Love Me Like You Do (z.h. mpr...

By inawhilecrocodile

39.4K 1.3K 1K

Zayn and Niall Malik fell in love in college a few years ago. Sure, they had some bumps in the road, but does... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five

chapter four

1.9K 61 67
By inawhilecrocodile

"There is only one happiness in this life. To love and be loved."

-George Sand


Zayn sighed into his pillow. He really did not want to get out of bed, even if it was his birthday. He groaned and turned over to try and fall back asleep again, but, not surprisingly, Niall was already awake.

"Happy Birthday, Z!" Niall's face lit up in excitement. Zayn, who's brain was still foggy with exhaustion, leaned his forehead on Niall's shoulder. The Irishman reached a hand up and began to scratch lightly at the base of Zayn's neck where the hair started to grow with his stubby nails.

"Thanks, babe," Niall scooped Zayn's face up in his hands and kissed him square on the lips.

"Are you feelin' any better today?" Niall asked as he pushed his fingers through Zayn's soft hair, which was something that he did often.

"Yeah, m'fine," Zayn slung an arm across Niall's stomache. He pushed the fabric of Niall's shirt and began to rub the pad of his thumb over the soft pale skin on his hip. "How 'bout you?"

Niall gave him a blinding smile and replied "Never better!" It always amazed Zayn how Niall could be so cheery all the time, even during the last month of this pregnancy, with all the cramps, hot flashes, cold sweats, aches, pains, false contractions and everything else piled on top of all that.

"I Love You, baby boy," Zayn said, calling Niall a name which he only called him when they were in bed or he was just being mushy.

"I Love You, too, Z, you know that I do," Niall pressed his lips to Zayn's lovingly as he brought the palm of his hand up to cup his cheek. Zayn tangled his hand with Niall's free one and brought them down to where Niall's bellybutton was and pressed down there slightly, hoping to get a reaction out of his baby. He pulled back and brushed some hair out of Niall' s face before pushing the duvet back and hopping out of bed. 

"I'm gonna take a shower, Ni," Zayn said as he stripped out of his shirt and sweats. "You can go back to sleep if you want, but I won't be very long," 

"M'kay," Niall stifled a yawn with the back of his hand and pulled the blankets back up to his chin as he turned to lay on his side. Both of the dogs, who had been asleep on the floor at the foot of the bed, now jumped onto the mattress and lay cuddled up in Zayn's warmth. Niall groaned in annoyance and moved over some. 

Zayn had gotten out of the shower after a half an hour or so, and like he had expected, Niall had fallen back asleep again. He rubbed his wet hair with the towel so that it was almost dry and slipped some boxers and jeans on. Zayn looked softly over at his sleeping beauty lying in their bed and made his way downstairs to make breakfast.

After preparing some cinnamon rolls - they were a household favourite - Zayn left to go wake up Liam and Louis. Normally, Zayn would be the last to rise in the morning, but after the long day the boys had yesterday and the fact that Niall was nearing the end of the third trimester, Zayn wasn't really surprised that everyone was still asleep. He was, however, surprised to see Niall sitting at the counter enjoying some orange juice and a piece of toast when he came back down the stairs, with a sleepy Liam on his hip and Louis trailing behind him, sweetly holding his hand. 

"Daddy!" Louis exclaimed. He wiggled free from Zayn's loose grasp, bound over to Niall and snuggled into his side under his arm. 

"Hi, love," Niall greeted him with adoration in his eyes. "Did you have a good night?" Louis just nodded his head and clambered up onto the stool next to Niall. 

Zayn gently set Liam down on a third bar stool and drowsily walked to the oven to take out the tray of rolls. He watched as his love made small talk with their sons. Honestly, Zayn really hoped that this baby was a girl. Zayn loved the idea of having a little girl to protect from boys. He loved taking care of his little sisters, especially Safaa, who had an affinity for Niall when they were dating in college. To him, there was just something about the idea of having a baby daughter that warmed his heart in a way that having sons never could (although he would never admit that out loud). He would love his unborn child either way, and he knew Niall would too. 

"What time is everybody coming over, then?" Zayn asked as he pushed the tray of cinnamon rolls into the oven, oblivious to the fact that his husband was staring at his behind. However (almost) non-existent it was, Niall always seemed to love his bum. 

"Around two, I think is what Trish said," Niall checked the message she had sent him earlier this morning for reassurance. 

"Grandma's coming over?" Louis' mischievous blue eyes that he had inherited from Niall started to twinkle in delight. He loved his grandma as much as anything, and he always looked forward to seeing her. 

"And grandpa too!" Niall smiled as the twins danced around in their seats; they loved Yaser! He rose from his seat and began to walk around the kitchen and dining room so he wouldn't get cramped up. Niall placed both hands on either side of his belly and yawned adorably. 

"Well, I think I'm going to take a shower before anybody gets here," He said, ruffling the hair on the back of his head. Niall slowly trudged up the stairs and disappeared into his and Zayn's bedroom, shutting the door behind him. 

