Chapter Fourteen

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"This is fucking unbelievable!" Jones exclaimed and turned around his hands on his hips as he watched as the coroners bagged the bodies and took them to the ambulance. "This is damn just out of it!"

Grant who had finished questioning the brunette sitting at the back of one of the ambulances with a blanket draped over her shoulders approached Jones. The scene was surrounded with yellow crime tapes while the other officers kept the onlookers and nosy reporters at bay outside the crime scene.

Jones glanced at the brunette who was staring blankly and asked his partner. "How's she doing?"

"I'm not certain." Grant scratched the back of his ear. " think she's gonna be fine.."

"Are you done questioning her?" Jones probed.

"Yea...asked her a couple of questions. She claims she had no idea when her husband left her side last night, she only noticed him gone when the party was over and when it was time to go home."

"Sounds mighty drunk to me..." Jones said. "She's unlucky to be sober now."

Jones squinted at the brunette who was now leaning her side to the wall of the ambulance. "She's pretty tough I'd say... She hasn't shed a single tear since we found his body... Most women would have gone out of their minds by now... Completely berserk."

"Don't be fooled, buddy." Jones lightly tapped Grant's stomach with the back of his hand. "Wanna know what I feel? I think she is pretty fed up of the whole marriage crap anyway."

Grant frowned at him. "What the hell do you mean, Jones? Don't you go assuming shits now, will you."

"Oh please..." Jones drawled and gestured towards her. "I have an experience with a dour marriage that inevitably went all wrong. Look at her face, it's as dry as a baboon's butt! Not a single tear."

"You mean to say as a desert?" Grant corrected.

Jones simply shrugged. "Does it matter, I made my point already."

"Are you going to accuse her of killing her husband because she refuses to show any sign of grief?" Grant asked suspiciously. "May be it just hasn't hit her yet that he's dead... Some people tend to feel this way..."

Jones scoffed. "Hell no! Why would I accuse her? She might be a remorseless bitch but she surely doesn't look like one who would tear her husband to pieces..." He chuckled. "What the hell do you take me for, buddy?"

"Good...because I asked some of the folks at the party and one mentioned that he saw her husband going off into the woods with a woman so it's definitely not her." Grant replied.

"A woman huh?" Jones scanned around the scene which was being investigated and crowded with cops and coroners. "Did our eye witness give a particular description?"

"Um...of average height, not too slim, she said she couldn't guess the colour of hair because it was dark."

"Still baffles me why some stupid folks would leave civilization and come all the way down here to have some stupid party..." He muttered more to himself.

"How about the college girl they found few miles away from here?... They found her head yet?" Grant asked.

"I don't think so." Jones replied, clicking his tongue. "The officers are doing that right now...let's just hope it doesn't take hours because I really wanna get the hell out of here, being here and thinking of all that intestines scooped out of the brunette's husband is beginning to give me the creeps, I don't gink I wanna try eating sausages anymore."

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