Life Changing(Rated R)

By kklyons12

19.2K 361 18

(*WARNING*; Strong Sexual Situations, Language) -READ AT YOUR OWN RISK- {18 AND OLDER} ... More

Life Changing
(Chapter 2)
(Chapter 3)
(Chapter 4)
(Chapter 5)
(Chapter 6)
(Chapter 7)
(Chapter 8)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

(Chapter 1)

2.2K 43 1
By kklyons12

(Kloes POV)

The first run is always a tradition in all packs. It is the first time that you and your wolf run together as one. You can either run with your pack or on your own if you choose. I chose to run alone, I am more of a on-my-own kind of person. I also just wanted to bond with my wolf, after all I will always have her and I just want to know her more.

As I know of right now she is a strong, powerful and dangerous wolf, but she also has a sweet and kind side to her. She is a white wolf and has the most unique eyes. When she feels happy she has silver-blue eyes. When she is mad her eyes turn a dark blue. And when she is sad they turn a light bluish color.

I told her how i have blue eyes same as her and that my hair a blondish color with brown streaks in it. She laughed at me and said that she already knows everything about me. i just laugh with her.

Now I was running in the woods in my wolf form.

'This is it! I have finally gotten my wolf! My first run all bye myself! I cant believe it! I have been waiting for this all my life and i have finally gotten it!' I thought to my self.

'You mean we have both been waiting for this' my wolf says to me.

'Oh ya! Sorry' I tell her in my head.

'Don't worry about it" she says laughing at me, I just smile and laugh with her.

All of a sudden my wolf stops in the middle of our run by a stream. We hear what almost sounds like a scream but was hard to hear over the noise from the stream.

My wolf growls at the noise. And smells the air. It takes her a minute or two but she then finds the sent she was looking for, human. But that's not the only sent she caught, there was this strange smell that my wolf and me hated.

'Vampires' my wolf growls in my head.

My heart starts racing in my chest.

'Vampires, but what are they doing here?' i ask my wolf.

Usually vampires like to live in the city were there are almost no werewolves, and lots of humans to feed off of. They have these little clans of vampires all threw the cities and they all have there own territory. They are almost like a pack but they are called clans. But the real question is why would they be in the woods in a packs territory? They are scared of werewolves and need the safety in the city where all the humans are. So why are they here?

'Feeding' she growls in my head.

The next thing I know we are running toward another scream.

'Feeding? But why in the middle of the woods?' I ask her.

'They must of chased her in here.' She tells me.

As a werewolf it is are duty to protect the humans. That is one of the laws in the werewolf world. It is also one of the reasons that we were created. To protect humans from the blood sucking demons, known as vampires. Human do not know about neither of our kind and it will always be that way. We stay in the shadows.

My wolf and I are getting closer to the screaming. The air smells of the human and vampires but there is also a new smell... blood.

There is a field coming up and that is where we smell the blood. The screaming has stopped and replaced with wimpers.

My wolf and I are running so fast that only a vampire and werewolf could see are speed, no human.

My wolf can now see into the field ahead of us and the scene in front of use scares me. My wolf stops just outside of the field. I see two male vampires surrounding a human girl, she looks around my age. She has a bite mark on her neck that is bleeding into her brown hair, her eyes are green and you could see the fear in them. I also see another girl on the ground. Her eyes are open and she has no heart beat that I can hear, she is dead. My wolf growls and jumps threw the surrounding trees and plants, and onto the field.

The vampires heads snap around and they look at me, they have blood all over them. The one has blonde hair and blue eyes, while the other has brown hair and brown eyes.

My wolf growls at them and they both look at each other then back at me. They just smile at me. My wolf growls an angry growl and the vampires stop smiling. The blonde vampire charges at me. But my wolf is faster then him and leaps at him. The vampire and I meet in the air and we both go down, me landing on top of him. I bite down on his neck and he screams in agony. My wolf growls in satisfaction. But then we are pushed off of the vampire on the ground by the one who has brown hair.

I stand back up and the vampires look at me. Then the blonde turns and grabs the girl, who the other vampires was holding by the throat. But before the vampire can bite her I leap and grab the blonde again by the throat. The girls falls backwards onto the ground. I snap his neck and he falls to the ground next to the girl. But the other vampire grabs me by my neck and pins me to the ground.

