Feelings Of Change - The Vamp...

By Amy_TW

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Chapter 2 - Picnic Basket
Chapter 3 - Spin The Bottle
Chapter 4 - Power Cut
Chapter 5 - The Anonymous Kiss
Chapter 6 - Revealed
Chapter 7 - Trust
Chapter 8 - A Torrent Of Texts
Chapter 9 - Twinkle Star
Chapter 10 - The Wrong Question
Chapter 11 - Fish and Chips
Chapter 12 - Interruptions
Chapter 13 - Chit-Chat
Chapter 14 - Saturday Night
Chapter 15 - Questions and Answers

Chapter 1 - Rain

3.6K 25 14
By Amy_TW

As I was walking up the path, I heard a familiar 'yelp' come from the other side of the door. I rolled my eyes and chuckled a little, wondering what they had got up to now. I put my finger up to the doorbell, but a note was taped to it saying that it was broken, so I settled for a knock instead. Typically, it was drowned out by the clashing of cymbals, and I winced slightly from the noise. That meant the drum kit had suffered. I sighed. 

I knocked again but still no one came to the door and I grew impatient as it started to drizzle. Rain in July, that really sets the mood. Looks like England would be having another miserable wet summer.  I knew they were in as I started to hear some muffled talking and a few more 'thump' noises. 

When the rain started lashing down I opened the letterbox and shouted 'Let me in, I'm getting soaked!'

Finally, a sheepish looking Bradley opened the door and pulled me inside, saving me from the cold rain. I stood dripping on the door mat, frowning and shivering. Bradley’s family were replacing their porch as the roof had crumbled and starting leaking over the years – it was a very old house – so at the minute there was no porch for me to stand under. 

'What took you so long?' I scolded. 

'I'm good, thanks for asking.' He replied cheekily, avoiding my question. 

Whilst I was stood here in dripping wet clothes, I wasn’t in the mood for his jokes – which usually made me laugh. I was in a good mood until the rain fell - it wasn't even forecast! Weathermen barely get anything right! 

'Brad, please, I'm soaked because you didn't open your door, can I please dry off? Could I borrow some of your clothes? I'm drenched.'

'Yeah sure. Sorry.' Brad apologised, looking genuinely bad that he left me outside for so long. I felt a little guilty myself for making him feel that way. I think I may have overreacted, and I definitely was too harsh. I only got wet, it's not a big deal. I didn't even say hello, and I completely ignored the others. They do know what I can be like when I'm on a really bad mood, so hopefully they won't be too offended, and I can go downstairs in a better mood. 

Brad handed me a towel out of his airing cupboard to dry myself off with, and pulled out a t-shirt and sweats of his, for me to put on whilst my now wet clothes were drying. 

'Thanks Brad.'

'Ok' he said before walking out. I think he was a little hurt. I'll have to make it up to him. Whilst I was sorting myself out, my mind wandered back to how we had met, all those years ago. 

We had both attended auditions for a drama and music performance group on the same day - only I was auditioning for an acting part, and him for a part in the band. If I remember correctly, he played piano in the orchestral parts, and guitar in the more up-tempo parts. He really is very gifted. Very fortunately, we both secured the parts we had wanted, and so our weekly meetings began. We have both since quit the group, but have remained great friends - and I only live a fifteen minute walk away, which is great because it means we can still see each other often. We hadn't gone to the same schools so it was good to live so close to him, otherwise we would have likely drifted apart. Not that school attendance mattered now because Bradley had finished nearly a year ago - not going to college because he was putting all of his focus into the band he was in, 'The Vamps', and I am currently in the middle of taking my GCSE exams. With only a few exams left to go before summer officially starts, I have taken some time off revision and used this opportunity to visit Brad.

I hung my clothes on his radiator and put the towel I used in the wash, before going downstairs in his slightly oversized shirt and trousers. When I reached the bottom, Brad was conveniently walking past, so I quickly launched myself at him in a huge hug. He seemed surprised - although we always do this, but it was probably because of my former mood - and he hugged back. When we let go I apologised. 

'I'm sorry Brad for earlier, I really didn't mean to take my annoyance out on you, I just was really in a great mood until it rained on me. It could have at least waited until I got inside. And it's ruined our plans.' I made a sad face. 

'It's ok, Jenna, I knew you weren't annoyed at me, a-'

'Welllll' I interrupted, causing him to grin at me with his eyes wide. He knows I can't be annoyed with him when he does that, it makes him so likeable and cute, in a puss-in-boots kind of way. We both burst out laughing. 

'It is a shame. We'll have to have an indoor picnic or something. Maybe it will stop raining and we could go outside and have a stand-up picnic?'

'Maybe. Not sure that will work. And I really am sorry for being moody earlier.'

'Seriously Jenna, I'm cool. I can't stay mad at you for long, you're my best friend!' He gave me another hug. 

'I THOUGHT I WAS YOUR BEST FRIEND!' Connor shouted from where he was lying on the floor, with his head under one of the cymbals. I hadn't realised he was there, and it have me a bit of a fright if I'm honest. I wondered why he was under the cymbal, and then remembered the bang from when I was outside, meaning he still hadn't moved. Sometimes I just didn't understand these boys.

'I'M SO SORRY CONNOR, YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND TOO! And James and Tristan too if you're listening!'

