Why Is It Always My Sister?!

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Ok. In this short chapter, I think, we will see what Dena really thinks of her older twin sister, Sara. Anyways enjoy! Grimtales134 out!

Marik: No disclaimer?

Shut up or I'll tie you to the roof!

Marik: hmph!

Dena's POV

I sat by the window in the back next to Jase. I think I'm in love with Jase, but I saw him was talking to my sister in his head. 'Stupid sister! I was so close! I wanted to kiss Jase when we stop dancing, but didn't. Why does everyone have to ruin everything?! I wonder if it was a good idea to save Sara? I don't know anymore!' I thought as I sighed and Jase looks at me. I watched him in the window.

"Everything okay?" Jase asked. I turned to him. 'This may be my only chance.' I lean over to him and kisses him. I started like that for a mintue before I pulled away and turned back to the window. I see Jase looking at me with wide eyes. 'I guess he's shock. He didn't kiss me back. He must be in love with my sister!' I thought and glared out the window.

I saw Jase looked towards the front of the car. 'I hope they finished turning my sister into an animal. I don't want to see her ever again! I will get Jase to love me! And only me.' I thought and smiled. 'See you soon, my dear big sis. If you're not a monster already.' I thought as we turned down a dirt road.

Uh oh! I see jealous brewing in Dena's heart.

Bakura: That's nothing new.

Oh shut up already! Ryou!

Ryou: Kura. Be nice or you get the couch tonight.

Bakura: Fine. Sorry.

I forgive you. See you guys in the next chapter. Grimtales134 out!

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