The Musician

By Jazeoth

65.7K 2.5K 535

OHSHC Fanfiction. Shion travelled around with his mother after his parents divorced. He got sick of the const... More

Character Sheet
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 11

2.5K 123 23
By Jazeoth

"Ootori, do you have everything ready?"

Kyoya looked up from a small pile of papers and tapped them on the table to straighten them out. His glasses gleamed, "Did you think I wouldn't be ready, Hakuba-san?"

Shion chuckled, "Of course not." After his sarcastic remark, he went over the plan with his fellow black haired, glasses wearing classmate, "So I'll come in and... then this will happen. Yeah, the twins will start it... Haruhi? Hmm... I don't think that she will want to, she's not the type to play along with that."

The two of them were interrupted when the bell rang.

"Ahh, we don't have any more time. At least we ran the plan by the others. A longer rehearsal would have been preferable but it was a bit last minute..."

Kyoya raised an eyebrow at Shion, he was all over the place and unusually chatty. Is he nervous? Or is he excited? Kyoya mused—though it was actually a share of both. Shion was a bit jittery. It was like how he felt before a presentation, performance, or play. His mind was running through the possibilities and his heart beating faster than it usually did.

"You seem rather... excited."

"Yeah, I am," Shion smiled and gave Kyoya a look, "Now, chop chop, hurry up. I don't want to be late for our afternoon classes because of you."

Kyoya sighed and shook his head as he put his laptop back into his bag.

• • • • • •

"Welcome to the host club!" Came the usual exuberant greeting to their guests that Shion vehemently refused to take part in. The girls entered and looked around, surprised at the sudden change in the music room. It was dark and... smokey?

"Would anyone like to take a guess to what our theme this week?" Haruhi asked with a forced smile after being nudged quite painfully in the ribs by Kyoya.

Then the girl's eyes went to the club members—they hadn't looked at them yet surprisingly as the room caught the most of their attention—and blushed. Each member wore their own respective suits of different styles.

One of the guests spoke up, not confident in their guess, "Umm... Yakuza?"

"Close but no cigar!" There was a short laugh from Haruhi at the pun the twins unintentionally made. She knew it was unintentional, for if it was on purpose they would have emphasized it no doubt. "It's mafia!"

There were a series of oo's and ah's from the girls and they were guided to sit with their preferred hosts, chatting and being wooed by the handsome mobsters.

A few girls stood to the side, wondering where a certain someone was. The two people beside them took the blunt approach and walked up to the closest club member. It just happened to be Kyoya.

"Ey, Kyoya, where's Shion at? He looked excited so I thought it had to do with his debut, and he's not usually that excited about anything."

"Hijikata Satsuki and Kagami Aaron, he will be here... soon." Kyoya raised his glasses and looked over their shoulders to the girls behind them, "I presume you ladies are his guests?"


Kyoya lifted his sleeve and looked at his watch—it was almost time. He cleared his throat and stood up, and with a loud clap of his hands, the room quieted down. "We will be having a special event soon. I would like to inform everyone that all props used are fake and are harmless."

The warning was a must since they couldn't risk people thinking that the guns were real and had a law case on their hands. It was also a signal to the others that it would start soon. Kyoya hit a button on his phone.

• • • • • •

Shion was waiting in the locker room getting ready when he felt the vibration in his pocket. He took a deep breath in and steeled himself. He was a mafia member, cold, wild, intimidating, but also cool, dark and sexy. He looked older in his attire, and he decided on using a lower voice, an octave lower that was close to his Akito voice, but deeper. Gruff and husky rather than smoothe and velvety. The way he held himself was confident, bordering arrogant. His eyes narrowed as if he didn't have his glasses on, not as wide as his eyes usually were.

Shion, after getting in character, turned around and double checked himself in the mirrors.

Stark black dress pants were wrinkle free and had no lint on them accompanied by brown dress shoes, shined and pristine. A black dress shirt was comfortable under his dark grey striped suit vest. The main eye catching accent piece was his crimson red tie with a decorative steel clip.

As per the event, Shion wore some jewlery items. On his left hand were two silver rings on his pinky and middle fingers, and around his other wrist was a silver watch to balance the jewellery. Lastly, he fixed his hair, adding some product the twins gave him to keep his hair frizz free.