'Good.' Connor said again from underneath the cymbal, causing a sound to resonate through the air. Brad and I exchanged a look, raised our eyebrows and looked at him slightly confused. He was one special person sometimes. 

'WE ARE!' They both called together. When all four of them are in the same house it becomes one huge game of eavesdropping. 

'Thank you so much for letting me borrow your clothes though.' I continued my conversation with Bradley. 

'You do look good in my clothes. Maybe it should rain more often.' He winked and walked past me and up the stairs. I blushed and stood there. I don't understand why I am blushing, Bradley is my best friend. Weird. 

'Connor shut your mouth.' I looked up as Tristan gave me a quick hug, muttered a 'hi' and followed Brad up the stairs. 'And get away from my drums, you've already done enough damage.' He called down. 

I looked down at Connor to find he had taken the cymbal of his face and had been looking at me. Some colour filled his cheeks; he shut his mouth and looked away. 

'What's up with you, Connor?' I asked, as I hadn't really spoken to any of the boys properly apart from Bradley since I arrived. 

'The ceiling.' 

Rolling my eyes, I chuckled a little. ‘I meant, how are you?' 

Standing up (finally), he replied 'Yeah I'm alright. Going to be in big trouble with Tristan when you've gone though because I crashed into his drums. So please don't go!' He came over and literally clung onto me like a child when they want something. 

Not really knowing how to react, I just hugged him. ‘Erm, sure? For a while…’ I trailed off, not really knowing what to say, ‘But you’re going to have to face him sometime today. He didn’t seem too upset about it anyway, he seemed more…’ looking for the right word, ‘exasperated.’

‘Yeah, but he scares me when his drums are involved in the conversation. He is extremely protective over them.’

I couldn’t help but feel sympathetic for him. He looked genuinely worried and guilty. When I next spoke, it was cautiously. ‘What exactly did you do to the drums?’

‘Pretty much dismantled it because James shoved me into it.’

‘I DID NOT!’ A muffled shout came from the kitchen.

‘Erm, YES YOU DID!’ We heard the fridge door close and the tap run, and something that sounded a bit like ‘Whatever’. That seemed to be the end of James’ input into the conversation.

‘Ok, so you basically crashed into them, are they permanently or terribly damaged?’ I continued what was turning into a mini interrogation.

‘Erm, I don’t think so, I think it’s just pretty much dismantled, and the cymbal might not be in the best way… but I’m not the expert on drums, so errr, yeah.’ Connor continued answering my steady stream of questions.

‘Well, I think he will be ok, as long as they aren’t damaged.’ He seemed visibly relieved, although I don’t know why he would trust my judgement, I’ve never played an instrument before! I just stick to singing, generally when I’m in the shower or around the house. Playing the drums with my fingers on pretty much any flat surface is my thing. ‘Wait, did you say… you’re scared of one of your best friends?’ I asked somewhat incredulously.

‘I might have…’

‘Connor?’ I couldn’t help but not ask him that as a question.


‘Never tell anyone else that,’ I tried to keep a serious face, but failed miserably. I started laughing, and when I felt Connor shaking with his laughter, I realised we were still hugging. Somewhat awkwardly I let go and stepped away slightly. I was sure I was seeing things, but a disappointed look seemed to flash across his face, disappearing as quickly as it had appeared.

‘I’m serious, please don’t leave me to be decimated in the hands of Tristan!’ Connor was literally begging.

Pretending to be deeply considering something, I raised one of my eyebrows and stared into space, ‘Hmmmm, well, I suppose you could-‘

‘I could what?’ Connor interrupted, eager to know what I was suggesting.

‘Well, if you hadn’t interrupted me you would know by now!’

‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry!’

‘You could leave with me when I do so that you can avoid Tristan until tomorrow? When I won’t be here.’ Connor’s face fell slightly at my last comment, but he evidently realised what I had said before that as he instantly cheered up.

‘Yeah that’s a great idea! Thanks Jen, you’re amazing!’

Feeling the colour rising up my neck and into my cheeks for the second time today, to avoid Connor from seeing my blush, I did the first thing I could think of and just hugged him again. I need not have worried, as he was already moving closer to me to offer a ‘thank you’ hug. We stayed like that for perhaps a few seconds too long, I didn’t want him to get the wrong idea so moved away again. I don’t know why, but the rain (that was what I was blaming it on, though I knew this wasn’t the reason) seemed to have put me in a strange mood - I seemed to acting really rather strangely. It was a little unnerving as I had never been awkward of embarrassed around these boys before. Boys at school, sure. But I know these guys so well. As I came out of my mind, I realised that both me and Connor had been looking at each other for the last few seconds. Blinking, I looked away, and made to move into the kitchen for a drink, when I heard someone speak.

‘That was a long hug, and a very interesting conversation. I shall definitely be using some of that to my advantage later on.’ The person seemed to threaten from… above us?

Hey! I'm so sorry for not updating in ages, I just had a torture week of exams... 6 in one week, I was a little stressed! But, the good news is, I've only got 2 left then I'm on summer for 11 weeks, so an update for My Only Truth should be posted soon! I've nearly finished writing the next part :) Thank you for sticking with me!

Please vote/comment if you like this!

Amy xxx

Posted: 16/06/13

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