Wolf vs Flamingo? (Chapter 5)

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Sorry I take so long to update! ._. By now some of you may have figured out I can only really update on the weekends because of school etc. Hope that's alright! If not... Well... There's really nothing you can do about it. Sorry

Big shout out to Angela_R who was the first one ever to comment on my story! You should check out her book 'Ravenous as wolves'. It's amazing!

Did I mention the little little happy dance I just did, especially when I saw I had 10 votes and over 50 reads?!?

Ahhhhhhh I'm so happy!!! ... Ok I'm going to stop before I scare all of you away. *tries unsuccessfully to calm down*


Chapter 5 (Wolf vs Flamingo?)

Dodging around the flaming wall headed towards me, I launch myself into the air as a Bald Eagle, before morphing in mid air into a Jaguar and using my claws to dig into the Phoenixes back.

As she lets out a sharp cry, I quickly let go to cover my ears with my paws trying to block out the sound of her wailing that has the power to knock me unconscious. Knowing I couldn't just lie there forever, I let out a roar of my own that covers the sound of her shrill cry, giving me a small window of opportunity to lunge at her. I take it, but she predicts my movement and twists out of the way before flapping her giant wings towards me, sending another heatwave my way.

Realising I can't take her on from the ground or the air, I attempt one last risky move. I quickly morph into a Mole just as the flames are about to hit me and dig down. Now safe in the cool earth, I let myself heal from the burns I sustained in the fight, knowing she can't follow me down here as a Phoenix.

I slowly start to burrow to where she is standing judging by my memory. I dig up and just as I'm about to push through the surface I transform into a small fox and shoot my head up through the small layer of remaining dirt. I latch onto one of her delicate legs snapping it in half with my razor sharp teeth, before she finally calls, "time out!"

I dig myself out of the hole and morph back into my human form.

"Tasha, I'm so sorry! I got carried away and didn't mean to use so much pressure!" I try explaining but she cuts me off.

"Ember, I'm okay, this is what we are training you to do, don't apologise. My leg will be fine in a minute tops. You're getting stronger with your seventeenth birthday almost here." She reminds me. Ugh my seventeenth birthday. I'm so not looking forward to dying and hopefully coming back to life.

"Are you sure you're fine? Do you want me to help you heal faster? Can you shift? Do you need t-"

"Ember!" She interrupts. "I'm ok, stop freaking out. Yes. No. Yes and I'm not sure what that last question was going to be."

"You guys alright out there?" Shouts Jesse from the house.

"Yes!" Shouts Tasha at exactly the same time as I shout "No!"

"What's wrong?!" Asks Jesse worriedly, rushing out to us.

"Nothing!" Says an exasperated Tasha. "She got a good nick on me but it's healed already," showing us her now perfectly normal Phoenix leg... Well as normal as seeing a Phoenix leg can be.

"A Nick? A Nick! I snapped your bloody leg in half! I've never even managed to scratch you before now!" I screeched

"Like I said before if you were listening!" She reprimands. "You're getting stronger with your birthday almost here. If you didn't have the strength you are currently acquiring there's no way you would survive the change. This is good. It means you're more likely to come back."

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