Bet Me

By ShewityWitters14

6.3K 219 5

**This book should not be Rated R! I'm not sure why it says that! This book is maybe PG-13, maybe even less t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Christmas Special
Chapter 11
New Year's Special
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors note

Chapter 23

153 5 0
By ShewityWitters14

2 chapters in one day, wow, i'm on a roll. Don't expect this to happen a lot though. I also wanted to mention that this book is going to be coming to an end soon. I'm excited to wrap up my first book and begin my second one. 

“I’ll pick you up in like 20 minutes, and we’ll go to the nail salon.” I told the girls as I headed towards my car. After the senior awards today, we decided to cut school and go home. I dropped off the girls at Beth’s house and now I was heading home to go change before we went to the salon. I don’t want my nice shirt to get ruined. I usually had back up clothes in my trunk, but I’ve been getting lazy recently. The end of the year is so close that it’s become painful.  

It’s been 3 weeks since we came back from Catalina Island and it’s been quite a boring 3 weeks for me. Tomorrow was prom and I was dreading going. When we had gotten back from the Island, everything changed for all of us.

On the day we left the Island, I had convinced Megan into sitting in the passenger seat next to James while I rode in the back seat of his car with Sierra and Beth. Clark and Zach rode with Luke and we made it home without any troubles. As soon as we reached James’ house, I quickly grabbed mine and Megan’s bags and Megan and I left without saying anything to James or Luke.

By the time I dropped Megan off at her house and headed home, it was only 2 in the afternoon. When I got home, I saw that my parent’s had gone to Apple Valley for the weekend, so I had the house to myself. I went into my room and flopped onto my bed. I might have dozed off because next thing I knew, I was startled by my phone ringing. Without looking at the caller ID, I answered it. “Hello?” I said, my voice sounding groggy. “Hey, were you sleeping?” I heard the caller ask. “Yeah,” I answered. “Oh, sorry, I’ll call back later then.” The caller said. “No, no, it’s fine. I’m awake now.” I said, moving the phone from my ear to make sure that the caller was James.

“Are you sure?” He asked. “Yeah.” I said, sitting up on my bed. “Okay. Well, I called because you left so quickly that I didn’t get to talk to you.” He said. “Oh, yeah. Sorry. I had to get home quickly before my parents left.” I lied. “Oh,” he said, sounding as if he didn’t believe me. “Yeah.” I said awkwardly. There was an awkward pause and just as I began to speak, James also started talking. “Oh, sorry, you first.” He said. “No, it’s fine. You go, I insist.” I tell him.

“Okay,” he started, sounding a bit nervous, “I know things have been a little edgy this past week and I want to apologize for everything. I was hoping that we could meet up tonight and talk?” he asked me. “Um, sure.” I said, not really sounding convincing. “Oh, I mean, if you want to. We don’t have to.” He said, sounding a bit disappointed. I took a second and realized that I should probably get it over with. I needed to tell him that we can’t ever be the same. He needed to know that what happened over break changes everything.

“No, James. We can meet up tonight, actually, we need to meet up tonight.” I say. “Oh, okay.” He said, sounding a bit hopeful. I felt bad that he thought this conversation was going to be good. “How about I pick you up and we go to a restaurant?” he asks me. “Um, actually, how about we just meet up at the park, around 6?” I suggest. “Um, okay. If that’s what you want.” He says, sounding a bit confused. “Okay. I’ll see you in a little bit. Bye.” I say. “Bye.” He says, hanging up. I sighed deeply and looked at the time. It was 4:30. I had about an hour and a half to figure out what I was going to say to him.

Around 5:30, I figured out how I was going to tell James. I jumped out of bed and put on some shorts and a tank top. I debated on bringing a jacket but in the end, I decided against it. I put my hair into a ponytail, slipped on my sandals, grabbed my phone, and headed to my car.

When I arrived at the park, I looked around the parking lot and noticed James’ car, but I didn’t see him. I looked down at my phone when suddenly, someone lightly knocked on my window. I looked up and saw James, smiling down at me. I politely smiled back and opened my door. He held the door open for me and held out his hand. I took his hand and pulled myself out of my car. He closed my car door and pulled me into a hug. I didn’t want to hug him back but I couldn’t help it. It just felt so right when I held him. I quickly pulled away from him before I could lose my nerve. When I stepped back and looked at him, I noticed that he was wearing cargo shorts and the blue American Eagle shirt I had gotten him for his birthday. I looked at his eyes and I saw a look of excitement. I flinched when I saw the excitement in his eyes. I began to feel bad about what I was going to say to him, but I knew I had to get it over with.

“Hey.” He said, smiling at me. “Hey.” I practically whispered. He looked so hot and I couldn’t focus on the task at hand. “You look amazing, as usual.” He says to me. I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks. “Sure.” I say. “You know, you should really learn how to take a compliment. You acted the same way when I told you you looked beautiful when we were on the Island.” He said, slightly flinching when he remembered all the other events that happened that night. I just pulled my lips into a tight smile and nodded my head.

