Playing for Keeps (a PIL fanf...

By jinxedby_105

8.7K 415 573

Always on the run, and frequently alone, Arabella doesn't really have a place to call home. With her parents... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
A/N: I needs some Pirates!!
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Ending note

Chapter 7

289 12 8
By jinxedby_105

                         We head out to the port, going towards the market to get groceries. "We can get the groceries, run them back, then have a look around after." Nathan informs me.

                        "Sounds good." I reply smiling. Feels like awhile since I've been on land, feels good, but I prefer the ship now.

                         We gather the groceries quickly, Nathan showing me how to tell the freshness of ingredients along the way. We go back to the ship, and put them away and head back out. We browse the shops. I stop here and there looking at little trinkets, while Nathan makes fun of me. "There might be some girl in ya after all lookin' at them trinkets the way ya are tomboy." he chuckles.

                        I blush. "Just admiring them a little." I mumble, feeling embarrassed. "Oh look at this." I exclaim, holding up a necklace with a tiny key on it. Nathan laughs.

                       "Come on tomboy, were supposed to meet the crew at the bar soon." he says, pushing me along. I look back at the necklace longingly on last time.

                       "Okay yea." I reply as we go back outside. We get two blocks down when Nathan stops suddenly.

                       "Shit, there was a tool I needed in the market I forgot." he grumbles.

                       "Oh okay lets go back." I say, turning around.

                       "That's okay, I'll go back, you go on ahead." he offers. "Just two more blocks up on the right." he adds, as he turns to leave.

                        I shrug then head that way. I get a block and a half when these guys start giving me a hard time. "Well look what we have here boys." a group of five men start approaching me. Dammit. "How 'bout you join us for a drink sweetheart." they taunt.

                       "Sorry but no thanks, I'm meeting friends." I reply curtly, hoping they will leave me alone.

                       "Aw come on." one says, grabbing my wrist, and the rest surrounding  me. I'm a little outnumbered, starting to panic a little.

                       "I said no." I say firmly, trying to pull away. They aren't having it. Where the fuck is Nate? I start looking around. He'd have to come back this way right? Fuck it. I grab my dagger, and cut his arm. He jerks back, but they all still surround me.

                      "Got claws huh? Better watch it there girly." the man teases.

                      I take two steps back. I grab my swords and get into position. I can't take them all at once, but I'm not goin' down without a fight. "Lookie here shes got swords." they all laugh.

                      I make my move, cutting one, and knocking him out with the hilt of my sword, one down, four to go. I trip the next one, knocking him out too. Three left, and they all charge at once, shit. I knock one back a few steps, and brace myself, knowing the other two are gonna get a few hits in. One trips me from behind, and I go down. The last three stand above me, one with a knife pointed at me. "Not so tough now are ya?" The one with the knife taunts, leaning a little closer, as I glare, annoyed with the situation I've found myself in.

                    I hear a chain,  and suddenly two are knocked down and the last is dragged back by his legs. Has to be Nate, sighing with relief, I jump up helping make sure the last three are knocked out. "Sorry tomboy, didn't think ya would run into this much trouble."Nathan says, frowning.

                    "It's alright. You were here when it counted." I tell him. "Thanks though, thought I was screwed when they all came at me at once." I add.

                   He shakes his head "Still shouldn't have left ya alone."

                  "Oh come on. Shit happens, and I can handle myself. Bastards outnumbered me this time, that's all. If it was maybe two less I'd have been fine." I argue.

                "I know ya can handle yourself, just still, were in groups a two for a reason." he mumbles, looking ashamed.

                I walk towards him, and I gently take his hand in mine and squeeze it. "it's not your fault. You got here in time, so thanks. Ya really saved my ass there Nate." I tell him trying to comfort him.

               He blushes. "Alright lets head to the bar." he says quietly.

               We walk hand in hand, neither letting go until we reach the bar. Then we head in and see the crew. "What took so long?" Russell yells.

               "Ran into a little trouble, five bastards tried to ambush us." I reply, trying to sound nonchalant, as we sit down. Everyone looks surprised. "What? We took care of it." I say dismissively.

               "Miss Arabella you're bleeding!" Thomas shrieks, and points at my arm.

               "Ah just a scratch." I reply looking at my arm.

               "Here we'll use this till we get back on the ship."Nathan says, as he removes his bandanna and wraps my arm. I catch myself staring, he looks even better without it on, with his tousled brown hair.

              I find myself blushing, and my heart thundering so loud I'm afraid they can all hear it. "Thanks Nate." I finally stammer.

             "Ohh Nate now is it?" Russell whistles while winking at us.

            We both blush and look down. "Ah shut it Russell." Nate growls. I laugh, Nate's obviously embarrassed. He glances at me and smiles.

           "Well okay lets head back to the ship mates." Morgan announces.

           We all get up and head back, and I find myself beside Nathan, once again. "You didn't get hurt did ya?" I ask looking him up and down.

           "Na tomboy, I'm fine. We should have doc look at your cut though." he adds looking at my arm.

           "Just a scratch princess, I'll live." I snort. "But really, thanks for having my back." I continue shyly.

            "What friends do." he chides. I feel my heart sink at the word friends. I'm glad i'm accepted, but I think somewhere along the way I fell for him, or was starting to hope for a different direction than just friendship. I'm such an idiot, it's not like I've been on board with the crew very long.

             "Right." I agree quickly, not meeting his gaze. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him frown slightly, but he doesn't say anything. When we head back, I stop by doc's room so he can take a look at my arm.

              "Should heal fine, it's not deep. But we'll keep an eye on it just in case." he adds smiling.

             "Thanks doc." I say.

             "Oh and Arabella?" He says, making me turn around. "You'd have a hell of a time being with Nathan, but you'd be a good match." he adds smirking.

             "What!" I stammer, blushing profusely.

             "We support the idea of you two as a couple." he explains, chuckling.

             "Oh." I say, and I quickly leave the room, heading back to the room I share with Nate.

              I walk in and hand Nathan his bandanna. "Thanks again. Here, I washed it real quick."

              "Oh. Okay." he replies taking it. "Oh Arabella?"

              "Yes?" I turn to look at him, and he's blushing.

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