Chapter Three

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Michella pulled up her shorts, zipped up and buttoned it then hurried out of the bush. She got into the car and slammed the door, startling Sonia.

"Yikes!" Sonia placed her hand on her beating chest to calm her nerves, a ciggerette stuck between her fingers. "What the hell did you do that for!?"

Michella sniffed the air and turned to her. Her eyes found the pack of cigarette on the dash board and Sonia suddenly melted in shame.
"I'm sorry, I got so scared and nervous and I had to smoke..."

"usted está en serios problemas!" Michella said lividly, her voice devoid of any amusement.

(Usted está en serios problemas- you are in serious trouble.)

"I'm sorry." Sonia pleaded louder sensing Michella's anger. "I got them from the store."

Michella held up her palm. "Not a word!" She turned the ignition and the car started. She continued their journey but headed uphill this time, drove across a wooden bridge and down a wider path.

By the time they approached the cabin, it was dark already. Michella killed the engine and relaxed into her seat, weary from the journey. The headlights shone on the cabin, revealing a neat front yard and a porch.

"I see no lights." Sonia stated, staring at the dark windows of the cabin. "Thought you said someone lives here."

Michella nodded. "Mr skales...he probably went out or something." They both got down the car closing the doors softly.

"This place is creepy, hope there's a gen somewhere."

Michella rolled her eyes. "Yes! There's a gen. You go up there..." She pointed up the porch steps. "'ll find the key under the foot mat. I'll go start the gen." She pointed behind her with a thumb.

Sonia hesitated, not wanting to go to the cabin alone. "You sure you don't need help doing that?"

"Not at all, run along, I'll be with you in a jiffy. You see anything, scream!" She teased.

"Okay..." Sonia stammered, glancing around in fear as Michella headed to a shed some distances away from the cabin. She slowly went up the steps and groped the outside wall for a light switch when she remembered there was no form of electricity.

She decided to make use of the headlights of the car. She lifted up the mat and took a single old key, slipped it into the key hole and turned. The soft clicking of the door notified her that the door was now open as it slowly creaked ajar revealing darkness inside the room.

Sonia stood rooted at the door way for some minutes contemplating whether to go in or wait there for Michella. Her wild imaginations told her there might be a snake on one of the chairs waiting to strike.

As she decided against going in, turning and attempting to go down the steps, the bulb above her flickered to life. She gasped and turned back towards the door as the inner lights began flicking on as if on queue revealing a small, neat, homely living room.

Feeling comfortable now, she smiled and stepped in, shutting the door behind her.

Michella turned to leave the shed after noticing that the lights in the cabin had come on. She held a big torch which she had found hanging on the wall near the door way so it could be easily located in the dark.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash and she spurn around, flashing the beam of the light on some rusty paint tins which had fallen off from the shelves they were kept. She moved the beam of light and found a big rat nibbling something along the wall of the shed near its hole.

"Oh,pleease..." She whined in disgust. She hated rats. Immediately, a shadow swiftly flitted past the open door of the shed making her jump and gasp in fear. She pointed the beam of the torch towards the open door...nothing! Just empty blackness except from the ray of the light shining on the ground through the side window of the cabin.

She walked out of the shed and slowly closed the door which complied with a creaking sound. Then she twirled when she heard an almost distant cry in the woods surrounding them, an howl!

She looked up as the night breeze swept through her hair and body, tugging at her pony tail. The moon was just climbing high into the sky. She silently prayed nothing bad would happen, suddenly wishing Mr. Skales was around to protect them.

He had thought her how to shoot a rifle when she was sixteen and had come to spend part of her summer in the cabin, but it had been years since she practised, making her doubt if she still knew how to handle a rifle.

She knew where Mr. Skales kept his weapons in the cabin and gave herself a mental note to look for it hoping she wouldn't have to shoot at any wild animal dumb enough to come attack them.

She made her way towards the car, switched off the headlights, grabbed the shopping bags and locked the car. She went up the porch steps, slipped into the cabin and locked the door too after dropping the shopping bags on the centre table.

Sonia was no where to be found so she made her way down the short hall way. "Sonia?" She called out as she entered the guest bedroom whose door was left ajar. Sonia clothes were strewed on the floor. "Sonia!" She called again raising her voice a notch.

"In the bathroom!" Michella heard her muffled reply over the sound of the shower. Smiling, she returned to the sitting room, unlocked the door and walked down to her car. She unlocked the car door, opened the back door and took out a duffel bag containing their clothes.

Through the other window of the car, she saw a looming silhouette flit by swiftly, making her jerk up in alarm, bumping her head hard against the roof-edge of the door.

Muttering profanities in Spanish as she stood outside the car rubbing her head and gritting her teeth in pain as she looked over the top of the car then glanced around at the darkness of silhoutted trees and bushes around her.

"Hello!" She called out loud into the night and waited for a response. "Is anyone out there?" She paused for a moment or so but got no reply except the incessant chirping of crickets and a nearby hooting of an owl.

She relaxed a bit but feeling close to the edge of freaking out soon. She blamed herself for being too jumpy and scared today. There was simply nothing out there besides rodents, Birds and insects, she assured herself to feel better. She had spent most of her summers here as a kid with her grand dad and Mr. Skales and nothing had harmed her. She silently chided herself for thinking otherwise now she was an adult.

She turned and hurried into the cabin with the bag and quickly locked the door eager for morning to come. If Mr. Skales was just fooling around out there to scare her, he would have to do a lot more than that but if she caught the old man at the act then he was in for a lot of tongue-lashing from her. She huffed.

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