Chapter Six

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Michella continued crawling. When she got to the bridge, she decided going across it to the other side but instead, changed her mind and crawled to the edge.

She stared down at the flowing crystal water and tried going down slowly but only ended up slipping down the muddy walls and landed on her side with a splash and a suppressed groan.

Slowly, she turned towards the wooden bridge and began to crawl on her arms through the flowing water which washed her blood downstream. She heard two loud gun shots and then sudden silence.

She halted in fear and listened for a while for any sign of movement when something suddenly landed right in front of her, splashing the cold stream water on her bleeding face.

She began to sob and tremble again as she slowly looked up at the black wet boots just a foot away from her face, her gaze travelled up the legs wearing the boots and to the firm hand wielding a dagger whose tip was dripping thick red blood into the water.

"Please, don't kill me..." she sobbed as she finally met his glowing silver-rimmed eyes again. "...just let me go..."

Her eyes began to slowly lose focus and all she began to see was a blur of his figure still gazing down at her. She slowly turned to her side not able to decipher what was going on anymore.

As her head hit the surface of the flowing water, she slipped into the world of unconsciousness.

The man stared down at her. Her blood was drifting down stream with the flowing water. His long incissors shone as he bared it, sniffing the scent of her blood in the air.

He glanced at her stomach, where most of the blood was coming from and the side of his upper lip twitched as the smell of fresh undiluted blood filled his nostrils again. He closed his eyes tight and frowned in deep concentration.

After a moment, he rinsed the werewolf blood off his daggar and sheathed it. He went on a knee and lifted Michella into his arms from the water. With the tail of his coat making a swishing sound, he was gone.

He burst through the large double doors of a very large hall, a recruit gym which was occupied by several people mostly in the same uniforms. The males were on vests and sweat pants and the female on tank tops and sweat pants. Both genders completed their outfits with black trainers to go with.

Some were training on how to aim or throw multiple weapons, such as jagged disks all at once at moving or dormant targets. Others were practicing by shooting arrows at objects stationed far away while the rest dealt with daggers and guns and other weapons he was familiar with.

Before he went further into the room, the sudden silence attracted him and frowning, he knew what had caught their attention, Michella's blood.

When he looked around him, he was already being circled by the recruit vampires, their nose twitching, their fangs bared. Their blood-shot eyes fixed on their helpless prey in his arms. He couldn't blame them, Rookies hardly had the power of control at the mere sight or smell of blood. However, he couldn't take any chances.

Supporting her weight in an arm, He pulled out his double barrel gun, aiming randomly at them as they drew closer. "The first person who touches her will have his or her brains picked off the wall with a thong and that goes for any other person who chooses to follow suit!" He said coldly and undaunted.

He could see the hunger in their eyes, the smell of blood turning them into feral animals. Soon, they began to disperse returning to their former activities.
When he was certain no one would sneak up behind him, he continued through a short hall, the weight of Michella felt like a bag of feathers.

He walked up the steel stairs and into a sound proof conference room surrounded with glass windows. As he neared, a waiting guard opened the door to the room. He strode into the room where a group of people were gathered around the long conference table and gently placed Michella's unconscious body on it.

The people frowned in surprise, the smell of blood bringing out their incissors. Most of them were already uneasy in their seats but before they could make an attempt towards the body, they were stopped by the leader.

There were at least nine people in the room, the head of the clan called the white lord whose long grey mane flowed down his back and his beard also carried the greyish colour of superiority.

He was respected and feared by all because he was the oldest vampire alive who had lived eight centuries. The man sitting next to the white lord, Linford was his son. He was as tall as his father but was entirely the opposite and also a dangerous rival to Cade who had brought Michella in.

The others held several positions in the clan but Cade's favorite was Tessy, the chief doctor who was 5.6 in height, black hair and hazel eyes which were always shielded by her glasses. The others in the room consist Jane, Cade's field partner, Thomas, Federick, Christy, Lord Edwin who was second in command and Lady Veronica, a Spaniard in her late fifties.

The White lord regarded Cade for a while, fingers entwined on the mahogany table before him. His eyes travelled down to the unconscious woman lying on it. "What is the meaning of this?" He asked solemnly.

"How dare you bring in a living human here, before us!" bawled lord Edwin who had a strong dislike for Cade like Linford. "Such guts!"

"I want her treated." Cade calmly answered.

"Perhaps, you mean you want her drained of life." Linford said, his voice laced with sarcasm with a sly smile playing on his lips.

Cade ignored Linford. "I found her in the woods."

"Yes, attacked by the lycans." The white lord stated, relaxing into his high chair, his years of experience playing wittingly without him getting to know the details. "Is she bitten?" he asked calmly.

"She is not." Tessy replied, always quick to stand up for Cade in times of trouble. Cade was renowned for always flouting the clan's rules.

She stood up, already examining Michella's body for any signs of a bite. She knew if she relented and her answer wasn't accurate, the council would kick the dying woman out and she couldn't let that happen. If Cade had brought in a human into their sacred home, then he must have a very good reason for it. "She is just badly injured." She stated. "Broken bones and a few gashes." She finished.

"You can keep your opinion to yourself Tessy, the council doesn't care if she is dead or wounded, she is human!" Linford said icily.

"As a member of this council and the chief doctor at that, I think my opinion counts and I cant afford to ignore a dying woman all because she is human." She said evenly. She glanced at the faces in the room noticing that her assistant doctor, Frederick was as nervous as she was.

The white lord stared in silence for a moment, his knuckles under his bearded chin. "I regard you as a son, Cade..." he began calmly. "And I have never misjudged your actions or your ability of foresight..." Linford frowned at his father's words. "So, I strongly believe you have a reason for bringing in a human which however is forbidden."

"I wouldn't say otherwise." Lady Veronica who had been watching in silence, her grey hair pulled in a tight bun finally added, making Linford roll his eyes. "We trust your insight because you are the best we have got in decades. Why would you rescue a human from the lycans and bring her down here? It is like stealing a kill from those flesh eaters and this could spark up another war which we have been trying to avoid for centuries."

He stood still, his eyes drifting to the unconscious woman on the table, feeling everyone's eyes on him, then he finally replied. "She is the Arch Angel, bringer of light and bringer of death."

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