Principals Office... Again (Chapter 1)

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Hey guys this is my first book so please go easy on me! ^-^ I'll try to update as much as possible, but I'm not sure how often that will be :(

Let me know what you think, I'm always up for some constructive criticism :]


Chapter 1 (Principals Office... Again)

"Hey! Don't blame me because your mother was just a no good whore that abandoned you!" Cassidy yelled after me as I was walking away.

I snapped, letting my bag drop to the floor. Turning on my heel with lightning fast reflexes I lunge, shoving her against the lockers, holding her up by her neck. When suddenly her arm comes in a downwards arc at my face. I quickly dodge out of the way using my years of training to the best of my abilities as her razor sharp nails graze along my cheek, before I elbowing her in her oh-so-perfect nose.

"You fucking bitch!" She growls at me, her face turning red with rage, "how dare yo-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know," I interrupt, "I'm a bitch. I'll pay for that. What are you going to do? Spread more rumours about me? Get me kicked out of school? Fine, see if I give a shit. At least I'm not the school slut just so I can rise up the popularity ranks and get a kick out of it," I spat back at her with a smirk on my face. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if steam starting coming out of her ears.

"Miss Farrell!" Mr. Grant our school principle yelled as he tried to make his way through the sea of students surrounding us that I hadn't noticed till now. "My office this instant! Everyone else, don't you have classes to be getting to?" Begrudgingly, I grabbed my bag off the floor and made my way down the hall towards the principals office... Again, I might add as everyone shuffled off to their last period.

"I do hope you realise that I am not pleased about being dropped," said a voice from inside my bag.

"Sorry, but you heard what she said! Did you just expect me to sit around and take it? You know that's not my style," I replied getting Tasha out of my bag. I've had Tasha for as long as I can remember. Literally. She appeared in my little baby hands the day I was born. Right now she was in the form of a journal, to keep up the appearance that I was just a normal pathetic human. Don't get me wrong, I loved Tasha and don't know what I would do without her, but she always spoke in a real Zen Master kind of way where she would answer your question without actually answering your question.

"Just because you're the Phoenix doesn't mean you should let your temper get ahold of you," she scolded. "Especially with a female Were, how are you going to explain the fact that you took on a Were when your meant to be human? Do you want to move again?"

"Ok I get it I'm sorry! But she's just so-" I quickly shut up, my ears twitching as I used by advanced hearing, sensing people whispering around the corner.

"...You made us look like idiots! Being taken down so easily by a human, you're going to be the Alpha Female for crying out loud!" Whisper shouted a voice which I recognized as Chase, Cassidy's on-again-off-again-currently-on-again boyfriend.

"Chase, baby, I'm sorry. It won't happen again. The little bitch had it coming and she just got a lucky shot, that's all," Cassidy explained in her horrible nasally voice. "I won't let you down, babe. I'll be the alpha you need," she whispered seductively trailing her hand up his chest.

'MINE,' I possessively thought and had to physically hold myself back from ripping her hand off him.

"Do you smell that?" Chase asks suddenly. "It's like.. Never mind... I must be imagining things. Come on, lets go before we get caught ditching class."

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