By Mintyhippo95

171K 5.7K 2.3K

Elsa's parents were the greatest spies in the world, and owned a spy agency. From the time Elsa could walk sh... More

Grown Up
The Big 4
Sleep Over
I Will Fight
Red Mercury
Ruined Cake
Years Pass By
The Snow Queen
Mystery Bomber
The Island
Get my level
Don't Leave Me
Tiny Miracles
Agent #1
Trouble in Paradise
Best Birthday Ever
I'm Sorry
Memory Loss
Survival of the Fittest
Survival of the Fittest Part 2
Secrets of the Forest
Be Strong
Separate Missions
Mr. & Mrs. Overland
Bye Felicia
Forgetting Again
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
Together Again
Our Future
Harmless Secret
Reverse Psychology
We're Good
Together Again
Into the Artic
Confession Time
My Everything
Thank Yous'
Watermelons and Grapes
Always Right

I Remember

2.4K 82 22
By Mintyhippo95

Elsa's POV

I woke up when I felt someone nudging my leg. I opened my eyes to see all eight of us chained up to an old cracked clay wall. Merida and I had gloves on, and Hiccup had a chain around his neck. None of us could use our powers.

Well Shit! We just got F'd in the A.

Jack was right next to me, looking at me with a mixtures of emotions that I can't read.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine fuckface." I said shooting him a glare.

Seriously, I'm alive, so obviously I'm okay.

Then the door opened, and Pitch along with two other guys walked in. The guys woke everyone else up, then left.

Pitch looked at us eight with a large grin on his face.

"Mirror mirror in my hand, who is the fairest maiden in the land." he said pulling out a mirror from his pocket, "Let me have a look at you girls."

He then walked up to Punzie and took her chin forcing her to look at him.

"I see. Such a pretty face, tiny figure, long thick hair, and such a kind heart. Your heart is so big and warm, yet full of fear......... for example losing that baby of yours, and having the father find out." Pitch said, and everyone but Jack and I gasped.

Did Jack know? Apparently.

"Now Miss. Merida." Pitch said moving on, "Very strong and fiery, wild, and brave. Yet with all of that bravery, there is so much fear. You are terrified of losing your freedom, being forced into another arranged marriage, and of turning your mother into a bear. That is just the tip of the iceberg dear. So much potential, if only you could learn to let all of that fear go."

Merida tried to bite him, but he was too far out.

"Moving on, to sweet little Anna." he said looking her up and down, "My my, you are quite radiant, must get it from your mother. I see you have the purest heart of them all, so innocent and sweet, always wanting to see the best in everyone. Yet you have more fear than anyone here. Always afraid that you will lose someone you hold dear to you, afraid no one will ever love you, that your sister will never truly forgive you, that you will die, that you are never going to be worthy of being in this group, always being the weakest link, the list is endless darling." Pitch said, then moved on to me.

"Here we have the winner, fairest in the land. Your sister might have been radiant, but you Elsa are a goddess." he said, "Let's look at you closer. If you try to harm me though, I will kill Rapunzel's baby, so best hold still."

I growled, but listened to him. He started tilting my face into different lighting, feeling my legs and arms, sniffing my hair, observing me like I was a slave up for option.

"My my, you really are fairest of them all. Strong, perfect health, positively exquisite, talented at everything you try, and fearless. You have no strings holding you down, positively perfect in every way, and what every woman should strive to be." he said, and I heard Jack growling at him, "So, I could let you and your friends go, but only if you join me. Think about it together we can take over the world. The forces of cold and dark."

"Never, I will die before joining you!" I hissed.

"Really, so you are going ot let all of your friends here, including Rapunzel's innocent baby just die?" he said, and I smirked.

"I have no friends, nothing in this world that I love. As you said, no strings attached. I am never going to help you, never going to join you. My magic is still stronger than yours, and I will get us out of here."

"We'll see. See this mirror my hands, it has the ability to take away anyone's powers and magic. This actually belonged to the original Snow Queen in fact."

"That's true, but the mirror has two sides. You take our powers away, you lose yours as well." I said, and he chuckled.

"Darling, I don't care. My main concern isn't these 7 losers, no, mine is your. I girl with no fear, nothing I can do to stop her. You can be hurt physically, but mentally and magically I can't touch you."

Then he pointed the mirror at Rapunzel, and her long hair turned brown. He continued to do this to all of us that hove powers, until there was no one left.

He opened up his hand, and there was no black sand that came out. He quickly shattered the mirror, and the pieces flew into the air, and blew away.

I knew what it was doing, it was taking away all of the people who had magic in the world. He smirked at us, and looked at me and Jack.

"So glad I had this opportunity. Now, since you didn't join me Elsa, were going to kill Punzie's baby. You have 6 hours to change your mind, if not, down goes baby cradle and all." he chuckled, then walked out of the room.

Suddenly I felt a splitting head ache go through my head, and warm liquid run out of my nose and onto the floor. I looked down and saw it was dark red.

"Elsa, are you okay?" Jack said.

I looked up at him, his eyes filled with concern, then the headache got worse. I let out a little yelp, then everything went dark.

