The Prophecy(ON HOLD)

By Angelique_Esmeralda

13.1K 648 17

She began to scream, cry and plead, trying to get away from whatever creature was behind her but his grip fel... More

Author's Note
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter One

1.1K 46 2
By Angelique_Esmeralda

"Do us a favour and slow the damn car down!" Sonia grumbled as she groped for something in her purse.

It seemed the driver was either not listening to her or not paying attention to the kind of speed they were moving with.

"I said slow the car down!" She raised her voice a notch but with her eyes still fixed on what she was trying to find in her purse.

The car's roof was open and drawn back and the wind was deafening as they sped. The afternoon sun was welcoming but the cars that drove by were only blurs and the wind tugged frantically at her hair, she had to pull some strands out of her face and mouth occasionally.

The wind suddenly at the coloured scarf around her neck and it unwounded itself and went flying away before she could get a grip on it, it flew out of reach.

Her forehead creased with a frown as she washed her scarf float away in the distance and slowly fluttered to fall on the road. The speed of the moving car creating more distance between her and her favorite scarf.

Turning to glower at the driver whose head was tilted as she gulped down from a canned drink with one hand on the steering, Sonia knocked the canned beer out of the driver's hand, sending it flying through the window and tumbling on the road spilling it's content in the process.

In shock and speechless surprised, the driver faced her with a questioning frown. Glancing backwards at her long gone drink.

"What the hell did you do that for?"

Sonia could not hear the words over the blaring music but she read her lips. "I told you to fucking slow down!" She shouted.

"What?" Asked the driver, straining to hear Sonia.

Sonia tuned down the volume of the music still it was almost a whisper. "I said slow down!" She glared.

The driver smiled, amused. "Is that why you had to knock my drink off? You should have just said so."

"Well, you were the one who weren't listening...and..." She continued as the driver slowly reduced the speed. "Don't you ever increase the tape to such a volume again, the damn music was practically frying my eardrums."

The driver smiled and offered her a knowing wink. "Roger, ma'am!"

"It's not funny, Michella!" Sonia stubbornly persisted not falling for it. "You just made me lose my favourite scarf back there!"

"Oh!" Michella cocked an eye brow. "Sorry love, my bad!"

Sonia turned away unsmiling, her elbow on the door,her fingers sliding through her hair to separate the tangles the wind had created.

Michella glanced at her through the rear view mirror. "You seem clearly mad at me. Alright then, I'm sorry." She said in a compelling genuine tone. "I promise to get you a new one at our next stop."

"Can't be replaced!" Sonia grudgingly stated, her gaze still fixed outside the window.

"C'mon!" Michella cooed then caressed Sonia's exposed thigh. "My baby can't stay mad at me..." She leaned towards Sonia and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. "I promise to get you one, mi amor"

(Mi amor- my love)

At this, Sonia smiled. Michella was of Spanish and American origin who grew up with her grand mother in Spain and later relocated to America when she was ten and since then, her English was good but just a little strained by her Spanish accent.

She was 6 feet tall and had long gorgeous legs with a curly hair that stopped right at her slim waist. Her eyes were green protected by long black eye lashes that brushed her cheeks. Sensual pink lips were mesmerizing and she had a model shape most women would die for. Her skin was tanned to perfection and she was a great dancer.

She had actually met Sonia in a dancing class and they had immediately taken a liking to each other and became lovers.

Unlike Sonia who had slick fake blonde hair she dyed occasionally, brown eyes and was 5:9 in height but was quite the bustier one.

Michella grinned, revealing perfect pearly teeth at Sonia. "Gracias." She fondled Sonia's cheek in appreciation. "That's my pumpkin."

(Gracias- thanks)

Sonia exhaled loudly and muttered. "Sitting in this car for hours is really freaking me out."

Michella chuckled. "I chose to visit my grand father's cabin alone, you insisted on coming along so it's quite too late to grouch. We are miles away from home already."

"Didn't know it was this far and I can't seem to find my damn cigarettes. I thought I brought the damn thing along in my purse." She fussed and tossed her purse into the back seat. "I really need a smoke." She whined softly.

"Definitely not in my car." Michella replied, now fully concentrating on the road.

Sonia eyed her suspiciously for a moment. "You didn't happen to see my cigarettes, Michella, do you?"

Michella didn't reply...

Sonia nudged her in the side with an elbow. "You heard me!"

Michella pulled one hand from the steering and slipped her hand into the back pocket of her bum shorts pulling out an almost scrunched packet of almost cigarette.

"I knew you took it!" Sonia exclaimed trying to hide the delight in her voice. She lunged for it but Michella pulled it out of reach before she could grab it.

"Nada. I ain't giving it to you, you should know that!"

(Nada- No)

"Why not?"

"Cigarrillo es malo para si salud. Seriously, I have told you to quit smoking and you went ahead behind my back to bring along this shit!" She shook the pack in the air for emphasis.

(Cigarillo es malo para su salud- cigarette is bad for your health)

"C'mon sweetheart." Sonia cooed pleadingly. "A smoke, a single stick wouldn't hurt."

"Haven't you heard of the saying that smokers are liable to die young?" Michella quietly said then held the pack outside her window.

Sonia gasped. "What the hell are you doing?"

Michella glanced at her and crumpled the pack in her fist while Sonia watched in dismay as Michella suddenly opened her fist letting go of the crumpled pack on the road.

Sonia turned red on the face. "You cynical bitc-" She started to say but Michella slipped a hand around her neck and pulled her into a deep kiss to shut her up. Sonia was reluctant at first but soon she gave in.

Michella broke the kiss after sensing her lover's resignation. With her face just inches away from Sonia's she whispered. "Lo siento, mi amor. I know it is difficult to stop an habit but it is for your own good." Then she pulled back, leaning into her seat to concentrate on the deserted road once again.
(Lo siento, mi amor- I'm sorry my love)

Sonia slowly turned away to sulk, staring into the horizon ahead with her arms folded across her ample chest. Her hair blowing wildly around her face, her eyes glassy with tears.

"I need to take a leak." She finally muttered without looking at Michella.

Michella stared at Sonia thoughtfully for a second and nodded. "Alright, next stop up ahead."

They continued the long drive in silence. Sonia fell asleep along the way while Michelle opened a can of energy drink to keep herself company.

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