I Love/Hate You

By xMagics

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What do you do when your Girlfriend whom you have been dating for 3 years, cheats on you for star quarter bac... More

I Love/Hate You
Part 1: Deception: Prologue
Chapter 1: Calm before the Storm
Chapter 2: I Get my Fortune told by a Hobo
Chapter 3: My Date in a Prison Cell
Chapter 4: I Get Dating Advice from a Pizza Maker
Chapter 5: Revenge is Harder than it Looks
Chapter 7: Party like the Roof is on Fire
Chapter 8: Sitting in the Hot Seat

Chapter 6: My Wallet was Stolen by a Monkey

64 3 3
By xMagics

Chapter 6

 My Wallet was Stolen by a Monkey

I smile as she approaches me. Maya was actually pretty good looking. Maybe it was the fact that I never really noticed it due to being in a relationship, or because I’m trying to force myself to move on. Either way it didn’t matter. I wave her over to an old bench near the entrance of the theatre.

She looks at me expectantly, waiting for me to speak. I feel my palms start to sweat. I didn’t expect this to be so hard. Honestly arguing with the cops was easier than this. She must have gotten tired of waiting, because she clears her throat loudly. “So you said you had a favor to ask?”

“Y-yeah, I don’t know if you’ve heard, but there’s a party going on this Saturday. I was wondering if you’d go with me. If you weren’t busy that is.” I finish. I groan inwardly. Why was I so nervous? In a way it almost felt like I was betraying Sandy by instantly trying to hit on Maya one week after our break up. Then I remember that technically she had me beat by six months so I wasn’t completely out of line.

On the other hand I did feel bad by using Maya like this. While I will admit I think she’s cute, I don’t see her in a romantic way. I assume the feeling is mutual on her side.  My thoughts are interrupted by her tapping my shoulder. “I’m sorry I zoned out there.” I say.

She shakes her head. “No it’s alright.” She blushes heavily. “I’m sorry but I’m busy with work that day.”

“Oh no… it’s alright.” I say, trying my hardest not to sound too disappointed. My face must have given something away, because she gives a sympathetic look.

“I’m really sorry,” she says gently.

I reassure her I’m fine before making up an excuse to leave. Even though I wasn’t technically asking her out, I still felt dejected. Not because she didn’t say yes, but because of everything that has lead up to this point. Luck wasn’t exactly on my side, though I really couldn’t blame it. I wouldn’t be so encouraged to join my side either.

I wander around the campus before heading to my car. I climb on top of the roof and gaze towards the sky. The sun blinds me at first but my eyes readjust. The warm weather brings a smile to my face despite all the problems the ruled my thoughts at the moment. Just lounging around sometimes really helps clear the mind. It makes me think that all of my issues will solve themselves, even though I know that’s not true, but it’s a nice sentiment.

I hear footsteps from somewhere behind me. “Yeah I’ll talk to you later Mom. Bye.”

My eyes widen as I recognize the voice. I look up and blue eyes meet brown ones, as Sandy stares intently at me. I return her stare with a glare and get inside my car. I hear her jog up as I try to start my car. Damn engine chooses now of all times not to start, I curse. She knocks on the window. “Can we please just talk?”

I roll my eyes getting annoyed. “For the tenth time and counting; no.”

She sighs dejectedly; moving strands a brown hair from her eyes. “You never gave me the chance to explain.”

“Gee shocker.” The engine finally spurs to life, and I pull out without a second thought.


I was going to drive downtown before heading home, but the thought of a certain hobo quickly changes my mind. Out of the blue I notice rain start to cover my windshield. I groan, of course it would start to rain. The rain begins to pick up and I’m forced to pull over at a nearby Starbucks. It’s rather annoying, the rain. It just seems to have this effect of forcing one in a bad mood.

I take a seat at a brown plated table, and wait out the stormy weather. A Bruno Mars song plays gently in the background, and I quietly hum along. I find myself staring out the window as if in a trance. If one were to look me now they would surely think I was hypnotized. I catch the movement of a shadow from the corner of my eye. Under a tree I see a girl talking on the phone trying to avoid being caught in the rain.


