laugh but a scary, demented laugh.

Then he turns back to me, "You smell like wet dog." He snaps and rips off my shirt with one swipe and my sweats with another.

I scream and cower to the floor. Pulling my legs up to my chest in an effort to protect myself.

He throws a shirt at me, "see you tomorrow." he smiles wickedly and leaves.

I put on the tshirt and sob into my knees, praying silently that Jake it okay.

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