It felt like I was watching an entire movie in my head, and it was moving so fast. Most of it contained Jack and I. When I was 19 and still in high school, that time in Russia, our first date, all of our sex sessions, my birthday, engagement, I saw all of this and more moving though my mind. Then it all stopped.

"ELSA!!!!!" I heard someone screaming.

I opened my eyes gasping in shock, and looked around. Jack had tears down his cheeks and was trying to get to me.

"Jack? Frosty?" I asked, and when I said the last part he froze, "I remember, I remember everything."

Jack's POV

Elsa passed out, with blood still running down her nose. I was panicking trying to get to her, and failing due to these damn cuffs.

"ELSA!!!!!!" I screamed over and over again, until her eyes opened and she was gasping. She looked at me, and had this shocked expression on her face.

"Jack? Frosty?" Elsa said, and I froze. That was her old nickname for me, she always called me that when I called her Snowflake.

"I remember, I remember everything." she said.

I started crying again, but this time it was tears of joy. She remembered me, she remembers us, she remembers everything.

"Not to ruin this touching moment, but they are going to kill my baby!" Punzie yelled.

"And who's damn fault is that!?" Elsa yelled back.

"Yeah, who is the father?" Anna asked, and Punzie quickly glanced to Eugene, then back to the floor.

"No!" Eugene said, and Punzie started crying.

"Guys, lets worry about this later, we have to get out, like now!" Mer said.

"How, we have no powers, and these are steel cuffs?" Hiccup asked.

"I can do this." Elsa said. She gripped the chains, then flipped herself around. She was in a crouch now, and her feet were on the wall. She started pushing harder and harder, and I saw the wall around her cuffs start to break free.

"What's going on in here?" two guards ran in, and saw her. They both pulled out their wands, and started electrocuting her. I kicked them away a few times, but for the most part they were out of my reach.

Each time she screamed louder, but didn't once stop. Finally one cuff came out of the wall, and she reached back and hit both guards in the head with the chain. Then she yanked the other cuff out of the wall and was panting.

She didn't break the chains, but the wall was really old. She quickly took the guards out and snapped their necks. Then she looted their bodies and got the keys. She quickly uncuffed all of us, then did herself.

I immediately ran to her, and kissed her passionately, then shut her into an embrace.

"I thought you'd never come back to me." I muffled out in the crook of her neck.

"You didn't give up on me." she said in reply.

"No, I'm too stubborn to give up on you. I love you too damn much." I said.

"Guys, there is a time and a place." Hiccup said, and we nodded.

We all walked out the door, and looked around. The coast was clear, so we all silently ran looking for an exit.

We couldn't find a door, so Elsa improvised. She looked around, she ran back to our cell, and kept on kicking the wall where it was cracked and had holes from where her cuffs used to be. After around 5 minutes, the wall finally gave us a hole to escape from.

Damn, I need to get me some metal bones.

We all crawled through it, then found looked around. It was really dark, wet, and everything stunk to high hell.

"Elsa, what now?" Eugene asked.

"We're in the sewers right now, we just need to find a ladder and get out of here. Once we are out I can detonate the place, this time my way." Elsa said obviously the last part was directed towards Punzie. I took her hand, and she looked shocked. Moment she saw it was just me, she entwined our hands, brought my hand up to her lips, and kissed it.

"God, I missed you." I said, "How come you just remembered then, but not when I tried?"

"When Pitch shattered that mirror and it took away the powers of everyone with magic, that included Tooth. When she lost her powers, her spell over me was lifted." she said.

"How are we going to fight the Nightmares without our powers?"

"They don't have powers either, remember that. I'm used to fighting without powers, so I'm good. I'm guessing you'll have to work on that." she said.

"Okay." I said.

"I also think it is a good thing we don't have powers. Yeah it will take some getting used to, but I don't have to worry about Pitch finding out my fears and getting stronger." she said.

"Good, cause if you did that memory thing again, I would literally kill Tooth."

"Ladder!" Anna said. We all climbed up it, and were now in the heart of the city, and it was in the middle of the Night. Elsa pulled out a fake chunk of hair, and pulled out a small chip from it. She pressed the button, then we all got the hell out of there. 

Sure the Nightmares weren't all there, but we wanted to at least destroy the place.

Anyway, we each walked back to our houses that we were staying in while we were here.

When she walked in she smiled.

"It feels nice to be home." she said.

"Yeah, then again anywhere is better than a dungeon." I said.

"Ehh..... how about a room with no doors with pregnant Punzie?" she said.

"Okay, you got me, that is totally worse." I said and she giggled, "God, I missed that giggle of yours."

She blushed, and I teared up. I missed that blush of hers too. Basically I missed everything about her. 

"Jack, don't cry." Elsa said softly.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so happy." I chuckled, "You know, Manny said if I could bring you back, he would give you his approval, and even walk you down the isle."

"But, you didn't bring me back." she said, "It was actually Pitch and my very distant relatives mirror."

"He doesn't need to know that." I smirked.

"So, are you asking me to marry you again?"

"No, I am asking you to take back that engagement ring, and continue our relationship where we left off. To me we never broke up, we were just on a very long complicated break."

