By Mintyhippo95

171K 5.7K 2.3K

Elsa's parents were the greatest spies in the world, and owned a spy agency. From the time Elsa could walk sh... More

Grown Up
The Big 4
Sleep Over
I Will Fight
Red Mercury
Ruined Cake
Years Pass By
The Snow Queen
Mystery Bomber
The Island
Get my level
Don't Leave Me
Tiny Miracles
Agent #1
Trouble in Paradise
Best Birthday Ever
I'm Sorry
Memory Loss
Survival of the Fittest
Survival of the Fittest Part 2
Be Strong
Separate Missions
Mr. & Mrs. Overland
Bye Felicia
Forgetting Again
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
I Remember
Together Again
Our Future
Harmless Secret
Reverse Psychology
We're Good
Together Again
Into the Artic
Confession Time
My Everything
Thank Yous'
Watermelons and Grapes
Always Right

Secrets of the Forest

1.9K 71 19
By Mintyhippo95

Elsa's POV

I woke up feeling snug as a bug. Like I was warm, comfortable, I felt safe, and mellow. I liked this feeling, then I felt something tighten around my waist.

Was that a boa constrictor!?!?!

I opened my eyes and looked down so see large arms wrapped protectively around me, and I finally took in my current position. My head was resting on Jacks chest, our legs were knotted together, his arms were wrapped around my waist, and mine pressing gently against his chest.

I jumped up screaming, and his head popped up looked terrified.

"What?!" Jack said panicked. During all of this Anna remains sound asleep, incase you were wondering.

"W-We.... we were cuddling." I said terrified of what just happened. I honestly would have chosen the boa constrictor.

"So, we do it every night....... and afternoon." he mumbled then lied back down.

I ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower. My hair was starting to lighten up, it was now just a chocolate brown, when before it was black.

Then I threw on my bra and underwear, and my new short leopard print halter dress. I let my hair down, and put a purple orchid behind one of my ears. After that I used the restroom, and walked out to see Jack was wide awake and smiling like an idiot.

"I'm going out to explore." I said putting on a vine garter and sticking a knife in it.

"Cool, can I come?" Jack asked.

I really didn't want him to come, but I knew he would follow me anyway. He is like a shadow, nearly impossible to get rid of.

"Sure, if you aren't scared of heights." I said, then walked outside and took in the fresh smell of earth.

"Hey, you look beautiful." Jack said smiling at me.

Men and their misconceptions of flirtiery. I find it insulting when someone gives me a compliment like that. Real beauty is on the inside, and I have none of that. I am rotten to the very core.

I didn't give him a response. I jumped off the platform and grabbed a vine. Then I started swinging across them like Tarzan.

I looked at the scenery below, all was pink and gold from the rising sun.

Once I got so far, I climbed up a vine, and got on a branch. I grabbed a couple of banana's from the branch I was on. The I climbed up higher into a section with a nest made of leaves, and the people I was looking for. I heard Jack climbing below me. I put a finger to my lips telling him to hush, and I peaked my head up and smiled. There was a family of apes with their young ones. When Jack saw them, a smile lit up on his face. I handed him a banana, then I climbed up where the apes could see me.

I had visited them every day since I got here, so they were a little shocked but calmed down when they saw me. I slowly reached out my hand with the bananas, and they looked at them. Jack copied my actions and they slowly approached us and sniffed the bananas. Then each of them took a couple. The baby ones climbed on top of me, and started going through my hair looking for bugs. And I laughed a little cause it tickled, then the father threw me on his back like I was a child, and I saw Jack smirking and he was on the mothers back. We each picked up a baby, and the apes took off

Not many people can say they get to do this.

The brought us all the way to the watering hole, and I jumped off and played with the baby apes.

God, babies were so cute! I want them so bad, but I can't..... not yet.

I saw the mother ape going through Jack's hair, while he was just sitting there with his eyes closed smiling. I guess someone likes to have their hair played with. I made note of this incase I need to use him later .

Then I ran off and found some grapes, then came back.

"Find any bugs in that hair?" I chuckled setting the grapes down and holding one of the baby apes like a child.

"Nope, but she is determined." Jack said. I laughed when the other baby ape jumped on my back and started climbing on me.

As fun as this was, after a couple of hours they left.

I picked up the grapes from the ground, then stood up.

"Jack, come on trees." I said. He chuckled and got up, and we climbed the trees until we were really high up. I let out this loud shriek, and a bunch of toocans flew towards us. I handed Jack some grapes, and we fed the birds. They have amazing reflexes and can catch a grape tossed at it every time.

