The Angel's Gift (Indefinite...

By nuttylettuce

22.9K 361 123

Savanna and Lindsey are two ordinary teenage girls, or so they thought. After moving to a new school in a new... More

School of Secrets
Reality Anyone?
I Need Him Anyway
Stolen Night
Break From Reality
We Have to Leave
Help Me
Sam and Kodie
Does it Mean Something?
The Girl in Black
How I'm Here


794 12 12
By nuttylettuce

Chappie number 12! The day we've all been waiting 4 arrives! Lindsey gets her powers!!! HoOrAy! This chapter starts on the day b4 Lindsey's b~day just in case some people don't catch on l0lZ! And yes, Lindsey was born midnight on Christmas! I know that sounds stupid and fictional but that's when LL (one of the people using this account) was born so I decided to make Lindsey have the same b~day as LL, so there ya go! EnJoY!!! <3



-*-Lindsey POV-*-

I raced down the deserted hallway, constantly tripping over unseen objects that scattered the floor, hidden under the horrifying blanket of darkness that surrounded me. My heart threatened to pound straight out of my chest, which was heaving rapidly as I struggled to catch a breath. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw her. Aradia. Long, silvery hair tumbling down her back and grey eyes blazing into me, she easily glided through the narrow passageway, emitting a dull glow.

Smiling an terrifyingly evil smirk, she whispered, "One more day, Lindsey," Her voice carrying through the hall eerily. "Are you ready? Only one day left. Be prepared . . ." She called out to me, her voice erupting the fog of pure terror into the air. I couldn't explain it if I tried, but as she spoke, nearly translucent smoke portruded from her mouth and when it touched my skin, unimaginable horror struck through me. A small scream escaped my lips as I turned back to face endless gloom in front of me. I continued sprinting, my respiration slowly resembling chokes, gasps, and sobs rather than breathes.

Falling to the cold floor as the strange fear increased cruelly and my aching legs gave way, I shrieked loudly as the smoke wrapped around me. The unexplainable terror was enough to cause my vision to blur from fright as I writhed helplessly on the ground, screaming for someone to help me. Anyone.

When no one replied, my mind flashed back to the time, many years ago, when Savanna and I were discussing how we would choose to die if we had the choice between water or fire. She had concluded that she'd rather it be fire, since she has always had a horrible fear of drowning. Something about the water had always made her uneasy. I, on the other hand, had thought the exact opposite, and would rather drown. Burning to death seemed like the worst thing imaginable. Now, I would have laughed at how wrong I had been if I could have stopped screaming for one moment. This is definitely the most horrible thing imaginable. The most terrible way to die.

I screeched and prayed for it to stop. Prayed to die before I had to take anymore of this horrible feeling. Aradia sauntered up and looked down at me, still smiling unearthly as she watched me suffer. Some part of my mind faintly heard my name being called from somewhere far away, but it seemed much too far to ever reach. "One more day," Aradia whispered. Suddenly, everything around me blurred until the point of nonrecognition and nothing could no longer be seen.

Aradia disappeared along with the dark passageway and new shapes began to form. "Lindsey! Wake up!" A familiar voice yelled, anxiety licking his voice. The terrible fear was beginning to subside but I continued screaming like no tomorrow, horrified it might return. I abruptly gained control of my body and I scrambled for freedom, trying to get away from the strong hands that were now gripping my shoulders. It took me a few seconds to realize I wasn't being held in a restainingway, but in a comforting way. I snatched on to the first thing I came in contact with and pulled myself into it, sobbing uncontrollably. Burying my face in what I now recognized as someone's chest, I felt soothing arms wrap around me as I searched for safety.

Eventually, I realized the chest I was crying into and the voice whispering soothingly in my ear, "It's OK. You're safe." Repetatively belonged to Jensen, and out of the corner of my soaked eye, spotted Annie, Will, and Savanna all scattered around my room, watching my worriedly. Savanna had slept over last night, and she must have called them when I had started freaking out in my sleep. I shuddered at the memory of my dreadful nightmare. That was definitely not just any dream.


The day past in slow motion. I was far too busy dreading what tomorrow would bring to pay any attention to any of the conversations Savanna, Jensen, Will, and Annie blabbed on about, obviously attempting to take my mind off of the fact that today was December twenty-fourth. The day before my birthday. Willing my train of thought to take a different course than the fact that tomorrow was my seventeenth birthday, I mused off at how my parents had always told me that the fact I was born on Christmas day made me special, trying to cheer me up if my friends couldn't make it to my birthday party since they all went out of town to celebrate Christmas with relatives. My jumbled mind didn't stay occupied for long, though.

I had been expecting to slowly ease into my gifts and gradually become stonger and more powerful until finally I reached the pique of my abilities at midnight tonight, but no. As far as I was concerned, nothing had changed since the moment I found out about my gift, nearly four months ago. I was no more powerful than I had been when I first came to Wayland High, which proved the theory that I had begun forming in my head: that I wasn't even the one the prophecy was referring to. That they had the wrong girl. Although I somehow knew that this was a completely irrational theory, it helped the smallest bit to lessen my unbelievable anxiety.

The hours past cruelly, seeming as if I had been sitting silently on my leather couch for years on end as Savanna attempted in cooking smoked salmon for dinner. I scrunched my nose up, disgusted at the burnt smell protruding from the large kitchen to my left. My parents had left two days ago on a 'business' trip, which I would bet money that it had something to do with this 'powers' and 'Aradia' situation. Jensen had gone to the store for some salad and chips a few minutes ago and I prayed that he would be smart enough to pick up carry-out, because there is no way I'm eating whatever was making that horrible smell.