"Hmm... Should I?" Shion contemplated something as he looked at himself in the mirror. "They'll find out eventually anyway..." he sighed and put his hand in some hair gel, styling his bangs as the twins did before so both his eyes were shown. If he was going to be a target for bullying because of it, he'd rather get it over with. He didn't care anymore, frankly. It was an asset to get attention in the carer he wanted to get into. It was something for people to recognize him by.

With one last fix to his belt, he nodded to himself.

"Alright, I'm ready." Shion put on a coat, hat and matching gloves. He had double checked everything, triple checked even. He was as ready as he would get.

Exiting the changing room with a breifcase in hand, he strode down the hall and ended up receiving a few glances by some students before they looked away in fright. Shion smirked, a teacher even ended up stopping him.

"Excuse me, sir? If you are a visitor you have to go to the office and sign in."

Shion broke character and his mature look dissipated, "Ah, I'm not a visitor. I'm Hakuba Shion, a student in class 2-B."

"Oh, alright." The teacher accepted it rather quickly. "Though if I may ask, why are you dressed like that?"

"Ahhh... I have joined the host club and we're doing a special event—one that I'm about to be late to," Shion smiled and turned away. Taking a breath in, he breathed out and got back into character. The teacher could only stare at him in disbelief as he basically turned into another person as he walked off.

There was an impressed whistle, "That kid's going to get far in the industry..." the teacher mumbled to himself as he continued to the staff room. He'd have to tell the drama teacher as he would be estatic. He always rants about how booring the starting subjects were, he'll look forward to the end of year performances.

When Shion reached the door, he stopped in front of it and took another deep breath. His gloved hand wrapped around the handle and he entered confidently.

• • • • • •

The large doors of the music room opened and the light from the outside brightened caught everybody's attention. Shion walked in and ignored the girls, thinking of them as normal customers at a bar minding their own business. He noticed his friends out of the corner of his eyes and smirked to himself when he saw Satsuki's flush. Arriving at the bar, he went behind the counter and took his hat, coat, and gloves off and put them on a coat hanger.

"Want any drinks?" he asked over his shoulder and took out a metal cigarette holder. Shaking one out, he lit it with his silver lighter and took a deep breath in of the vanilla cigarette as he grabbed a cup from under the counter. Kyoya walked to the bar, leaning on it with his arm and watched as Shion shook a cocktail.

Why and how exactly does he know how to mix a drink? Kyoya was more curious than concerned, but also wondered why it looked attractive.

Shion did not stop in his task as he looked Kyoya over. It was the first time he's seen him in costume and damn, Kyoya looked much better in a normal suit rather than those purple blazers. Looking away, he poured the drink into a glass—apple juice mixed with some sprite for the carbonation, harmless enough—and slid it across the counter. "Drinks on the house," Shion moved to wipe down dusty glasses when he realized something and almost broke character. I just checked that fucking bastard out!

Sliding a stool out, Kyoya took a seat and turned the glass a couple times, inspecting it. After judging if it was up to his standard or not, he took a sip and nodded. Kyoya could feel the eyes on him and frowned, looked over his glasses to Shion. He felt intimidated and he didn't like it. It was like the person he was looking at wasn't even Shion—a stranger is who it was. He recalled what he said during the rehearsal, if it could be called one, it was only fifteen minutes long. It was rather arrogant of Shion to say, but Kyoya didn't realise that he had the skills to back it up.

"Just get the basics of your characters. Don't worry about anything else. I'll make you act the way you need to."

Mori approached Kyoya from behind and Shion eyed Mori warily as he leaned down to whisper something into Kyoya's ear, covering his mouth from Shion's view. Shion's eyes narrowed dangerously and he could tell that their audience was on the edge of their seats.

"Now..." Kyoya started, clasping his hands together over the bar, "It's time for business."

"Where's the money," Shion started bluntly, looking Kyoya in the eye for a moment before moving sharply over to Tamaki who was waiting over by the side. Kyoya's the one I have to focus on manipulating. Kyoya was the connection to the others, therefore what he influenced him to do also influenced the others. That didn't mean he couldn't make the others acting more believable though.

Kyoya looked to Tamaki and cocked his head towards the bar, gesturing him to bring the case. It was placed on the counter and Shion counted the money with a clinical eye. After counting he lifted his case on the counter for them to inspect. There was a click and Kyoya opened the case, showing the fake drugs. Which were actually small bags of finely ground salt, imitating cocaine.

Kyoya examined the goods, approving it quickly enough that it seemed suspicious.