Zayn dismissed the boys from their breakfasts and took their plates to the dishwasher, all the while humming along to a song that had been playing on the small radio on the counter


Niall carefully stepped over the ledge of the tub and wrapped a large yellow towel around himself. After brushing his teeth and hair, he proceeded to pick out some nice clothes to wear on his husband's birthday. Niall slipped on a large, knitted, beige coloured sweater of Zayn's (honestly, they were the only thing that fit him nowadays) and a pair of black maternity jeans. Just as he finished pulling some fluffy grey socks on, the doorbell rang. He could hear Zayn vaguely shout "I'll get it!" before the door was opened. Several high-pitched voices rang throughout the hallway as Niall walked down the stairs and into the entryway.

"Niall!" Safaa attacked him and hugged him as best she could. She still adored Niall, although her affection for him had toned down quite a bit since he first met her. Niall smoothed her straight dark hair back and gave her a little hug before moving onto Walihya (who had also fancied him in the beginning a little bit as well, although she'd never admit that).

"Hi, Niall!" He kissed her cheek as he always did when they saw each other. After they parted, she and went to go greet her brother, Niall made his way towards his mother-in-law. 

"Oh, love," Trisha smothered Niall in hugs and kisses and stepped back to take him in. "You're getting so big now!" She put her hands on his belly in excitement and Niall grinned as he saw the glee in her dark brown eyes. "How're you feelin'?" 

"I honestly haven't even had any false contractions yet, so I think I'm good!" Niall laughed. Zayn gently pushed past him and went outside to help his dad, who was getting some dishes out of the car that his wife insisted they take with them. Only seconds later, Zayn and Yaser stepped back in through the door with plastic tubs of delicious smelling food. Niall quickly took some containers from his husband's arms and waddled into the kitchen to set them down and put the finishing touches on Zayn's cake. 

As Niall and Trisha conversed in the kitchen, Zayn and his dad caught up with each other over drinks at the dining room table, Safaa kept watch over Liam and Louis, and Walihya spied on the next-door neighbour, (she would receive relentless teasing from her family that night when they finally caught her), a short fiery-haired man in his early twenties named Ed. Zayn and Niall sometimes invited him over for dinner, seeing as the poor man lived all by himself, in return for demo copies of his songs that he was currently trying to record. 

Their house was crowded and noisy, but it was warm and welcoming, and it felt more like home than Mullingar ever did.


"Thanks for all of the wonderful presents, guys," Zayn smiled and stood up from his spot on the sofa next to Niall to hug his parents. Being a science teacher, he was naturally a dork and geeked out when anything science or technology related was given to him, so it was only fit that he receive little gadgets, gizmos and doodads along with an expensive watch from Niall (which he was probably going to take apart, inspect, and perfectly rebuild later) for his birthday. 

"No problem, love, we're glad you like them!" Trisha hugged her son and kissed him on the cheek. Yaser stepped in and enveloped his only son in a hug, clapping him on the back hard.

"Wait, Zayn...I have one more present for you," Niall piped up. Carefully, he pushed himself off the sofa and walked to the coat closet behind the other couch. He reached up onto the highest shelf and brought down a little blue bag with tissue paper sticking out of the top. He sat back down again and handed it to Zayn, hoping to God that this was going to work. 

Slowly, Zayn pulled out the paper and set aside the card to read in private. What was in the bag though, were things Zayn never would have thought of.

"Babe," Zayn looked at Niall with tears welling up in his eyes. "Are you serious?" 

"Dead serious!" Niall laughed wetly and wiped his tears on his sleeves, ignoring the curious looks of his family for now. 

"Zayn, what's in there?" Safaa asked, impatiently wandering over to where her older brother was seated. 

"Mummy, there's baby's clothes in here!" She said as she pulled out a few little onesies and two light blue pairs of Converse shoes that were obviously meant for a-

"We're having a boy?" Zayn exclaimed in disbelief, the smile on his face unmistakable.  

"Yes, we're having another boy!" Niall grinned and brushed away the remaining tears on his face as Zayn hugged him as tightly as he could. He was so relieved Zayn had gotten the message, although it wouldn't be too bad to have to explain now that he thought about it.

By now, both Walihya and Trisha were crying out of pure happiness, Yaser was smiling like a proud father (which he was, so much that he himself was trying not to shed a few tears at the sight) and the twins were bouncing around excitedly at the thought of having a brother. After they broke apart, Zayn got down on his knees so that his forehead was resting on the front of Niall's tummy. He pressed his forehead against it and cried as he tried to process the fact that he was going to be blessed with yet another son. 

'This is truly a gift from Allah,'  He thought. 


As they lay in bed together that night, Zayn brushed the bristly strands of hair from Niall's face as he slept peacefully. 

"I Love You,"  He whispered and moved his hand down so that he could caress his husband's soft cheek. Zayn looked down at his prominent baby belly were his youngest child was now probably sleeping or sucking his thumb and gazed at him with the affection only a father has for his son. 

"And I Love You, too, even if I can't see you,"  Zayn finally lay down from where he was propped up on his elbow and wrapped his arms securely over Niall's body. He pressed his face into the back of Niall's head and inhaled deeply. Niall's slow, even breaths provided a constant lullaby for him, and, soon enough Zayn fell into a dreamless but peace-filled sleep, the happiest of smiles on his face.


so sorry for the wait, but thinking is hard lol :) 

was this good or not? let me know please!


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