Chapter Ten

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She pushed the doors open and walked into the big courtyard which was occupied by other werewolves. She barely spared a glance at couple who were in the corner, kissing and gripping at each other. A wild hall party was going on and most of the werewolves were spilling bottles of alcohol, bathing one another with it. Even a transformed werewolf darted past her after a human woman who was screaming and trying to get away but she turned in time to see the werewolf finally catch up with the woman, pushed her to the sandy floor, tore her clothes in shreds and even cutting her in places with his claws in a bid to get off her clothes and suddenly began to rape her right there, grunting and growling while the woman continued to scream and cry.

She knew the werewolves lured young women to the lair when there would be a moon celebration which mostly took place when the moon was so high in the sky. Their victims were mostly naive women walking alone in the streets, flirts in nightclubs and college girls who couldn't resist the sexiness of werewolves when they were in their human forms.

Women who were brought here to party, discovered too late what they had gotten into and thereby ended up being raped multiple times while the other werewolves laughed and even watched with great interest as she was being raped in every way possible and later slaughtered if she was considered to be of no use anymore.

The werewolves were very rough during sex and mostly slept with each other in their were-forms because intense pleasure was gotten having sex like animals due to the extreme orgasm and vigour of the sex. Only a female werewolf could endure the length and girth of a werewolf's sex organ and having sex with a werewolf when not in human form was unbearably painful for female humans and most of them ended up dead during it or after it.

She turned to the side and noticed one of the werewolves, Xavier, sitting on his own on a log with a bottle of beer in his hand, elbows over his knees with hands fallen in between in his legs, just watching one of the small fires that had been created to light up the courtyard. Werewolves were not scared of fires if it was not big and threatening.

Xavier was the most reserved werewolf of all and she could bet that she had never seen him bring a woman before let alone prey on her. Werewolves were too aggressive and most of them enjoyed having their preys die slowly by taking chunks out of the human or just tearing him or her to pieces for the fun of it.

She knew that not all the female werewolves were around for the moon feast for most of them preferred going out there to seduce human men and women and kill them in the worst way unimaginable. This was where their problems with vampires started from because Vampires, those cold blooded suckers wanted the secret of their existence and that of the werewolves' kept secret from the humans and since the werewolves revelled in attacking and killing humans, they were endangering the vampires who come out at night to put an end to their bloody massacre.

It was quite bloody when a vampire encountered a werewolf, one of them had to die or escape with a fatal injury. The moon lord, the leader of all werewolves hated the white lord, the ruler of all vampires and this had caused a feud for centuries which still went on with each ruler losing one or many of his subjects to the enemy.

Having noticed and heard the discussion of the cops tonight, She knew that they were on the verge of being discovered by the humans and despite their attempts to take the girl, it hadn't been successful and she knew that the moon lord would be very mad. He was quick to temper and could separate a werewolf from his or her body with a single slash of his powerful claws.

She ducked quickly, snapping out of her thought just in time as a big rock came rolling towards her and fell behind her into a fire causing several sparks and extinguishing the fire immediately. She turned to look at the tall bald man with a full beard who had hauled the rock at her, obviously aiming for her head and approaching her with a smug grin on his face. She knew him quite well, he was a werewolf who was very full of himself and was always looking for ways to lure her into his bed through brute force but she disliked him.

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