"No, I want the whole thing. One knee, the speech, I want to be swept off of my feet." she said, and I chuckled.

"Fine, I'll do this the proper way."

"Good, but first I have something I want to do."


She tripped me, and I fell to the floor. Before I could get up, she was on top of me, and kissing me.

"Really, here on the dirty floor?" I mumbled against her lips.

"Do you want to stop?" She asked pulling away from my lips.

"God no!" I said, and reconnected our lips again. She chuckled against my lips, then went lower. I was curious on what she was doing, then I saw she was unbuttoning my shirt with her teeth.

God, it has been so long since I have done anything like this, I almost forgot what this felt like. And I mean with the actual her, not the Snow Queen, and sort of being forced to for the job.

Once my shirt was completely unbuttoned and off, Elsa worked her way back up to my lips leaving hickies on her way up, marking what would always be hers.

She had the dominance in this, but I had to take some back. I flipped us over so I was on top, and in a teasingly slow fashion, removed her shirt driving her nuts. Eventually she removed the rest herself.

"Stop teasing me." she grumbled, and I chuckled.

"Come on, you tease me all the time." I chuckled, then started kissing her neck, shoulder, and all of her exposed skin, while she slipped my pants and boxers off. I removed her pants and panties off, then looked at her.

"Sure you wanna do this? I mean you did get electrocuted and all today?" I asked.

"Jack, I wanna do this." she chuckled, then started planting a kiss on my jaw line.

"Okay, God! I can't even begin to count how many time we've done this, but I don't think I'll ever get enough of you." I said while removing her bra, then cupped her breasts in my hands, producing a lustful moan from her.

"Jack!" she said, while her nails raked across my back, "I love you." she said.

I smiled and looked at her, "I love you too."

"Then show me." she smirked.

"That I can do no problem." I said, then focused back to her.

~Time Skip~

When we were finished, we both were on the ground panting in each others arms.

"Maybe I should call you my snowflake." Elsa chuckled. I looked down to see the hickies she left on my chest were in the shape of a snowflake.

"Well, aren't you the little artist." I chuckled, and kissed her head.

"Jack I'm sorry I did the memory thing................" she started, but I cut her off with a kiss. When we parted, breathless again, I looked her in the eyes.

"Elsa, I know why you did it. Pitch actually had something on you, a weakness. You were scared, you did something about it. I understand, and I forgive you."

"No Jack, I put you through hell, and said and did horrible things to you." she said.

"Elsa, nothing can chase me away from you. Nothing can ever make me stop loving you." I said softly while caressing her soft hair.

"Why didn't you give up on me?" she asked.

"Because, I knew that wasn't the real you. It may be part of you, but I know the real you. The real you is a girl worth dying for, and only comes around once in a lifetime." I said, "Also because I know you did what you did because you also loved me and wanted to protect me. If I was in your shoes I would do the same thing."

She kissed my chest and nuzzled into my shoulder with a huge smile on her face.

"Jack, I have something I want to run by you." she said.

"What?" I asked.

"I want to start the invetro sooner, I don't want to wait anymore."

"Elsa, I'm all for that. Moment we get back lets get your eggs to the hospital and they can start it...... plus I want to keep your eggs out of Manny's hands."

"Okay." she said, and I kissed her head.

"Hey, I love you, so much."

"I love you too, and I promise I'm going to say it more."

"You don't have to if you don't want to, I know you do words or not." I said softly, but she just shook her head.

"No........ I-I want to say it." she said, and I knew I was smiling.

"Okay then. Why don't we get some rest. Manny called one of his stupid monthly dinners for all of us tomorrow, and I want you to be well rested. Apparently it is really formal, so dress to impress."

"Yeah, what is it with Manny, and his super formal parties?"

"I don't know, I think it because he likes elegance and all that." I chuckled.

"Please tell me it isn't one of those ball things." she said and I chuckled some more.

"No, he has grown out of those."

"Alright, good. I don't have an old fashion ball gown in stock, plus all of the ruffles, corsets, and pounds of fabric.... ew!" she said.

"The struggles which I will never know." I smirked, and she playfully slapped my chest.

"God, you are such an idiot." she said.

"Your idiot."

"Not yet." she smirked.

"Keep telling yourself that."

She rolled her eyes, and stole my shirt from the floor and put it on. It came to about mid-thigh on her, and she buttoned it just so you can see a smidge of her chest. It looked so cute on her, especially with her tousled hair.

"Hey, can we take a selfi? I wanna send a picture to Manny." I said, and she chuckled.

"What the hell." she said. I stood up next to her with my phone in my hands, then snapped a shot of us. Within 10 seconds of sending it to Manny, my phone started exploding with texts.

I chuckled, and handed my phone to Elsa. She threw it across the room and broke it.

"Now, bed?" she asked.

"Bed." I nodded. We went up to the master bedroom, and laid down together. I wrapped my arm protectively around her and pulled her close.

"Jack." she said softly.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"I love you." she said.

"I love you too Elsa, more than you can even begin to comprehend." I said softly. I buried my face in the crook of her neck, and took in her sweet scent, that still to this day cannot figure out how she naturally smells like.

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