I Can Take The Pain

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Okay. This is going to be in Sara's POV then switch to Dena's. Seto.

Seto: Grimtales134 does not own Yugioh or the characters. Just the plot and her OCs.

Thank you, Seto. Where did he go?

Yugi: To find Joey. Enjoy the story!

Sara's POV

I opened my eyes and looked around. I watched the people worked. They just finished the Sequence Number 19 on me. Its hurt like hell, but I can take it. No one looks up at me to know that I'm awake. I sigh as I swam around my "tank" as they called it. I stopped when I felt something. I don't know what it is. I stayed still and focus on it. I was looking through someone's eyes as they looked down. 'well then. I'm looking through a boy's eyes. Lovely.' I thought and tried to talk to him.

"Can...you...here...me?" I asked. He groaned as his friends came over. I moved closer to the glass so the boy can see what I look like. I looked down to see Dena walk in. After a few minutes of talking to the boy; I cut off the little connection I had with him. I feel kind of bad for using my sister to learn about school. I'm happy it's the classes I would picked. After a few hours Dena had came in.

"Begin the rest of the Sequence Numbers. Start with 18, then 3 minute break once you're done, and continue with 17 next." Dena said. They nodded and tpyed something into the computers. I grunted in pain and moved around. 'Shit! That fucking hurts!' I thought when it stopped. I'm so going to hit Dena for this shit. I glares at her as she looks up.

Dena's POV

I looked up seeing Sara glaring at me. She raised her hand and flipped me off. I smiled and mockingly waved at her. Her glare harden. I flinched remembering the last time she did that one, but it wasn't towards me. I think that was the one time I was afriad of Sara.


I grunted in pain as I was slammed onto the ground. I watched Sara get kicked in the ribs. She grunted as she glared at the girls. We were ambushed by some girls that hated me because this girl's brother was hanging out with us and she hated it since.

"Once you two learn your lesson. Stay away from my brother. All he ever talked about was mostly about Sara. 'Sara so cool! I love her laugh. Her smiled.' Ugh! Gross! Anyways he won't for long once I'm done with you." The girl said. I tried to moved as Sara was pulled up to her knees. Sara's glare darken at the girl. What I saw scared me for life. The girl rugged her fingers into Sara's eyes and pulled them out. Sara screamed and the other girls let her go. Sara held her hands to her face as the eye sockets bleed.

"What the hell? That wasn't part of the plan!" One girl said. I felt The girl holding me down moved away and I got up. The girl laughs as she tossed Sara's eyes over her shoulder.

"And? I don't care. It's like my brother is in love with Sara. Gross. Who would ever love a piece of trash like her?" The girl said. Sara stood up facing is since the girls are in front of me. Sara was blocking the entrance and only exit of the alley. The girl laughs.

"I'm surprise you can still move. Not that you can't see anymore." She said. Sara opens her eyes lids. We all gasped. I saw no eyes on Sara's face. Sara disappeared and reappeared right in front of the girl that pulled her eyes out. Sara quickly rugged her fingers into the girl's left eye and ppulled it out. The girl screams as Sara takes her eye. Sara places the eyes in her empty left eye socket. Sara looks around and picks up her own right eye. Sara places it in the right eye socket. Sara looks at us with one green eye and one brown eye.

"Get out or I will kill all of you one by one." Sara said as she glared at them. The girls nodded and ran like hell. I chuckled as I looked at Sara.

"You do know you could have just regrow your eyes, right?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Sara shrugs.

"It's much better to torture them." Sara said as I shook my head. I will never understand my sister. It's like I know her one minute then I don't know her the next. I watch Sara walk out of the alley. I know the girl is going to low of she doesn't want Sara to kill her. I soon followed my sister home.

~End of Flashback~

I sighed as I looked at Sara with her mixed match eyes. I looked away and walked out as the next sequence started.

Ok....I'm just imagined that and was creep out.

Marik: Me and Bakura did most worst then that.

I don't want to know. -_-'

Marik: there was this one time when we ripped off this guy's-

OK! Next chapter Jase is going to hack into the lab Sara is at. Lets see if he doesn't go to jail. Unlike some people I know. *looks at Bakura and Marik* anyways Grimtales134 out! ;)

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