"Dude, you're supposed to flip it over!" I heard Will exclaim and out of the corner of my eye, I saw him rush over to Savanna, where she was facing the stove, back towards me. He snatched the spatula out of her hand, scooped the burning salmon up on it, and slapped it down, the blackened side now facing up.

Savanna backed away from the now smoking stove and glared at the back of Will's head, sticking her tongue out childishly. I snickered slightly and she turned around to face me. Flashing a slight smirk, she sauntered over to the couch and plopped down beside me. Glancing back over her shoulder, she continued watching Will struggle with the task she had now presented him with, a satisfied grin planted on her lips.

Shaking my head lightly, I cut through the silence, "Where's Annie?"

Her attention instantly snapping back to me, she tore her gaze from the sexy werewolf in the kitchen, seeming overjoyed to hear me speak for what seemed like the first time all day. "Um, she went upstairs a couple hours ago," She frowned, apparently just realizing how long it had been since she had seen Annie. She had obviously been too concentrated on cooking to notice her absence. "We'd better see what's up."

Nodding thoughtfully, I followed Savanna as she stood and made her way to the steep staircase. We checked each of the rooms for any sign of Annie and my stomach began twisting even tighter than it had been in the first place.

"Annie?" Savanna called, anxiety lacing her voice.

We continued making our way down the hall, investigating each room as we passed it with no luck in finding our friend until we reached the last one in the hallway. The guest room. Opening the door cautiously, Savanna whispered, "Annie?"

She sucked in a sharp breath as her head peeked through the door and when I spotted the scene in front of me, I felt my eyes widen to the size of saucers. Before me was the once completely organized and tidy guest room, now completely trashed. The large bistre-brown wardrobe lay on its side, books covered the floor, torn pages were scattered all around, the window on the other side of the room was shattered, and not one lamp, desk, chair, or drawer remained intact. Laying unmoving in the middle of the totaled room, was Annie.

"Annie!" Savanna gasped and we immediately dashed to her side, dropping to our knees beside her. Tears filled my eyes as I gently shook her shoulder, just to receive no response. Her kinky strawberry hair was a mess, stained with dark red blood. Resting on her stomach was a small piece of paper, folded repeatedly. Snatching it up, I read the three words, which were written in an old-fashioned cursive-ish style in bright crimson ink, aloud.

"'They mustn't know.'"



"It was that guy the Kenzisia always sends to give messages and crap." Annie whispered twenty minutes later, still a little shaken. She rubbed the back of her head where she had been hit and groaned lightly as her fingers came in contact with the rough-surfaced bandage, "Will, you're a suckydoctor."

"Shut up and admire my skills at being able to put sterry-strips on you and keep our salmon alive at the same time." Will smirked, hurling onto the burgundy recliner across the room from the couch Savanna, Annie, and I were sitting on.

I squeezed Annie's hand softly. "How are you feeling?" I asked, ignoring Will's rambling on what abadass cooker he is.

"Eh, I'll be better after one my specialty herbal teas." She grinned and exited the living room, heading for the kitchen.

"She thinks she's all cool cause she can make those stupid witchy potions. She deserves to suffer instead of healing herself with that dumb tea crap . . ." Will grumbled frustratedly but I tuned his complaining out as Savanna giggled lightly at his immaturity. Unlike Savanna, I grasped the severity of this situation. I could tell Will did also but he wasn't about to worry Savanna about it, so he was just acting as if it was no big deal.

The Kenzisia were threatening us. They freakin' broke into my house, trashed the guest room, and knock Annie out all right under our noses, leaving that stupid note behind saying that Savanna and I couldn't know about the paranormal! The fact that they could just come into my home whenever they wanted rustled a tornado in my stomach. It seemed as if the only reason they did this was to show us who was boss and how powerful they were, just coming on into the one place I thought I would always be safe in. Well, sorry to rain on their parade, but there's absolutely no way I'm letting them get the upper hand of this situation. I'm the powerful one here. I'm the Uniter.


-*-Lindsey POV-*-

I stared at the bright red numbers shining on the black clock sitting on my nightstand. Jensen, Will, Annie, and Savanna were all crouched in close to me, waiting. We hadn't made a sound for at least ten minutes. Just stared at the horrible clock that seemed to be set in slow motion.

11:58. Two minutes until the second I was born nearly seventeen years ago. Two minutes until my powers were supposed to barge into me. Two minutes until I truly became the Uniter of all supernatural species. They were the longest two minutes in the history of the world. I waited in horror.

The excruciatingly lengthy two minutes finally ended. The red digits shone a blazing 12:00 and a loud beep echoed through the eerie silence of my bedroom. A few seconds caught me suspended in time, expecting . . . something.

I immediately felt a rush of something being thrusted into me. Something that had no texture at all but could be felt. A shocked gasp escaped my lips as the sensation got stronger and stronger until it was almost too much to bear. It felt as if whatever was flowing into my body was too much for me to hold, like I would explode from the capacity. Then, as quickly as it had arrived, it vanished, the strange substance still inside me but now bearable, leaving me feeling unmistakably stronger and more powerful.

"Lindsey?" Jensen whispered, concerned. "Are you OK? Do you feel different?" I nodded quickly, answering both questions. I definitely felt different. I felt like I could do anything. For the first time in what seemed like forever, I felt confident in myself.


OOOOOO! Suspenseful! Haha... hope u all enjoyed and I'm praying to overcome this horrible case of writer's-block that's been eating me alive the past few days! Thanks so much 4 reading! It means the world 2 me! Love u all! ((:


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