Shion looked over the money again, and this time he noticed something up with the second row of bills. "This..." Shion grabbed a wad of cash, "Is not what we went over," and slapped it down on the counter with a menacing glare. It was fake, the whole second row.

Kyoya just smirked.

Out of the corner of his eye, Shion saw the twins make off with the case and vaulted over the counter to give chase. During the exchange while Shion was counting the money the case was secretly passed over to them.

Mori brought out one of his fake guns to stop Shion.

"Don't shoot." Each individual in the room halted in their actions. Shion did not raise his voice, his tone is what demanded all people to obey him. The sharp tone of authority. Shion smirked and spoke again, "The cops are placed nearby. You wouldn't want to... alert them... Would you?"

"Takashi... Get him," Kyoya ordered from his seat, taking another leisure sip of the drink.

"Ah, well that's too bad then," Shion brought out his own gun, his light smile betrayed the tone of voice he used, "Resistance is futile," and with little warning, he shot. With the air of a silencer, there was no sound other than the sound of the pellet hitting Mori's chest. Mori went with it and groaned, falling to the floor. The girls in the room gasped and he swore he heard an 'Oh Dammmn' from Satsuki and Aaron.

"Takashi!" Honey cried, "You killed him!" Darkness surrounded the short blond and before he could say anything else, Shion shot him too. It looked like he didn't get the memo so Shion had to improvise. Mori also helped when he grabbed his ankle and made him fall on top of himself.

"Play dead," Mori whispered to Honey.

Shion blew on the barrel of his gun for effect. "Anyone else want to have a go?" Silence. "No? Then give me back the fucking briefcase," Shion growled lowly. Hikaru looked scared and walked over with the case. Shion noticed Kyoya looking at him so twirled his gun and smirked darkly in defiance.

"Please... Don't kill anyone els–" his breath hitched and he collapsed to the ground when Kyoya shot him.

"Fool!" Kyoya reloaded his gun as Tamaki grabbed the case before Shion could get it.

"Hikaru no! He just didn't want any more bloodshed you monst–" and with another bang, Kaoru was shot.

"Ooo, another one bites the dust." Shion raised his gun to Kyoya, "It's too bad you'll have to go and join them, huh? You don't seem inclined to give me back the goods. Oh! Or how 'bout you give me the real money? This isn't a choice," he glowered at the scheming man behind the glasses. The mastermind of the plot.

"Oh, but what's the purpose of this? Don't you want to save someone?" He inclined his head to signal Tamaki to shoot him. Tamaki was right behind Shion, gun poised on the back of his head. Before Tamaki could react Shion grabbed his arm and twisted it around his back, disarming the gun from his hands. It fell with a clatter and Shion's own gun was already threatening to shoot Tamaki too.

"Give me the money, I don't care about the stuff anymore. I just need to help someone with it. I'll kill your best man here. Or should I kill you instead?" He started laughing when Kyoya didn't show any interest. He shot Tamaki and let go of him, trusting that he would fall like a rag doll. But he did something unexpected.

"B–oss... It's t–ime for you... to go..." He stumbled forward and shot, having an extra gun, the bullet flew by Kyoya's face. Kyoya flinched at the close call but otherwise stayed cool and collected, his cheek stinging mildly from the friction of the bullet.

"Ha!" Shion laughed dryly. "In the end, he turned on you. You've been corrupted—blinded by fame and fortune," he bent down to pick up the briefcase that was dropped in the chaos and rested it on his shoulder. He blinked slowly and raised his gaze to Kyoya's. "I am too. Lost is what I am," Shion sighed heavily, his exhaustion coming to light. The audience and fellow actors could see the weight he had on his back when he slouched.

"I've been trying to claw my way up—to bring revenge on people like you all for all of the wrong reasons." His voice broke and he clenched his jaw, "My family is dead, and I only have one left to protect at all costs. I need to save him. And for that—" he lifted his gun and aimed the barrel for Kyoya's head. A shadow loomed over Shion's eyes. His head came up to show his deathly glare.

"You must die!" he went to pull the trigger and—


—but it wasn't Shion who pulled the trigger, then if it wasn't him... who did?

"Oh, but you have no one to save, for I have brought him salvation," Kyoya's smug voice rang throughout the room.

