A Muslim Girl's Love Story [C...

By NiqabiUndercover

4.6M 103K 13.2K

Formerly known as 'An Islamic Love Story.' More

An Islamic Love Story
In Denial
His Crush. Her Hatred.
A New Alien
Stop Staring
That Fateful Meeting
On the Edge
They Found Out
Sleep, Food, & Friends
Our Life
Our Rules
Being Selfish
Where to?
Don't Look
The Halal Dating Begins.
To Understand The Situation [Part 1]
To Understand The Situation [Part 2]
When Dealing With Troubles...
To Make Friends
A Letter of Impatience [Part 1]
A Letter of Impatience [Part 2]
Family Comes First [Part 1]
Family Comes First [Part 2]
Losing Control
Face It
That Feeling
How People Change
Remember Allah Always
Butterflies back?
That Whole Situation
Cravings with Deep Meanings
Today's The Day
Wedding and Frightful Fights
Love & Knowlege
Drifting Between Life
Life As It Should Be (The Last Chapter)
The Epilogue
An Important Announcement


103K 2.3K 238
By NiqabiUndercover

 Samaar's POV 

The second semester was starting today. My first periods switched from the first floor to the second floor and It was grade twelve chemistry with Conner. My other friends were in the same class too so I was happy. Yusra on the other hand wasn't able to get into the class which made me sad. There were a couple of students in the class I've never seen nor heard of. It was like a whole new world. I found a seat and sat down. Conner came and started to talk to me. But he already knew that sitting beside me wasn't a good idea since I wasn't comfortable with it. 

A girl in a blue hijab bumped into him and said sorry. Then she turned to me and smiled. "Do you mind if I sit beside you?" She asked. I shook my head and smiled.

"It's all yours!" I said. She sat down and Conner smiled and the class started. 

"Sweet!" She said.

Well if you guys haven't noticed... I have actually started acting normal. A lot happened in the last few months, and a lot changed. I changed back to my old self which I'm happy and proud of. On the other hand Sheath... changed for the worst. He never makes an effort to talk to me and neither do I. He still didn't know that my parents knew everything. He grew into a serious person who doesn't even pay attention to life, except his friends. I wasn't the only one who noticed the change, Sheath's parents were one step ahead of me. They knew he was about to explode one day. I on the other hand can't understand why though. 

The girl turned out to be a 12th grader (the obvious). She was graduating the same time Sheath was and she was shy. Her name was Aasiyah and she was Somali. We started talking about our families and she found out about my situation and gave me her sympathy. We ended up having so much in common. Especially the fact that she hated guys just like me. She found them completely useless. 

"Well except some guys like... uh... oh! There's Sheath and the quiet Conner dude! Also Daniel and Danny the twins. They can think straight." My face scrunched up and she applied a huge question mark on her face. "What?" She asked. I laughed.


Half the period passed by, and then there was a knock on the door. One of the students at the front opened the door and my heart skipped a beat. He told his mom he already took grade twelve chemistry, didn't he?

What was Sheath doing in the same class as me?

I only wanted to get chemistry done with since I had a strong dislike for it and now I have to deal with two dislikes?

After the day I told my parents, they told me how things weren't going to be rushed. Even if I was going to get married, I'd probably get married at the age of twenty or something. So if I didn't have a problem with Sheath our future plans would still proceed... is what I think it meant by.

I tried... I honestly tried breaking off the marriage but I guess it's not in my hands. Besides there's more than three years left. Sheath could handle the rest without my help.

He went up to the teacher and passed him a note and waited for the teacher to let him go and then took the empty spot in front of me. Conner eyed me and I turned away. It was the closest empty spot near the door so it was fine. It's not like he sat here because of me. When everyone started talking to each other Sheath immediately turned around. I was a little scared.

"What are you doing in a grade twelve class?" He asked.

"I'm getting rid of chemistry" I said. Then he nodded and turned around. Did I do something wrong or something? 

Aasiyah nudged me and slipped a paper over to me which read 'You KNOW Sheath?' 

I nodded and wrote 'sort of'

She slipped back the paper and it read 'Let me guess: You guys are family friends'

I nodded and she started scribbling something else 'and you guys are probably set up for each other?'

I nodded my head and then stopped and wrote a HUGE X on the sheet and wrote 'You're crazy' She laughed.

The class ended and before I left the class I bumped into a guy. Before I could say sorry, someone's hand pushed on my back. I turned around to see Sheath. He was right behind me with his chest to my shoulder. 

He leaned down and whispered into my ear, "Watch where you're going." and then he left... My ears burned inside my hijab and my face was turning hot and red. Then I started fanning my face and saw Aasiya catch up to me. She grinned and gave me a little note and left.

On that little scrap piece of paper, her writing was scribbled onto it and it said, 'I saw that xP'

I threw it away and quickly walked to my second class where I met Yusra and I made a crying face. 

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"EVERYTHING." I almost screamed out. Yusra looked around and carefully patted my head. 

"I'll deal with you after class." She whispered then she dragged me to a seat next to hers. It was the dreadful art class which I was allergic to. Yusra on the other hand was good at it. Extremely good at it. 

And again (like I always do) I told Yusra what happened at lunch time. She sat back and said, "Look Samaar either he likes you and likes playing with you or... he needs a beating from your most amazing friend aka me for playing around with your feelings." She looked at me and asked, "Which one is it?" I stared at her for a moment then turned around.

"It's not like I care but..... he was close enough to.... I could feel his heart beat and ugh you know what? Whatever!" I said, putting my hands on my head. 

Conner came by and stopped looking at us. "You know, even if you don't tell me what's going on I can so tell that you know that Sheath kid so well... a little too well." I was looking to the right.

"I hate your observation skills Conner."

"Well yeah, he's the one that literally carried you when you fainted and everything. So I thought he must have really cared about you." What he said just hit me like the heat. I literally looked up at him.

"What?!" I asked. "It wasn't him. He wasn't even there when that useless fight happened!" Or was he. Then I remembered him telling me to feel sorry for the person that carried me to the guidance counciler's office.

"You saw him there, didn't you?" Conner asked a little surprised. "He was in the hallway at that time...  He made it look like you were hos responsibility or whatever." Responsibility? Oh. So that's what I was. It's not that he cares about me, I'm a burden to him. Auntie probably told him to look after me... 

While I was thinking of my own problems Yusra was already picking a fight with Conner. "Stop putting such idiotic ideas into my dear Samaar's little mind." 

"They're not ideas, they're facts!" Conner said smiling.

I laughed, hiding my heavy heart. This was so stupid. 

I wish our family never went broke. I wish I never met Sheath. I wish I was back home where none of this happened.

But... I love Yusra and I love the people around me. They're nice and sweet. They care about me. But why do I have to suffer for Sheath?


Assalmaualaykum wa rehmatullahi wa barakaatuhu!

It's been soooooo looong!!! AND I missed you guys. <3

Well I'll probably start updating regularly now and now I have decided to keep this story going for as long as it can! Hopefully it'll be longer than 20 chapters i guess :)

There's going to be a lot of twist and turns from now on... at least I think so. Even during my studying periods I was trying to choose  a nice plot for my next chapter! The reason this update took so long was because I kept erasing what I wrote and putting another scenario to it over and over and over again. And for that I'm sorry. 

But otherwise I love your comments! They make me happy! I'd like you guys to comment and vote! For more updates: F O L L O W  M E Lol

And lastly it's summer! I hope you guys have the summer of your life! And insha'Allah a long life too :)

Assalamualaykym wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

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