“Come on.” He said to me, holding out his hand. I reluctantly took it. He led me into the park and we walked all the way past the playground, past the tennis courts, and all the way to the large open field. I looked out into the field and noticed there were many people, lying out on their blankets, cuddling with their significant other, and watching the tennis games going on. I also noticed an empty blanket with a basket in the center. As we got closer to the blanket, I began to realize that that’s where James was taking me.

Why oh why does he have to be sweet at a time like this! How am I supposed to tell him I don’t want to see him anymore if he is being sweet and setting up a picnic for me? As we got closer and closer to the blanket, I began to get a sick feeling in my stomach. When we got to the blanket, we took a seat on either side of the basket and faced each other. “I hope you’re hungry because I picked us up some food for a picnic. I wanted to take you to this new Chinese restaurant but I had to improvise.” He said, pulling out 2 boxes of Chinese takeout. I smiled at him and took the box he handed me. “Yeah, I’m hungry.” I said quietly. He noticed my tone and looked at me. “What’s wrong?” he asked me. “Oh, nothing. I’m just still tired from my nap.” I lied. “Oh, okay,” he said, his eyes lingering on my face, causing me to blush slightly.

I looked down and opened my box. He ordered me sesame chicken, my favorite. I couldn’t help but stare at the food. I needed to tell him now. “I got you sesame chicken, since you said it was your favorite.” He told me when I stared at the food. I had to do it now. It was now or never.

“Actually, there is something wrong.” I said, closing the box and shoving it towards him. “Oh,” he said sounding shocked. “Listen James, you shouldn’t have done this,” I started. “Oh, I’m sorry, if you don’t want Chinese we could go somewhere else later,” he started. “No, James. That’s not it. This, this was an amazing idea but I can’t do this with you anymore. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me and my friends. I want to thank you so much for an amazing spring break but now, everything has to go back to normal.” I said. “Normal? What are you saying?” He asks me. “Normal. Back to when we didn’t speak to each other. I really like you but ever since that night when you said that we’re just friends, everything has gone downhill. All we ever do is argue! On top of that, you have begun to lose your best friend, all because of me! I will not be the reason that you lose such a good friend like Luke! Me and you just can’t happen.” I said. “But, why? I really like you and you like me. That’s all that matters!” he says, looking hopeful. “You don’t remember, do you?” I ask him.

“Remember what?” he said. “The other day, when we were at Logan’s party, you were all on this random girl! You were drunk most of the time but you weren’t drunk when you met up with her. We had a fight and you ran off! How can I know that next time you won’t do that again? I can’t even imagine what ya’ll even did before the party. And then, when I tried to save your drunk ass, you yelled at me! And you got into a fist fight with your best friend! I like you, really, I do, but it’s not going to work out. Not after what happened that night.” I reminded him. He paled slightly at what I said to him.

“First of all, I didn’t do anything with that girl. We just made out and that’s it. I can remember that because I hadn’t drunk anything yet. Secondly, Luke and I fight all the time. We’re boys, we do that. And lastly, I understand why you don’t want to be with me. It’s cause you like Luke. That’s fine by me. I don’t care.” He said, narrowing his eyes at me. “And that’s another reason. You keep assuming things! Yes, James, I’ll admit I like Luke but not as much as I like you, but since you obviously don’t care, I have another reason to solidify my decision.” I said, getting to my feet and stomping through the park and to the parking lot.

“Wait, Elena, wait.” James said, following after me. “I’m tired of waiting for you. You had plenty of chances to give up and admit that you like me too, but you didn’t. Time’s up. I don’t want you and I don’t want Luke. Ya’ll need to get it together.” I yelled over my shoulder. I got to my car and was about to open the door when James held the door closed and hovered behind me. “Just hear me out Elena,” he started. “Please, James. Just drop it. I’m tired of everything. I just want to get home and relax. I, we can still be friends, but I just need time.” I said, turning to face him.

When I finally looked at him, I saw a look of shock and despair in his face. “Can we ever be more than friends?” he asked me, his voice barely over a whisper. “I don’t know.” I answered truthfully. He continued to stare at me, calculating his next move. “You’ve made up your mind, huh? There isn’t anything I can do?” he asked me, desperation in his voice. “No, I’m sorry.” I said. “No, I’m sorry. If this is what you really want, look me in the eye and tell me I don’t have a chance to make everything right.” He said, letting go of my door and backing away slightly.

I gulped slightly. I knew I had to say it but I couldn’t bring myself to. Several moments passed before I finally found my voice. With a slight quivering in my voice, I finally said, “James, I’m really sorry, but you don’t have the chance to make everything right. You’ve had to many chances. It’s time to move on.” When I finally brought my eyes to his face, I saw that he had his guard up. His face was set like stone. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. I quickly got into my car and started the engine. As I pulled away from the park, I saw James walk to his car and punch his side door. At least I knew that his stone face was just an act.

