The Famous Siblings

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This is going to be in Dena's then switched to Joey's.

Bakura: Get on with the damn story!

Fine! Do the disclaimer, jackass!

Bakura: Fine. Grimtales134 does not own Yugioh or it's characters, just her damn plot.

Thank you. Go make-up with your boyfriend somewhere. Enjoy the story!

Dena's POV

I heard two pairs of footsteps coming in. I looked up and gasped.

"It's you. That girl with the tiger!" I said as the girl and a boy walks in with Jase. She looks over at me.

"Oh! You're that girl from the lab. Thank you for killing that man." She said. I shook my head.

"That wasn't me. That was Sara. She was just pissed off. You haven't seen my sister when she is mad." I said. The neko girl nods.

"And you have a video on Sara or something?" Bakura asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, actually. I do." I said.

"Really?! Can we see it?" Jase asked. I shrugged.

"Sure. If you can want to. Untie me." I said and Seto did.

"What happen to your face, lil' bro?" The boy asked and Jase groans.

"I don't want to talk about it." Jase said. 'These two must be his older brother and sister.' I thought as I walked over to the computer. I typed in a file name, unlocked it, and clicked play
I moved aside since I was with Sara when she destroyed our home town. 'I never like that place. Too many bitches and bastard in one place. And we were born there too.' I thought as I shook my head. I heard screams and my sister's roar. I shivered just thinking about all that blood dripping from her mouth and hands when she smiled at me.

I watched Yugi, Ryou, Malik, and Joey run off towards the bathrooms. I guess they saw it too. I heard them throwing up confirming my guess was correct. I feel kind of bad for showing that to them. Now that I think about it my sister hasn't changed that much then I just realized something.

"Oh shit." I said as Joey and the little look-a-likes came out.

"What do you mean by that?" Joey asked as everyone looks at me.

"I just realized that those attacks my Sara was did wasn't random. I think Sara had planned those attacks on each city we moved to if she sees something or someone she hates or doesn't like at all. The whole city faces her wrath. Living with my sister costs a price I had to pay." I said.

"What was the price?" Seto asked. I lifted up my shirt a bit. They gasped. My stomach and both my side going around to my back as well was covered in scars. I also took off my jacket too.

"So that's why you never took off your jacket." Yugi said as they looked at my arms. Most of my arms were covered in scars. From my shoulders to halfway down my lower arms. I smiled sadly.

"She doesn't remember her fits of rage. She blames herself for killing mom and dad. What Sara didn't know was that mom was pregnant with twins. When she did found out, Sara was so heart broken and angry. Our uncle, who is a police officer and a counsel member of magic and dark arts, told us to move away from here. We did and Sara had the house destroyed. If I remember correctly, Sara's wrath attacks have a pattern." I said as I counted using my fingers. My eyes widen.

"Sara is going to attack this city if we don't hurry. I left just before they started on the last Sequence Number." I said.

"If your sister is that powerful to destroyed many cities and getting away. I don't want to find out how powerful she really is with that experiment." Jase's older sister said.

"Mona. Vic. I need your help. If Sara does break out of the lab, I can stop her." Jase said. Vic grabs Jase by the shoulders.

"You can't! We can't lose you." Vic said. Jase pushed his brother's hands off his shoulders.

"Me and Sara are similar in ways you can't imagine, Vic. Please, help me find her." Jase begged.

"He's right, Vic." Mona said. Vic turns around.

"Mona, please. You can't be serious!" Vic exclaims. Mona glares at him.

"I may be the middle child in this family, but you should know better. Not one call from you to Jase telling him Happy Birthday or Merry Christmas. I can't call him! Did you even think of that?! Our parents are always fucking busy.

At least Jase takes some time out to call us and wish us a Happy Birthday or Merry Christmas! I bet you didn't even answered your damn phone! I was almost fired because I told my boss that I had to make a call. I told my boss that my little brother is more important than my career and that he can go fuck off somewhere. He was speechless, but lets me call Jase. You're the oldest in the family so act like one. Don't be such a damn bitch!" Mona yells at Vic and huffs as she finished her rant.

"Feel better, big sis?" Jase asked and Mona nods.

"Yeah. Well Victor Lee Moon?" Mona asked and Vic looks over at Mona then me. The only time we ever uses Vic's full name is when Mona is mad. Vic sighs.

"Fine! Damn it. We'll help you." Vic said and Jase cheered.

"Follow me and hurry." I said and we raced out the house and to the cars. Both cars took off down the road.

Joey's POV

I so worried about everyone. I scooted closer to Seto.

"You scared, mutt?" Seto asked. I looked up and shook my head. I'll let that side for once.

"No. Just worried." I said. Seto grabs my chin and leans down. He kisses me on the lips. It was soft and gentle. Seto pulls away as my face grew warm.

"There's nothing to worry about, Joey. It'll be fine." Seto said and smiled faintly. I smiled and kiss Seto back. Seto deepen the kiss pulling me into his lap.

"Get a room!" Yami calls out. Seto broke the kiss and glared at his cousin.

"Shut the hell up and kiss your own boyfriend." Seto said and pulls me back into another kiss. I giggled as I heard Yugi squeaked. I spend way too much time with Yugi and them, but I don't care.

Seto: Finally! I get my pup.

Joey! Get your boyfriend!
*Joey walks in*

Joey: Yeah, yeah. Seto, dinner is done. And Mokuba is at the table.

You act like a house wife.

Joey: *blushes* Shut up! *walks off with Seto as they hold hands*

Cute. Anyways next chapter will be the lab. Can Yugi and the gang her there in time to stop Sara's wrath or will they be too late? See you there! Tell me what you think. Grimtales134 out! ^.~

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