I pull on my coat and cross the street over to her direction. She notices me and quickly ends whatever conversation she was having. “Maya what are you doing out here, it’s pouring!”

She pulls her soaking wet hair behind her ears. “No I’m fine really.”

I wrap my coats on her shoulder. “Come on let’s get you inside.”

She suddenly jerks causing us both to stop. “Are you alright?” I ask.

“Hey is that offer still open?”

I raise an eyebrow confused. “What offer?”

“The party I mean,” She says looking down.

“Yeah, but what changed your mind?”

“It doesn’t matter,” She snaps.

I’m surprised by the sudden attitude change. I could expect that from other people, but Maya was a different story. I’ve never actually seen her so… secretive, but then again it’s not my job to pry. Everyone has their secrets.

“Well I’ll drop you off, and tomorrow I’ll pick you up around 6:00,” I say changing the subject. My expression must have given away my shock, because she instantly starts to blush.

“A-alright then thank you.” She says walking towards my car.

I hold back a laugh. And the returns. At least that’s one thing that’ll never change, I assure myself.


I pull up to the corner of her house and honk my worn. Why she randomly decided to go is beyond me, but I’m not complaining. She opens the door revealing herself, and my jaw drops. Her curled hair sways as she walked down the front steps, and her long black dress compliments her high heels. She opens the door and gives me a confused look. “Is everything alright?”

I shake my head trying to hide my blush. “Oh no it- it’s nothing,” I say pulling out.

The car is silent for the next few minutes, with the other trying to figure out what to say.  Maya breaks the silence with, “So do you know anything about the host?”

I rub my chin for a moment. “Not personally, but I’ve heard some things.” She nods, and the silence returns.

I’ve heard a lot of things actually. Alden Charleston. Son of Michael Charleston head of Sport Rod Inc. He grew up in a wealthy family much like Danielle, and surprisingly the two are actually good friends, despite the fact their parents hate the other. Alden however wasn’t always appreciative of “Daddy’s Money” though. He blew it all off like it was nothing. Spending thousands of dollars in different continents like they were a Good-will. Something I could only dream of. Well daddy wasn’t happy with this as you can imagine, and threw Alden into the Problem Child Restoration Society- the PCRS for short. Basically the therapy for rich kids, who are shopaholics.

After staying there for a few weeks he left took some of his parents’ savings, bought a mansion, and moved here. I guess that’s what rich people think “running away” is.  He doesn’t go to school. Only stays there and throws parties occasionally wasting his life and money away. He’ll learn soon. But then again I guess I should be thanking him. Without that I wouldn’t be going to parties like this.

I park behind the growing mass of cars. Its times like these I really wish I was rich, just to live I a house like this. I open Maya’s door and lead her to the front gate. The closer we get the more I realize how big this house actually is. It runs seven stories high covered in sky blue. The windows each plated in gold dye. Which I hope was dye, or he’s going to lose a lot of window frames tonight.

The gates open and reveal the courtyard. Maya inches closer to me holding on to my arm. I smile and urge her forward. Though I can understand her reaction. This field is much larger than Danielle’s. Rolls of green cover every inch of the field along with a bird bath that could’ve easily been a pool. All filled with crazy teens climbing the trees, TP’ing the statues of historic figures, and one actually relieving himself in the bird bath. I scrunch my nose in disgust.

In the midst of the chaos, I spot Daniel talking with Danielle at the front porch. I take Maya’s hand and lead her over. He sets his drink down, and leans on the edge of the railing. 

“Hey Jayden! Didn’t think you’d actually come bro,” He says with a smile.

“Well I had to get out the house sometime.” He nods and turns his attention to Maya with a confused stare.

“And who is this?”

“Dude that’s Maya.”

His eyes get so big they look like they’re about to burst. “M-Maya?”  She nods shyly. “Wow! You look well… hot!” She blushes, and mumbles something I can only assume was a thank you.

I put my arm around her shoulder and pull her in close. “Isn’t she just the cutest thing?” I say with a teasing smile. Her blush only deepens rivaling a tomato. It might have been a joke but she seriously did look beautiful. I glance down to my attire, and I’m less than impressed. I shrug. What can you do? Times are hard in the ice cream business.