I somehow managed to understand and connect better with animals than people. I guess in a way I am like an animal.

When we ran out of fruit I started running tree to tree just looking at the ground below. I heard Jack laugh from behind me.

"What's so funny?" I called while jumping to the next tree branch.

"Nothing, just never thought you would have a soft spot for animals, and actually be fun." he said.

I stopped running and looked at him, "I'm more like an animal. I don't lie, get coughed up in drama, or get attached to people. With animals there are no rules in regulations of what you can do or can't, you just be yourself and say what you want. I focus on survival and the next generation, no more, no less. I understand them better than people." I said, then I saw something new below....... it was a skeleton in this large stone dome. I hung upside down on the branch to have a closer look, and it looked hundreds of years old.

"Interesting, so there were once people on this island." I mumbled to myself. I flipped myself back up to see Jack a couple branches below me looking at sloths with wonder. Then I saw something above him....... a white leopard ready to pounce!

"Jack!" I yelled, then jumped on top of the leopard before it could pounce on him, and both of us fell into the dome.

"ELSA!!!!" he screamed.

I slowly stood up and grabbed my knife.

"Listen buddy, I mean you no harm. Now we can both just walk away, or we can do this the hard way." I said gently and it hissed at me, "So you wanna do this the hard way? Good, cause I love the hard way." I said, then took a stance waiting for it. It pounced at me but I quickly dodged, and sprinted towards the walls. I tried to get out of them, but they were too high.

Now I know how this guy died in here.

Then a vine appeared in front of me.

"Grab it!" Jack yelled.

The leopard was about to pounce, so I jump kicked it in the chest. It's claws scraped my arms, but it was nothing serious. I grabbed the vine before I fell to the ground, and got stunned for a few seconds. Jack quickly pulled me up to the tree, and looked at me.

"Your hurt." he said.

"I'm fine, but we have to go now!" I said.

"Why?" Then the leopard jumped out of the dome and started climbing.

Sometimes I'm jealous of how high they can leap in the air.

"That's why!" I said, then grabbed his arm and dragged him along going tree to tree, with the leopard right behind us.

"Jack, throw me in the air!" I said then jumped. He used his arms to push me in the air, and I hurled my knife at the leopard. It sunk into its shoulder blade, and knocked the leopard out of the tree onto the ground.

When I landed, both of us looked down, and the leopard was on the lying ground whimpering in pain.

I already killed 8 leopards on this island, and I wasn't going to let this one die. I knew if I left that knife in there, it would die............ plus I would have to make another knife.

I sighed, then slowly climbed down there. It hissed at me, but I hissed right back. I carefully walked behind it, so it couldn't bite or claw me, and removed the knife. Then I quickly climbed back up with Jack who was smirking. Soon I did and we busted out laughing.

"That was so much fun." I laughed out, "God!"

"Seriously woman, you are insane." he laughed, "Now come on, lets get your arms treated."

"I can do it myself." I said stopping laughing, "I don't need a man or a hero."

"Well to bad." he said.

"Well then, I'm not going."

"Come on Elsa, have I given you a reason not to trust me?"

"Yes, you are trying to earn my trust. That either means you are trying to get close to me, or I'll get attached to you." I said, then started sprinting off towards my home, leaving him behind."

So looking forward to reading his obituary!

Jack's POV

I've tried reminding her, being kind, helpful, but nothing.

After today I can see she is still in there. The way she held that baby ape, her curiosity, spirit, playful nature with a hint of cruelty. She's in there alright, but how do I bring her out?

I sighed, and realized I had been out all day and it was getting dark. Problem is I had no idea which way was the way to Elsa's house, and she is gone.

I wandered around in the treetops for I don't know how long until I heard something. I looked to see Elsa in her leaf skirt and bra top.

"Thank God!" I said, "I thought you would honestly leave me."

"I was, you are just in my way." she said rolling her eyes.

"Wait, where are you going in the middle of the night in a jungle?"

"Too see some more of the secrets of the forest."

"What?" I said confused.

"Wanna see?" she asked and I nodded.

"Follow me, and don't get in my way." she said.

"Wouldn't dream of it." I said. Then she started running in the trees going deeper into the forest than I felt comfortable with. Like we had ran over 20 minutes.

Elsa quickly ran behind me, and covered my eyes.


"Yeah, what was so important that we went all of this way here?" I asked, and she uncovered my eyes, and I gasped.

The river was glowing blue, and all of the plants glowing purple, pink, blue, green and gold. (A/N: Picture of the forest at night in media section, please ignore the boat with people in it.)

