Anybody's Anthem (interracial...

By IAmKyana

45.2K 1K 139

When Colson(MGK) goes on tour, all he wants is someone to come home to and cuddle with. During his time off... More

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It's Finally out!!!
Editing This Story!!!
Deleted Chapter!!!?

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756 21 3
By IAmKyana


I grabbed her hand and kissed it gently while she gave me a smile.

"Heavenly father, we are gathered here today to join Ms. Kyilee Rosario Richards and Mr. Colson Baker in Marriage. If any of you object this wedding from happening please come forward at this moment and say I," Pastor Michelangelo said pausing looking around the church room. Kyilee and I looked around too even though we knew that no one would object.

"Alright, we will now start with vows that Colson and Kyilee have prepared for each other. Colson," Pastor Michelangelo said gesturing for me to go first. I fixed the microphone on my lapel and cleared my throat.

"Kyilee," I started. "Ever since the first day I met you I instantly fell in love. The way you smiled at me the first day we met melted my insides and I could barely stand when you talked to me," the people laughed. "The way you walked and kept yourself made me want you even more. You never back down from a challenge and you are always willing to help others in need, even when you need as much help as them."

"I stand here today saying I love you with all my heart and I never want to let you go. Ever! I want to grow old with you and sit in the rocking chairs telling stories to our children and our grandchildren of how we met each other and how we got married cause you are worth my every breath. You are going to be the mother of my children and I love you." I finished and I could tell she wanted to cry but she kept them back. Our guests clapped and whistled as they were waiting for her to go.

"Colson," she began. "You make me feel alive everyday. You make me feel wanted, like no one has before. You are my reason to wake up every morning and my reason to fall asleep at night cause I know I'd be waking up to you. I fell in love with you cause you have a really big heart and you are a family man. I fell in love with you cause you are everything I wanted in a man. If I didn't meet you that one day I wouldn't know what to do with my life because you aren't in it." She said a tear falling from her eye.

"You make me feel younger than I am. The compliments you give me send me over the moon. I love you to infinity and beyond and I don't want that to change. I can honestly say now that I have truly, positively, and absolutely found my Knight in Shining Armour. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Mi Amore." She said. It sounded so sexy when she spoke Italian.

"We will now need the rings." Pastor Michelangelo said waiting for our ring barrier to come. Usually the ring barrier is a young boy about the age of 3 or 4, but since we didn't have that, we had to make Summer carry a pillow on her stomach. It was a cute idea to Kyilee.

"Thank you." he said as Summer went back to her bridesmaid spot.

"Colson take your brides hand and repeat after me," I did as I was told. "With this ring I thee wed. I will cherish and love you till death do us part. Through sickness and health I would be by your side no matter what happens in life." He finished. I have never heard a pastor say those words before in a wedding but I copied him and finished slipping the 24k gold ring on her finger. She did the same with me and we both looked at Pastor Michelangelo so he could hurry and say that we could kiss.

"I here by pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." He said.

We kissed for a good minute and everyone clapped. We walked down the aisle while everyone threw rose petals at us. Kyilee wanted rice because she said that's how her parents got married, but I didn't want to get hit with it.

We ran to our limo and were on our way to the reception that would only last 4 hours. Normally it would be longer, but we wanted to get to our honeymoon and have more time there. We kissed each other for about 5 minutes and then pulled apart for air.

"I'm so happy you got my parents to come, that was the best thing ever." She told me kissing my cheek. I kissed her lips and put my arm around her shoulder bringing her close to me.

I itched my nose. "It really wasn't anything, baby." I simply told her. She smiled and continued to kiss me. The only thing I was thinking about right now was the song Partition by Beyoncé. She would feel so uncomfortable having a little tease session in the limo, but I mean she could be silent, if I held her mouth.

She looked at me and licked her lips. She knew exactly what she was doing. "I can't wait for the honeymoon. We are gonna have so much fun." She said kissing my ear. She knew that was my weakness.

"You think so." I said kissing her collar bone. She smiled and grabbed my hair gently pulling it back.

"Wait till the honeymoon." She whispered leaning over in my ear. I kissed her again just because and she laughed.

The man driving the Limo rolled up the partition and turned up some type of song. I feel like I've heard it before because of the movies I've watched with Kyilee. It sounded really, really familiar. The lady singing had a unique voice that could be heard from miles away.

"And I'm kissing you.." Kyilee sing along with the song. I still didn't know what it was called.

"And I'm kissing you." She sang again.

While Kyilee sang and sang the song, I realized where it was from. When we stayed home and watched Romeo and Juliet that one day, that's where I heard it. It was a nice movie, plus the cast with Leonardo Dicaprio, made the movie better.

She continued to sing along with the song and soon it ended. The Limo stopped moving and when I looked out the window, I realized that we were here at the reception. The outside was decorated with her favorite flowers and had a red carpet going on inside the building.

The driver, whose tag read Reid, opened the door and let us out. I thanked him for helping Kyilee out and he said it wasn't a problem and that we should have a nice time. So far the people I've encountered over the past few months, have been nothing but nice and it's great to me. I love respectable people.

She held my hand and we walked together. The red carpet led us to a lobby decorated with highly expensive looking furniture. I could hear my height man, T'rey about to say our names. The only thing I wanted right now, was her.

"Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Colson Baker," he announced. We saw the doors opened and danced out of the lobby into the main reception hall, that looked like a ball room.