Shion winced but ignored the shot of pain that went through his spine—the bullet had hit the back of his neck—and turned his head, wincing at the pain. He made it look like shock, as if he didn't want to believe what was implied, "No... Why are you... with him?" He coughed and blood dripped from his mouth.

Haruhi looked down to Shion who was on the floor. Simple words flew out of her mouth that cut through the tension in the room like a knife, "You are dead to me, brother."

"T–Traitor..." The deep words reverberated through everyone's heads. Shion's eyes unfocused from Haruhi and stared blankly with no life in them. It was hard for him to not blink.


Shion brushed off his suit and stretched, trying not to acknowledge the pain in his neck. "Mmmm, well that was fun," he took the handkerchief from his breast pocket to clean the blood that dripped down the corner of his mouth. It was actually a tablet that he had kept in his cheek.

"There was a lot that we didn't plan."

"Pfft, no kidding." Shion scoffed, "Haruhi I thought you wouldn't want to be a part of it, but you killed me."

"Well, you made up your own monologue you hypocrite!" Haruhi laughed with Shion.

"So was that the special event?" Aaron asked, Satsuki skipped over and joined them.

"Yeah, pretty cool, huh?" Shion grinned at the two.

"You were so into it! I could feel the desperation in your emotions!" Satsuki held herself and shivered. "It even almost made me cry at the end, actually I teared up a bit—and I like to think that I'm apathetic!" Satsuki rambled on for awhile and a conversation between the four kicked up.

"Tamaki, your acting was good! And Kyoya did really well!" Girls started talking to the different hosts.

"Yeah, so Kyoya was the big bad boss huh?"

"And Shion was a good bad guy?"

"There was quite a plot twist at the end."

Shion paused when he saw Kyoya out of the corner of his eye, "Oh, hold on. I want to check on something." He waved to his friends and went over to Kyoya who was ignoring a stinging sensation on his cheek. "It seems like they liked it... Are you alright? You have a scratch mark on your cheek." He winced again when he jerked his head in the wrong way, he played it off with a worried expression. After all, he was worried.

"Yes, it just grazed me." Kyoya rolled his head around, trying to crack his neck.

Shion sighed, "I told him specifically not to shoot at places that weren't guarded by our clothes." He rubbed his forehead at the sea of girls surrounding the blond. He smiled, everyone was getting good feedback from the girls. "Now we need to get a bandage, it's bleeding a bit Ootori," he lifted his hand to Kyoya's face and carefully swiped his thumb across his cheek and brought his finger to his mouth to lick the crimson liquid, the metallic taste familiar to him.

Kyoya suddenly felt a wave of heat rush through his body and lifted a hand to cover his face, lifting his glasses to mask the blush. He felt tingles in his stomach, the feeling unfamiliar to him and hard to describe, unable to remember the correct term for the feeling. Butterflies.

"I'll go fetch a bandage from somewhere," Shion walked off to scavenge around for a bandage. Though Kyoya could have perfectly found one in the first aid kit where he knew it would be, he just couldn't say anything after that. His voice got caught in his throat. Kyoya didn't want to realise the fact, but he was getting the idea that he was attracted to Shion.

• • • • • •

"Hey, don't you think he's getting all chummy with Kyoya?" Satsuki said excitedly, she wanted her OTP in real life to sail the seven seas.

"Hmm, I think—oh he just blushed!"

"Who? WHO?" She demanded from Aaron, grabbing his shoulder roughly.


"What did Shion do?" Satsuki shook Aaron's shoulders roughly, the fujoshi in her emerging.

"I-eyai-eyai-eyai- sa-w-aw-aw–," Aaron broke away from Satsuki's grip, the shaking becoming immensely annoying and continued what he was trying to say. "I saw Shion wipe a trail of blood off of Kyoya's face."

"And? How would that make the stoic Ootori Kyoya blush?" She used a haughty voice on Kyoya's name for effect.

"Shion licked the blood off his finger?"

"Ooh, that's gotta do it," Satsuki cupped her chin in thought. Aaron sighed at her craziness, and it wasn't curable either.

"Who thought of this event though? It's too complicated for Tamaki, and Kyoya isn't that creative."

The two heard a throat being cleared from behind them. "Excuse me?

Who's not creative?"

"Definitely not you!" Aaron blurted with an uneasy grin. He totally knows we were talking about him. Awkward.

"Sooo, you feeling the hots for Shion yet?" Satsuki said playfully. Sure she was an idiot, but she could pick up emotions fairly well, but most of the time Shion and Kyoya were an exception so she enjoyed getting a reaction from the two of them.