"Pretty cool, right?" she said, "Glowing algae in the water. After all of this time, I guess the plants started to glow as well. It only shows up during the night though. You can't see it during the day."

"This is amazing!" I said shocked. Elsa and I climbed down the tree, and she took of her skirt, leaving her in a leopard skin bikini. Then she jumped into the river, and came up with her hair glowing blue.

I chuckled at her, and jumped in as well.

"Nice hair." she laughed. I plucked a strand to see it glowing bright pink.

"Aww....... I wanted to have the cool color." I said pouting.

"Stop whining fuckface, woman up." Elsa said, then went inside the water and started to swim. I just sat in the water, and looked at all of the different types of plants. How could I have not noticed this before?

Then again, I always stayed underground most days, and never dared to venture this far into the forest.

After around an hour, Elsa said she was going back. This time I made sure I didn't loose her, then again it wasn't hard. Her hair was still glowing blue. When we made back, she lifted up the bridge, and walked into her house where everyone in the group was sitting around the fireplace.

"Hey!" she said.

"Whoa! What happened to your hair?" Anna said.

"Nothing." Elsa said blankly, and we both rinsed our hair in the sink.

"So, how did you all get here?" I asked.

"Elsa tracked us all down and brought us here." Punzie said.

"We should play truth or dare!" Anna said.

"Yeah, no." Elsa said, "My house my rules."

"Come on, we can play on extreme levels." Anna said basically begging.

"Extreme?" Elsa said sounding interested.

"Yeah, where anything goes." Anna smirked.

What was she up to?

"I'm game." Elsa said while sitting down on the floor around the fireplace.

I sat down too, and Kristoff grabbed a coconut shell and cut a groove in it for the pointer.

We all took turns doing stuff that was basically impossible. I had to jump in an alligator infested pond and stay in there for a minute. Let's just say I'm surprised I am even alive and only got a few scratches. Elsa made Punzie try to climb a tree using her teeth. Punzie is still outside trying to do it, and she isn't allowed inside until she completes it.

We all actually thought it was impossible to do, but Elsa showed us we were wrong.

"Alright, last spin!" Anna said, and spun it. It landed on Elsa, and Elsa looked excited. Apparently she loves challenges, and life and death situations.

"Elsa, I truth or dare?" Anna said.

"Dare!" Elsa said, and I saw Anna and the others; besides Punzie who again is still outside; smirked.

"I dare you to sleep with Jack........ sexually." Anna said clarifying, and making my eyes pop.

"Anna, can I talk to you for a moment." I said dragging her into the restroom, "What are you doing?" I whispered.

"Trying to make Elsa remember. Sex was the things you guys did most of the time, so maybe it will bring back some memories." Anna said.

That actually wasn't a bad idea, but it sounded wrong.

We walked out of the bathroom, and Elsa was still sitting around the fireplace.

"Alright, we are all going to leave because we personally don't want to watch, but Elsa, you picked dare." Anna said and everyone leaved.

"Lets just get this over with." Elsa said groaning wile standing up.

"Wait.......... I don't want to do this if you don't want to." I said, and she looked at me like I was crazy.

"You don't want to have sex with me...... are you gay?"

"NO!" I yelled out, "I just don't want to if you don't want to."

"I don't care." she shrugged, "Nothing can compare to what I have been through."

"Elsa, this is a yes or no question."

"I don't care what happens to me anymore. You make the call since you are so obsessed about this." she said.

"Elsa, answer me one question. If you hadn't have been dared, would you still sleep with me?" I asked hoping she would say yes and I'm the only one she actually feels happy doing it with like the old days, but I know she isn't that Elsa. My Elsa is still in there, but she is not going to come out for a while or forever.

"No." she said, "I don't seek pleasure from other males like that. I may not be able to get pregnant, but I am able to get an STD." she said.

"Then why don't we just stay here the entire night and talk instead?" I said.

"Talk............... and me listen to that annoying voice of yours?" she said.

"It is not annoying."

"It makes me want to shove my hand down your throat and rip out your vocal cords." she said rolling her eyes.

"Come on, talking isn't so bad." I said, and she looked at me like I was crazy.

"Fuck it, anything is better than listening to you talk for 8 hours." she groaned, then pulled me in and started making out with me.

God! I missed her kisses. They still tasted like vanilla frosting, like how does she do that?!

It took all of my will power to separate us.

"E-Elsa........ If I hurt you, please tell me and I'll stop." I said.

"Okay????" she said sounding super confused, but I reattached our lips and I carried her over to the bed.

I really hope this works.

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