Extra Curricular? Hell no! (Chapter 13)

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I. Have. Over. 1000. Reads....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *starts hyperventilating* ..... OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG

I HAVE 1.5k READS!!! You literally cannot understand how happy I am right now!! >_<

I know that doesn't seem like a lot to most people, but considering I didn't think I would even get 10 reads, this is an achievement for me! 😂

Thankyou to everyone who's been commenting and voting! I love to get feedback and advice and know that there are people who actually like this book and not just out of sympathy! 😉

Sorry I haven't been updating as frequently! I have a ton of reasons, but I'm sure you all don't want to hear them so... Yeah.

Anyway, I know I said that I'll probably update every weekend, but it looks like I'll only be able to update every two weeks because of recent stuff going on. :/ Sorry!

[Not Edited]

.... So I'm going to shut up now and let you read the chapter... Cool? Cool.


Chapter 13 (Extra Curricular? Hell no!)

Leaning over the girls bathroom sink, I watch as the last of my tears fall, sizzling as they touch the steady stream of water coming from the tap.

I stare at the girl looking back at me in the mirror. She's quite beautiful, but you can see a haunted look in her golden eyes with dark heavy bags lying directly underneath. Her usually tanned skin was taking on a pale undertone while her ebony hair lies stringy and limp. Thinking about it she kind of looked like the grudge... Ok, so maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea.

Sighing, I splash some cold water and pinch my cheeks, trying to get some colour back into them.

"Come on Em, toughen up. You've been through worse! It was just a song," I mutter to myself. The pep talk lifts my spirt for half a second before I go back to feeling sorry for myself. "Nope, no more feeling sorry for ourself. We are fierce, sexy as hell and not the least bit conceited!" I grin. "We had a little cry and everything's all good now!" I say forcing myself to smile even bigger.

'Yeah, you only cried in front of your entire music class,' sniggers a voice.

"Shut up Tash! You're not helping!" I hiss.

'Aww, you know you love me,' she coos.

"Don't make me block you from my mind," I say in a threatening voice. "I finally figured out how ever since you did it to me yesterday."

'Ok, fine. I was just telling it like it is,' she murmurs, instantly making me feel guilty for snapping at her.

"Look, Tash I'm sorry. I'm just on edge because of... Well everything,"

'Its all good, I understand.'

I jump when a large body come crashing through the girls bathroom. I give Dax an incredulous look as he slams the door shut and wraps me up in his arms. I instinctively wrap my own around him and lay my head on his chest.

"Um, Dax? What are you doing?"

"Giving you a hug," he says in a 'duh' kind of voice.

"Yes, but why? You do know this is the girls bathroom right?"

"You need comfort. Besides no girls are going to come in here. They're all flirting out on the front steps like usual," he scoffs.

"I don't need comfort," I deny.

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