The Prank

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"Ah, man. I have to go to the library." Sara said as she walks up to her locker. Yugi, Ryou, Malik, and Joey walks up to their lockers as well.

"Us too. I need that book on comets for my paper I'm writing." Ryou said. Sara hums as she opens her locker. Sara gasped.

"What the hell?!" Sara screams and grabbed a book out. Her friends gasps at the sight the book. The book had green paint all over it. Sara opens the book and the pages was messed up. A screeching laugh echos through the hall. Sara and her friends turned around. Joey growls.

"Tea." Malik said as she walks by with Jase and his gang. Tea was hanging in to Yami's arm and looks over at them. Tea smirks and Sara flips her off. Tea huffs and turns her head away. Sara sighs.

"Lets just go to the library near the school." Yugi said and they nodded. Sara growls and slammed her locker shut. Joey and Malik backed away before following her. Once out of the school Yugi, Ryou, Joey, and Malik looked at each other as they watch Sara muttered under her breath.

"Great. 3 months worth of my story and now it's ruin. I'll have to start all over!" Sara said glaring at the ground. Sara buys a new cover and they walked to their homes. Joey walks with Sara to her house. Sara opens the opens and walks in. Joey follows and closed the door.

I'll get dinner started. Good luck on the book." Joey said as Sara walks up the stairs.

"Ok. I'll be in my room." Sara said and shuts her door. Joey sighs and behind cooking dinner. An hour and 30 mintues dinner was done. Sara and Joey sat down and are. Joey clears the plates as Sara walks back up the her room. It was night time and Joey walks up the stairs. Joey knocks on Sara's door. No response. Joey opens her door and saw Sara sleeping hunched over with a pencil still in her hand. Papers, pens, and pencils spread out on her large desk. Joey walks over and gently picks her up. Joey places Sara on her bed and pulls the covers up to her chin. Sara turns over and curls up. Joey smiles and walks out softly closing the door. Joey walks to his room, gets into his bed, and goes to sleep.

What Love Can Do For UsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz