
By XxPaigeCxX

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Ember Farrell has always known that her life was going to be a short one. Being hunted down by the entire sup... More

Ashes: Introduction
Principals Office... Again (Chapter 1)
Potential Biological weapon (Chapter 2)
Lullaby (Chapter 3)
Why so glum? (Chapter 4)
Wolf vs Flamingo? (Chapter 5)
Original Sin (Chapter 6)
Oh My Goddess (Chapter 8)
Bottling (Chapter 9)
Ash and Ashes (Chapter 10)
Free For All Buffet (Chapter 11)
Pompous Git (Chapter 12)
Extra Curricular? Hell no! (Chapter 13)
Go The Fuck to Sleep (Chapter 14)

Were-Wolves Hybrids and Pheonixs Oh My! (Chaper 7)

214 15 3
By XxPaigeCxX

Sorry to anyone who thought this was a new chapter! I wanted to write an introduction so I had to shift everything around. I'm working on it! :)

Hey everyone! Over 150 reads and 20 votes!!! 😍 Can you believe it? Thankyou so much for reading it really means a lot to me! :3

What do you think of the new cover? Admittedly, I may have gotten bored and decided to change it randomly. Hehe.

Anyway, are you ready for the next chapter? Well, without further ado, chapter 7!

P.s. This chapter hasn't been edited yet. Sorry!


Chapter 7 (Were-Wolves, Hybrids and Pheonixs, Oh My!)

"...did you really have to drug her? I had everything under control..." Says a distorted voice.

"Your emotions are getting in the way, boy... Let me handle this.... take her.. Heavy... Now what I need you to do is..." I hear as my body is passed between two people. A cold chill running up and down my body giving me goosebumps on top of my goosebumps... So familiar.

"...why is she taking so long to wake up?.."

"I gave her enough.... To kill a rogue werewolf..."

"Are you insane?!"

"She'll be right..."

"Dad! You said... Would be... By now..." Says a voice, the words getting more distorted by the second.

"Leave... We can't have... Ruining... Plans... We need... She... Key..." I hear before the darkness pulls me under once more.


The warm sunlight hits my face, pulling me out of my slumber... Wait sunlight? My beds on the far side of the room how..? Oh shit, I think, as the previous nights events come rushing through my mind.

Ok, stay cool Em. I continue to breathe in and out deeply as if I was still asleep, so as not to alert anybody in the room that I was awake.

Grasping onto my elemental powers, I feel around for any other unnatural heat sources. I let out a silent breath of relief feeling no one else in the room beside a gecko in the far corner and a few small bugs circling the bedside lamp.

Rolling over I finally open my eyes, squinting at the bright light. This really is a horribly positioned bed.

I sit up, holding onto the edge of the bed still woozy from the drugs. I gasp as I take in my surroundings for the first time.

The room is filled with beautiful dark wood furniture, a stark contrast to the pale green bed spread. The base and head board of the bed is made up of twisted vines as if was still a living plant, braided into its unique and delicate looking shape.

There's a door to my right which looks like it might lead into a hallway and another dark wood door straight ahead, which I assume is a bathroom or a walk-in wardrobe.

A beautiful love seat sits in the far right corner in front of a fire, giving me a sense of home and belonging. Pfft, I feel right at home, where I'm being held hostage, seems ligit.

It is strange though, why have they got me in such a nice room?

'Tasha?' I ask through our mind link. 'Tasha? Hello can you hear me?'

'Em.. Where?.. Hello?.. Call.. Pack,' she tells me before she's disconnected from my mind.

"Damnit!" I mutter quietly to myself. Ok, so she want me to call my pack. How though? I've never used mind link before with them. I sit on the bed with my legs crossed and focus on my pack.

'Everyone it's your Alpha, Ember. I've been drugged and taken by Mr. Dale and another person who I've yet to identify,' I say remembering the second voice. 'I don't know where we are or what they are planning but see what you can dig up on him while I escape. Don't worry about me, I will be fine and have done this before,' I project into all their minds before pure exhaustion cuts off the link leaving me feeling cold and alone.

Tiptoeing over to the window I peer out, coming up with a plan. From what I can tell I'm three story's up and there's a small clearing around the house, but besides that it's straight shot to the forest, which I'm hoping is the same one next to my house.

It's a bit of a jump, but it won't do me too much damage.

I release the latch on the window sill and start to lift my leg over and out when I'm zapped by an invisible force.

"Shit!" I hiss, hopping up and down on one foot, while holding my other injured one.

"Not the greatest idea. Force fields aren't the nicest things to touch," chuckles a voice behind me.

"Who the fuck are you and what do you want with me?" I snarl out, crouching slightly into a defensive position, as I assess the man in front of me. I can't smell him? How can he have no scent whatsoever? Must be the drugs still affecting my senses.