"What do you mean?"

Satsuki frowned at the obvious dodging of the question and went to say it more bluntly, "Do you feel like getting hot and h–" Aaron clamped her mouth shut with his hands.

"Sorry. She doesn't know any boundaries," Aaron sent a look to her to make her apologize, though from the looks of it she had no remorse.

"Hmmnooff leffmeeffgooof!" Came the string of muffled words. Kyoya raised an eyebrow at some of the weirdest people in his class. He knew what she was saying, but chose to pretend that he didn't hear it. He didn't want to hear it.

"Here, got you a bandage," Shion huffed with a bit of exertion. He couldn't find the first aid kit so he went down to the nurse's office—which was all the way on the other side of the school. He thought it was weird that they had a nurse at school, he's never heard of that in America.

"Thank you, Hakuba."

"Hehehehe..." the three of them looked to Satsuki who was laughing creepily. "You know that K–" she stopped herself when she received the darkest of glares from Kyoya. She cleared her throat and continued, "Ehhem, you know that black suit of yours looks really good on you Shion." She played it off creatively as the sound of 'K' was for black too, kuro, the black outfit. I'm so clever. Haha.

"Oh, thanks. Glad you like it," he shot her a seductive look and grinned when she laughed. Looking over his shoulder, he saw two girls waving to him. "Well, duty calls."

He was in the middle of hosting the women in his mafia character when suddenly, something—or rather someone—very, very, loud shook the floor.


Everybody flinched at the sudden loud screech of a yell which was somehow amplified by the room's speakers. When the ground started shaking they turned to see a girl rising up from the floor from some mysterious platform. She had straight dirty blonde hair and a maroon bow in her hair. She stomped towards the startled person of the name she yelled.

"Renge, welcome back. How was your vacation?"

"Don't give me that Ootori! Who gave you permission to name a new hosts type without me to supervise! I should have been contacted!" Kyoya was remaining calm... barely. He hasn't experienced a Renge this outraged before and had to adapt to it quite quickly.

"Hakuba, come introduce yourself to the manager."

"Of course," he walked over to the simmering female. "Hello," he smiled, for if he didn't he felt that her anger would rise even more. He had learned from his mother and sister. Never instigate an angry woman. Ever. "My name's Hakuba Shion. I've been scouted recently and joined late last week. Today was my official debut and I've been deemed the Mysterious type."

She seemed to calm down throughout his introduction. She eyed Shion, "Kyoya, I think you've made a mistake, he would suit the Actor type better."

"Excuse me, Renge-san, but I've noticed a trend. The prince type, the cool type, the loli, wild, devil, and the natural..." he gestured to each host, "they're specific to each person's personality. The Actor doesn't follow the same idea. It just tells them what I can do." He got into his mafia character and walked towards her, leaning over so they were face to face. He lifted his hand to lightly brush her hair out of her face. He smiled darkly, his voice going down to that deep husky tone, "The Mysterious type lets people wonder what they'll get," he laughed lowly when she blushed crimson. Shion noticed out of the corner of his eye that some other girls blushed also. Am I really that charming? He laughed internally at his egotistical thought.

"O-okay... I see your argument's logic. Fine. I'll allow this," she turned on her heel started to walk away, but stopped mid-stride and turned to face Kyoya, "this should not happen again."

"Of course," Kyoya smiled politely. Then she exited the club room. When they knew they were in the clear, people started to talk again.

"That smile is so fake."

"Oh, so you could tell?"

"I'm an actor. I can see through that stuff," He smirked and scoffed, "but that also means you can't tell if what I'm doing is fake or not, Ootori." Shion said his name as seductively as he could to tease him. He had seen that blush earlier. Kyoya's glasses gleamed at that. Shion heard some girls call him over. Since he was called over when Renge came in he had to leave his guests. "Ciao."

"Hey Kyoya, I got the photos and a recording," Aaron approached when he saw Shion leave.

"Thanks for the work Kagami-san." Kyoya flicked through the pictures, stopping momentarily on some pictures on Shion before looking back to Aaron. "I'll get these printed."

"No problemo Kyoya," Aaron grinned. "Also sorry for Satsuki. She's...Urm... Impulsive."

No kidding.

