Forever To Be Loved

By _TaLeyahLOVE

36.6K 996 209

When Sah'nai Huntley was diagnosed, the doctor said she had six months left to live. Sah'nai had one wish tha... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twent Two
Pick the Story That You Want To Read Next
Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Twenty Four

1.5K 58 32
By _TaLeyahLOVE

"Quit moving or your hair is going to be uneven," I say holding my hand with the scissors still as I hold them up above Aiden's head.

His hair was wet and smelled like his masculine smelling shampoo. I stood in front of him, a layer of his dark hair in one hand and the scissors in the other as he held his hands on my waist. Every time that I went to clip the ends off, he would move, or press his face into my stomach and after almost five minutes of his little act I was getting irritated.

"Seriously Aiden," I cry out when he nips at the skin on my stomach. "Do you want me to do this or not?" I say looking down into his eyes. The gray of his beautiful eyes had gotten darker over the last couple minutes and were now a dark graphite grey. The way he was looking at me made me think that he was either angry or hungry, and it had to be the latter because I hadn't done anything wrong. "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" he asked looking up at me with a dazzling smile

"Because your eyes. They're darker."

"Of course they would be," he says with a blank look in his eyes.

"Do you need to eat?" I asked worried because of what had happened last time.

"No. I'm enjoying it."

I drop my hands and place the scissors on the sink. "Huh?"

"Of course I would feel a different way when my mate is standing right in front of me and she smells absolutely amazing," he runs his fingers over the sliver of skin exposed by him holding onto my hip and I shiver at the feeling. "Though there is something different about your scent that has changed. It's different," he says biting his lip.

"Different in a bad way or a good way?" I asked worriedly.

Was I getting sick again? Was this why I've been feeling a little off today? Right now I'm fine, but I've been feeling on and off again all day. I'd rather be getting sick again than have my change in scent be because of my smell.

"I'm not sure yet."

"Are you saying I smell? Because I took a show-" I stop at Aiden's laugh.

"Love, you could never smell to me."

I stare at him a moment longer before picking the scissors back up. "Now, are you ready for real this time?" I asked with a smile because I never can stay mad at him for long- no matter how much he irritates me.

"Yes," he says leaning his head forward and resting his hands on my hips like before.

I grab a layer of hair and pick up the scissors, poised to cut, but hold still for a few seconds to see if Aiden is going to start up his antics again, but when he doesn't, I snip the hair in a straight and even line.

Once all of the hair was cut off the ends, I grab the blow dryer and begin to dry his hair and step back when I'm all done to see how it looks. I move my hands through the front, moving the strands around until it looks right and when I'm done, I bite my lip at how sexy he looks with that disheveled, just woke up look.

Yeah, my mate is a total stud, I think.

"You know I can read your mind, right?" Aiden laughs with a shake to his head.

I giggle. "I forgot."

"I love your laugh," he says, pulling me onto his lap.

"And I love you," I say kissing him on the side of his mouth.

"I love you more."

"No I do," I insist.

"I don't think that's possible."

I stand up. "Whatever you say Stud"

I walk into his room and jump onto his bed, laying on my side, watching him as he saunters into his room and lay on the bed next to me. He seriously looks like an Abercrombie model and I have to swallow so that I don't drool. People who look like him should be illegal.

"So," Aiden says grinning, pulling my body closer to his and I feel the muscles in his abdomen, hard and warm under my fingers.

"So, Rhianan wants to do this group date thing I guess," I say, running my fingers through his hair. "They want us to go paintballing."

"I'm not letting you go paintballing," Aiden says with a glare.

"Letting me?"

"Yes. You are sick, and you are not going to be running around while people shoot paint balls at you."

"I feel fine," I say but even as I say it, I get a niggling feeling in the back of my head letting me know that I wasn't indeed okay.

"Why are you always so stubborn?" Aiden asked, his voice angry even though his lips are smiling.

"Because I was born that way," I say and then sit up and begin to sing Lady Gaga's Born This Way.

"I'm hungry," I say with a groan, sitting back onto the heels of my feet.

"I bet you are. Singing all those Lady Gaga songs and what not," Aiden replies standing up with a smile and holding his hand out.

"Can I get another ride?" I ask, tilting my head to the side. "I'm getting another headache."

I jump onto Aiden's back when he faces away from me and hold his arms out so that he will be able to catch me. Once I'm comfortably situated on his back, he walks out of the room and out into the hallway.

"You said another headache?" Aiden asks curiously.

"They've been on and off all day today," I say resting my head on top of his. "It makes me feel weird."

"Is this normal?"


"Are you getting sick again?"

"If I am, please don't leave me again," I say quietly.

I still felt a little lost at how he'd disappeared on me without even a call or a warning as to what was going on. I can't live without Aiden and I hope he knows that.

