The Vampire Prince's Wife Boo...

By flambo456

72.5K 3.1K 144

This is the sequel to The Vampire Prince's Mate. Isabel and Cole get married and Cole is crowned king which m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: flashback
Chapter 4
Update Time!!!!
Update Time(again)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 part 1
Chapter 19 part 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Sequel To This Book

Chapter 9

2K 116 7
By flambo456

Unknown POV

Okay so you're probably wondering who I am and why I took over Isabel's body in particular. Well let's start with who I am. My name is Candace and I'm the queen of the chagelings. I can posse anybody I want and be able to take control of them. I choose Isabel cause she's close to Cole. If I didn't already mention, Cole is my ex. I've been waiting for a long time to see who he'd end up with after all these years. I just don't see how he ended up with her but she's pretty. Just not prettier than me. I'm a 5"1 blonde, skinny, blue eyes and flawless skin. I know I sound like your dream girl. Being in Isabel's body changes all of that. But this will do. The only reason why I'm doing this is because I'm getting revenge on Cole. He used me for a personal blood bag, would throw me into walls, choke me and sometimes starve me to death. Back then he was cruel and ruthless. He didn't care about no one but himself. I'm lucky to be alive after ten years of doing this. It all started when I began working in the palace...

Thirteen years ago...

I was walking down the street in search of any food I could find. People were still poor back then. I came across a paper in a store window. Slave needed in the palace. Pays $50 per day. That would be enough to feed my whole family which consisted of me, my two brothers, mother and father. My mother was dying of a disease she got from work. I'm surprised no one else on the house got it. I took the paper home and looked it over. I was eligibr for it. I didn't tell my family I was leaving the next morning. I got up early. So early that even the farmers weren't up. I packed my things in a bag and headed for the castle. I reached the palace doors before sunrise. I knocked on the door and explained to the guard who I was and why I was here. Cole came to see who I was and immediately took me to his room. It was messy but I managed to help him keep it clean. I was used as a lot of things. Blood bag, slave you name it. I was punished a lot because I rebelled to do what he said. Usually the punishments would be I was thrown against the wall or I was beaten really bad. One day I actually tried to run away. When Cole caught me, he would take me to the room and drink from me until I passed out. I would wake up feeling dizzy and he would never help me. Another day he threatened to kill me. That same day he almost did. He drank so much that I only had a pint of blood left in my body. I wasn't taken to a hospital. I know I could've died. I sat in the room until I recovered. Cole didn't do anything to help. Just left me on my own. Once I fully recovered, the torture started all over again. A month later we found out I was having a baby. He wanted to leave me but his mom refused to let him leave me. He didn't talk to me for the whole nine months. When the baby was born, I gave her up for adoption. The torture began once more. After ten years I'd had enough. I ran away and went into hiding for three years. Then I became the queen of the chagelings a year later after I came out of hiding. Ever since then I've been waiting to get revenge on Cole for the pain he's caused me for ten years...

Oh wow. A giant drama bomb just fell onto the chapter. So guys please comment down below on what you think about Candace. Does she have a reason to get revenge on Cole? Have you seen a giant change in Cole ever since he met Isabel? Comment your thoughts and enjoy the book. :)

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