What Love Can Do For Us

By SierraLocklear2

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Sequel to An Egyptian Love Sara and her gang are in love with the popular kids, Jase and his gang. Join them... More

The Prank
Why Do I Feel Sorry
Unexpected Dance In The Rain
Who Is Sara's Sister?
Dena and Sara
I Can Take The Pain
Say What?!
The Famous Siblings
Why Is It Always My Sister?!
Oh Shit!
When I Saw Her.
All I Want Is You

What I See Through Her Eyes

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By SierraLocklear2

Okay. This chapter will be a bit mixed. From Jase to Sara the one in the tank. Like the title says. Sara will begin talking to Jase, but in his mind. This is after the explanation and a month later. So anyways enjoy!

Jase's POV

Hmm....Sara has been acting weird lately. I wonder why. Yugi and his friend explained to us what they know about Sara and Dena. It's been a month and my friends had gotten a little closer to Sara's friends. It was free period for us and we were outside. A sharp pain went through my head. I gripped my head as I saw something. I was behind somekind of glass. No, there's bubbles. I'm inside something filled up with water. There was some type of lab beneath me.

"Hello...can...you...here...me?" A girl's voice echoes in my head. head. I groan and my friends noticed.

"Jase! Are you alright?" Yugi asked. I shut my eyes.

"Help...me. I...need to...stop...Dena." The girl said and pressed her hand on the glass. I saw her reflection in the glass. She looks down. 'Sara?' I thought as I watched her walk in.

"Miss Dena-" A woman was cut off by Sara...no, Dena.

"It's Sara! You will not call me that!" Dena snaps. If that's Dena then that must mean! I'm looking through Sara's eyes. Sara looks at her reflection. I feel like she's looking at me.

"Please...find me. You must stop my little sister." Sara said and I open my eyes to see my friends looking down at me. I sat up with my Bakura's help.

"What happen?" Joey asked and I told them.

"You mean the Sara we know is actually Dena! Sara's little sister!" Ryou said. I saw Dena walking towards us.

"Guys. Not a word to Dena that we know about her. Just act normal." I said and they nodded.

"What were you guys talking about?" Dena asked.

"We were talking about a prank me, Marik, and Joey are going to do to Tea and her bitchy squad." Bakura said as the other two caught on.

"Yeah! It's gonna be awesome! Want to join us?" Joey said and Dena shook her head.

"I'm good." Dena said as she sat down.

"Hey, Sara. Why is the book so important to you?" I asked. Dena looks over at me.

"It's was my sister. Well my work. I taught her how to read and write. She is writing her first book for me to read when she comes to visit me." Dena said. I know she's lying. It's her first book she is writing for Sara. She's lucky...I guess. I haven't seen my big brother and sister since they're famous. My brother is in a band and my sister is a actress. I miss them. It's been almost 6 years since they left. I hope they can try and fucking visit me. It would be much better than mom and dad on their business trips all the damn time. My family are a bunch of jackasses! Heh... I guess that makes me one too.

The bell rings and we got up off the ground. We went inside the building and went our separate ways after waving bye to each other. The look-a-likes and Seto and Joey each have a class together. They're paired in separate classes. Me and Dena have a class together. I'm happy it's the last one too. We took our seats.

"Bye guys. See you on Monday!" I said as I walked away waving to them. I want wait until tomorrow.


"Okay guys. I want you all to come over to my house." I said.

"Why?" Marik asked. I smirk.

"I'm going to hack into a very top secret government lab Sara showed me." I said. They looked at me.

"Well we do need to fund out what happen to Sara, but hacking into a government protected site? Are you crazy?" Malik asked.

"Nope. I'm not crazy. I'm insane. Trust me. I got it under control." I said and Malik sighs.

~End of Flashback~

'This is going to be fun!' I thought as I entered my house.

Bakura: Why can't I hack a computer?

Because you and Marik destroyed my other one.

Bakura: Oh right. *looks over at Marik duck taped to a wall upside down.* That's was your fault.

Marik: *glares at Bakura*

If you don't shut up, you are joining him.

Bakura: -_-

Good! Next chapter will be in Sara's POV. Grimtales134 out! ;D

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