I chat with Danielle for a brief moment, before we all go inside. I have to cover my eyes not to be blinded. When it’s safe to reopen them my eyes widen. If someone were to have a seizure, it would be here. Flashing lights appear everywhere, making everything seem stop motion. On the sides stood tables filled with other teens either making out or chatting; some doing both. The dance floor comes into view, it looked like a Dance Dance Revolution pad only jumbo sized. My only thought was, Wow.

I shouldn’t have been surprised really, I’ve been to Danielle’s house plenty of times, but maybe it’s because I haven’t been to an actual party in so long. Cop parties don’t count. I tread to the corner of the room where a large table sat with a huge assortment of food with a glass bowl of punch resting in the center. Resisting greatly, I follow the rest of my group to a nearby table, still eying the food.

Daniel props his head on his hand. “So did you guys come together or did you just offer to bring her?”

I smile and grab Maya’s hand. “Nope, this pretty lady right here is my date.”

Daniel’s mouth forms the exact shape of an ‘O’, glancing over I see Danielle is right there with him.  “Guys, guys I’m kidding,” I say waving my hands. “We’re not dating; she’s just here with me as a friend.”

Danielle wipes fake sweat from her forehead. “You had me going there for a moment.”

Daniel laughs, and from the look on Maya’s face she looked almost relieved as well. I let everyone know I’m getting punch. I approach the table through all the dancing teens. I cover my nose smelling the marijuana, and alcohol on their breath. Looking around I search for the cups. Cups, cups, where are the cups. I glance up and freeze on the sight. In the corner, I see dark brown hair waving wildly along with its owner on the dance floor. She stands near another person who dances around her awkwardly, as if not sure what to do.

I feel my eyes narrow, as I walk off. Suddenly I’m not thirsty. As I march back to the table I feel my body lurch forward. I whip my head back around. “Hey watch it!” I snarl. I’m met with a monkey. He raises his hand up defensively before walking around. I let out a sigh, arguing with a man in a monkey suit. I think I’ve reached a new time low.

Daniel must’ve noted my expression. He gives me a worried look. “You okay man?”

I shake my head. “I saw something… unpleasant.”

The whole table turns toward the dance floor. He must’ve seen it, because he puts a hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry man, I had no idea she was here.” 

I pull his hand off. “No it’s fine. I have to get used to seeing her around.” They both nod. I notice Maya’s sitting very silently. I’m about to ask if she’s alright, but she cuts me off by abruptly announcing she’s going to get punch.

Daniel and Danielle say they’re going to go dance, but to call them if they need anything. I nod, but we both know I won’t. I don’t want to ruin they’re time. So now I’m left alone to watch everyone else dance the night away. I prop my elbow on the table, and feel something sticky. Grimacing I pull it out of what I really hope is dip.

Looking down I notice the table mats are all different on each table. Is that supposed to be some kind of theme? Though looking around this scenery doesn’t really scream costume party. Unless the sex, money, and drugs party package is available at Party City now. I roll my eyes. I get bored easily.

            “H-hey Jayden.” A voice says.

I turn to come face to face with Maya. But she looks different. Her once stoic, tense composure, is replaced with a relaxed, non-caring one. “Maya? Are you alright?”

She lets out a crazy laugh. “I’m way b-better than alright! I’m g-great!” She sways to the side as if she were trying hard to stay upright. “This p-punch is amazing! You ha-have to try it.”

I walk over to her with a confused look. Her curled jet black hair now flew over her face like she was hit by a tornado, and her eyes now held no apprehension, but laziness. They were glossed over. I take the cup from her hand and sniff it. I scrunch up my nose and turn away. This drink was extremely spiked. “Maya? Are you drunk?” I ask.

She tilts her head back falling backwards, and I have to catch her. She gives me a drunken look. “I dunno you tell me.” She laughs.

I try to guide her to the tables, but she fights me. “No I don’t wanna sit down, I wanna dance!”

“Maya that might not be the-“

 She runs off to the center of the dance floor, and starts to dance if you could even call it that. Maybe by a drunken person’s standards. It was more of just flailing your arms and legs around, while swaying side to side. But none the less dancing. I’m tempted to stop her but I remain standing. This was too good to pass up. I’ve never seen Maya like this, and probably never will again.

