Why Do I Feel Sorry

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Jase's POV

"Finally! The bitch goes away!" Bakura complains as we walked out of the school. Seto huffs.

"I got to make sure Mokuba doesn't eat any sweets and finish the papers." Seto said and walks off. Yami rolls his eyes.

"Still a cold hearted bastard to us." Yami said. Bakura and Marik snickerd.

"He's your cousin. Why wouldn't he be?" Bakura said as Yami glares at him. I sigh.

"I got to go. See you guys tomorrow." I said as I waved bye. They waved back as I walked away. I hate Tea. I know the guys do too. I walked down the street as I shoved my hands in my pants pocket. I looked up at the sky seeing the sunset. I looked back down seeing I was at my house already. I unlocked the door and went inside. I shut the door and head up to my room. I set my bag down and pulled off my jacket and shirt. I looked around my room and a light from the house next to mine shines through my window. 'that nerd is up again.' I thought as I walked over to my window. I looked over at the house's window. I live by myself and live right next the the nerds. 'She's working agian.' I thought as I saw the nerd working. Sara, I think her name is. Sara was writing her book from scratch. Tea's prank went a bit too far. I knew how important that book was to her, but I don't know why it's so important to her. It's just a book. I shook my head and walked away from the window. I ate dinner and laid down on my bed. I looked over seeing Sara's light go off and I tuned over on my side. For some reason I feel sorry for her and I don't know why. I growled at that thought. I shouldn't feel this way about anyone. I have to listen to what my parents say, right? I sigh and slowly fell alsleep.

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