As I struggle under the vampire the girl goes over to the vampire who's neck I just snapped and grabs a knife that sticking out of his pocket. She then runs over to where the vampire has me pinned and stabs him in the back. She backs away and looks me in the eyes.

The vampire yells and lets go of his hold on me. Right when he does that I grab him by the neck and rip his head off. His body falls limp and his head flies into the air and lands next to the blondes body.

The girl looks at his body, then runs over to the other girls body. She starts sobbing and puts her face on the girls chest and continues to sob.

'Comfort her' my wolf tells me.

'But wont she be afraid of us?' I ask my wolf.

'Shift' my wolf tells me.

I do as my wolf says and start to shift. My bones start to crack and I feel my body changing from my wolf form to my human form. I can feel my hair on my back and can now move my hands. I open my eyes and look at the girl. She is still crying, I try to walk to her but stumble a lot, it was my first time shifting after all. When I get my balance I walk over to her. I lean down next to her and put my hand on her back. she looks up at me. I am naked just does not even seem to care.

"Who are you?" she asks me

"My name is Kloe" I tell her

"Your a wolf" she tells me.

"Yes" I answer.

She then looks back at her friend.

"Her name is Emily" she says. She was talking about the girl on the ground. She was pretty, she had brown hair and brown eyes. The only thing that made her look dead was the blood all over her clothes.

"That is a beautiful name" I tell the girl.

She looks up at me and smile as tears fall down her face and she hugs me. She once again starts to cry. I tell her that it is all going to be okay. I reach over and close Emily's eyes with my two fingers. I then hug the girl in my arms and she then looks up at me and says,

"My name is Kara" and smiles while tears run down her face.

I was going to reply but am cut off by a mans voice,

"Well, well, well, look at what we have here."

I turn around and see three men, the one on the left has blonde hair with a red streak in it and brown eyes, the on on the right has the same hair and eyes but a blue streak in his hair, the one in the middle has brown hair and bright green eyes. My wolf and I both know they are vampires at the same time as soon as we smell it on them. I stand up and growl at them and they all just smile and the one in the middle says,

"I see that you have saved the girl."

I growl and grab her hand as she stands behind me. She holds my hand tightly, I also notice how she is shaking.

I do not take my eyes off of the vampires, not once.

The one with the red streak in his hair looks up and down my naked body with a grin on his face. He then meets my eyes and I growl at him. He then says,

"Well I must say she has a very sexy body for a wolf."

I growl at him and my canines come out. they see them and the one on the right with the blue streak in his hair says,

"I agree, and she is very angry brother." I growl again and I can feel there eyes all over my body, it makes me sick but I stand my ground and continue to glare at them.

The one in the middle then moves in his vampire speed and stands next to the blondes body whose neck I snapped earlier. He looks at him and moves his head around with his foot.

"Nick, you never will learn to wait for the rest of us." He laughs and then looks at the vampires head I ripped off. "Because of you Ralf is dead."

As the vampire says all of this he shows no emotions. He does not even look sad or mad that 'Ralph', as he called him, was dead. He then looked at me and smiled. He walked back over to the middle where he was standing before and says,

"My name is Caine" he says pointing to himself. He then points to the blonde with the red streak to his left and says,

"This is Alex." Alex smiles and I see his fangs. Kara holds my hand even tighter.

"This is his brother, Zac." says Caine pointing to the vampire on his right with the blue streak in his hair. Zac also shows his fangs and Kara whispers,

"Kloe im scared."

Caine of course heard her and says,

"Kloe, what a beautiful name." and smiles at me. I growl and his smile falls.

"When I shift get on my back" I whisper to Kara and she nods her head.

They were all still looking at my naked body. I could feel there eyes burning holes into me. It made me even sicker then before.

Alex looked behind me at Kara and licked his lips. When he did that I lost it and turned into my wolf. Me and my wolf were both very angry at that point.

The vampires were now in a defensive mode. I growled and showed my canines to them,and in return they all showed their fangs to me, Kara screamed but I knew that it was just out of fright from the vampires hissing noise, when she was done screaming she climbed on my back. As for me and my wolf we were not scared at all but very mad that they would show there fangs to try and scare us.

"Why are her eyes that color" Zac asked

Caine nor Alex replied because right then I jumped over Emily's body and ran into the wood as fast as I could, while Kara held on for dear life.

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