He's tall, around my height with striking hazel eyes and shaggy brown hair. Admittidly he's not bad to look at, but not as good as Dax... Or Chase my mind whispers.

"Well, since you asked so nicely, I'm Jackson. It's a pleasure to meet you too," he replies dryly.

I notice he doesn't answer my second question. Ugh! I'm so sick of being kidnapped and chased everywhere I go! Why can't people just leave me alone?

"Listen, Jackson. You can either let me go, or I'll rip you to shreds," I say my voice sickeningly sweet.

"You can't leave until you've talked to the boss," he replies with a nonchalant shrug, his arms crossed over his chest like he doesn't have a care in the world.

"You made your choice," I lunge before he can register my words. I land a clean punch to his jaw, hearing the bone crunch beneath my clenched fist. He howls in pain before throw a couple punches of his own in rapid succession. I dodge as best as I can, but I'm still woozy from the drugs, slowing my reaction time.

He throws me down and is about to jump on me when I remember the fire place to the side of the room.

Throwing my hands out, I bend the fire to my will. Forcing it to hover in the air around Jackson, creating his own personal fire prison. I can feel the sweat rolling down my face from the exertion it takes to control something so wild and untamed.

Suddenly, I feel my control loosen and start to dissipate. I can see Jackson concentrating on the flaming wall around him. The wind whirls around us, tossing furniture around as if it was paper as my flame starts to be snuffed out. He's a Wind Elementalist! Shit! Why can't I smell him?

Letting go of my fire power, I lunge forward at him, ignoring the various objects that slice my skin as they fly through the air, and tackle him to the ground.

He goes down with a thud as I straddle his waist, placing my hand over his mouth so he can't mutter another spell.

Leaning down, I sing a lullaby into his ear. The air around us settling as sleep takes of him. Breathing out a sigh of relief, I stand up shakily and make my way to the door when it suddenly bursts open.

I stand there with my jaw hanging open like a fool as my intruder does the same.

"Dax," I mutter. "I should have known."

"Ember, are you ok?"

I laugh sinisterly, "are my kidnappers really allowed to ask if I'm ok?"

"Em," he says tenderly. "It wasn't meant to be like this, we're not trying to hurt you, we-"

"Not trying to hurt me? Tell that to your friend over there!" I say pointing to Jackson.

"I'm pretty sure you hurt him more than he hurt you. I don't even know what he's doing in here, he was told to guard your room."

"Guard my room? So I am a prisoner. Now who are you really and what are you. Obviously you can't be human and know all of this?"

"I'm like you, I'm a hybrid."

"A hybrid?"

"Yeah, a mix between races. My mother was a Water Elementalist and my father is a Wind Elementalist. Combine the two and you get a Water/Wind Elemenatlist that specializes in Ice Magic."

I laugh quietly in my head at that. I'm fire, he's ice. How were we every supposed to work out?

"We are all hunted for what we are, everyone knows that mixing between the races is against the elders law and punishable by death. They say its because its an abomination and against the laws of nature, but we all know its because they're afraid of what we can do," he finishes.


"Yeah, we," he says bitterly. "It's more common than you would think, welcome to the current headquarters of The Resistance."

"Yeah, I can just feel the welcome radiating of the walls," I reply sarcastically. "Now, let me past or you'll face the same fate as Jackson over there."

"I can't let you do that," he sighs in a defeated voice. "Not until everything has been explained."

"Well then, it appears we are at an impasse," I say sadly. I didn't want it to end like this.

"It appears so," he say quietly staring down at the rumble on the floor boards.

That was his first mistake. Never take your eyes off the enemy.

I squat down and kick my right leg out. It hits Dax and his leg buckles, forcing him down onto one knee.

My element of surprise has worn off and he lunges in my direction and I manage to dodge out of the way at the last second.

As he flys past me, I swing my arm up and bring my elbow down with as much force as I can muster on the back of his head.

His body goes limp and slumps to the ground. I walk over to him and put two finger against his neck to check for his pulse, when his hand suddenly shoots out and grabs a hold of my wrist. He flips me over his shoulder and pushes his forearm against my neck, cutting off the air flow. I start gasping for air and he lets go for a slight second.

That was his second mistake. Don't hesitate. Ever.

Sucking in a giant gulp of air, I grab onto my Elemental Powers and heat my skin to boiling temperatures.

I'm a little frustrated at why he hasn't jumped off me yet, when I realise he is using his Water Magic. He slowly begins to cools his skin and starts to counter my attack.

Steam literally rises up from where our skin touches, creating a foggy mist around us.

"Just let me go!" I hiss up at him.

"If you would stop being so stubborn I could explain!"

"No! You could have told me without kidnapping me!"

"I didn't know we were going to kidnap you! I was going to tell you!"

"Like I'd ever believe you!"

"Have I ever lied to you before?"