"I would never leave you again," Aiden says putting me down while turning around so that he could look me in the eyes. His burning with sincerity and something else. "It's me and you together forever, and I mean that."

"I trust you," I say smacking a quick kiss on his lips before taking his hand and finishing the short walk to the kitchen

Aiden sets me on the counter before walking over to the fridge, sticking his head inside to look for whatever it is he's making me.

"If you guys don't eat, why do you have food in the house?" I ask.

"We eat, but not a lot," he says, slamming the fridge shut with his foot as his arms were too full of ingredients to make sandwiches.

"I remember you used to eat at school," I say crossing my legs in front of me with a frown.

"Do you miss it?" Aiden asks looking over at me.

"Of course I do," I reply quietly, looking down at my lap. "I miss being normal. I miss what my life was like before I got sick."

"Oh," he says with a frown and I immediately realize my mistake.

"No!" I say quickly. "Not like that. I meant that it would have been nice to meet you if I weren't sick, but then again, if I wasn't, we would have never met," I sigh. "I just wish that we don't have to put a time limit on things. I love you, and I love my family."

"I'm sorry that you have to deal with this," Aiden says, resting his hand on my thigh.

"If I have you, it's all worth it."

Robert agreed with Aiden about the paintballing thing, playing the overprotective big brother role, saying that he'd do that another day. So, we decided to go bowling, which is fun since I haven't done that in years. We ride in two separate cars and make our way to the bowling alley.

When we got there, I was excited to see that it was neon night, and was ready to put on those stupid shoes and bowl with the people that I loved, but that was a little harder than I thought it would be because as the time went by, my headache got worser and worser.

We'd paid for two sessions, but halfway through the last one, I couldn't take it anymore. And that was it.

Dear Diary,          November 30, 2012

I'm sick again, which is technically no surprise. But somehow I know that this is worse this time. I can barely write this entry without my hand shaking. I hate that I know this is going to be the end, and my life is going to change forever.

I fainted at the bowling alley and I was now at home, laying in my bed, propped up on a pillow as I write this. Aiden has gone home to wait for my family to fall asleep and I can't wait to be in his arms. We're going to have to sit down and talk about what we do from here on out, because the time has run out.

I don't really know what else there is to say, but that I'm sad to see my family go, and I'm sad to see myself go- into something that I'm not.

I just hope that my family can move on once I'm gone, and that they'll forgive me for what I'm going to do. I hope that they remember me as I was before I was sick. Young, healthy, and happy, and instead of now. I'm sad, scared, worried, and most importantly, in love.

I think I deserve it now, because after waiting forever, I'm in love.

-Sah'nai Huntley

Aiden's POV

I didn't want to go to her funeral. I couldn't see the love of my life, laying in a casket like that. It's not how I want to remember her, but my family insists that I go along with them so that we could give our condolences to her family. I didn't want to do none of that.

What I want to know is why did I leave her that night? I knew she wasn't okay. Now look where that got me. I was by myself and the hurt of that alone was enough to kill off any vampire.

Now, I was walking through the doors of the church that they were holding the services at and I was scared. Yes, I said it. I'm scared.

The church is full and everyone's crying. At the front I see Sah'nai's parents and Rhianan and my heart breaks. I walk toward them, my family behind me and Sah'nai's mom is the first one to see me. She rushes over and throws herself at me and as I hold her as she cries, I cry too. She tells me how sorry she is for me, and I can't accept it.

The next person I go to is Rhianan and she says nothing. She's just sitting there, her eyes red, and I know her pain. Sah'nai told me how she'd lost her mother and I feel sorry for her. She lost her best friend. Jasmine has her head in her hands and I wrap my arms around her, and tell her that Sah'nai wouldn't want her to be sad because I know that's true. Robert and Mr. Huntley are next who I give my condolences to before introducing them all to my family.

I wasn't the only one to loose an actual angel on this earth and we all felt lost that she's not here with us anymore. I can't hold it in anymore and I walk towards the casket to see her and when my eyes land on her, a sob breaks out of me, and I fall to my knees.

She has on pink. One of her favorite colors and a white hat over her hair. She looks peaceful, but I can't help but think that she's not. She suffered for months with cancer and this is the end? She's one of the strongest, and bravest people that I know. I loved her too. Why did she have to leave me? Why did she have to be taken away so early.

"I love you Sah'nai," I whisper to her even though she can't hear anything I'm saying. "I wish that I'd been there for you. You never would have had to feel pain again. This isn't the end for us. I promise."

A/N: I'm so sorry that I had to do this. It's not easy to kill off one of your characters and my tears are enough to prove it. But like I said, this isn't a predictable vampire/romance story and I hope that it wasn't like anything you'd ever read before. Good news is, there will be a sequel. When? I don't know yet. But soon, and I'm excited for it!



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