"She means no harm. But she has this odd talent to read people." He stopped talking when he heard some jazz music. Shion started playing some on the piano since he didn't have any more guests. The sound was soothing, the smooth jazz calming the nerves. People went back to talking, the background music adding a nice touch to the atmosphere of the room. Aaron also noticed Shion starting to get chummy with Kyoya and if Satsuki was correct... He sighed. Things would be getting weird.

"I'm sure you realised it," Arron paused, serious. He made eye contact, "That you may like him."

• • • • • •

The guests have left and the club members were talking among each other. A blond was just finishing a conversation with Kyoya when he caught sight of Haruhi with Shion. He ran towards her and jumped, aiming to hug her.


She stiffened, eyes widening and moved out of the way just in the nick of time for Tamaki to wiz by her. Instead of Haruhi, the original target, Shion was tackled to the ground.

"Fuck! Ow..." Shion took a breath in, feeling like the wind just got knocked out of him. He tried to move when he felt Tamaki on top of his back, arms wrapped around his body.

"Haruhi why must you avoid daddy's love and affection?!"

"Suoh, not in the ear!" Shion yelled back. A shout from the blond in such close quarters to his eardrums hurt.

"Oh, sorry Hakuba–" he froze suddenly, noticing a large bruise on the back of Shion's neck. His black curly hair didn't cover it all from the angle it was being looked at from.

"Just get off already. You're heavy and it's hard to breathe. Thanks."

"Hakuba, you're hurt!"

Shion flinched, he didn't want them to know, so he played it off cleverly, "Well you did just tackle me."

"It can't be from that."

"Then what else would it be fro–OW!" Shion cried out in pain when his neck was poked from behind.

"It would seem to be from one of the bullets, " Kyoya retracted his pen. "When did this happen."

Shion sighed, giving in. "At the end of the act." He tenderly rubbed the back of his neck. He couldn't even turn his head without it hurting.

"You don't mean..." Haruhi suddenly felt guilty, "When I shot you? I thought I shot your back! I... I'm sorry Shion."

"It's okay, you weren't the only one," he looked sharply to Tamaki. "You hurt Kyoya with that shot close to his head. I specifically told you not to aim there! Haruhi didn't know because I didn't tell her—she's also a terrible shot—so it's partially my fault. But you knew and yet you still did it."

"W-well I was caught up in the moment and—" he was silenced by the sharp look he was getting from Shion. He slouched over in defeat, "I'm also sorry."

"Okay. Well, I've got homework to do. Bye."

"Wait!" He was gone already. Tamaki wanted to get his neck treated.

"Ooh Tamaki, you got scolded~" the twins rubbed it in. "Now Haruhi," they started with playful smirks, "how would you like it if we gave you a ride home?"

That sent Tamaki into some banter with the devious twins.

• • • • • •

"Uuh, I'm so tired... Where's the ice pack..." he rummaged through his freezer, "Oh that's right... I don't have one," but he had the next best thing, a bag of frozen vegetables. Peas to be precise. "Aah, this feels nice." He heard a knock at the door just as he was about to go to the washroom, "Come in!" he shouted.


"Hey Haruhi, what's up?"

She put a plastic bag on the table, "Sit," she ordered, and from the tone of her voice, he knew he didn't have a choice and did as he was told. "I have some medicine that will help. Can you put your hair up?"

"Sure thing," he grabbed a hair elastic from his wrist and pulled it up, careful not to hit the bruise. It made a small ponytail, the shorter strands of hair weren't held by it and it left his bangs free. Haruhi got some cream and put it on the bruise. It was cold and it made his neck feel tingly.

"There. Now use this until the bruise isn't swollen anymore," she closed the cap and handed him the tube of cream. Shion raised an eyebrow when she wiped the remainder of the cream off of her hands and onto the back of his shirt.

"Thanks, Haruhi," Shion said both sarcastically and thankfully. He yawned, "Well, I'm going to go to bed."

"What about the homework?"

"Oh, that was a lie," he said honestly and bluntly, "I just wanted to leave."

Haruhi sighed, typical Shion. "Well, goodnight."


• • • • • •

Hey Author here! Hows it goin? Did this chapter sate some of your romance needs? (Not really a lot of it going on though) Romance is still going to be quite slow despite what just happened in this chapter.

Yay, now I can bring this up. I didn't want to spoil anything. The cover picture is a picture I drew of Shion in his Mafia get up. :P I'm proud of it.

Hope ya like the chapter!

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