Leaning up I whisper in his ear, "you withheld Information from me, that's lie enough for me."

"Little flame, don't make me do this, I don't want to hurt you," he says pleading with me now.

Mistake number three. Never let your emotions cloud your judgement.

"I'm sorry," I whisper as he places a hand on my mouth to stop me from singing.

With the energy I have left I reach up and pinch the pressure point in the side of his neck.

I groan as his heavy body falls on top of me. Damn I'm tired. I roll him off of me and sit up shakily. Where is everyone one? Surely someone must have heard all of the noise by now.

I walk over to the door and look back at the destruction I've left. The wall has giant dents in it and the wallpaper is ripped and pealing. I hope the geckos ok, I think randomly.

The bed is well... I'm not quite sure where the bed is. There are splinters and shards of wood all throughout the room, while the green quilt cover is a dirty brown and lays on the floor covered in debris. Jackson and Dax are still unconscious, for how long I'm not sure, but hopefully long enough for me to escape.

I destroy everything beautiful put in my path, I think sadly, before opening the door and stepping through into the darkness.

I suddenly feel claustrophobic as a sea of cotton and linen invades my personal space.

"Damnit," I mutter to myself. Exiting the closet and heading over to the other door. My bad!

The hallway is eerily silent as I hide in the shadows waiting for anyone to walk this way. Hearing nothing I start to tip toe to the stairs I can see at the end.

'Ember! Where are you?' Yells Chase through the mind link.

'Kidnapped, I told you, have you found any clues yet?'

'No, where are you in the mansion?'

'How do you know I'm in a mansion?' I ask already suspicious.

'Well I'm outside lovely, why don't you come join the fight?' I can just imagine his arrogant smirk.

'I told you I'd be fine!' I send to him rushing down the stairs and out to backyard, where I can faintly hear fighting.

'We can't have our Alpha being kidnapped now can we? It's bad for appearances.'

'Well discuss this later!' I hiss through the mind link before cutting off the connection.

Bursting through the double back doors I gasp at the sight before me.

A supernatural bloodbath, is the way I would describe it.

On one side you have a pack of angry Werewolves and a Skin Walker led by a Phoenix.

She's truly stunning to look at, when in her true form she is larger than a bear standing on its hind legs. Her wings are blood red with fleeting sparks of gold running through them, leaving you questioning if they were actually there at all. With a single flap of her wings a row of feathers shoot out, transforming into flames that sweep gracefully though the air, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

Her tail feathers are long and lie on the ground behind her like a brides veil, the colours shifting and flickering in the sunlight with her every move.

On the otherwise you have a pack of... Hybrids, I guess.

Various mythical creatures are fighting in the clearing. To my left I see a couple of Witches and Elementalists casting spells and incantations. Straight ahead there is a centaur-like being, except with the body of a dragon instead of a horse, fighting Tasha while what I assume is a Tree Nymph tends to the burns of a Hell hound. On my right is where the main fighting is taking place. I immediately spot Chase in the midst of battle against a demon with angel wings, while Zane covers his flank against the furious onslaught of a vampire with strange purple eyes.

Out the corner of my eye, I see Wraiths on the edge of the battle waiting to claim an unsuspecting victim and deliver them to Death.

Blood is splatered carelessly on the grass filling the air with the stench of copper and metal, only serving to fuel everyone's bloodlust even further.

I need everyone to stop fighting, before they kill each other! So I do what most girls would do. I scream.

But in my defense screaming actually serves a purpose rather than, 'OMG I'm a blond. Please come and save me oh-boyfriend-that-I-rely-on-everything-for.' I really hate those walking cliché Barbie dolls you always seeing horror movies.

My unearthly scream pierces the air like a knife through butter, making everyone drop to their knees or paws in pain, except for the Wraiths, who gaze over at me uninterestedly for under their black cloaks and Tasha.

Once everyone's fallen unconscious, I slump to the ground, too exhausted to even stand, when I feel sharp fiery pains shooting through my body and pulling me towards Tasha.

Tasha flys over to me, much to my relief as the pain dulls slightly.

"It's time," she tells me giving me a significant grim look.

"Bu.. But, there still meant to be two days left!" I say shakily.

"Obviously Gaia has other plans, now try to relax your muscles and hopefully you will live!" She ends cheerfully.

Looking up at her through the sweat and dirt clinging to my face, I see a serious expression on her bird face, reminding me how important this moment is.

"Lets do this," I say as she literally dives into my body. Leaving me feeling like I was stabbed in the heart by a blade made of fire.


Wooooooo! I'm done. You will not believe how long that took me to write. Ok, I know it's a shorter chapter than usual, BUT I wanted it to end it there.... And I was really tired.

Leave a comment and/or a vote, or just keep reading. I'm not to fussed either way. Hehe -.^ xoxo


your favourite sleeping lion ❤

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