Chapter 9 - Twinkle Star

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I'd love to see him again so soon, so of course my answer was going to be for him to come around.

Sounds good, see you soon :) xx

Brad: Brilliant :) xx

Feeling in the mood for a snack, I went downstairs again to raid the kitchen while I waited for Brad. I couldn't be bothered to cook anything, mum had said she was going to bring home something realtively simple to cook as by the time she got back it would be late.  I opened the cupboard to find a box of chocolate fingers sat innocently in front of me. Don't mind if I do. I smiled to myself at my find and headed back upstairs. Typically, just as I made myself comfortable on my bed again, the doorbell rang. Brad had got here fast! My dad opened the door before I got there and invited him in - I heard him mention something about 'I thought you spent the whole day together already' as he turned around to leave us to it.

'There's my little twinkle star.' Brad said as he engulfed me in a hug, pulling me extremely close to his body. Twinkle star? What was I, five? Where did that come from, he's never called me that before?

'Twinkle star?' I asked as I pulled out of his grasp, slightly amused, but also confused.

'Yeah.' He replied, colour creeping up his neck.



'Err, why did you feel the need to call me your twinkle star?' I asked.

'Shall we go upstairs?' Brad avoided my question. I agreed and followed him up the stairs to my room - how did that happen? - but refused to let him get away without answering my question once we got there.

'So...?' I promoted him.

'So...' He mimicked me, 'what?'

'Where did this 'twinkle star' thing come from?'

'Oh, err, umm, I just wanted a nickname for you, since, you know, earlier.'

'Brad, I have loads of nicknames! There's Jen, J... Yeah. Loads.' Loads. Two.

'Yeah but I wanted a special one for us.' He said as he lay down on my bed where I was before, and patted the space next to him. Before I replied, I did as he had gestured and lay down with him, his arm snaking around my shoulders.

'We've been friends for ages though, so why do you suddenly need a special one now?' I asked.

'Just because...'

'If you want one so much, I'm sure you can come up with one in the next few weeks. But only if I approve of it!' I laughed, 'I don't want you to call me something like 'Ugly Rhino'!'

Brad laughed to himself quietly. 'Why would I call you that? You look nothing like a rhino and you're most definitely not ugly. You're beautiful.'

Both of us blushed when he said that, so I moved my head to rest on his chest, making it slightly harder for him to see my face. I could hear his heart besting methodically, his breathing paced; my head moving up and down slowly with his chest.

'Um, thanks, Brad.' I said into the air above me, staring at my ceiling, one of Bradley's famous brown curls peeking into the corner of my vision. I was beginning to become nervous, a sensation I had never felt in the presence of Brad before.

The music stopped playing, meaning that the playlist I had chosen had reached its end, leaving the room in silence. I closed my eyes and once again carefully readjusted myself so that my head was resting on his shoulder. In response, Bradley moved his head to the side do that it was resting on mine, and put his other arm across us, resting on my upper arm, making us both closer to each other and into what seemed like more of a 'closed' space.

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