As I drove towards my house, I decided to stop by Luke’s house and tell him the same thing. Might as well get it over with now. I drove to his house and parked in his driveway. I noticed another car but I didn’t bother to think about it. I went up to his door and rang the doorbell. The door opened and a shirtless Luke opened the door. It took him a minute to register who I was. “Elena? What are you doing here?” he asked me, looking behind him nervously. “Well hello to you to,” I mumbled to myself. “I, we need to talk.” I said to him. “About what?” he asked sounding curious. “About us.” I answered. “Um, now is not a good time Elena.” He says to me, glancing nervously behind him. I was going to try to convince him to talk but then I saw a girl in a small, housemaid outfit walk by in the hallway.

“Lukey! You need to get in bed right now so I can check you out properly.” She said in a seductive voice. I looked from the girl to Luke. No wonder why he didn’t want to talk. He was busy messing around with some skank. “Okay, this is what you do? That’s fine.” I said, turning and walking away from him.  He shut his door and started walking after me. He grabbed my arm to stop me and I snatched my arm from him. He ran quickly and got in front of me, preventing me from getting to my car.

“Elena,” he started. “No, I don’t want to hear some lame excuse. As a matter of fact, don’t even bother talking to me ever again.” I said, shooting daggers with my eyes. “Oh come on Elena. A guy has needs.” He said to me. I looked at him with pure disgust. I should have listened to James when he told me about Luke. “You disgust me. Go back in there and have fun with your skank.” I said to him, walking around him and going to my car.

“Come on Elena. Let’s just talk about this rationally.” He said, following behind me. “Get away from me. I don’t want to talk to you, you disgusting pig.” I said. “But I thought you like me?” he says to me. The nerve of this guy! “Nope. I was just kidding. You should really get back in there and fuck her brains out.” I said before slamming my car door and pulling out of his driveway.

I can’t believe I liked this duchebag! James warned me about him but I didn’t listen. I hope he gets chlamydia. When I got back home, I was so angry at Luke that I immediately deleted his number and any of his pictures off my phone. That jerk!

Ever since that day, I hadn’t spoken to Luke, even when he tried to approach me several times. He must be stupid to think I’d ever be okay with him. With James, we had class together so it was hard to avoid him. I kept my distance from him and he kept his distance from me. We only talked to each other out of pure necessity.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As we were getting our nails done at the nail salon, the girls began talking about their plans for tomorrow night, at prom. I was the only one without a date. My date was supposed to be Megan but when we came back after break, Megan and Kevin ended up getting back together. As the girls talked, I just sat there pretending to listen to their conversation, but actually, I was thinking about a way I could get out of staying the whole night at prom.

“Elena? Earth to Elena.” Beth said, getting my attention. “Huh?” I asked. “She wasn’t even listening.” Megan said. “Yes I was.” I answered. “Oh really? Then what did I just say?” Beth asked me. “You said, and I quote ‘Elena? Earth to Elena’” I answered smugly. “That wasn’t what I meant.” She said, narrowing her eyes at me. “Well, then you should say what you mean.” I said sarcastically. “You’re lucky I don’t want to mess up my nails, but don’t be surprised when I attack you later.” She said to me threatingly. “Leave me alone you cat kicker.” I said sticking my tongue out at her. She narrowed her eyes at me. “Love you too.” I joked.

“Anyways, so, Elena, we’re going to pick you up around 6 tomorrow.” Sierra said to me. “Why? Prom doesn’t start till like 8.” I stated. “Because you’re going to dinner with us silly.” Sierra answered. “No thanks. I don’t want to be the 7th wheel. What do I look like tagging along to a group date?” I said. “Oh, don’t you worry about that. You won’t be 7th wheeling.” Megan answered, looking at me mischievously.

“What are you guys planning?” I said, getting a bit nervous. They knew what happened between me and Luke and James so I know they wouldn’t ask them to go with me tomorrow. “Nothing, we just want to spend prom with our best friend.” Megan said, laughing. I eyed all of them suspiciously because they were all smiling at me. “I’m on to you guys.” I said, pointing to each one of them. They just laughed and brushed off my comment.

After we finished getting our nails done, I dropped everyone off at their homes and headed back to my house. I wonder what the girls had planned tomorrow. If they asked James to do something for me tomorrow, our school would be missing 3 of their senior students. I got home and quickly washed my hair and got into my pajamas. My mom put my hair in rollers and I sat in the hair dryer and dried my hair. My hair was going to be styled curly tomorrow.

Around 11pm, I pulled out my dress and took it off its hanger. I held it against myself and looked in the mirror. The dress was beautiful and fi my snuggly. I had bought it during Christmas break, back when the girls and I were planning to go with a group of friends. I sighed and returned the dress back to the hanger. I hung it back in the closet and got into  my bed.

So many things have changed since Christmas break. Beth and Clark got back together. Sierra and Zach met and became inseparable. Megan and Kevin broke up and got back together again. And with me, I lost the guy I’ve liked since 9th grade and stopped talking to the guy who cheated on me, even though we were never officially together. I sighed another deep sigh and turned off my bedside lamp. After lying around, thinking for 10 minutes, I fell into a light sleep that has me tossing and turning all night. I haven’t been able to sleep properly since the day that I stopped talking to James and Luke. Maybe it was a sign that I should forgive them and move on. 

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