I pull out my phone and start to record her. I’ll show her this later.  My thoughts are cut short as my body lunges forward. I turn around to see the same monkey behind me. I glare at him. “Dude! Really?”

He walks off. I notice my pants feel a lot lighter all of the sudden. No, no you have to be joking. I turn and see the monkey waving my wallet above his head. “Hey!” I yell chasing after to him. I push past teens, and chairs trying to catch up. I bump into a red head girl and mumble an apology. Looking back up I search for the monkey. Damn it! I lost him.

I feel something on my shoulder. I turn and see Daniel looking at me weirdly. “You alright bro?”

“Have you seen a monkey run by here?” 

He raises an eyebrow. “A monkey?”

“Yes he stole my wallet!”

“A monkey stole your wallet?”

I groan. “It’s a man in a monkey suit, look I don’t have time to explain just let me know if you see him.”

“Alright, alright. I’ll let you know if I do.” He says walking back.

I walk upstairs hoping he hasn’t gotten far. I awkwardly move past the kids making out. Reaching the second floor I see it’s a lot like the last only less crazy, and with more hallways. I turn down the first one. Down it are eight doors on each side with red carpeting leading to each one. I walk up to the first door. Upon opening it I see the lights are off and someone under the covers which equals it’s time for me to go.

I shake my head; I almost forgot I was at this kind of party. I’m about to leave, but out of the corner of my eye I see a door cracked open. I creep up to it and peer inside. I see the monkey opening the window on the far right. I push open the door. “Hey give back my wallet!”

He whips his head around before frantically prying open the window. He succeeds and dives outside. My heart drops. I dash over to window to see him fall two stories down below… into the pool. He makes a huge splash and everyone around in bikini’s cheer loudly. Near the edge of the frame I spot my wallet, and put it back in my pocket. Doing a double take I see Maya down below talking with two muscular looking guys who don’t look there to chat. I quickly run back downstairs. I’ve seen too many movies to know how this ends.

“-yeah so I lifted the thing off the ground and saved my old man. No biggie though.” Muscle Man 1 says.

I intervene putting my arm around Maya. “Hey guys what’s going on?”

They both narrow their eyes at me. “We were just talking, who are you?”

“Her date.” I say returning the look.

Maya laughs again. “Did you know they’re astronauts?”

“Maya please be quiet.”

“Okay!” She cheers.

Muscle man 2 is about to retort but I cut him off. “Well if that’s all we’ll be leaving now. If she likes you she’ll call you which I doubt she will.”

I lead us away from the pool back inside, constantly checking over my shoulder. If those two followed I didn’t want to have to fight. Getting my ass beat wasn’t actually on the agenda for today. I sit Maya down on the couch. I look at my phone and see a text from Daniel. Apparently he left already with Danielle. I’m thinking about doing the same. This party was getting a little too crazy.

I hear Maya humming loudly without a care in the world. I’m about to tell her we’re leaving when a blast cuts me off. I feel my body lift off the ground and crash into the wall. I groan struggling to sit up. My ears ring loudly, all around me I see a stampede of teens scramble for a way out. I see their mouths moving but don’t hear a sound.

I force myself to stand, the ringing starting to fade. My eyes widen. Fire. Flames spread everywhere engulfing everything in fire. A Grandfather clock in front of me starts to fall. Instinctively I roll away missing it by inches, slamming against a table. I scramble to my feet heading for the door. Maya. I stop. Where is Maya? I frantically search for her covering my nose from the smoke. I spot her still on the couch. I run past the now set ablaze dance floor. An explosion in front of me, forces me to roll to the side crushing my arm against a part of the ceiling.

I push away a table in front. “Maya! Come on get up we have to go!” I say, noticing the flames spreading closer.

“What’s going on? Is someone cooking something?”

I yank her forward and guide her towards the door. The second explosion catches me off guard, and throws me to the side. I feel my arm graze against the flames scaring my skin. I struggle to my side, and feel my heart drop as I stare at the door, or what used to be a door. Now covered in rubble and ashes and with it our escape.

“Oh my God are these fireworks!?”

Worst party ever.

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