Kyilee eyes widened and she smiled kissing me. "You knew exactly what I wanted. I'm so fucking happy." She said. Our guests clapped, whistled and dabbed seeing us come into the room.

We waved at them and T'rey said that it was time for our first dance. I grabbed her hand and we walked to the center of the floor together. At Your Best (you are love) by Aaliyah came on and we swayed to it. She sang along to a couple of lines and chuckled when I kissed her neck lightly.

"This is so amazing, Colson, " She said planting a kiss on my nose. I smiled. "I couldn't be more happier than right now." She smiled. The song was coming to an end so I dipped her. Her face lit up with surprise and she laughed when I picked her back up.

"Me either, I couldn't do this with anyone else." I told her truthfully. We hugged as everyone started to clap for what we did.

Right now, was the time to eat. We would be serving our guests a whole buffet that they could choose from. We had penne, ziti, hamburgers, steaks, ribs, rice, chicken and etcetera. I hoped they liked all the choices because I paid a lot for these chefs, that were expensive.

We sat on custom made his and her thrones that over looked the entire reception. Our bridal party sat in tables near us and they smiled up at us. Casie was in the middle of us, which wasn't tradition, but made her feel like the princess she was. Pictures were taken and placed on social media and I was the headline of websites I didn't even know existed, but it felt good to know that all these people were watching me.

People danced and drank and looked like they were having a good time. I was having a very good time right now and wouldn't have it any other way.

"We're married!" Kyilee said jumping in my arms while we danced together. I grabbed her waist and swung her around. She kissed me and dug her face in my neck.

"How does it feel?" I told her pretending to hold up a microphone to her mouth once I put her down.

"It feels the same, except it's highly official now." She told me laughing. I kissed her temple and grabbed her arm pulling her closer to me.

The song was fast, but we swayed close to each other. Every moment I could, I looked at her and she would look at me and just smile. I was so thankful to have her in my life. I know it's repetitive, but I don't know where I'd be without her. She means the world to me.

The reception was almost over and I was happy. I couldn't wait for the honeymoon to happen and from what she told me, she couldn't wait for the honeymoon either.

We couldn't stop dancing. I danced with other people and so did she. I wasn't drunk, but I wasn't sober(something Kyilee always says). I could feel myself on the verge of slurring my words, which meant that I was almost drunk. Kyilee and I had shared a bottle of Vodka amongst ourselves and we were down to the very last sip.

I, obviously, took the last sip and that was all I needed to finish out the day. I noticed a pregnant Summer dancing with Rook the best they could, because the baby was in the way. They looked happy to know that they were bringing another person in the world. I was happy for them too. I could feel that that was going to be me pretty soon. Kyilee and I were gonna have sex till the sun came up and that's a promise.

When I was about to throw the bottle away in the trash, Kyilee came to me and she gave me a hug kissing me. I could taste the alcohol on her tongue, which made the kiss exhilaratingly good.

"20 more minutes left till we are out of here and
an 30 minutes till I'm out of this dress." She said kissing my neck and walking away, looking back biting her lip.

We decided that we were gonna stay in the hotel that we got ready in until tomorrow then go on our official honeymoon. I feel like with those types of things, you have to leave the place that you are in. It makes things more interesting and you get to explore different scenarios for a change.

For this honeymoon, I had everything planned. From the private place we'd be staying at, to the food that would be waiting for us once we got to the island. As you guys know, Kyilee loves surprises and she'd be surprised to know that I had this premeditated for a moment now.

I counted down every little minute and second, waiting for the reception to be over, but it seemed like the more I watched the time, the slower it got. The only thing I knew to do at this point was finish out the night socializing and meeting people I haven't met before.

It was finally time for our guests to go home. I never been happier than to push these people away. I love them dearly, but we had to get to that hotel. I needed some sexual healing and I needed it know. I was utterly anxious.

I grabbed a microphone from the DJ booth and began to speak. "Thank you guys so much for coming out to our wedding and having a good time with us. Kyilee and I really appreciate you guys for showing us a good time also. Everyone have a good night and drive home safely." I told everyone. They clapped and whistled like they did during the ceremony and I smiled.

People began filing out of the building and we were the last people to leave of course. Casie is going with Rook and Summer for a day because her mom is coming to get her, Aaliyah and Slim went home with smiles taped across their faces, and Kyilee's parents went to a hotel, because I believed they were going back home tomorrow.

Kyilee and I walked hand in hand to the door and locked up the place, making sure that everything was clean and that our cake wasn't still inside. Who knows? We might need that cake later on tonight.

"Are you ready to make love till he sun comes up?" I asked her. She laughed at my choice of words and nodded her head.

"The question is are you ready? The last time we had sex, you couldn't even take it." She said cockily. Can she not tell when I'm being sarcastic? I'm a man of course I could take her.

"Who was the one that was sore as fuck though?" I asked her. She turned her face away from me and laughed. I guess I won again. Colson 3, Kyilee 0.

We walked to the limo that stood waiting for us and I opened the door for her. She climbed in saying a 'thank you' and I climbed in behind her making sure to close the door behind me. I started kissing her neck and her face and her lips and she kissed me back. The taste of that alcohol she drank still lingered on her lips and tongue. It was sexy.

I stopped kissing her and got an idea. Her lips made a pout because I stopped and I kissed her again. "Driver roll up the partition please." I told him. He winked at me and rolled it up without any hesitation.  She laughed and grabbed my hair pulling me in for a kiss.

I was wrong when I said she'd be uncomfortable doing this in the back seat.


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